1、高一英语第l页共10页高一英语第l页共10页哈三中2019-2020学年度下学期高一学年第一模块考试英话试卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第节:(共15小题:稣小题2分,满分30分)阅读卜列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(MB, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,井在答趣仪 上将该项涂黑Casa Roinantica Poetry Reading SeriesReadings ai e held the last Wednesday of every month at 7 00 pmPromoting and celebrating the many poets living and wntin
2、g in Orange County and oflering the best poelry of Southeni Califbmiu and beyond in a setting both liistone and beautilul. the Casa Roinantica Cultmal Center Gardens.SlO.OO/adult; SS.OO/child (8 to 18)LOCATION: Casa Roinantica 415 Avemdii Granada. San Clemente. CA 92672INFORMATION: 949Y9注2139Orange
3、Count Museum of Art-Visionaries Lecture SeriesEvery Monday beginning April 20 1:30 pm3:30 pmSpend the coming art year answering the question how did contcmporarx an become conleinporan ? Discover ihe ui心peeled contieclioris between the past and present and encounter the sudden changes that shocked t
4、he an worldLOC ATION: 850 San Clemente Drive Newport BeachINFORMATION: 9497591122Discovery Science Center Presents: Mexico: Festival of ToysNow through Jan 3.2021You re invited to bnng your children and immerse yourselves in Mexican culture through toys and games of the past and present. I his inter
5、active exliibit features hand-made toys lor bo hookinp in actranceTA. Casa Roiiumticu Rcudhig Senes.H oiler *ho 睛事ms her kicl io leam about cullur in a firn uay 强ill call for moreihliirliLiliiuilA. 9-19-7594122H 71442-2823C. M4M89*977SIX iimilicr mok to CaliRjitiia like a Lo a loh1 kike. M allilelic
6、 Lillie biuthei. Laul. vas excited ;il a cliiiialu ihai alloiAed him in po io die beach uhenever he u1 antedL liowevcrT wiis a I hl eluld 科 ith u hc;i soudieiii proimneiiiliui My llrsl dn in Lhe nev class, introducod myself in a low voice. Atl L said waw my name and where I waw fnHr The ekiNs bwst i
7、nto laughter. (*He talks iiiuuK. I was so helpless Ihat t went to a place g till (.lrann Simih aRer school, who uns my biggest supjxnt Bui I dMiit get througli.On Suruhiy cciunu, ihc plume raiig II Ciianiiy. Shu ollcn hxik ndvnnragc ()P the discounlcd loi-disLiiice mEes 口h SiHidayi Stie iaid she d C
8、upped n New Yeai packne. Suie enou涉.it anived. Surprise at the box, iHTgc enmi卓i In hold a snul refrijieniicir, we eagerly tore it pen, he smell ot Granny house filled lhij room: a combination of ined meat, usages, himiturc polish eiikI decorations Her htmse tvas tiny and iihvas filled widi 1尔。)hohi
9、hv dccoiEitioEis ajid huincmudu Ibod betbre New Year. Bui in m thjldliuud eyes, l1 蚀的 precious and ianUsticThere ivere cihlimUsk tin-k nd eoiiLbiners Wu opcnetl I hem to dicoMjr piles of Ihdnkiy treats. She even included our traditional cand bars. The boK was as bottomItss as a tnagicsL box. llKre.
10、beoearli 0 11 ihcse. was my familiar holiday.岛一英沿第2页共见Kvcryp New Year that we spent in CihtfiniLa, ihe pcMnl seniee wcudd call and sa nur package anivcd Over the yeara, many treasures arrived in the box For me,血,t aH ays bctn the best p;irt of the holicUyJ Jou did he udboi bf ollie I Jrc hen thu cic
11、 nun lii Ldlilbitiid.)A. Uftconccnicd. R. Joyful. C. Grateful. P. Upset.().Wh did the authoi Jniiuig Ieiu如 ul linn 5A He had a sircmg secernB. He made i liiuncuniis talkC He looked GverweightD He spoke in a verJ low voice.7 AX hat d(K ihc un(icTline4| vord tacky* in Paragraph 3 pr iMmbly menu 1A. Su
12、itableB. Large.C CheapD. Altiuciie.X. Vvhich n!-l)e ftdkmitip can be Iht t)est lilk 仆lh texl1A Granny Care PackageB An Unforitdiabk HolidayC Our Move toCalifonnaD, A TM叩hone Call ftonn GrannyCE、g( animal species carries unique viruses ihai spetificalK adapted to mluting ii. Over lim some nl thew hav
13、e jianped to humatis these 3rti ktigvn -zooii由广(动物传染的) nnisesAs the population we move mio wild areas, wlndi bniig* us nue iwrc contaci wuh jimiihiK Ut (km11 ntinnLilly luivtwith. Flius. xiniics tan jump frtmi huuiiH Io ImnMnend ihcy can mprewd between tiumar through dfise contact wilh txxiy fluids
14、(体液)Like blood oi Ui me (尿沌)一Because every viru has evoked to largei a particular species, iis rare for a virus to be able lu jump (o 审luih心r spetits. Whvn this docs hcippeiL ill by thancc. uiid it Li5Liully rcqiiircs u kugc amount of qmbet with the vimsAl lir(;L l!ic virus ik usunlly nol wtill-suil
15、cd to its new host and cluciiif ( spread easily, (her firiK. l”n、LACT it Cdn cvHw in the new hn、1 Cu pi加re 1岸门海1出(; 11 ihiit ;iit better dddptedWhen viruses jump to 旭w host, the often euse more severe disease. This is bevau昵 iruses and llieu lit bl hosls ha c uuled tcgelhei, and tlie species Lias Lt
16、ttie to build up leislancu 抵抗力),The new host species, on ihe other hand, mighi not have evolved the abiliiy to deal with lh(2 virus. Itr eample when wa come inu)contact tv】m bati and their viruses, we may develop rabies (狂犬病)oEbola virus (埃博推褊据 1 disease, while ihc bats thcmM:lvcs arc less 对Titled.I
17、t-s likely tEiat ban are tJie ori pinal source of three reciid) known corona viruses: SARS- CoV Q003). MERScV (2Q12) aod SARS-CoV-2(who:w vunent oftkial 帕me is COVTDJ 力 All iif these jump thim 崛如 tu hmnatis via ;iti initnucdiaty tuiin;il; m iht s* of SAttS-CoV-2, tin? may have betn pangolin ( ill Th
18、 but more research is needed.u, Why is U mre tor a nnis M infect nnother species?A The nmw hnsi trail deal vdih ihcH. 111已 new species builds up resistance.C None of the vinis can iidapt m the new s|M;des.D. Paeh vitiis dt?ck lu j SfM?eiik secies.It). What is the fifth pjragraph mainly about9A. The
19、lesisUiiKX: of ihc old species.B. The ability of tlie nw host species. he inlcclinn process of viruqD The cause of troner diseaseWhat can we infer from the text?A Humans should not move into wild areasR Wild Rnimals are actually out best friends. can sjvread Irm mumm* lo ImiiuuisD. A viius ClIil cuh
20、c Lo inJbci Luioiher spevics.DChildren love pJayiiig games. J Jial is a well*known lacl. Kids lean how lo play games M a very earl age. and once they find a gam lhc love. tlie can play fnr hnurs nd hours on end. In het, kids games an? so popidai- that there is mi emirc industn? devoted to designing
21、and selling them. Hicre seems Io be a fun amc tor kids for ivcry occasion. Chnxtnias and birthdays are ofien celebrated with the Euuil、tradition of giRing a ne gdinc.Old eaiiiew handed down Ironi tjcncration to Lcneralion include such fas oriles Midi as hopwiMth. Ted rovcrb london Bridge: and duck-s
22、tems seem io Jme taken the kids world by storm. Kid papular 在ay to pas the timm ivirh mrill children .ind teens Hike On】mu Hiimcs arc a 盯cal trty tn have tun and they can be quite 电ducNiiinuil as well. Many online garnet cmied for specilk age gruug encourage giadc 即preprint# deeloptnenl and educalin
23、nal skills.Hundreds; of Interact Kitcg offcr fiir :uid cducEirinn:il imc$ A* kids Soe,yymes need tlKrn 0 hm brnu while cthurs mvale hands and 1 uel. Main of the5c iles art ti ciiicd by big Tirnies. sikIi as NMkinal Geographic, which we can mist Th* ofter free gam第 that parents ktKiw arc appropriate
24、Ibr kid* Parenti are encouraged to go online and resarcli online 跟nt小 appropriate for their kids7 葫ge before allowing their kids to play these games PTents want to have the ability lu be ui Eiiunilur dien kids pld umc, tvhich is a piblcm Nuiiunul Guugiaphic is making to 5talveWilh so many options to
25、 choose hum, p to find tun yames 石nd activilius aifan( skill for your little one to learn, so playing on the computer 值 defiiiircly botli educational and lun. Your child is sure to learn new skills about an subject with the right iruted websiic岛一英沿第4贡共我英语学习讲义只要坚持 梦想终会实现 英语学习讲义高英语苗b页第10页只要坚持梦想终会实现 Th
26、e indiiqtry cf kids games is prosperouK probably because,llicrc arv jI kinds of gaiiieh Ibr childivnchildren are moly crazy alxiut gamesC people wmild like to phy 甑m 殍 together(J. paienK love l讣 buy iiilts ftK ihcii clnldWc cun ii)tci from the ihir daB There i% Et large nmaLini olinlbrrnaikxiC. ! he
27、 pamt:?, aie 用卜由 fin kidr ineiiEaL and 批heal山D. It can help parents to comrcil kids* pht timeAwtrdi哗 K) this 除翱谷叫 懂匕 authors dtUudv 1v playing cvmput时 games is .A. supportiYc D. objccth-c C.D. pcssimisuc第二节:共5小题?每小甥!分,满分I。分)盟据甑文内容.从短上后的选项中选出能埴入空白处的最佳选项.选功中仃阳顼为 多余选项.The OxM English Dictionvy includes
28、 more ihaii 170,000 English enirieM词条),Luckily, you (Ipn r need to Icani sn many words Bill 心 h Hiyigii 珀ni同零 lrncrh yw hiivc Io klira a certain nuinbcr of words io communicate effectively 6_ The tblloinii arc the most importaiit oiici.Narrow it doivn. The first step is to“haiio Rkus m and 叼 goak_17
29、_ PcrhajK yai waul to read ahoul soccer or kam how w cwok like a natic chefl The Itcki learners ar motivated to study because tlicx choose vocabulary baed on ihcir inTcrsts aiM needs.18 Ihey refer it ilie most sideK ued noeds in any kind of speech or uriiing Generally,(l)crc arc fbur categories of w
30、ords in any laiiguafe: t)igh*frcquencv words, academic wri ds. Sehilival words aixl lo -irequenty words. 19 Tltew Eire IIle words people use most in even day ivrUiii aud speech, so Icaniiiij: them can inakc you under Jand wtuii you htai and lomnd uppniprialely. An uniing search for the pin ase tic n
31、u卸 cnmnimi words in X language can help yflu ideniifj 悔 1用 nf h里tbfrcqiwnc) words ID fbcus on.Seek ciiii oppunutiilic!; lo use new wenis Ijcuminji ihe xKatxilaiy involves two processes: la be able to recognize a hotlI and in ust h We Lypic911y 卜却雷 归 recogniie uords m ivTiiiti t)r speech bekjre ive r
32、e able to use diem h takes additional, concern rated praaicc to lern a new word. 20 Suth opptmunilic indude wnlini; cmttils uy dnd dialling with nalivt spyzikers-X. Divide 蚌wrds mlo dilRrenl vaieyoneb.R. Focuq on Ilie most coirnnon wntuk制一英语第5支狭10页C If ymi have a strong interest in i panicular sulic
33、ci. 4fii1 with rhmD. You will tcciiti new VhiJtds bullei i T j iiu xpeuk rather lltaii impK read I hemE With sonic stratcgici. you enn icuni gmriind niort easily thim you hac mnijKd t Eijih*trcqciency words help to ciiickly improve your ability t。coniniuniciti!G. Thats why ifs imponani to find out m
34、ore chances 口produciive language praciicc 第二部分英语知识运用第一节:完型填空(共如小鹿,每小题4分,满分3。分)In 1982 Steven Callahan was tmssing th。Ad antic &l 颜 e m his sailboat when it struck somethin| and sank He wu out of the shipping Idiius 3向 tlustiiig in a life m氏 _21_. His supplies were icw. His 22 tcre small Yet u hen ih
35、ree Hsliermen found him seventy-six das later, he was much skinnier than he uas hen he _23、bul li、eI-he thing Ihnl 24 my eye wa? hnu he marinped Io keep himself 小“ng when all hope seetned lost when Ihere seemed no _25_ irle and after more iJian a week stniggliiig witii his weak body to _26_ it it wa
36、s still leaking water. lie was _27_ and ihoroughly exhausted.28比G4jkt huve &eemed the only 明 ise choke.When people survive these kind ot circiiiiislncc. they do sornelhing with rheir _29_ that gives them the ccninigc to keep g0ing Many people tn _30desperate circumstancesin or go mad. Sonicihing die
37、 suiiors do with Lheit 由oughis Jidps ihetii find the 3J io cairy cm.“T tell my$df I can 32 * wtvte Qdlriitn in his account, Comparecl to what ethers hav gone _33_+ Im ibdiuiate. 1 tell myself these dungs oner and 口ver. M: , my ddtriTiiii;ilk:i lo keep gning/wtijic that dwn alkr I LhlI it. Il 35 nw m
38、m nothing inipMnUiil And Le told “:5 the 即口壮 thing when my own goals seemed 36 off. And esen1 hme I say iT. I ahsiys conic hack l inv 37 .So here, coming q us tram the exireme edge of _3S_ aie words that can give us sirengih.?y youre goin, through- tel yourself ou can handle ir Tell this to xu uric
39、If over an J cer. and tr will help you get iln ongji the _40_ spots wifh a little more deiermitiaTion.21. A alcuidB alnneasideDr aboard22. A. (IshB. ItoleC. ciewD. chances23. A. stalledB arrivedC. roseD. disappeared24. A sucredH huhC ciiuglitD. enteredA.A福川。rB companionC. pointD. opponunity26. A. bo
40、ardB. alxiiulonC曲泄D. fix27. A starvedH crnhaiTascdc33. A. into比fbrC auiibiD through34 A. putting upB. building upC bringing upD. taking 叩35. A, liigfileticdU. sLrukC. diHappaintiidD. presvrvcd36 A, farB k,叫C htjn yD frightA istaiU!;B. cidsruLiiisC IloninD Sellses3K A. cperirneti1B liumcaricC floodD
41、survival39. A. HoweverEJ. WhoeverC WhateverD. Whichever40 A. singh9 roughC easyD comfortable第二节一单总选择(共30个小题,每小题I分,满分30分)从下列各鹿中所给的四个选项(A, B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在需烟卡上 将该项涂黑c4 L We 口 meet 照aiu ill Uie morning juircomriinis.A. a; xmlsB. wasC. a; wereD. iha; were64 The prices uf die shoes m this shopping mall
42、$25 to 3100A. range bciwcen range fromC. varmD. vary aiwiili a difficult siiuation, 4ngid decided io ask his teacher 3 advice.A. To faceB Having faced C. FacedD FacingIts many eEtfs sjrci; Isa* ou Iasi. sou at cill.I ivaulchii ciihcR if semtoneou by rhe nnmeA didr 1 recognize: liadift CEilledB. didn
43、c recognize, didnt tailC liavent reewpnized; didnt c;itl口 hmen-t ruuipiized; liiidnt called67P If he his Ie郡 in Vie Ml tizining. he the 蜘而阴 World Cup. which he lw$tweij Img睡 to compete inA. didn i hull; guukJ in R)rB. hddifL hint, should luve Lakirn pan inC hadnt hun; wnnld join inD. didnt hurt; lAc
44、uld have laker pan in晶柒硝第X史丹I口页hS Its time ycm ihe tact that it-s a dTierous world out there. Be brae and optimistic.A. pm up withB. woke up toC. took the place afD looked down upon.1 huverit seen you for u couple uf dLis. Whikt huvu you beeji up A inB toC. 5ithD forDw to thp outbreak of thi: epidem
45、ic in Chin;!, a kire qmmtity of fbreign leathers and students abroad.A stuckB were stuckC 明国靠或lickD. hare smek第三节工单句语法填空(共10个小即.每小题1,5分,满分15分1阅波下面H料.在空白处填入适当的内容成括匕内单词的正确形式nARer years cf workinj; with childrent Man prove qualilied as a teacher.CkcsiocK 脑e quilt rire the leacheis doti assign lk hoit主明
46、。ik diiciiij! the holidaysDark cluutb v jrncd the tanrersllw apprunchH里 slcnn. suddenly neenrred tn Mimnrin 由抵 pcrh)s no one would bdkvc her stray.?5. lJCipk sbould .TO. Tlie science of medicine. which ww oc a jLreai dcaljs pertiaps lie most imponant of all Lhc branches of science.KO Despite rhe r研,
47、d economic development m some weS杞电i connTfujs. elderly people shit live in (poor 第三部分写作第一节工单句改错(共10小题斑小J I分,满分10分)卜列每个句子中有一处诺言错俣“每处锚误涉及一个单词的蝌加、删除或修改口 埴加:在缺词处加 个漏字符号(人),并在其下写出该加的词, 蒯除:把者余的词用斜线()剧掠。修改:在锚的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修过后的词.注意:碌如情操及其修改均仅限一诃。XI He left that posilion because he nfrered a beller nne al
48、 HU AWf-1.82 You tau t iak; pJiotopaphj Mte Without 闪】血血坐,H3 Tlicre 谒制* fibotil lifleen people in the loun ge. mosi worn tn,S4 Tliu reason why people arc unhLippy k bcc;iLie thc5 have ennugh love高一蔓噜葩9翼熊】。币K5 Since more lh;m on milliuii pci.iplu weikluidc have been依 M wtfh CO VID- L1),measure nmsi be taken to preni a from sprendin tlui IasiMichael Jackson pcrkcled (he moon walk in 1980s.You /ill tliid this map of giYours,l.i Hua “英语第IQK共10页al valuable in helping you to 此仃 arouod Beijing.SK It raininp heeixih Mary (eh cold, q。he si nod closely to her inntherS9.带有 I
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