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1、Unit 4 I have a pen palPart CRead and write Review课前导入“我”的原形是什么?goesgostudiesstudycookscookdoesdoRead and write课文讲解Finish this table with your partner.Your hobbiesYour partners hobbiesI like and My partner likes and Shall we dance?There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m. I like dancing, and I need

2、 a partner.Call Amy: 134 6650 849Goal! Goal! Goal!What do you do on Sundays?Join our football club! See you on the playground!johnpep Lets read together! What is your hobby? Do you like reading? I have great books. We can share!Call Mike: 1362100639Science Club, YOUR club!Do you want to learn about

3、robots? Come to the science room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots.robinpep Read and write课文讲解NOTICE BOARDRead and write课文讲解Shall we dance? 我们可以跳舞吗?There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m.I like dancing, and I need a partner. 在星期天下午一点有一节舞蹈课,我需要一个搭档。Call Amy: 134 6650 849给埃米打电话:134 66

4、50 849 Goal! Goal! Goal! 射门!射门!射门!What do you do on Sundays? Join our football club! See you on the playground! 你星期日做什么?加入我们的足球俱乐部吧!操场见! johnpep Lets read together! 让我们一起阅读吧! What is your hobby? Do you like reading? I have great books. We can share! 你的爱好是什么?你喜欢阅读吗?我有很棒的书。我们可以分享 !Call Mike: 136 2100

5、639给迈克打电话:136 2100 639Science Club. YOUR club! 科学俱乐部。你的俱乐部! Do you want to learn about robots? Come to the scienece room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots. 你想了解机器人吗?来科学教室吧!见见罗宾。他教学生做机器人 。robinpep NOTICE BOARD 公告栏Grammar1.句型结构:I need+其他. 详解:need 意为“需要”。 need后面可以接名词或人称代词,也可以接动词 不定式表示需要做某

6、事。 例句:I need some juice. 我需要一些果汁。 语法讲解Grammar1.join 后接组织、团队、党派等。 例句:He joined the army. 他参军了。2.join 后接人。 例句:Will you join us for coffee? 你愿意和我们喝咖啡吗?3.join in 后接活动。 例句:Everybody wants to join in this activity. 大家都想参加这个活动。语法讲解Grammar1.句型结构:Do you want to +动词(短语)原形(+其他)? 详解:此句型用于询问对方是否想要做某事。 例句:Do you

7、want to travel with us? 你想要和我一起旅游吗?语法讲解四人一组,选择喜欢的俱乐部,一起讨论合作完成一篇广告词。1. Do the four people in the text want pen pals? _2. How many hobbies can you find in the text? Write them down. Amy likes _ John _ Mike _ Robin _课文讲解Read, answer, and write.No, they dont.dancing.likes playing football.likes reading

8、books.teaches students to make robots.Finish this ad for a cooking club.课文讲解Lets cook! Do you like food? Do you want to cook? Join us! Different people in our club teach different things. Mandy _(talk/talks) about chocolates. Wang Tong _ (cook/cooks) rice and noodles. Cao Jia _ (make/makes) salad. W

9、ho _ (do /does) the dishes? Dont worry. We all do them together. We meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4 oclock in the dining hall. See you there!talkscooksmakesdoesRead and write课文讲解Tips for pronunciationListen and repeat.1. We can share. 2. I like dancing 3. He lives on a farm. 4. What are Peters h

10、obbies?一.读一读并选一选。1.The dance class is on_. A. Saturday at 1:00 p.m. B. Sunday at 1:00 p.m.2.If you want to join the football club, you can_. A. call Mike at 136 2100 639 B. write an email to john pep. com. cn3.You can read in the science room. True or false?_. A. Its true. B. Its false.4.Mike likes_. A. reading B. playing football5._ teaches students to make robots. A. Robin B. John课堂练习BBBAA


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