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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1David didnt attend his daughters graduation ceremony, but he does wish he there.Ashould beBwould beChad beenDwere2Citizens are _ to exercise the

2、ir rights, but under no circumstances can they violate other peoples rights.Aon trackBon scheduleCat easeDat liberty3I heard Mr. Morgan would be here at 4:00 pm. next Thursday.No, he _ at that time.Awas boarding Bwould be boardingCwill be boarding Dis boarding4Thank God I passed the interview yester

3、day. I was sweating heavily.Me too. I _ when I was sitting outside waiting.Alooked down my noseBlet my hair downChad butterflies in my stomachDchanced my arm5Video games can be a poor influence if _ in the wrong hands.Ato leaveBleavingCleaveDleft6-I went to see The Wandering Earth last night. It was

4、 fantastic!-You were so lucky! How I wish I _ the ticket too.AgetBgotChad gotDwould get7Im not quite sure how to get there, - Id better _ a map.AwatchBlook upCconsultDread8Given the huge gap _ economic development and cultural consciousness, young people find big cities are safer than small towns.Ai

5、n view of Bin case of Cin consequence of Din respect of9We are committed to creating a world free from the homeless and the hopeless, a world _ each and every corner is a true paradise.AthatBwhichCof whichDfrom where10 worries the public that air pollution is becoming more and more serious these day

6、s.AItBThatCWhatDThis11The wide spread of super hybrid rice around the world _ the lives of millions and millions of people suffering from hunger to a great level.Ahas improvedBis improvingCimprovedDhas been improving12_enough money, the young man was unable to buy his girlfriend expensive jewelry.AN

7、ot to saveBNot savingCNot having savedDNot saved13Oh! The flower cant be saved. If the flower had been watered,it now.Awouldnt be dyingBis deadChad been deadDwill not die14Though lacking the necessary working experience, my cousin got the job _ her confidence and flexibility.Ain terms of Bin respons

8、e toCby virtue of Dwith respect to15Look! Mary is crazily looking for something again! _ , she cant find her keys.ATypicallyBOccasionallyCAccordinglyDParticularly16The artist is said during the production and thus a pirated video was sold in every part of Kenya.Ato be cheatedBbeing cheatedCto have b

9、een cheatedDhaving been cheated17We sell a lot of products offshore and the opportunity to open up markets in regions _ we dont currently sell a lot to is a great one.AwhereBthatCwhatDwhen18We strongly advise you _ eating your meal so late. Its not healthy.AonBagainstCfromDover19_ your generous help

10、, I do believe I have a better understanding of your country and culture.ABut forBOut ofCThanks toDAs to20Although it in the desert most of the year, people still live thereAdoesnt rainBdidnt rainChasnt rainedDhadnt rained第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) The idea of turning re

11、cycled plastic bottles into clothing is not new. During the last five years, a large number of clothing companies, businesses and environmental organizations have started turning plastics into fabric(织物)to deal with plastic pollution. But theres a problem with this method. Research now shows that mi

12、crofibers could be the biggest source of plastic in the sea.Dr. Mark Browne in Santa Barbara, California, has been studying plastic pollution and microfibers for 10 years now. He explains that every time synthetic(合成的)clothes go into a washing machine, a large number of plastic fibers fall off. Most

13、 washing machines cant collect these microfibers. So every time the water gets out of a washing machine, microfibers are entering the sewers(下水道)and finally end up in the sea.In 2011, Browne wrote a paper stating that a single piece of synthetic clothing can produce more than 1, 900 fibers per wash.

14、 Browne collected samples from seawater and freshwater sites around the world, and used a special way to examine each sample. He discovered that every single water sample contained microfibers.This is bad news for a number of reasons. Plastic can cause harm to sea life when eaten. Studies have also

15、shown that plastic can absorb other pollutants.Based on this evidence, it may seem surprising that companies and organizations have chosen to turn plastic waste into clothing as an environmental “solution.” Even though the science has been around for a while, Browne explains that hes had a difficult

16、 time getting companies to listen. When he asked well-known clothing companies to support Benign by Designhis research project that seeks to get clothes that have a bad effect on humans and the environment out of the market, Browne didnt get a satisfying answer. Only one womens clothing company, Eil

17、een Fisher, offered Browne funding.1、What has happened during the past five years?AFabric has become much stronger.BPlastic pollution has been less serious.CMany plastic wastes have been reused.DMicrofibers have been greatly improved.2、What does Browne think of washing synthetic clothes?AIt is addin

18、g microfibers to the clothes.BIt is worsening environmental problems.CIt is making synthetic clothes last longer.DIt is doing great damage to washing machines.3、What can be inferred about Brownes Benign by Design research project?AIt has achieved great success.BIt hasnt got anything done.CIt is know

19、n to very few people.DIt is facing some difficulties.4、Whats the best title for the text?AIts important to learn to recycleBIts never easy to solve pollution problemsCRecycled plastic clothing: solution or pollution?DAre human beings moving forward or backward?22(8分)For more than twenty years scient

20、ists have been searching for signs of life on other planets. Most of these searches have been done over the radio. The hope is that someone in outer space may be trying to get in touch with us. Scientists also have sent radio and television messages on spaceships traveling through space, on the chan

21、ce that someone may be receptive to such messages.Scientists are using powerful radio telescopes to listen to signals from about 1, 000 stars, all within 100 light years of earth. In addition, they will scan the entire sky to “listen” for radio messages from more distant stars. Using a computer, the

22、y will be able to monitor more than eight channels at one time. Scientists are looking for any signal they stands out from the background noise.Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, scientists find that five percent are like our sun. Perhaps half of them have a planet like earth. Such a

23、planet would be a reasonable distance from the star for temperatures to be right for the evolution of life. Based on the inhabitable(that can be lived in)planets in our galaxy, most scientists agree that chances are likely that one or more of these planets support some life.However, many scientists

24、wonder whether intelligent life exists on other planets. Some believe that twenty years of searching without any intelligible messages shows that no one is out there. They say that the evolution of intelligence comparable to ours is unlikely.Other scientists believe that our search hasnt been long e

25、nough to rule out the possibility that intelligent life exists in our galaxy. Although our sun family is only about five billion years old, our galaxy is about 20 billion years old. In that time, some scientists think it is likely that civilization much more advanced than ours have developed. Perhap

26、s these civilizations send us no signals; perhaps we have not recognized the signals they have sent us. If we hope to find intelligent life, these scientists believe that we have to keep looking.1、According to the passage, how many planets in our galaxy might be inhabitable?A5 billion B10 billion.C1

27、5 billion. D200 billion2、The first paragraph in this passage is mainly about _ .Ahow scientists are looking for signs of life on other planetsBwhy scientists are looking for signs of life on other planetsCwhere scientists are looking for signs of life on other planetsDwhen scientists are looking for

28、 signs of life on other planets3、The underlined word “monitor” in the passage means“ _ ”.Afind BimitateCcheck Dform4、Which of these statements is true based on the information in the passage?AThe earth is one of the oldest planets in our galaxy.BMost scientists believe that there is intelligent life

29、 on other planets.CScientists are trying different ways to find signs of life on other planets.DScientists dont believe that there might be life on other planets.23(8分)Companion planting is the idea that when some crops are planted together, they help each other grow. The compatible plants generally

30、 have similar needs for nutrients, soil and moisture.Advice for companion plantings is sometimes based more on tradition than proof. But Fabian Fernandez at the University of Illinois says there is evidence for some combinations. These can lead to better crops, reduce disease and help with pest cont

31、rol by attracting helpful insects. For example, some kinds of soil bacteria take nitrogen(氮) from the air and make a form that plants can use. The plants keep the nitrogen in their roots. Legumes(豆类) are especially good at this. Any crops sharing the same space can get the nitrogen as the roots deco

32、mpose(腐烂).Crops like beans and potatoes, carrots and cabbages, beans and rice can also share territory well because their roots reach different levels in the soil. Deep-rooted vegetables get nutrients and moisture from lower down, so they do not compete with shallower plants. But some plants placed

33、together may harm each others development. For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests. So you would probably not want to put them together.Even after harvest, some kinds of produce should be kept apart. Apples, for example, release ethylene gas,a plant hormo

34、ne. It can cause other foods to ripen(成熟)too quickly. Markets often separate high ethylene-producing foods from those that are sensitive to the gas. But sometimes you might want them together. For example, if you put an apple in a bag with a green banana, the banana will be ready to eat sooner.Now w

35、hat about peaches, plums and nectarines that are too firm to eat? Growers in California answer this question at . They say an apple,a banana or a riper piece of fruit is not needed. The peaches, plums and nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.Heres their advice: place

36、 the fruit in afruit bowl or in a paper bag with the top folded over. Keep the fruit at room temperature. When the fruit is soft enough to your liking, either use it or place it in a refrigerator to stop further ripening.1、What are the basic needs for companion planting?AGood old companions. BSome k

37、inds of soil bacteria.CNutrients, soil and moisture. DHelpful insects.2、What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?ATo some extent, companion planting relies more on traditional experience.BIn the field of companion planting, proof always speaks louder than tradition.CTradit

38、ional experience is much less reliable than scientific experiments.DScientific researches have thrown light on the theory of companion planting.3、According to the text, which group of plants are not suitable to be planted together?ABeans and potatoes. BTomatoes and watercress.CCarrots and cabbages.

39、DBeans and rice.4、What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?AWe should choose fruit from markets as often as possible.BThe peaches, plums and nectarines should always be put together to get riper.CThe fruit in afruit bowl or in a paper bag should be eaten as soon as possible.DWe should not p

40、lace any ripening fruit out in direct sunlight.24(8分) Every year around the world, humans waste an estimated 1.3 billion tons of food.This happens even though many people go hungry. So some people have made it their lifes work claiming food before it goes to waste and then giving it to people who ar

41、e hungry.One of those people is Brett Myers. In 2011, Myers started Nourish Now, a food recovery and food bank in the U.S. state of Maryland. This non-profit organization collects food and then gives it to the poor and organizations that support them.“Nourish Now is a food recovery-based food bank t

42、hat recovers food from restaurants, catering companies, grocery stores, hotels, farms and more. And then donates that food directly to families in need, kids in need at local schools.”Each month, it recovers more than 20,000 kilograms of food and serves 700 needy families, schools and social organiz

43、ations. Every day, staff and volunteers repackage the donations and distribute them to recipients.A woman named Rhoda is one of the recipients. She describes the quality of the food delivered to her family by Nourish Now. “It consists of fresh food, fruits and vegetables. You will get bread. Sometim

44、es you get dairy products such as yogurt or milk. And you will get some meat items also. And if you get lucky you might get cooked food, or prepared salads, and stuff like that.”The supplies can feed a family for five days. Each recipient is able to receive food every 30 days. And the packages are m

45、ade to fit the dietary needs of each family.Besides families, the organization also donates small meals called snacks to several nearby schools and social organizations.Nourish Now has grown considerably since it opened. Brenda is one of them. Part of her job as a volunteer is to make sure that none

46、 of the food goes to waste.“In the morning, I make sure that all the things that came late yesterday, get put away so that we use that last, and we used the things that came the day before first, so that were always giving fresh food and were not throwing out anything.”1、What do we know about Nouris

47、h Now?AIt donates money to the poor.BIt benefits from collecting food.CIt gets food from many places.DIt distributes food only to the poor.2、What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?ANourish Now.BThe poor.CFood banks.DOrganizations.3、What does the author want to clarify with the

48、example Rhoda in Paragraph 5?AThe recovered food is fresh and rich.BShe isnt satisfied with the food supplied.CEating better can keep people healthier.DShe can get food donations every five days.4、What is the best title for the text?APeople Should Take Care of the WeakBThe Poor Are Suffering from St

49、arvationCNourish Now Calls on People to Save FoodDGroup Uses Leftover Food to Feed the Hungry25(10分)Joining Us as a Games Volunteer!The success of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games depends on your contribution!Join us as a Games Volunteer!Games volunteers will be directly involved in assisting Games oper

50、ations before. during and after the Tokyo 2020 Games, Games volunteers will guide athletes around, welcome important people and help lost visitorsNumber of Volunteering Days and Daily HoursThe Tokyo Olympic Games will be held from Friday 24 July to Sunday 9 August 2020. In principle, Games volunteer

51、s will be required to work for at least a fortnight before, during and after the Olympic Games.Games volunteers will work approximately eight hours per day including rest breaks .Actual shift lengths depend on event schedules, activities, activity sites, etc.Age and Residential RequirementsApplicant

52、s must fulfill the following two requirements: Born on or before April 1, 2002Japanese national or person with valid visa permitting residence in Japan during the volunteer period( temporary visitors included). Native speakers of English will be preferredNumber of Games Volunteer Opportunities80,000

53、Method and Applicant Categories Applications will be submitted online Individuals onlyOffers and ConfirmationThose applicants who attend the training sessions(会议)and are assigned a volunteer role will be offered to become a Tokyo 2020 Games volunteer.Please note that the above offer will be cancelle

54、d in the event of any of the following: If the volunteer engages in any activity that damages the image of the Tokyo 2020 GamesIf the volunteer engages in any activity that severely damages teamworkIf any information contained in the original application form is clearly found to be falseItems and We

55、lfares Provided to VolunteersVolunteers will be provided with a set of free Olympic Games volunteer uniforms and meals during the work day1、A Games volunteer will be required to work for at least_.Aone weekBtwo weeksCthree weeksDfour weeks2、Who will be more likely to be accepted as a Games volunteer

56、?AA ChineseBA RussianCAn AustralianDA German3、What will Games volunteers be provided with for free?AAccommodation.BClothing.CTransportation.DAmusements.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) A couple in ordinary clothes walked into the Harvards outer off

57、ice. “We want to see the president,” the man said softly. “He will be busy all day,” the secretary spoke 1 , concluding that the couple had no 2 with Harvard from what they wore. “Well 3 ,” the lady replied.Four hours, the secretary 4 them, hoping that the couple would finally become 5 and go away.

58、They didnt. And the secretary grew 6 and finally decided to disturb the president. Someone of his 7 obviously had no time to spend with nobodies, but he 8 people in such clothes filling in his outer office.The president, frozen-faced, walked 9 toward the couple. The lady told him, “We had a son that

59、 10 Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard and was very happy here. But he was accidentally 11 . And my husband and I would like to 12 a memorial (纪念物) to him somewhere on campus.” The president wasnt 13 ; he was shocked, “Madam,” he said 14 . “We cant put up a statue for every person who studied in

60、 Harvard and died.”“Oh, no.” the lady 15 quickly, “In fact, we thought we would give a building to Harvard.” The president 16 at the couple and then shouted, “A building!Do you know how much a building costs? The cost of the Harvards buildings is over 7.5 million dollars.”For a moment the lady was 1


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