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1、 PAGE 页码 10 / NUMPAGES 总页数 10六年级英语上册阅读理解专项真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Some students are on the playground. John and Mike are doing kung fu. Theyre happy. Amy is sitting under a tree. She feels sad because she is reading a sad story. Martin is looking for his ball. He is worried.( )1.There are some

2、 students on the playground.( )2.John and Mike are playing basketball.( )3.Amy is sad.( )4.Martin is angry.2. 阅读材料,根据短文的意思填空,把正确的答案填写在横线上。Today all hats are very cheap. They are pretty, too. We have many pretty colours for you. The black T-shirt is fifteen yuan. The green bag is nice. You can try th

3、em on. The pink dress is beautiful. But it is not cheap. The pink socks are cheap, they are two yuan. Come and see them quickly!1Today all_are very cheap(便宜).2The black T-shirt is_yuan.3The_dress is beautiful.4The pink socks are cheap, they are_yuan.5_and see them today!3. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。There is a re

4、ading room in our school. Its big and bright. On the right wall there is a map of China. There is a nice clock on the front wall. Many books and chairs are in the reading room. Many Chinese and English books are on the bookshelves (书架).Many pupils often go there and read different books after class.

5、 They like English books. The teachers often come here. They like newspapers and magazines (杂志). The pupils in our school clean the reading room every day. They clean the windows, desks and chairs.1The reading room is _. ( )A.only big B.only bright C.big and bright2There is a map of China _. ( )A.on

6、 the front wall B.on the right wall C.on the left wall3There is a nice clock _. ( )A.on the front wall B.on the left wall C.on the right wall4Many pupils often go there and read different books _ class. ( )A.before B.in C.after5_ clean the reading room every day. ( )A.The teacher B.The pupils in our

7、 school C.The workers4. 阅读理解。Peter is a pupil. He is always absent-minded (心不在焉)in class. His father and mother always tell him to listen to teacher carefully in class. “Dont be absent-minded again.” His teachers think a lot to change(改变)him, “Look at us when you are in class. Dont be absent-minded.

8、 ”Peter answers, “OK, I will. ”One day Peter is in the English class. He is looking out of the window and smiling. His English teacher asks the class, “Say two pronouns, please. Please answer my question.” Peter looks at his teacher is surprise(吃惊地)and stands up, “ Who? Me?” “ Good. Sit down, please

9、.”根据短文内容,判断句子正(T),误(F)。1Peter is a good pupil.(_)2Peters father, mother and teachers think a lot to change him.(_)3Peter doesnt change his habit.(_)4Peter knows the answer to the teachers question.(_)5Peters teacher thinks Peter knows the answer.(_)5. 阅读理解,判断句子的正(T)误(F)My name is Sam. Tomorrow is Sa

10、turday. We have no classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to the bookstore by bus. Then Im going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my gr

11、andparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.1Today is Friday.(_)2Sam is going to the bookstore by bike.(_)3Sams father is going to visit Sams grandparents in the evening.(_)4Sam is going to play computer games with his sister.(

12、_)5There are seven people in the article (文章).(_)6. 根据内容判断,对的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Its Helens birthday today. All her friends are at her home. They brought a lot of things for their party. They are showing their things to each other.Nancy: Whats in your hand, Yang Ling?Yang Ling: Its a tin of chicken. Do you

13、 like it?Nancy: Yes, I like it very much. I have a box of chocolates, too.Yang Ling: Great! Where is Liu Tao?Nancy: He is sitting on the sofa. He has a Walkman and he is listening to music there.Yang Ling: Look! Wang Bing is coming. There are some fruit in his hand.Nancy: I see. Miss Li is coming, t

14、oo.Yang Ling: What does she have?Nancy: Lets go and have a look. Wow! A nice birthday cake and a birthday card! Can we have a look?Miss Li: Sure. Its a nice cake and there are some sweets on it. Boys and girls, its time to have the cake. Lets sing the song Happy Birthday together now.All: Good idea.

15、1It is Helens birthday today.(_)2They are singing and dancing.(_)3He is sitting near the sofa.(_)4Liu Tao is listening to music on the sofa.(_)5There are some fruit on the cake.(_)7. 阅读海报(Posters),判断句子正误。Interrupting Chicken!Yell out an answer while a friend is trying to think about the answer.Shout

16、 out when the teacher is reading a story to the class,Talk at the same time as a friend is talking.Polite Students!Wait until the teacher has called on you before speaking.Stay in your seat and sit quietly if the teacher is talking to a visitor in the classroom.Say Excuse me if you have to interrupt

17、.( )(1)We can see these posters on a farm.( )(2)Stay in your seat and talk quietly when the teacher is talking to a visitor.( )(3)The posters only tell us some bad behaviour.( )(4)The writer wrote the posters for children at school.( )(5)Interrupting Chicken means a student without good behaviour.8.

18、 阅读理解。Salad is a kind of healthy food. Salad is the most healthy. It doesnt require (需要) reheating (重新加热). It can also maintain (保留) nutrition (营养). Many women choose salad as a healthy and convenient (方便的) lunch. In fact, there are three main types of salad. They are fruit salad, vegetable salad an

19、d other kinds of salad. You can make your fancy salad. First you can buy some washed and cut vegetables or fruit for salad in supermarkets. Next you can add some salad sauce (沙拉酱) and lemon juice to the vegetables or fruit. Now you can enjoy your salad with your family or your friends.(1)阅读短文,根据短文内容

20、用A、B、C、D、E给下列图画排序。( )( )( )( )( )(2)Salad is _.A. unhealthy B. healthy C. sweet and sour(3)Salad is the most healthy because _.A. its fresh and greenB. its womens favourite foodC. it doesnt require reheating but maintains nutrition(4)There are _ main types of salad.A. one B. two C. three(5)We can bu

21、y some _ for salad.A. bread or meat B. vegetables or fruit C. eggs and lemon(6)We add some _ in the salad.A. salad sauce B. lemon juice C. A and B(7)Many women think salad is _.A. unhealthy but convenientB. healthy and convenientC. not convenient but healthy9. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。The Mid-Autumn FestivalGo

22、od afternoon, everyone. Im a student from China. In China there are many traditional(传统的) festivals. But I want to tell you something about my favourite festival. This festival is in autumn. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival. My mother makes delicious moon cakes at this festival. I love the Mid-Autumn F

23、estival because I love moon cakes a lot. We often have a big family dinner. After dinner, we enjoy the full moon with all the family members. My dear father sings a song for us when we are watching the moon. The night at this festival is very lovely. So do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival?( )(1)The

24、Mid-Autumn Festival is my favourite festival.( )(2)My mother buys moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.( )(3)My family dont have a big family dinner at the Mid-Autumn Festival.( )(4)After dinner, my family enjoy the full moon together.10. 阅读理解。In a small village, there is a teacher, a doctor, a dri

25、ver, and a police officer. The four men are good friends. What are their names?One is Tom, one is Jack, one is Mike and one is John. Mikes, Jacks and Toms children are classmates. John has no children. He teaches his friends children at a middle school. Mike works at a police station. He loves his j

26、ob very much. Jack has a car. He often drives his car to go to work or visit his friends. The doctors house is next to the drivers, so the children often play together.1Do they all have a child? ( )A.Yes, they do. B.No, they dont.C.Two of them. D.Three of them2Whats Mike? Hes a _( )A.doctor B.driver

27、C.teacher D.police officer3Whats Tom? Hes a _( )A.doctor B.driverC.teacher D.police officer4Who can drive? ( )A.Mike B.Tom C.Jack D.John5Whose house is next to Jacks? ( )A.Mikes B.Toms C.Jacks D.Johns11. 阅读理解。Dear Jim,Im in Hangzhou now. I will spend(度过) the next three years here. Im in No. 6 Middle

28、 School. Its a good school. The people here are very friendly. My best friend is Li Lei, and my favourite food is Dongpo pork(猪肉).Now Im writing to you in my bedroom. We have a new home here in China. Its different from our old home in America. Our new house is white, and the old one is red. The wal

29、ls of my bedroom are blue. My mother is watering some flowers. My father is repairing a car. Im going to do my homework. Please write back soon.Yours,Tom1What school is Tom in? ( )-_A.No. 5 Middle School. B.No. 6 Middle School.C.No. 7 Middle School. D.No. 16 Middle School.2Whos Toms best friend? ( )

30、-_A.Li Lei. B.Lucy. C.Jim. D.John.3What color are the walls of Toms bedroom? ( )-_A.Red. B.White. C.Blue. D.Yellow.4Whats Toms father doing? ( )-_A.Fixing a plane. B.Watering some flowers.C.Fixing a car. D.Repairing a bike.5Wheres Tom from? ( )-_A.England. B.Australia. C.America. D.Canada.12. 阅读短文,完

31、成下列任务。Im Tim. 1 am a student in Zhenhua School. I often walk to school, because my home is near my school. But today I come to school by bike. I will visit my uncle after school. I will go there by bike. Tomorrow is Saturday, we are going to the supermarket in the morning. We are going to play footb

32、all in the afternoon. In the evening, Im going to play computer games with my cousin. Then we will have a big dinner together. I think we are going to have a nice day.(1)Tims home is _ Zhenhua School.A. in front of B. near C. far from(2)Tim often goes to school _.A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus(3)Ti

33、m will visit his uncle _.A. next week B. this Sunday C. after school(4)Tim comes to school by bike today.( )(5)Tim is going to school tomorrow.(6)Tim is going to see a film on Saturday afternoon.( )(7)Tim will have a nice day.( )(8)What is Tim going to do on Saturday morning?(9)Is Tim going to play

34、computer games with his cousin?13. 阅读理解。It is a rainy day. Little Tom cant go out. He goes into the kitchen. Mum is at the table. She has got a large album(相册) and some cards. “What are those, Mum?” asks Tom. “Theyre postcards,” says Mum. “Collecting postcards is my hobby.” Tom walks into the sittin

35、g room. Dad is at the desk. “What are those, Dad?” asks Tom. “This is my stamp collection,” says Dad. “I want to collect something, too.” Tom thinks and goes to his room. Hes got some picture books and some balls. But Tom doesnt like them. He opens his box. There are lots of model planes in it. Tom

36、feels very happy. “Wow! Now I can collect planes.”1Its _outside.( )A.rainy B.windy C.sunny2Mum has got many _.( )A.stamps B.postcards C.photos3_is Dads hobby.( )A.Collecting postcards B.Watching TV C.Collecting stamps4Tom has got some _.( )A.balls B.postcards C.stamps5Tom wants to collect _.( )A.pic

37、ture books B.planes C.toys cars14. 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Mum: Whats this?Dad: Its a letter. It says, Youve won a free holiday!Lily: Amazing! I hope its to the sea. I can swim and play with sand.Dad: No! I hope its a camping holiday. I can sleep in a tent and get lots of fresh air.Ben: No! Id like to go to th

38、e sea in a ship. I can watch fish and eat nice food.Mum: Well, Id like to go to a big city. I can go shopping.(The phone rings.)Grandma: Hello! This is Lucky Holidays. Youve won a holiday to sunny Dalian.Lily: Dalian? Thats where Grandma lives!Grandma: Haha! This is Grandma!Lily: Oh, Grandma! You tr

39、icked us!Grandma: Come and have a nice summer holiday with me, will you?Lily: Sure! Thats great!( )(1)Where did the letter come from7It came from.A. a travel company B. Grandma C. a friend( )(2)Who would like to go to the sea?A. Dad. B. Lily and Ben. C. Mum.( )(3)Where are they going this summer hol

40、iday?Theyre going to.A. Dalian B. the countryside C. the sea( )(4)What does tricked mean?A.想念 B.捉弄 C.邀请( )(5)What do you think of Grandma?Shes.A. kind B. bad C. funny15. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Lu Ban was a famous craftsman in China a long time ago. His father was a craftsman, too. He usually worked with his

41、father and learned a lot from him. One day he worked on a mountain. His hand was hurt by a leaf.He found many teeth on the leaf and the teeth were very sharp. He thought he could make a tool with teeth to cut things quickly. That was a saw. People still use the tool today.( )(1)Lu Ban is a famous cr

42、aftsman today.( )(2)Lu Bans fathers hand was hurt by a leaf one day.( )(3)Lu Ban found many sharp teeth on the leaf.( )(4)People still use the saw today.16. 阅读理解。Visitors to London often eat in restaurants. The owners and workers in them are all from other countries. The visitors say in these restau

43、rants they dont fell they are in England. Most of English people eat at home as much as they can. Sometimes they themselves will think they are in another country when they are in restaurants. When an Englishman goes out of a restaurant, he may find that he doesnt understand why everything is writte

44、n in French and Italian.Most of English people think it is better to eat at home, because it is cheaper. They dont want to spend much money on food and they like cooking at home. They like fast food. But for Christmas, they will spend two or three weeks to get ready for it, because they want to have

45、 good food.( )1. Visitors to London often eat in restaurants because.A. They dont like the food at home B. their homes are not in London.C. its cheaper D. restaurants are beautiful places.( )2. When English people eat in restaurants, they sometimes think.A. they are in another country B. they are in

46、 their countryC. they are themselves. D. they love their country.( )3. Some of English people eating in the restaurants dont know. A. why everything comes from French and ItalianB. everything in restaurant.C. why people write everything in French and ItalianD. everyone in restaurant.( )4. English pe

47、ople eat at home because.A. it is fast B. the food is expensive at homeC. it is sometimes very cheap D. they like cooking at home( )5. English people will spend much time for Christmas.A. In order to get more food B. In order to have much foodC. In order to get good food D. In order to have enough food17. 阅读理解,按要求做答。Everybody has a home. An


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