



1、陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司PE包装材料采购招标公告(第二次)Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Material Co., Ltd.PE Packing MaterialsBidding Notice Second项目名称:PE包装材料Project name:PE Packing Materials项目编号:0617-1723HY2512 Project number: 0617-1723HY2512招标人:陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司 Tenderer: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Sil

2、icon Material Co., Ltd.招标机构:西北(陕西)国际招标有限公司 Bidding agency: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Limited.项目地点:陕西省榆林市佳县工业园 Project Address: Jia xian Industrial Park, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province招标内容:PE包装材料Content: PE Packing Materials投标人资质及条件:Bidders Qualification Requirements:(1)在中国境内

3、注册、有独立法人资格、独立承担民事责任能力的企事业单位;The bidder has established enterprises that must be registered in China, have independent legal personality and independent capacity for civil liability;(2)投标人的法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,以及其他形式有资产关联关系的投标申请人,都不得在同一招标项目中同时提出投标申请;If the Bidders legal representative

4、 takes charge of two or more companies, the parent company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or holding company, or companies with asset correlation in any form, he shall not submit bidding applications in the same bidding project as bidding applicants at the same time;(3) 投标人或其子供应商应当持有有效期内的ISO 9000

5、/9001证书(加盖投标人公章的复印件)。Bidder or their sub supplier shall have the ISO 9000 / 9001 certification with the valid period (copy with the bidder official seal).(4) 投标人需要提供其产品的第三方权威检测机构出具的合格检测报告。Bidder shall provide qualified testing report of its product from authoritative third party testing organization

6、.(5) 投标人如为代理商,需提供产品来源说明或制造商的授权书 如果提供总代理或分销商的授权,应同时提供制造商对总代理或分销商的授权文件(加盖投标人公章的复印件);If the bidder also acts as an agent, shall provide the product source description or the manufacturers authorization (If general agent or dealer authorization is provided, the manufacturer authorization letter to gener

7、al agent or dealer shall also be provided. Note: together with copy file with bidder stamp);(6)本项目不接受联合体投标。Consortium bids are not accepted for this Project.招标文件购买时间:Issuance Date of the Bidding Document: 2018年01月04日起至2018年01月11日8:30-11:30时,13:30-16:30时止(法定公休日除外)。From 01/04 (MM DD), 2018 to 01/11 (M

8、M DD), 2018 (from 8:30 to 11:30, 13:30 to 16:30 every day, except holidays)本项目只接受网上发售,具体详见本公告“特别告知”。招标文件售价500元/套。This Project is only accepted for online sale. Please refer to Special Notification in this announcement.Bidding documents price 500.投标人必须于招标文件载明的发售截止时间前在陕西省工业和信息化厅(网址/log-plat.jsp)成功注册并报

9、名,否则由此产生的后果由其自行承担。The bidder must be in the Bidding Documents before the deadline for sale, in the Shaanxi Provincial Industry and Information Center successfully registered (website /log-plat.jsp), otherwise the consequences arising from its to bear on their own.招标文件了解和咨询地点:西安市南二环西段58号成长大厦11层1110室设

10、备三处(南二环与朱雀路十字西南角)(王子尧 侯文。The Bidding documents learning and consulting Location: The western part of South Second Ring No.58 in Xian, the Growth Corp.Building,11F 1110 Room Equipment Bidding Section III (Cross of ZhuQue road and South Second Ring Road, the southwest corner) (Wang Ziyao

11、 , Hou Wenqiang.投标文件递交截止时间:2018年01月26日09:30时。Deadline for submission of bid: 09:30 a.m. on 01/26 (MM DD), 2018;投标文件递交地点:西安市南二环西段58号成长大厦10层会议室(南二环与朱雀路十字西南角)Place of bid documents submission:The western part of South Second Ring No.58 in Xian,the Growth Corp.Building,10F Conference Room

12、(Cross of ZhuQue road and South Second Ring Road, the southwest corner)开标时间:同投标文件递交截止时间;Bid opening time: With the deadline for submission of bid;开标地点:同投标文件递交地点;Bid opening place: With the place of bid documents submission;招标机构:西北(陕西)国际招标有限公司Bidding agency: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tenderin

13、g Company, Limited.开户银行:交通银行西安长安大学支行Deposit Bank: Xian Changan University Sub-branch of Bank of Communications开 户 名:西北(陕西)国际招标有限公司Account Name: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Limited帐 号:611301151018010003843Account No.: 611301151018010003843本次招标公告同时在陕西省工业和信息化厅网()、陕西采购与招标网(HYPER

14、LINK )和中招联合招标采购平台()发布。The bidding notice will be published on “” 、“HYPERLINK ” and “”特别告知Special notice各购买招标文件单位:The bidders:本项目只接受网上发售、下载电子版招标文件及网上缴纳退还投标保证金程序。凡有意购买文件的单位,请登录中招联合招标采购平台:/免费注册(注:中招联合招标采购平台仅对供应商注册信息与其提供的附件信息进行一致性检查)、登录、购买并下载电子版招标文件。招标文件发票或纸质招标文件,可在开标时到西北国际招标公司领取。50元招标文件下载费发票由平台公司出具。Thi

15、s project only accept online sale, download the electronic version of the tender documents and return online bidding security deposit procedures. Those who wish to purchase documents, please log in the joint bidding procurement platform: / free registration (Note: China Merchants joint bidding procu

16、rement platform for supplier registration information and its annex information Consistency check), log in, buy and download the electronic version of the tender documents. Tender invoice or paper bidding documents can be obtained at the opening bidding to the Northwest International Tendering Compa

17、ny. 50 yuan tender download fee issued by the platform company.注册为一次性工作,以后若有需要只需变更及完善相关信息。注册成功后,贵单位可以及时参与平台上所有招标公司发布的招标项目。Register as a one-time job, if necessary, only need to change and improve the relevant information. After the registration is successful, your organization can timely participate

18、 in the bidding projects released by all the tendering companies on the platform.购标人请务必至少在招标文件发售截止时间半个工作日前登录中招联合招标采购平台完成招标文件购买操作,否则将无法保证获取电子版招标文件。由此产生的后果自负。Bidders must be at least half a working day before the deadline for the sale of the tender registration joint bidding procurement platform to co

19、mplete the tender to buy the operation, otherwise it will not be guaranteed to obtain the electronic version of the tender documents. The resulting consequences at your own risk.此程序将节省贵单位宝贵的时间和一定的交通费用。同时,我们将确保贵单位的购标信息在开标前对我公司有关工作人员保密。如贵单位主动与我公司工作人员联系咨询事宜,则视为贵单位主动放弃购标信息保密的权利,我公司将不承担任何责任。所有出售的招标文件一律不予

20、退还。This program will save your valuable time and a certain amount of transportation costs. At the same time, we will ensure that the purchase of your companys bid information before the opening of my company-related staff confidential. If your company take the initiative to contact the staff of our company consulting matters, then your unit take the initiative to give up the right to purchase the confidentiality of informatio


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