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1、爱丽丝梦游仙境100:01:10,107 - 00:01:12,000爱丽丝漫游仙境200:01:30,107 - 00:01:32,526查尔斯 你失去理智了Charles, you have finally lost your senses300:01:32,530 - 00:01:35,158这种投机生意不现实This venture is impossible.400:01:35,162 - 00:01:35,996都某些人来说是的For some.500:01:35,997 - 00:01:36,423先生们Gentlemen,600:01:36,423 - 00:01:38,374

2、把这变为现实的唯一方法就是The only way to achieve the impossible is700:01:38,375 - 00:01:39,876认为它可行to think that it is possible.800:01:39,923 - 00:01:41,883这种想法让你破产的That kind of thinking could ruin you900:01:41,885 - 00:01:43,678我愿意冒险一试Im willing to take that chance.1000:01:43,723 - 00:01:47,666设想一下在仰光 曼谷 雅加达Im

3、agine a trading post in 1100:01:47,667 - 00:01:49,145都建立购销点Rangoon! Bangkok, Jakarta!1200:01:54,166 - 00:01:55,918又做噩梦了吗The nightmare again?1300:02:01,224 - 00:02:02,851我去去就来I wont be long.1400:02:04,190 - 00:02:08,195我掉到一个黑洞里Im falling down a dark hole.1500:02:08,199 - 00:02:12,120然后我看到一些奇怪的生物Then

4、I see strange creatures.1600:02:12,126 - 00:02:14,503什么样的生物What kind of creatures?1700:02:14,505 - 00:02:18,926一只嘟嘟巨鸟 一只穿马甲的兔子Theres a dodo bird, a rabbit in a waist coat1800:02:18,933 - 00:02:21,102和一只会笑的猫And a smiling cat1900:02:21,106 - 00:02:23,609我还不知道猫会笑呢I did not know cats could smile.2000:02

5、:23,612 - 00:02:25,614我也不知道Neither did I.2100:02:25,617 - 00:02:29,329还有一条蓝色毛毛虫And there is a blue caterpillar.2200:02:29,334 - 00:02:31,711一条蓝色毛毛虫A blue caterpillar?2300:02:34,721 - 00:02:37,432你觉得我疯了吗Do you think Ive gone round the bend?2400:02:42,031 - 00:02:43,866恐怕是的Im afraid so.2500:02:43,869

6、- 00:02:47,873你疯了 失去理智 神智不清Youre mad, bonkers, off your head2600:02:47,879 - 00:02:50,257但我要告诉你一个秘密But Ill tell you a secret.2700:02:50,259 - 00:02:53,011所有上流社会的人都是疯子All the best people are.2800:02:53,015 - 00:02:55,130这只是个梦 爱丽丝 Its only a dream, alice, 2900:02:55,131 - 00:02:56,894在梦里没什么能伤害你nothing

7、 can harm you there.3000:02:56,900 - 00:03:00,070但要是你太害怕 你总会惊醒的But if you get too frightened, you can always wake up.3100:03:00,075 - 00:03:01,785用这个方法Like this3200:03:11,075 - 00:03:13,78513年后3300:03:22,170 - 00:03:23,588我们必须去吗Must we go?3400:03:24,968 - 00:03:27,429我疑心如果我们没到 他是否会注意I doubt hell not

8、ice if we never arrive3500:03:27,432 - 00:03:29,059他会注意到的He will notice3600:03:31,944 - 00:03:33,612你没穿紧身胸衣Wheres your corset?3700:03:39,378 - 00:03:42,130-也没有穿长袜 -我不想穿- and no stockings. - Im against them.3800:03:42,134 - 00:03:44,095但你衣着很不正式But you are not properly dressed3900:03:44,098 - 00:03:46

9、,517谁规定的正式Who is to say what is proper?4000:03:46,520 - 00:03:49,721如果大家都认为头上戴个鳕鱼很正式What if it was agreed that properwas wearing a codfish on your head,4100:03:49,721 - 00:03:50,649你会戴吗Would you wear it?4200:03:50,656 - 00:03:51,949爱丽丝Alice .4300:03:51,951 - 00:03:54,829对我来说 紧身胸衣就像鳕鱼For me, a corset

10、 is like a codfish4400:03:54,874 - 00:03:56,543别这样 这少今天别Please, not today.4500:03:56,546 - 00:03:59,132父亲在会大笑的Father would have laughed.4600:04:01,306 - 00:04:02,390对不起Im sorry.4700:04:03,561 - 00:04:06,731我很累 昨晚我没睡好Im tired. I didnt sleep well last night.4800:04:06,736 - 00:04:08,904你又做了什么噩梦吗Did yo

11、u have bad dreams again?4900:04:08,907 - 00:04:10,659就一个Only one.5000:04:10,662 - 00:04:14,416总是那一个 从我记事起就这样Its always the same, ever since I can remember5100:04:14,422 - 00:04:16,591你觉得这正常吗Do you think thats normal?5200:04:16,593 - 00:04:19,471人们难道不该做不同的梦吗Dont most people have different dreams?5300

12、:04:19,475 - 00:04:21,852我不知道I dont know.5400:04:29,000 - 00:04:30,825瞧瞧There.5500:04:31,797 - 00:04:33,621你真漂亮Youre beautiful.5600:04:34,135 - 00:04:36,471现在你能不能笑一下呢Now, can you manage to smile?5700:04:52,000 - 00:04:55,433终于 我还以为你们来不了At last. We thought youd never arrive.5800:04:55,437 - 00:04:58,

13、523爱丽丝 哈米什在等你跳舞Alice, Hamish is waiting to dance with you .5900:04:58,528 - 00:05:00,030去吧Go.6000:05:03,540 - 00:05:05,667你知道已经四点多了吗You do realize its well past 4?6100:05:05,671 - 00:05:07,673现在每件事都要仓促完成Now everything Ive been rushed through6200:05:07,675 - 00:05:10,094-对不起 -没关系- Im sorry. - Nevermi

14、nd.6300:05:14,000 - 00:05:15,067请原谅我妻子Forgive my wife.6400:05:15,068 - 00:05:17,736她已经为这事准备二十多年了Shes been planning this affair for over 20 years.6500:05:19,579 - 00:05:21,414要是查尔斯在就好了If only charles were here.6600:05:22,503 - 00:05:24,046对他的逝世我深感悲恸My condolences6700:05:24,049 - 00:05:26,426我经常想起你的丈夫

15、I think of your husband often.6800:05:26,428 - 00:05:28,806他是个有远见卓识的人He was truly a man of vision6900:05:30,396 - 00:05:33,899我希望你不会以为我趁火打劫I hope you do not think Ive taken advantage of your misfortunes7000:05:33,905 - 00:05:35,323当然不会Of course not.7100:05:35,325 - 00:05:37,577我很快乐你收购了他的公司Im pleased

16、 that youve purchased the company.7200:05:38,834 - 00:05:41,639当初我有时机投资他的商业投机我却没做I was a fool for not investing in his mad venture7300:05:41,640 - 00:05:42,629我真是个笨蛋when I had the chance7400:05:43,636 - 00:05:45,122查尔斯也这么认为Charles thought the same too7500:06:04,000 - 00:06:07,524哈米什 你讨厌方阵舞吗Hamish, d

17、o you ever get tired of quadrille?7600:06:07,528 - 00:06:10,281正相反 我发现它很鼓舞人On the contrary. I find it invigorating7700:06:16,000 - 00:06:18,010是我惹你发笑吗Do I amuse you?7800:06:18,011 - 00:06:19,346不是No.7900:06:19,348 - 00:06:20,548我突然有个幻觉I had a sudden vision8000:06:20,548 - 00:06:23,977看见所有女人都穿裤子而男人穿裙

18、子Of all the ladies in trousers and the men wearing dresses8100:06:23,984 - 00:06:26,987你的幻觉最好还是别说出来It would be best to keep your visons to yourself.8200:06:26,991 - 00:06:29,828沉默是金When in doubt, remain silent.8300:06:37,000 - 00:06:38,192请原谅 先生Pardon us, sir.8400:06:38,193 - 00:06:40,749金斯利小姐今天有点心不

19、在焉Ms. kingsley is distracted today.8500:06:41,276 - 00:06:42,989你在想什么呢Where is your head?8600:06:42,990 - 00:06:45,655我在想它们为什么会飞I was wondering what it would be like to fly.8700:06:46,539 - 00:06:49,417你为什么花时间想一些不切实际的事Why would spend your time thinking about such an impossible thing?8800:06:49,421 -

20、 00:06:50,839为什么不能Why wouldnt I?8900:06:50,841 - 00:06:53,339我父亲曾说有时早餐前他相信My father said he sometimes9000:06:53,340 - 00:06:56,393会发生六件不可能的事believed in six impossible things before breakfast.9100:07:02,619 - 00:07:05,622爱丽丝 十分钟后我们准时在露台见Alice, meet me at the gazebo in precisely ten minutes.9200:07:07

21、,000 - 00:07:09,968我们有个秘密告诉你We have a secret to tell you.9300:07:09,970 - 00:07:11,646如果你们告诉我了 那就不是秘密了If youre telling me, then its not much of a secret9400:07:12,000 - 00:07:12,536或许我们不应该告诉她Perhaps we shouldnt.9500:07:12,783 - 00:07:13,581我们决定要告诉她了Weve decided we should.9600:07:14,105 - 00:07:15,80

22、5如果告诉我们 我们不会惊喜的If you tell us, we wont be surprised.9700:07:15,806 - 00:07:16,372你会惊喜吗Will you be surprised?9800:07:16,737 - 00:07:18,447如果告诉我就不会了Not if you tell me9900:07:18,449 - 00:07:20,576但你们既然说了 就必须说完But now youve brought it up, you have to10000:07:20,580 - 00:07:21,634不 我们不能说No, we dont10100:

23、07:21,635 - 00:07:23,041实际上是我们不想说In fact, we wont10200:07:24,965 - 00:07:26,397我疑心你们母亲是否知道I wonder if your mother knows10300:07:26,398 - 00:07:28,426你俩在海沃什姆的池塘祼泳that you two swim naked into havershim pond.10400:07:29,685 - 00:07:31,687-你不会说吧 -但我会的- You wouldnt. - Oh, but I would10500:07:31,690 - 00:

24、07:34,150你们的母亲现在就在那儿Theres your mother right now10600:07:34,153 - 00:07:36,656哈米什会向你求婚Hamish is going to ask for your hand.10700:07:36,660 - 00:07:39,288你毁了这惊喜Youve ruined the surprise.10800:07:40,712 - 00:07:42,255我真想掐死她们Oh, I could strangle them!10900:07:42,258 - 00:07:45,219每个人都尽力保守这个秘密Everyone o

25、f us went through so much trouble to keep it a secret11000:07:45,222 - 00:07:47,308每个人都知道吗Does everyone know?11100:07:47,310 - 00:07:51,355这就是他们来的原因 这是你的订婚宴Thats why they have all come. this is your engagement party.11200:07:51,361 - 00:07:53,655哈米什会在露台向你求婚Hamish will ask you under the gazebo11300:0

26、7:53,659 - 00:07:55,620当你说愿意的时候When you say yes .11400:07:55,623 - 00:07:57,958但我不知道是否愿意嫁给哈米什But I dont know if I want to marry Hamish.11500:07:57,962 - 00:07:58,860那你想嫁给谁Who then?11600:07:58,861 - 00:08:01,257你不会找到比庄园主更好的人选You wont do better than a lord.11700:08:04,518 - 00:08:06,797你马上就二十岁了 爱丽丝You

27、ll soon be 20, alice.11800:08:06,798 - 00:08:08,272你不会永远美丽That pretty face wont last forever.11900:08:09,489 - 00:08:11,866你不想最终成为伊默金阿姨那样吧You dont want to end up like aunt Imogen.12000:08:12,747 - 00:08:14,916你不想成为妈妈的负担 对吗You dont want to be a burden for mother, do you?12100:08:14,919 - 00:08:15,962

28、不想No.12200:08:15,964 - 00:08:18,466所以你要嫁给哈米什So, youll marry Hamish.12300:08:18,470 - 00:08:20,455你就会像我嫁给罗厄尔一样幸福Youll be as happy as I am with Lowell12400:08:20,456 - 00:08:22,015你的生活会非常完美and your live will be perfect12500:08:22,019 - 00:08:23,729这早已经注定了Its already decided.12600:08:23,732 - 00:08:25,

29、359亲爱的爱丽丝Alice, dear12700:08:26,614 - 00:08:28,408我不打搅了Ill leave you to it.12800:08:28,411 - 00:08:32,748我们去花园散会儿步好吗 就你和我Shall we take a leisurely stroll through the garden, just you and me?12900:08:37,598 - 00:08:39,434你知道我经常害怕什么吗Do you know what Ive always dreaded?13000:08:39,437 - 00:08:41,647贵族逐

30、渐衰败吗The decline of the artistocracy ?13100:08:41,650 - 00:08:43,736害怕我的孙子很难看Ugly grandchildren.13200:08:43,739 - 00:08:45,407但你很漂亮But you are lovely.13300:08:45,410 - 00:08:48,455你一定会生一个小.一群蠢货You are bound to produce little. imbeciles!13400:08:48,459 - 00:08:50,424我明确说要种红玫瑰The gardeners planted whit

31、e roses13500:08:50,425 - 00:08:52,212这些花匠还是种成白的了when I specifically asked for red.13600:08:52,218 - 00:08:54,804你可以把它们漆成红色You could always paint the roses red13700:08:54,806 - 00:08:56,975这建议真乖僻What an odd thing to say13800:08:56,978 - 00:09:01,399你应该知道我儿子消化不好You should know that my son has extremel

32、y delicate digestion.13900:09:03,745 - 00:09:05,872-你看见了吗 -看见什么- Did you see that? - See what?14000:09:05,876 - 00:09:08,796-我想是只兔子 -恶心的东西- It was a rabbit, I think. - Nasty things14100:09:08,800 - 00:09:11,427我倒想放狗吃掉他们Id enjoy setting the dogs on them14200:09:11,431 - 00:09:15,977如果你给哈米什吃错了东西 他会便密I

33、f you serve Hamish the wrong foods, he could get a blockage.14300:09:17,069 - 00:09:19,279-这次你看到了吗 -看见什么- Did you see it that time? - See what?14400:09:19,282 - 00:09:21,076-兔子呀 -别大喊大叫的- The rabbit! - Dont shout!14500:09:21,079 - 00:09:23,081专心听我说Now pay attention.14600:09:23,084 - 00:09:25,753哈米什说你

34、很容易走神Hamish said you were easily distracted.14700:09:25,757 - 00:09:27,300我说到哪里了What was I saying?14800:09:27,302 - 00:09:29,722哈米什会便密Hamish was a blockage.14900:09:29,725 - 00:09:33,395我真的很想听你说 可允许我失陪一下I couldnt be more interested, but youll have to excuse me15000:09:39,374 - 00:09:40,876伊默金阿姨Aunt

35、imogen!15100:09:40,877 - 00:09:43,629我想我快疯了I think Im going mad.15200:09:43,633 - 00:09:46,470我总看到一只穿着马甲的兔子I keep seeing a rabbot in a waist coat.15300:09:46,473 - 00:09:49,517现在我不想多谈你想象出来的兔子I cant be bothered with you fancy rabbit now.15400:09:49,522 - 00:09:51,900我在等我的未婚夫Im waiting for my fiancee.

36、15500:09:52,000 - 00:09:53,316你有未婚夫吗Your have a fiancee?15600:09:56,000 - 00:09:58,928在那里 你看见了吗There! Did you see it?15700:10:00,049 - 00:10:01,926他是个王子Hes a prince.15800:10:01,929 - 00:10:07,101但可惜他得放弃王位才能娶我But alas he can not marry me unless he renounces his crown15900:10:07,107 - 00:10:10,276-真悲惨

37、 是吗 -是挺悲惨- Its tragic, isnt it? - Very.16000:10:20,000 - 00:10:20,947罗厄尔Lowell?16100:10:21,430 - 00:10:23,657爱丽丝 我们刚刚只是Alice! We were just .16200:10:25,497 - 00:10:26,558凯西是个老朋友Kathy is an old friend.16300:10:27,000 - 00:10:29,193我能看出你们很亲密I can see you are very close.16400:10:29,855 - 00:10:31,990你不

38、会把这告诉你姐姐 对吗You wont mention this to your sister, will you?16500:10:32,487 - 00:10:33,275我不知道I dont know.16600:10:34,463 - 00:10:36,844我很困惑 我需要时间考虑Im confused. I need time to think16700:10:37,000 - 00:10:37,864想想玛格丽特Well, think about Margaret.16800:10:38,000 - 00:10:39,998她不会再相信我了Shed never trust me

39、again16900:10:41,482 - 00:10:44,008-你不想毁了她的婚姻吧 对吗 -我- You dont want to ruin her marriage, do you? - Me?17000:10:44,656 - 00:10:49,745但不是我在她背后偷腥But Im not the one who is sneaking around her back.17100:10:49,752 - 00:10:51,545你在这儿呀There you are.17200:11:04,287 - 00:11:06,750-爱丽丝金斯利 -哈米什- Alice Kingsle

40、y - Hamish17300:11:07,713 - 00:11:10,908-怎么了 -你肩上有条毛毛虫- What is it? - You have a caterpillar on your shoulder.17400:11:14,500 - 00:11:15,661别伤害它Dont hurt it.17500:11:22,163 - 00:11:23,874你应该去洗下手指Youll want to wash that finger.17600:11:29,307 - 00:11:31,893爱丽丝金斯利Alice kingsley .17700:11:35,570 - 00:1

41、1:38,156你愿意做我的妻子吗Will you be my wife?17800:11:45,094 - 00:11:46,253每个人都盼望我这样做Everyone expects me to17900:11:47,475 - 00:11:50,686而且你是个庄园主And, you are a lord.18000:11:50,690 - 00:11:55,528我容貌会老去 我也不想孤独一生像.My face wont last and I dont want to end up like.18100:11:58,000 - 00:12:01,922但这太突然了 我.But this

42、 is happening so quickly, I.I think I .18200:12:13,329 - 00:12:17,375我想 我需要几分钟想想I think I . I need a moment.18300:12:55,000 - 00:12:57,314有人吗Hello!18400:15:52,942 - 00:15:55,152喝了我Drink me18500:16:00,000 - 00:16:01,706这只是个梦Its only a dream.18600:16:44,200 - 00:16:48,027你说她一下就会想起所有的事Youd say shed rem

43、ember all this from the first time.18700:16:50,332 - 00:16:52,918你带来的爱丽丝不对You have brought the wrong Alice.18800:16:52,921 - 00:16:55,632就是她 我确定She is the right one. Im certain of it.18900:17:08,000 - 00:17:10,432吃我Eat me19000:17:41,000 - 00:17:45,876-这个爱丽丝不对 -让她试试- She is the wrong Alice! - Give he

44、r a chance.19100:19:02,000 - 00:19:04,353越来越乖僻Curiouser and curiouser19200:19:10,000 - 00:19:13,132我告诉过你她就是那个爱丽丝I told you she is the right Alice19300:19:13,135 - 00:19:15,511-我不信 -你就是这样感谢我吗- I am not convinced. - How is that for gratitude?19400:19:15,700 - 00:19:16,684我出去几个星期I was out there for wee

45、ks,19500:19:16,685 - 00:19:18,654跟踪了一个又一个的爱丽丝trailing one alice after the next19600:19:19,209 - 00:19:21,305我差点被别的动物吃掉I was almost eaten by other animals.19700:19:22,198 - 00:19:24,711你能想象它们裸体四处游荡吗Can you imagine . they go about entirely unclothed19800:19:25,000 - 00:19:28,690而且他们随地大小便 我还要回避And they

46、 do there shook and move in public, I had to avert my eyes19900:19:29,000 - 00:19:31,008你一点都不像她You do not look anything like herself!20000:19:31,012 - 00:19:33,000因为她不是那个爱丽丝That is because she the wrong Alice!20100:19:33,000 - 00:19:34,440如果她以前是 现在也该是If she was, she might be.20200:19:34,441 - 00:19:

47、36,396但如果她确实不是 她就不可能是But if she isnt, she aint20300:19:36,400 - 00:19:38,024但如果她以前是 终究会是But if she was so, she would be.20400:19:38,025 - 00:19:39,069可她绝对不是But she isnt, no how!20500:19:39,072 - 00:19:41,551这是在我的梦里 我怎么会是别的爱丽丝How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream?20600:19:43,000 - 00:19:

48、44,996如果不介意请问你们是谁And who are you if I might ask?20700:19:45,630 - 00:19:47,257我是半斤他是八两Oh, I am tweedlee and hes tweedledum.20800:19:47,260 - 00:19:49,596反之亦然 我是八两他是半斤contrariwise, I am tweedledum and he is teweedlee.20900:19:49,599 - 00:19:52,018-我们应该请教埃布瑟卢姆 -就是- We should consult Absolum. - Exactly

49、!21000:19:52,022 - 00:19:52,944埃布瑟卢姆会知道她是谁Absolem will know who she is.21100:19:52,945 - 00:19:54,021爱丽丝 亲爱的跟我来Alice, come on dear.21200:19:54,200 - 00:19:57,462没有轮到你呢 这不公平 放开她It is not being your turn, it is so unfair, leave off her!21300:19:57,463 - 00:19:58,369快走Let go!21400:19:58,665 - 00:20:00,

50、895-他们总是这样吗 -家风如此- Are they always this way? - Its a family trait.21500:20:01,627 - 00:20:04,171你们可以一起带她去You can both escort her21600:20:11,000 - 00:20:12,155埃布瑟卢姆是谁Who is this Absolem?21700:20:12,156 - 00:20:14,323他智慧 他就是绝对真理He is wise. He is Absolute .21800:20:14,478 - 00:20:15,215他就是绝对真理He is Abs

51、olute!21900:20:40,000 - 00:20:41,930你是谁Who are you?22000:20:43,000 - 00:20:43,986埃布瑟卢姆Absolem!22100:20:43,987 - 00:20:46,616你不是埃布瑟卢姆 我才是You are not Absolem. Im Absolem.22200:20:47,000 - 00:20:51,416问题是 你是谁The question is . who are you?22300:20:52,000 - 00:20:54,542-爱丽丝 -就会见分晓- Alice. - We shall see.

52、22400:20:55,591 - 00:20:58,927这话什么意思 我知道自己是谁What do you mean by that? I ought to know who I am22500:20:58,933 - 00:21:02,062是的 你本该知道 傻姑娘Yes, you ought. Stupid girl!22600:21:02,066 - 00:21:05,569翻开预言书Unroll the oraculum.22700:21:10,000 - 00:21:15,841预言书是地下世界的日程简表The oraculum, being the calendrical co

53、mpendium of underland22800:21:19,273 - 00:21:21,859-这是个日历 -简表- It is a calender. - Compendium.22900:21:21,863 - 00:21:27,494它讲述了混沌初开以后每一天的事情It tells of each and every day since the beginning23000:21:27,501 - 00:21:32,089今天红桃皇后统治期的小人日Today is gribling day, in the time of the red queen23100:21:34,101

54、- 00:21:37,688给她看看辉煌日Show her the frabjous day.23200:21:37,693 - 00:21:38,759是的 辉煌日Yes, frabjous,23300:21:38,760 - 00:21:41,196你就是在那天杀死虚无巨龙being the day youd slay the jabberwocky23400:21:41,201 - 00:21:44,621什么 杀死什么Sorry? Slay the what?23500:21:44,626 - 00:21:47,588就是你拿着斩首剑站在那里That being you there w

55、ith the vorpal sword.23600:21:47,592 - 00:21:50,261别的剑不能杀死虚无巨龙 绝对不行No other swords can kill jabberwockys. No how.23700:21:50,265 - 00:21:52,851如果不用斩首剑 它就不会死If it aint vorpal, it aint dead23800:21:52,854 - 00:21:56,566-那不是我 -我就知道- That is not me. - I know!23900:21:56,572 - 00:21:59,070告诉我们答案 埃布瑟卢姆Res

56、olve this for us, Absolem.24000:21:59,071 - 00:22:00,993她是那个爱丽丝吗Is she the right Alice?24100:22:00,999 - 00:22:04,002几乎不可能Not hardly.24200:22:05,000 - 00:22:07,746-我早和你说了 -不是吧- I told ya! - No dear!24300:22:08,085 - 00:22:10,637-我说了 -是我说的- I said so - I said so24400:22:11,000 - 00:22:12,224恰好相反 你说她应

57、该是Contrariwise, you said she might be.24500:22:13,000 - 00:22:14,266没有 是你说如果她以前是 终究会是No, you said she would be if she was.24600:22:15,420 - 00:22:18,454小骗子 假装成爱丽丝 她应该羞愧Little impostor! Pretending to be Alice! she should be ashamed!24700:22:18,500 - 00:22:20,670我那么确认你是真的I was so certain of you.24800:

58、22:20,670 - 00:22:23,589抱歉 我不是成心假装爱丽丝Im sorry, I dont mean to be the wrong Alice!24900:22:24,142 - 00:22:26,226等等Wait.25000:22:26,227 - 00:22:28,000这是我的梦This is my dream.25100:22:28,000 - 00:22:31,570只要我现在醒过来你们就都消失了I am going to wake up now and you will all disappear.25200:22:39,051 - 00:22:42,388真奇

59、怪 通常掐一下就管用的Thats odd. Pinching usually does the trick25300:22:42,393 - 00:22:46,022-我扎你会有用吗 -可能会 谢谢- I could stick you if that would help? - It might actually, thank you.25400:22:46,028 - 00:22:48,696荣幸之至My pleasure!25500:22:52,002 - 00:22:55,754班得怪兽Bandersnatch!25600:23:45,000 - 00:23:47,211等等Wait.

60、25700:23:49,000 - 00:23:51,472这只是个梦It is only a dream.25800:23:51,475 - 00:23:53,518什么都伤不了我Nothing could hurt me.25900:23:56,740 - 00:23:57,907她在干什么What is she doing?26000:23:57,908 - 00:24:00,826他伤不了我 他伤不了我He cant hurt me, he cant hurt me .26100:24:06,471 - 00:24:07,348快跑 你个大笨蛋Run, you great love!2


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