1、数值天气预报基本问题、及展望Outline 0. 国内现状1. Basic Concepts of NWP(基本问题)2. Brief History of NWP(发展历程)3. Operation of NWP and The Future数值预报的应用日益广泛:中、短期天气预报 气候数值模拟、气候预测和气候变化 中小尺度数值模拟天气预报时间分类 0-2小时 临近预报2-12小时 甚短期预报12-48小时 短期预报3-10天 中期预报10天以上 长期预报国家气象中心数值预报最近10多年的发展时间业务模式系统计算机1996.5区域台风路径预报系统(MTTP)CRAY-C921998.x200
2、1.9核污染扩散传输模式系统核污染扩散传输模式系统(HYSPLIT4)CRAY-C92DEC-ALPHA1998.62000.82004.6北京地区中尺度模式系统华北地区中尺度模式系统(HB-MM5) NMC中尺度模式系统SP-2神威-11999.x2004.9森林火险气象条件预报(模型)森林火险气象等级预报系统CRAY-C92IBM-SP2000.3中期集合预报系统 T106L19/32成员神威-12001.6城市空气质量预报系统(47个城市)神威-12004.3沙尘数值预报系统DEC-ALPHA2004.6紫外线等级预报系统IBM-SP2004.6全球台风路径预报系统IBM-SP2005.
3、x海浪数值预报系统IBM-SP主要数值天气预报业务体系各系统的侧重功能模式预报的主要侧重点T639L60预报1-10天内全球大尺度环流的演变、大范围降水的发生发展等,如高空槽脊、副热带高压,地面高、低气压和冷、暖锋面,大范围雨带等GRAPES-Meso对中国区域的降水进行短期(60小时以内)预报,如降水发生区域、降水强度、降水出现时段等 台风模式专门针对发生在西太平洋-我国沿海的台风,进行其中心位置、移动路径的中短期(96小时内)预报 中期T213集合预报对未来1-10天,特别是第5-10天期间、全球大尺度环流和大范围降水发展演变的可能性(即概率)进行预报 中尺度(基于WRF,27-9-3km
4、)预报京津及其它地区气象要素短时间(48小时)的连续变化,如气温、风、相对湿度、降水量等间隔3小时的预报 到目前为止我国的业务数值预报模式系统仍然是以引进国外为主!我国天气预报所用的数值预报产品仍然以国外的模式结果为主!我国自主发展的数值模式中较少有针对我国特殊气象问题的物理过程!我国数值模式的资料同化能力很低!GRAPES中国气象局新一代数值天气预报系统的英文名字为“GRAPES(GlobalRegional Assimilation and Prediction System)”全球区域同化预报系统,简称“GRAPES”系统。2000年以来,在科技部“十五”国家重点科技攻关和“973”国家
6、气候系统模式 一、优化气象相关专业和人才结构。办好大气科学、应用气象学、大气物理与大气环境等学科专业,加强数值天气预报、大气探测、公共气象服务、气象防灾减灾等方向的人才培养。 支持行业特色高校统筹招生计划增量与存量,适度扩大大气科学类专业本科生和研究生招生规模。教育部、中国气象局关于加强气象人才培养工作的指导意见2015.2.3一个重要事件2015.4.20:教育部、中国气象局成立“中国气象人才培养联盟”气象领域高等院校(气象类学院)、科研院所、企业以及国家级气象业务单位、省(自治区、直辖市)气象局均可申请加入联盟。宇如聪:解读(2015.4.23)气象教育历久弥新学科建设与人才培养面临挑战:
7、 天气预报、数值模拟、大气化学、地球观测、人工影响天气等方面仍有不足 1.1 Basic Concepts of NWP(1) What is Numerical Weather Prediction?(2) What are the main components of NWP?1.1 Basic Concepts of NWP(1) What is Numerical Weather Prediction?Numerical forecasts are generated by running computer models of the atmosphere that can simul
8、ate the evolution of the atmosphere over the next few hours or few days.NWP is an initial-value problem(初值问题). The initial conditions are provided by analysis of weather observations and data assimilation.The skill of NWP forecasts depends on accuracy of the model and the initial conditions.(2) What
9、 are the main components of NWP?(2a) Model Equations -Dynamics Small-scale physical processes cannot be represented explicitly in computer models. They must be represented by bulk formulae. This is called parameterization of the sub-grid scale physics(次网格参数化).(2b) Model Physics Parameterization(物理参数
10、化)Condensation phenomena(冷凝现象)Solar radiation(太阳辐射)Long-wave radiation(长波辐射)Orographic effects(地形效应)Land-atmosphere interactions(陆-气相互作用)Ocean-atmosphere interactions(海-气相互作用)Turbulent transfer of momentum and heat(湍流输运).(2b) Model Physics Parameterization(物理参数化)(2c) Model Discretion(2d) Model initi
11、al Value and Data AssimilationNWP is an initial-value problem.The model integrates the equations forward in time, starting from the initial conditions(从初始场开始,沿时间方向积分).In the early NWP experiments, hand interpolations of the observations to grid points were performed(手工插值-主观分析).The need for an automa
12、tic “objective analysis” quickly became apparent.(客观分析)Accurate methods of Data Assimilation(资料同化方法)(2d) Model initial Value and Data Assimilation In 1904, the Norwegian hydrodynamist V. Bjerknes suggested that: The weather could be quantitatively predicted by applying the complete set of hydrodynam
13、ic and thermodynamic equations to carefully analyzed initial atmospheric states. 1.2 Brief History of NWPan overview of the milestones in numerical forecastingVilhelm Bjerknes威廉 皮叶克尼斯Born: 14 March 1862 in Christiania (now Oslo), NorwayDied: 9 April 1951 in Oslo, Norway 挪威学派的创始人 挪威气象学家、物理学家、近代天气学和大气
14、动力学主要创始人之一,气象学挪威学派的创始人。Vilhelm Bjerknes 1897年提出著名的环流理论(环流定理),这是将物理学引入大气运动研究的开端。 1904年用力学和物理学的观点,制订了研究天气预报问题的计划。19131917年提出气旋的极锋学说,创立了气旋的现代模式,形成了气象学的挪威(卑尔根)学派。(本世纪初到30年代的国际气象学界的主流学派,40-50年代芝加哥学派形成。)1921年根据理论和观测事实,提出了著名的大气环流图案。L.F. Richardson (1922) Weather Prediction by Numerical Process, Cambridge U
15、niversity Press The major reasons for the failure of Richardsons forecast:观测站网的密度和资料的精确度不够;用的是完全的原始方程组;所取的时间和空间的间隔不合适,使计算出现不稳定The first electronic computer: ENIAC1945/46 - Studies of digital computers for the purpose of weather prediction were initiated by John Von Neumann. In 1948 a young meteorolo
16、gical theoretician, Jule Charney, succeeded to derive simplified mathematical models of the atmospheric motions, based on the quasi-geostrophic approximations. Meteorology Project, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Jule Charney, Norman Phillips, Glenn Lewis, N. Gilbarg, George Platzman.J. Smag
17、orinsky 1950 Von Neumann, Charney, and Fjortoft led scientists in producing a retrospective 24hr forecast, using the ENIAC The first numerical predictions in real time were prepared by C.G Rossbys team at the International Meteorological Institute in Sweden. (1954)Carl-Gustav ROSSBY (1898-1957) 芝加哥学
18、派40年代,Rossby确认了高空西风急流和长波的结构和变化,以及它们与地面气旋波的关系。芝加哥学派的工作:一方面增强了天气学与热力学和动力学的联系,充实了天气分析和预报的物理基础;另一方面也为研究大型的大气运动提供了理论依据,为数值天气预报的开展创造了条件。 芝加哥学派的领导人RossbyMajor NWP research takes place in large national and internationaloperational weather centers and in universities.1.3 Operation of NWP and The FutureMajor
19、 NWP research takes place in large national and international operational weather centers and in universities. European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Center for At
20、mospheric Research (NCAR) National Meteorological Services (NMSs): UK, France, Germany, and other European countries Canada, Japan, Australia, China and others.数值天气预报中心 WRF 模式 (国家大气研究中心/滨州大学(PSU/NCAR)), RAMS (科罗拉多州立大学(CSU)的区域大气模拟系统), ARPS (俄克拉何马大学(OU)的先进区域预报系统), MASS (北卡州立大学的中尺度大气模拟系统);RWM模式(空军全球天气中
21、心(AFGWC)的重置窗口模式), NORAPS6 (海军业务区域预报系统), RSM 模式(NCEP的区域谱模式), COAMPS (海军舰队数值气象和海洋中心(FNMOC)的耦合海洋/大气中尺度预报系统);Eta (early Eta, Meso-Eta, Eta-10) 模式(国家环境预报中心(NCEP)),主要数值预报模式美国ECMWF Supercomputers(1)The improvements in skill of NWP over the last 50 years is due to four factors: Increased power of supercompu
22、ters(超级计算机), allowing much finer numerical resolution and fewer model approximations; Improved representation of small-scale physical processes (次网格物理过程clouds, precipitation, turbulent transfers of heat,moisture, momentum,and radiation) within the models; Increased availability of data, especially s
23、atellite and aircraft data over the oceans and the Southern Hemisphere(观测资料). More accurate methods of data assimilation(资料同化方法), which result in improved initial conditions for the models;(2)The FutureDetailed short-range forecasts, using storm-scale models(风暴尺度) able to provide skilful predictions
24、 of severe weather(极端天气预报能力);More sophisticated methods of data assimilation, capable of extracting the maximum possible information from observing systems, specially remote sensors such as satellites and radars;(高级资料同化方法)Development of adaptive observing systems, in which additional observations ar
25、e placed where ensembles indicate that there is rapid error growth (low predictability);(自适应观测系统)Improvement in the usefulness of medium-range forecasts(中期预报), especially through the use of ensemble forecasting;(集合预报)Fully coupled atmospherichydrological systems(气象-水文耦合), where the atmospheric model precipitation is down-scaled(降尺度) and used to extend the length of river flow prediction;More use of d
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