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1、BookUnit2 English around the world 单元整体教案 Material analysis :本单元的中心话题是“ 世界各地的英语”,主要向英语学习者介绍英语这门语言的起源、变化及进展,英语在世界各地作为母语、其次语言和外语的区分及不同功能,特殊是英式英语和美式英语在拼写以及用 法方面的差异;让英语学习者全方位地明白英语,从而把握这门语言;Warming up 图片和问题英式英语和美式英语的区分,帮忙同学复习英式英语和美式英语在词汇和表达方面的差 异,为阅读本单元材料做好铺垫;Pre-reading 问题勉励同学摸索将英语作为官方语言的国家,提出哪个国家拥有的英语学

2、习者最多;Reading 英语由于航海、战争等缘由被从英国传播到世界各地,其自身也在不断地受到其他文化的影响,从而 在发生着新的变化,具有鲜明的地方文化特色;Comprehending 通过细节懂得题,同学在摸索和找寻答案的过程中加深了对文章的懂得;Learning about language 同学学会使用本单元的重点词汇、Using language 句型和语言学问: 带有恳求和命令口气的直接引语转变为间接引语;阅读材料向同学介绍了不同地方的英语方言,从而使同学明白英语的多面性,没有唯独的标准英语;教学目标:学问目标:通过本单元的教学,帮忙同学:1. 把握与英语语言进展变化相关话题的语言表

3、达;2. 把握相关的词汇、句型和表达法;3. 明白英式英语与美式英语的差别;4. 把握祈使句及其间接引语的表达和应用;才能目标:1.通过本单元的听说训练,培育同学猎取有用信息和处理信息的才能;skimming, scanning, predicting 和2.通过对本单元阅读材料中信息的加工处理,培育和训练同学summarizing 等阅读技能;3.通过完成本单元中的writing 的写作任务,训练同学利用本单元输入的语言材料和信息输出语言;4. 通过本单元的学习,提高同学发觉问题、分析问题和解决问题的才能;情感目标:1. 通过对本单元“ 世界各地的英语” 话题的学习,帮忙同学明白英语这门语言

4、的起源、变化和进展,明白英语在世界范畴的区分和使用情形,帮忙同学形成世界英语及地域英语的概念,让同学感知英语语言的多层次和多元化,树立跨文化交际的意识;2. 让同学熟悉到在全球化的进程中学习英语的重要性,帮忙同学总结出适合自己的学好英语的一些技巧和方法,为同学的自学和终身学习奠定良好的基础;单元整体设计思路:第一课时 其次课时 第三课时 第四课时 第五课时 第 六 课 时Warming up, Listening Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending Language learning Using language: Reading, Speaking Usi

5、ng language: writing 综 合 评 价 练 习 课Reading task p.51; Self-evaluation, Summing up and self-test/exercises 第七课时 测试讲评课Period 1 Warming up and Listening Teaching Aims: 1. To get the students to revise the knowledge about the differences between British English and American English. 2. To get the student

6、s to practice listening skills and learn listening strategies: predicting and note-taking. 3. To arouse students interest in learning English. Teaching important points: 1. To train the students listening skills and strategies. 2. To train the students speaking ability. Teaching difficult points: 1.

7、 To get every student to be involved in the listening activities. 2. To get every student to be active in class. Teaching procedures Step I. Warming up 1. Look at the pictures and dialogues in Warming up. Let the students try to guess if the men can understand each other by using two different kinds

8、 of English. 2. Guess British English and American English words. elevator/lift in a team/on a team rubber/eraser petrol/gas British: lift, in a team, rubber, petrol 3. Discuss in pairs. Look at the British words and guess the American equivalents. British: American: flat apartment underground subwa

9、y pub bar toilet bathroom tin can autumn fall match game post mail football soccer lorry truck trousers pants Step. Listening 1. Get students to look at the picture on page14 to make up stories according to the picture. 2. Get students to predict what the story is about. 3. Play the tape for the stu

10、dents to listen. 4. Encourage the students to give the standard equivalents for the dialectic words from Bufords story, using the context. Dialectic words Standard English from Bufords story equivalents Hey hello yall everyone ain t aren tyer your ya you pup child swimminswimming jumpin jumping feel

11、infeeling bout about nough enough shoulda seen should have seen got outta got out of 6. Play the tape again and let the students answer the questions in pairs after listening. 7. Check the answers. Variant: you may also Step . Practice Ask the students to retell Buford Step . Summarys story in Stand

12、ard English in pairs.Get students to summarize what they have learned in the period. Give students some evaluation and encourage them to work better.Step . Homework 1 Find out the countries using English as an official language. 2 Preview the reading text on page 9. Period 2 Reading Teaching aims: 1

13、. To get students to read and master the key words and expressions: Words: voyage, native, actually, present, fluent Expressions: because of, even if, come up, be based on, at present, make use of, a large number of 2. To get students to practice reading skills and learn reading strategies: skimming

14、, and scanning. 3. To get students to known about the history and development of English. Teaching important points: 1. To train students reading skills and strategies. 2. To get students to master the key words and expressions in the reading passage. Teaching difficult points: 1. To get every stude

15、nt to be involved in the learning activities. 2. To get every student to be active in class. Teaching procedures: Step. Warming up by checking the homework.1 List the names of countries using English as an official language on the board. Britain, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, South A

16、frica, Singapore, India, etc. 2 Students try to guess the reasons that have encourage these countries to speak English. Britai nEmpire USAtrade, military base, aid, etc. Indiacolony in the past Step II. Pre-reading 1. First ask the students to see the title on the book then let them discuss in group

17、s in order to try to guess the answers to the three questions before the text. 1. Have a student list on the board all the English-speaking countries in the world that they can think of. 2. Give the students hints about the places they ha vent mentioned.3. Provide the students with an opportunity to

18、 think about the reasons for the spread of English around the world. English is one of the official languages of the Olympic Games and the United Nations. English dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology. Tourism and trade from Western Europe and North

19、 America have contributed to the spread of English. Satellite TV, radio like BBC, VOA, CDs and, of course, Hollywood films all broadcast English into China. Also, a number of Chinese films include English subtitles. 2. Ask the students to listen to the record and try to grasp the general idea of the

20、 passage. After listening, try to answer two questions: 1 Was English always the same in the past. 2 In what ways has English changed. Both speaking and spelling. Step II. While-reading Task 1. Skimming Read quickly to get the main idea of the text. Let the students find out key sentence of each par

21、agraph or ask them to summarize the main point for each paragraph in their own words. Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the world Paragraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything. Paragraph 3: All languages change when cultures

22、communicate with one another. Paragraph 4: Two big changes happened in English spelling. Paragraph5: English is spoken in Africa and Asia. Task 2. Scanning Read to locate particular information and complete the comprehending Exercise1. Task 3. Listen to the tape twice and pay attention to the pronun

23、ciation. Finish the comprehending Exercise2. Step . Post-reading Work in groups. Discuss the two questions in Exercise3 and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class. 1 Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English. Possible answer: The reasons why people all over t

24、he world want to learn English: With economy globalization, English has become the best bridge to serve the purpose of people all over the world communicating with one another. However, like all major languages in the world, English is always changing. In order to adjust to native speakers from diff

25、erent parts of the world, it is a must for people all over the world to learn English, whether in English speaking countries or in non-English speaking countries. Also, people from different parts of the world speak English with various accent and dialects, and people have to learn about the differe

26、nce between different kinds of English in order to avoid misunderstanding while communicating. All persuasive reasons can be accepted. 2 Why do you think more people in the world now want to learn Chinese. Various answers 3)Get students to use the form in the comprehending Exercise2 to retell the st

27、ory. First the whole class do it together. Then students work with their partners. 4 Check students work.Step . Language focus: 1 even if=even though: in spite of the fact; no matter whether: He likes to help us even if he is very busy. 2 communicate with: exchange information or conversation with o

28、ther people: He learnt to use body language to communicate with deaf customers. 3 actually=in fact: used when you are adding new information to what you have just said: ve known for years. Actually, since we were babies. We4 be based on : 5 make use of: use sth. available 6 Only time will tell: to s

29、ay that something can only be known in the future: Will Chinas national football team enter for the next finals of the World Cup. Only time will tell.Step . Summary Get students to summarize what they have learned in the period. Give students some evaluation and encourage them to work better. Homewo

30、rk Choose five new phrases just learned to make sentences and write down in the exercise book. Period 3: Language learning Teaching aims: 1 To get students to master the usage of Indirect Speech II Requests & Commands 2 To get students to practice Requests & Commands by role-playing. 3 To get studen

31、ts to summarize the grammatical rules and encourage students to apply the rules into practice. Teaching important points: 1 To train students speaking skills. 2 To get students to master the grammatical rules. Teaching difficult points: 1 To get every student to be involved in the listening activiti

32、es. 2 To get every student to be active in class. Teaching procedures: Step I. Worming up 1. Get two students to come to the front to play a show game. 2. Instructions: Student A makes commands and Student B does what he/she is told. 3. Examples: 1 Point to your left eye. 2 Open the door. 4. Get the

33、 rest to report what Students A and B did. 1 Student A told Student B to point to his/her eye. 2 Student A told Student B to open the door. Step . Presentation 1 Get students to discuss the differences between retelling Commands and Requests in Part1 on P12. Commands: told sb. to do sth. Requests: a

34、sk sb. to do sth. 2 Get students to identify and classify the expressions in Exercise 2 on page 12 into Commands and Requests. 3 Let students retell the sentences in Exercise3 on page12 in indirect speech. Step III. Practice 1. In groups of four, students think of at least three commands the teacher

35、s and parents usually give. 1 Student 1 acting as a teacher or a parent give the first command. 2 Student 2 tells Student 3 what Student 1 said. 3 Student 3 will change the request or command from direct into indirect speech. 4 Change roles so that each person gets the chance to give commands and tu

36、rn them into indirect speech. Example: S1: Please dont talk in class.S2: What did our teacher tell us. / What did our teacher say. S3: He told/asked us not to talk in class. / She said not to talk in class. Step . Summary Get students to summarize what they have learned in the period. Give students

37、some evaluation and encourage them to work better.Step. Homework 1 Follow the Example in practice, and write down a Command and a Request respectively. 2 Ask students to preview Reading on page13. Period 4: Reading and Speaking Teaching Aims: 1 To get students to read and master the key words and ex

38、pressions 2 To get students to practice reading skills and learn reading strategies: skimming, and scanning. 3 To get students to improve their cultural awareness and know about the differences between British English and American English. Teaching important points: 1To train students reading skills

39、 and strategies. 2To get students to master the key words and expressions in the reading passage. Teaching difficult points: 1To get every student to be involved in the learning activities. 2 To get every student to be active in class. Teaching procedures Step I. Warming up 1. Introduction: In China

40、 therere so many dialects that the go vernment encourages the whole nation to speak Putonghua, which is regarded as standard Chinese. 2. Role-play: Get students to work in pairs. Let one student be a Chinese and the other a foreigner. Role-play a conversation about the Chinese language to have them

41、discuss why Putonghua has to be used in China. Step II. Reading 1. Get the students thinking about the topic of the text to predict what it is about. 2. Skimming: Read quickly to find the topic sentence for each paragraph. Para. 1: There is no such a thing as Standard English. Para. 2: American Engl

42、ish has many dialects whose words and expressions are different from “ standard English” .Para. 3: Geography plays a part in making dialects. 3. Scanning: Work in pairs. Read the text to locate particular information. 1. Do you know what Standard English is from the text. 2. What is a dialect. Why d

43、oes American English have so many dialects. 4. Language focus: 1 believe it or not: used when you are going to say something that is true but surprising: Believe it or not, John cheated in the exam. 2. there is no such a as: used to say that a particular person or thing does not exist: These days th

44、ere is no such a thing as a job for life. 3. standard English: the form of English that most people in Britain use, and that is not limited to one area or group of people 4. dialect: a variant of a language spoken only in one area, in which words or grammar are slightly different from other forms of

45、 the same language 5. play a part/role in: be one of the causes that make something happen: Besides dieting, exercising plays an important part in losing weight. Step . Reading dialogues 1. Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to mark the sentence stress and intonation. Then practic

46、e reading in pairs. The teacher brings the students attention to the British and American words that are different but have the same meaning. 2. Make sure the students know that the word used for directions often vary depending on what kind of English the speaker uses. Present the list to the studen

47、ts: Amy American Lady British subway underground left left-hand side keep going straight go straight on two blocks two streets right right-hand side 3. Prepare their role-play in pairs: Be sure that one plays a speaker of British English and the other a speaker of American English. Ask students to s

48、elect actual streets and location in their hometown for giving directions. 4. Performance: Ask two pairs to perform their dialogue in class. Sample version: S1: Excuse me, sir. But I cant find the petrol station. S2: Pardon. S1: I said I couldnt find the gas station. S2: Well, go round the corner on

49、 your right-hand side, straight on and cross the flyover. You will find it ahead. S1: Thank you very much. S3: What did he say. S1: He told us to go round the corner on the right, go straight on and then cross the overpass. The petrol station will be ahead. Step . Summary Get students to summarize what they have learned in the period. Give students some evaluation and encourage them to work better. Step V. Homework Students try to think about the reasons why you are learning English, and write down three of them. Period 6: Writing Teaching aims:


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