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1、英语构词法1英语构词法主要有三种: 转化、合成与派生。 英语构词法种类另外还有截短、缩合等。21. 转化 : 是指有一种词类转化为另一种词类。 water n. 水 - water vt. 浇水常见的转化形式两种:动词 - 名词名词 - 动词3 动词-名词 stop vt. 停止 - n.车站love vt. 爱 - n. 爱Watch vt. 观看 - n. 手表record vt. 录音 - n. 纪录comb vt. 梳理(头发) - n. 梳子abuse vt. 辱骂 - n. 辱骂4 名词 - 动词 hand n. 手 - vt. 上交seat n. 座位 - vt. 坐nurse

2、n. 护士 - vt. 护理oil n. 油 - vt. 上油time n. 时间 - vt. 定时,测时shoulder n. 肩膀 - vt. 肩负5mine n. 矿山 - vt. 开矿barbecue n. 烧烤-vt. 在烤架上烤ship n. 船 - vt. 用船装运 finance n. 金融- vt. 为提供资金stain n. 污点,污迹 - vt. 玷污,污染draft n. 草稿 - vt. 起草head n. 头 - v. 前进transport n. 运输 - vt. 运输6副词 - 动词 down adv. 向下 - v. 放下副词 - 名词nowhere adv.

3、 任何地方都不 - n. 无处,无名的地方7形容词 - 名词 freezing adj. 冰冻的 - n. 冰点 solid adj. 固体的,坚实的- n. 固体数词 - 动词 second num. 第二 - v. 赞成 - n. 秒82. 合成 : 有两个或更多的词合成一个词。 class 班级 + room 房间 = classroom 教室warm + heart + ed = warmhearted 热心肠的good + looking = good-looking 相貌好看的9hard + working = hard-working 勤劳的peace-lovingstate-o

4、wnedwell-knownready-madesightseeingbloodthirsty 103. 派生 : 是通过在词根上加前缀或者后缀构成一个新词。happy - unhappydevelop - development11前缀一般只引起意思上的变化而不造成词类的变化,只有少数能引起词类的变化。mis- 错误的 + understand v. 理解 - misunderstand v. 误解en + large adj. 大的 - enlarge v. 扩大12后缀一般只引起词性上的变化而不造成意思的变化。care v. 照料 - careful adj. 细心的work v. 工作

5、 - worker n. 工人13常见的前缀14(A)表示否定的前缀: un-unfair,unhappy non-nonsmoker (常用在n. adj. adv. 前) in-inactive, inhuman, indirect (常用在adj.后) dis-disagree,disappear im-impolite,impossible (用在b,p,m 开头的词前) il-illegal ir-irreal, irregular15(B).表示错误或失当的前缀: mis-misjudge, misdirect(误导)(C).表示向背的前缀: pro-(亲,支持) pro-Chin

6、ese, pro-American anti-(阻止,抗) antiwar, anti-Japanese war16(D).表示程度、大小的前缀super- superstar,supermarket, superman, superpowerover- overhead, overeat, overusemini- minibus, miniskirt, mini-carunder- underground, under-developsemi-(半,部分) semicircle, semiskilled, semi-steel17(E).表示时间的前缀 pre- prewar post-

7、postwar fore-(前,预先) foretell, forecast, foresee, weather forecast18(F).表示方位的前缀: sub- subway, submarine inter- international, intercity, interclass trans-(横过,通过,超越,进入) translate, transatlantic 19常见的后缀201.动词变名词:-ation satisfaction, education, realization-ment development, movement, disappointment21-al

8、 arrival, refusal-ee trainee, employee-er teacher, worker-or visitor, sailor222.形容词变名词-ness happiness, meanness, carelessness-ity ability, possibility -ism Marxism, criticism233.名词变形容词:-y windy, rainy, sandy-ish foolish, feverish-some handsome, troublesome-ous dangerous, humorous-ful helpful, carefu

9、l, peaceful243. 名词、形容词变动词:-ify beautify, simplify-ize realize-en quicken, widen, sharpen25但也有一些带后缀的派生词仅仅改变词义: Kingdom: “职位、状态” freedomBoyhood: “身份,资格” childhoodFriendship:情态状态性质身份职业技巧技 能” leadership, hardshipSpoonful:构成名词mouthful(满口,一口), handful(一把)264. 截短 : 是指用截头取尾的方法构成新词。 telephone - phone influen

10、za - flu. 流行性感冒275. 缩合 : 是指把两个或两个以上的词各取一部分合在一起构成一个新单词。smoke and fog - smog 烟雾Test of English as a foreign language TOEFL 托福International English language test system - IELTS 雅思281. The headmaster hurried to the concert hall only _ the speaker _ .A. to find; left B. to find; goneC. finding; left D. f

11、inding; gone29 1.The peasant died, leaving his wife and his three children in the world 2. He woke up the next morning, only to find himself in the hospital.30find +宾语+宾补find the door open (adj.)find him sitting by the window(-ing)find the wall painted (P.P)find himself in the hospital(prep.phrase)3

12、12.I failed again. I wish I _ harder. But you _.A. had worked; hadnt B. worked; dontC. had worked; didnt D. worked; didnt32wishI wish you success.I wish you to help me.Give my best wishes toI wish I were a bird.I wish I could help you.I wish I had attended the ball yesterday.333.Why not go out for a

13、 walk before breakfast?Oh,yes. _ is my favorite time of day.A. In the early morningB. Early morningC. The early of morningD. The early morning that 34It was early morning when I got home.It was in the early morning that I got home.Was it in the early morning that you got home?When was it that you go

14、t home?354. It was not until liberation that _ to his hometown.A. did he return B. was he returnedC. he did return D. he returned36当被强调的是not.until句型时,应将not置于until之前,主句由否定句改为肯定句。当被强调的是not.until句型时,应将not置于until之前,主句由否定句改为肯定句It is I who/ that am going to be sent there to help them 当被强调的是not.until句型时,应将

15、not置于until之前,主句由否定句改为肯定句。 It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcast began. 37 It was her that told me about it. It was she that told me about it. It is I who the teacher has punished It is me whom the teacher has punished.38强调句It is/was+thatIt is he that/who wants to go instead of you.It wa

16、s 2:00 when they left.It was at 2:00 that they left. It was because he was late that he was scolded.It was in the street that he was knocked down.395.Id like a pen which _ well. Will this one _?A. writes; do B. writes; workC. is written; do D. is written; work406.Can you finish the writing on time?

17、_.A. Never mind B. With pleasureC. No problem D. All right417.When _ we meet again? _ it any time you like.A. will; Do B. will; MakeC. shall; Do D. shall; Make428. Look! There are lots of _ birds flying over the trees.A. funny red little B. funny little redC. little funny red D. little red funny43好美

18、小高状其新,颜色国料特别亲。good/beautiful/small(little)/tall/round(interesting)/newred/nationality/wood/449. They couldnt eat in a restaurant because _ of them had _ money on them.A. all; no B. any; noC. none; any D. no one; any4510.Shall we meet right now? Sorry. Im too busy to _ for the moment.A. get through B

19、. get awayC. get off D. get together46get away(1) 逃脱 (2) 开始,出发;离开;出去旅行或休假 (3) 使离去;移走;送走 Get off(1) 下去,下来;下(公共汽车、火车、飞机等),下(马等)(2) 出发,离去;起飞;起跑(3) 寄出;发出(4) 脱掉;除去,摆脱(5) 免受伤害、灾祸或损失(6) 学会,记熟 Get together(1) 收集,积聚 (2) 聚集在一处,会集;召集,集拢Get through(1) 通过;使通过 (2) 打通(尤指电话)4711. _ is known to all,good friends _ ha

20、ppiness and value to life.A. It; add B. As; addC. It; add up D. As; add to48 add up 总计,总共 add to 增加 add to 加到That will only add to our difficulties. 那只会增加我们的困难。Add up 6,7 and 8 and youll get 21. 把六、七、八相加,总数是二十一。4912. Mr. Green left _ suddenly _ he came.A. so; that B. so; asC. as; that D. as; as5013. Good food,not _,thats how one gets fat.A. eno


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