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2、题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、_beautiful the East lake is! Last month, President Xi showed Prime Minister Modi around the beautiful lake.AHow aBWhatCHowDWhat a2、The horse is too old to run as as it did.Afast Bfaster Cfastest Dthe fastest3、-What do you remember about Grade 7 ?-I remember _ a prize .Ato winBwinningC

3、winDwining4、To protect endangered elephants, government should make rules to prevent people from buying and selling things_ of ivory(象牙).Amake.Bare madeCbe madeDmade5、Now most families have only one child _ our countrys one-child policy.AsoBbecauseCbecause forDbecause of6、Does Michelle _ her father?

4、Yes, a little.Atake after Blook after Crun after Dread after7、-Tom is sick in bed, so he cant go to your birthday party tomorrow.-_ AThats no good. BThats a shame. C No deal! D Of course.8、I am waiting for my friend. , I will go swimming alone.AIf he doesnt comeBIf he wont comeCIf he hasnt comeDIf h

5、e isnt coming9、What do you often do at weekends?I often _ my grandparents.AvisitBvisitedChave visitedDwill visit10、_ challenges actively, and then youll try your best to overcome them and you will become a better person.ATo faceBFaceCFacingDFaces. 完形填空11、I have a friend. She doesnt walk, talk or lau

6、gh, but she is very kind and friendly to me. When I feel tired, she can help me 1 . She makes me happy almost every day. You cant touch or see her, but shes 2 . Do you know who she is? She is my best friend music.Music is my favorite type of art. When I was four years old, I began to listen to diffe

7、rent kinds of music. The first time I saw a piano, a black-and-white musical instrument, I was attracted by it.At first, I was 3 playing the piano. But, as a four-year-old girl, classical music is not very attractive to me. So, I became impatient and didnt want to play the piano anymore. However, tw

8、o months later, I changed my mind.One day, I was listening to The Ninth Symphony (第九交响曲) at home. My mother told me that Beethoven wrote it after he was deaf. The symphony sounded very powerful, because he wrote it with 4 emotion. Beethoven was deaf, but he didnt 5 on practicing the piano.So I shoul

9、d learn from him. From then on, I began learning to play the piano again and tried very hard to practice.I love playing the piano. When I feel happy, I will play a happy song toshare 6 with my parents; when I feel sad, I will choose a sorrowful songto pour out my sadness. I will always remember my b

10、est friend, music.1AworkBstudyCrepairDrelax2AsomewhereBeverywhereCanywhereDnowhere3Afamous forBpoor atCcareful withDinterested in4AstrongBsadCangryDenjoyable5Ashow offBgive upCclean upDpay for6AinformationBfoodChappinessDinvitation. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过2个单词)Many people catc

11、h a cold in the spring or fall. It makes us wonder: since scientists can send a man to the moon, why cant they find a treatment for the common cold? The question is easy 1 (answer)-there are hundreds of kinds of cold viruses(病毒) out there. You never know 2 one youll get, so there isnt a treatment fo

12、r each one.When a cold virus 3 (try) to hurt your body, your body will work hard to fight against it. Blood rushes to your nose and brings congestion(堵塞) with it. This makes you feel terrible because you cant breathe comfortably, but actually, your body 4 (eat) the virus. Your body temperature rises

13、 and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a runny (流鼻涕的) nose to stop the virus 5 (get) close to the cells(细胞). And as a 6 , your body may be very painful. But it is actually doing everything it can to get a victory over the cold.Different people have differ

14、ent ways to 7 with colds. Some have chicken soup to feel better, some take hot baths, and many other people take medicine. However, some scientists say that taking medicine when you have a cold is actually 8 to health. The virus stays in your body even longer because your body cant do its 9 to fight

15、 with it and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job on their own. Theres a joke about taking medicine when you have a cold. It 10 (go) like this.It takes about 1 week to get over a cold if you dont take medicine, but only 7 days to get over a cold if you take medicine. 阅读理解A13、 Last summer, 15-year-o

16、ld Bob had a problem. Like a lot of children. Bob was interested in doing many things. He liked dancing most and wanted to join a dancing group. But Bobs high school didnt have a boys dancing group but a girls group. He tried to join the girls group. And he made it. Bob thought his problem was over

17、after he had been one of the dancers in the dancing group. But a bigger problem was just beginning. The school didnt allow Bob to stay in the girls group. “If we let Bob stay in the group,” the school said, “other boys will want to join. Soon, there wont be any girls in the group. They took Bob off

18、the group. Bob was very angry about it, so he went to a judge(法官). The judge said it was not a right decision and told the school to let Bob go back to the dancing group.1Bobs favorite was _ .AsingingBdancingCdrawingDdriving2It was difficult for Bob to join the school dancing group because _.Athe sc

19、hool only had a girls dancing groupBthe school didnt allow boys to danceCthe group had enough dancers alreadyDhe was not a good dancer3The school worried that _ if Bob stayed in the group.Anobody would watch their danceBother boys would join and the girls might leaveCother schools might laugh at the

20、mDthe parents would be angry about it4The judge thought the schools decision was _.AusefulBnecessaryCrightDwrong5We can infer(推断)that Bob felt _ when he went back to the group.AhungryBsadChappyDsureB14、Do you want to have a special vacation? Read the following two advertisements. Maybe they will giv

21、e you a good idea.Summer Surfing USA15-day Tour for Beach LoversWinter Wonderland USA15-Day Ski Tour in the Green MountainsVisit Beautiful Southern California Surfing beachesAccommodation: Single or double rooms in beachfront hotelsPrice includes: Money for daily surfboard, 3-hour beginners lessonsN

22、ight activities: Beach barbecues,club dancing, moonlight boating.Other activities: Visit Disneyland, Tour Beverly Hills and see the movie stars homesTour cost: Single room: $1,999Double room: $2,300Go skiing in VermontAccommodation:Village hotels. with relaxing environment and fine dining; comfortab

23、le rooms with nice furniture.Price includes: All ski equipment, lift tickets, and daily 2-hour lessonsNight activities: Parties in the open air. Rock music concerts.Other activities: Shopping, ice skating,cross country skiingTour cost: Single room: $2,500Double room: $3,200accommodation 住宿;1Which of

24、 the activities can you do at night?AVisit DisneylandBSkate on the iceCEnjoy rock music2If you like skiing, you can choose to stay to enjoy your vacation.Ain a beautiful hotelBin a village hotelConly in a single room3Going to is beach lovers best choice for summer vacation.AVermontBSouthern Californ

25、iaCGreen mountains4It will take you to enjoy your vacation either in the green mountains or on the beaches.Aone weekBone monthChalf a month5Which of the following does the price of both tours include?ALessonsBlift ticketsCDaily surfboard.C15、That cold January night, I was growing sick of my life in

26、San Francisco. There I was, walking home at one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theater. With opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines. I was having trouble dealing with my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought se

27、riously about giving up both acting and San Francisco. City life had become too much for me.As I walked down empty streets under tall buildings, I felt very small and cold. I began running, both to keep warm and to keep away any possible robbers(抢劫犯). Very few people were still out except a few sad-

28、looking homeless people under blankets.About a block from my apartment, I heard a sound behind me. I turned quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made me nervous, so I started to run faster. Not u

29、ntil I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I realize what the noise had been. It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.Suddenly I wasnt cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to where Id heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk anxiously for fifteen m

30、inutes, my wallet was nowhere to be found.Just as I was about to give up the search, I heard the garbage truck(垃圾车) pull up to the sidewalk next to me. When a voice called from the inside, “Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened, and out jumped a s

31、mall red-haired man with an amused look in his eyes. “Is this what youre looking for?” he asked, holding up a small square shape.It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time I got into bed. I wouldnt get much sleep that night, but I had got my wallet back. I also had got back some enjoyment of city life. I real

32、ized that the city couldnt be a bad place as long as people were willing to help each other.1(小题1)How did the writer feel when she was walking home after work?ACold and sickBLucky and hopefulCSatisfied and cheerfulDDisappointed and helpless2(小题2)From the first paragraph, we learn that the writer was

33、 busy_.Asolving her problem at the bankBtaking part in various city activitiesClearning acting in an evening schoolDpreparing for the first night show3(小题3)On her way home the writer_Alost her wallet unknowinglyBwas stopped by a garbage truck driverCwas robbed of her wallet by a man with a knifeDfou

34、nd some homeless people following her4(小题4)From the text, we can infer that the writer_Awould stop working at nightBwould stay on in San FranciscoCwould make friends with cleaners.Dwould give up her job at the bankD16、 One morning Fan Xing discovered that her classroom had changed. The 13-year-old s

35、aw that the desks were no longer in rows(排), but pushed together to make six bigger desks. The new arrangement(排列) was part of a reform(改革) at Fans school, Changsha Daotian Middle School in Hunan. About five weeks ago, more than 2,000 junior students at the school began studying in this way, with si

36、x to eight students sitting in groups. This reform is designed to provide students with easier ways to study and more chances for discussion,said Liu Xu,na school head teacher. Our school hopes it can improve students abilities(能力) for self-study as well as teamwork. The new arrangement took some ti

37、me for students to get used to.I was too curious(好奇) about it for the first two days, said Fan. But soon she and her classmates got used to it. Now our class is quieter because we can stop loud students with some simple gestures(手势),said Fan. Whats more,we can express our own ideas and learn others

38、through discussion. Its a better way to study. Feng Yu likes this new classroom arrangement very much and has made some progress studying. The 14-year-old said, Group members first discuss,and then explain the solutions or answers to difficult questions in front of the whole class. The discussion gi

39、ves us more confidence to make speeches,said Feng.We can also improve our friendships. The reform has asked for more from teachers.They have no more than 15 minutes to teach in class.It is a big challenge to teach in such short time the lessons which should be taught in 45 minutes,English teacher Wa

40、ng Jing said.We have to improve methods to teach better. We must prepare some interesting topics and exercises before class so that students can discuss them. Wang said that some students always talk. The teachers have to move continuously in the classroom to keep them quiet and get them to concentr

41、ate on class.It demands more, but I believe it will pay off,Wang added.1From the first paragraph of the passage, we know_.AFan Xing was a 13-year-old studentBFan Xings classroom was changed in rowsCFan Xings desk was no longer in her classroom2The purpose of the new classroom arrangement is to_.Amak

42、e the students feel fresh and interestedBprovide students with more chances for teamworkCdivide big classes into small classes3How did the new classroom arrangement help the students study according to the passage?ABy stopping loud students using simple gestures.BBy giving students more chances to w

43、ork in groups.CBy making students explain difficult questions after school.4What is the big challenge for the teachers in classroom teaching in the reform?AThe teachers have to improve their studying methods.BThe teachers must prepare more interesting topics for exercises.CThe teachers are only give

44、n 15 minutes to teach in one period(节) of the class.5Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe students in Changsha Daotian Middle School are sitting in groups when having classes.BThe reform in the school is aimed at improving the students abilities for self-study.CStudying i

45、n groups gives the students more confidence to concentrate on class.E17、Concert of Music by MozartDates:20th October24th OctoberPlace:Sunshine Concert HallDuration (持续时间):From 7:30 pm. to 9:30 pm.Ticket prices:100 yuan per adult (Above 18 years old)80 yuan per childLatecomers:Please arrive early. La

46、tecomers will not be allowed to enter until a properbreak (间歇) at the concert.Smokers:Please notice that Sunshine Concert Hall is a nonsmoking area.Children: In order to respect other audiences,children under three years old will not be allowed to attend the concert.1How many days will the concert b

47、e on?AFor 9 days. BFor 7 days. CFor 5 days.2How long does each concert last?AFor one hour. BFor two hours. CFor three hours.3Lucy is 14 years old and she wants to go to the concert with her 20yearold sister. They should pay _ yuan for the tickets.A100 B160 C1804_ are not allowed to attend the concer

48、t.AChildren under 3 years old BLatecomers CHigh school students5Who will be interested in the poster(海报)?AMovie fans. BMusic fans. CSports fans.F18、TRADITIONAL CHINESE FESTIVELSNameLantern FestivalTomb-sweeping DayThe Dragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalDateLunar January 15thApril 5thLunar May 5t

49、hLunar August 15thHow to celebratePeople eat sweet dumplings for good luck, watch a lantern show and guess riddles.People sweep the tombs to remember the dead. Also they fly kites on this day.People hold and watch dragon boat races in many places and eat zongzi to remember Qu Yuan.Family members get together to eat mooncakes and enjoy the bright full moon.riddle字谜 tomb墓 lunar农历根


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