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1、第 PAGE10 页 共 NUMPAGES10 页临沂中考英语作文真题临沂中考英语作文真题1假设你是李华, 你的朋友Clark将来滨州。到滨州后, 你方案带他去参观滨州市博物馆。请你根据以下提示给 要求:1. 包含提示中所有信息,并适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名与校名;3. 卷面整洁,书写美观,可适当加2-3分4. 80词左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。提示词品味enjoy;展品exhibition;展览:on displayDear Clark,I am happy to know that you are ing to Binzhou! Id like to take you

2、to visit Binzhou Museum. Binzhou Museum was built in 2022. There are many kinds of exhibitions on display, so its a good place to enjoy the local culture and traditional art. We can go there from Tuesday to Sunday. It is open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. , but it is closed all day on Monday. One great th

3、ing is that it is free to visit the museum! While visiting the museum, we must follow some rules, such as being quiet, no smoking and no pets. Besides, we are not allowed to take photos in order to protect the exhibitions. If you want to get more information, please visit :/, bzsbwg. . Best wishes,

4、Li Hua临沂中考英语作文真题2“来时严冬,归时暖春,襄阳人民永感恩!”在今年的抗“疫”战斗中,援襄医护工作者为襄阳人民做出了辆牲,同时他们的家人也为襄阳人民默默地奉献着。你的笔友刘杰是一位中学生,他在家中用自己的行动支持妈妈的援襄工作。假设你是张华,请你用英语给刘杰写一封邮件,表达你衷心的谢意。1.要点提示:(1)列出刘杰所做的支持他妈妈工作的两件事情。(2)写出你将邀请刘杰一家参加的两项活动,以示谢意。(3)简要表达你对刘杰一家人的祝愿或期盼。2.考前须知:(1) 90词左右。(2)行文应连接流畅。(3)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名。Dear Liu Jie,During the fig

5、ht against COVID-19, many doctors and nurses e to Xianyang, pulling together to make great contributions to protect the people from the disease. I know your mother is one of the workers. I sincerely express my appreciation to your mother and your family.I know you have done many things to support yo

6、ur mother. Not only did you clean up your home on your own, but also you helped to take care of your little sister. You are a model that I should learn from. I am thankful so much that I want to invite you and your family to visit Xiangyang. First of all, I hope you are able to attend my birthday pa

7、rty. Whats more, I feel like showing you around the Ancient City of Xiangyang.Best wishes to you and your family. I am looking forward to meeting you in Xiangyang.Yours,Zhang Hua临沂中考英语作文真题32022年6月23日上午,淮安市首届以 “龙舟竞渡迎端午” 为主题的大运河龙舟公开赛在淮安清江浦区隆重开幕。这项活动的开展不仅弘扬了中国传统文化,也给人们带来了生活的乐趣。请围绕 “端午节” 这话题写一篇短文,内容包括以下

8、要点:1. 表达你今年如何度过端午小长假(包括时间、地点、人物、经过2. 你对这些活动的感悟(活动的意义,3. 今后,你将如何弘扬祖国传统文化(经常参加有关传统文化的活动,)参考词汇:聚餐have big dinner;看龙舟赛watch the dragon boat race;包粽子make rice dumplings;讲屈原的故事tell the story of Qu Yuan.注意:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;2. 词数在80-100之间, 已给出的文字不计入总词数。The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival

9、in our country. Ill never forget this years Dragon Boat Festival. I had a good time on vacation. I did a lot of interesting things. I helped my mother make rice dumplings. It was difficult but fun. Then I had a big dinner with my family. It was a happy time to be with my family. My parents told me t

10、he story of Qu Yuan. I learned a lot about Chinese history and culture. One of the most exciting things was watching the dragon boat races. People did these activities in order to let the people old and young remember poet Qu Yuan. These activities not only carry forward the traditional Chinese cult

11、ure, but also bring people the joy of life.In my opinion, I think we should hold more activities to celebrate the Chinese traditional festival. Festivals play an important part in Chinese culture. It is our duty to respect the traditions and make Chinese culture known to the world.临沂中考英语作文真题4安康是成长的基

12、石。假设你是张利,在疫情返校后,你由于不好的习惯导致的困倦、焦虑等问题。在即将到来的暑假中,你打算如何养成良好习惯,塑造安康体魄呢?请以“Good Habit, Strong Bodies”为题写一篇英语短文。提示:1.至少写出3个影响你安康的问题,可适度添加;2.至少写出4个有利于安康的好习惯,可适度添加;3.号召更多的同学养成好习惯,塑造安康体魄。要求:1.紧扣主题,语言连接,书写标准;2.文中不得出现真实的校名与人名,词数在60-80词左右。参考词汇:exercise more, have a balanced diet(平衡饮食), sleep early, keep happyGoo

13、d Habits, Strong BodiesHello, I am Zhang Li. In the past, I used to feel unhealthy because of my bad habits. I also felt worried because of so many exams. Sometimes I stayed up so late that I was sleepy in class. And I didnt have much free time to take much exercise, as a result, I was very heavy.To

14、 solve these problems, during the ing summer holiday, I will get into the habit of getting up early. Sleeping early is also necessary. I will exercise more and have a balanced diet. Its good to eat more vegetables and fruit instead of too much junk food. Whats more, whatever happens, I will try to k

15、eep happy. If I keep doing these, I will certainly keep healthy every day.So e on, everyone. Form your own healthy habits, and act quickly! Good habits must bring you strong bodies.临沂中考英语作文真题5在你的成长历程中, 收到过很多建议吧?有的建议帮你解决了生活中的烦恼,有的帮你解决了学习上的困难。好的建议能帮助我们解决难题,受益终生。某英语杂志以“The best advice I ever got”为题举办征文

16、活动,请写一篇短文参加此次活动。内容包括:1. 你遇到了什么问题?2. 你收到的最好的解决这个问题的建议是什么?3. 这个建议对你有什么帮助?要求:1. 100 词左右;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。The best advice I ever gotOnce I lost my wallet, and worried for days. I was afraid to tell my parents about it. I even walked three miles to school each day because I didnt have any money. I just k

17、ept thinking, “If I tell my parents, theyll be angry!” My English teacher, Ms. Li found I was so upset, and talked to me. “It is best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to solve them” she said. She thought that my parents have more experience, and are always there to help me. She advised me to municate with my parents. In the end, I talked to my parents and they were really understanding. My dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. They got me a new wallet and a


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