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1、牛津译林版九年级英语上册nit 5 Art world Reading 2: Tan Duns music优质课教案_3英语(九年级上册)Unit 5Art world Reading (II) 【设计思路:】利用word puzzle 巧妙整合部分生词,引出话题music; 借助pictures, music和short video探讨谭盾的音乐之旅,学生朗读并理解文中重点句型,充分利用奥斯卡获奖电影藏龙卧虎和2008北京奥运盛会操练重点句型。以英语角为载体,介绍谭盾,综合运用知识点和难点,最后讨论除了音乐无国界,还有艺术、爱等都是无国界的,学生提升对艺术等更多无国界话题的认识。I. Tea

2、ching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. have a better understanding of Tan Dun and his music styles;2. use the important words, phrases and sentences correctly;3. retell the main parts of the passage. II. Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: prese

3、nt, winner, control, flow, successfully, traditional, bell, though, boundary, medal, composer, central, be famous for New structure: Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played.When he was very young,Tanshowed an interest in music.Since h

4、e had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objects like stones and paper.As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.Tan made over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow.The music for the

5、 Beijing Olympics uses traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is in a Western style. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Understand some sentence structures in the context. 2. Make a further understanding of the whole article. PPT 1 T:

6、Hello, everyone! Welcome to my class!PPT 2照片T: An introduction of the teacher. PPT 3T: I am glad to be with you. Shall we play a word puzzle? Look at the pictures and guess what it is about. S:T: Yes, let me tell you. This is my hero. His music is amazing. Without instruments, he makes music with co

7、mmon things like stones. He helps build a bridge between the East and the West. He won an Oscar for his music. So who is he?S: T: Right, he is Tan Dun. Today well continue learning about Tan Dun and his music.PPT 4T: Work in pairs. Please say something about Tan Dun and his music according to the th

8、ree parts below. 【设计意图:通过word puzzle的形式轻松地再现Reading中的部分词汇, 温故而知新, 并引出话题,以pair work的形式学生大体回顾Tan Dun and his music。】PPT 5T: How can Tan become so successful in music? Lets go through his music journey and learn more about him.【设计意图:整合文本,以谭盾的music journey为主线,再读课文,分析并操练其中的重点句型和难句。】PPT 6T: Interest is th

9、e best teacher. Tan Dun showed an interest in music when he was very young. That is, he was interested in music when he was very young.PPT 7T: Look! Tan Dun shows an interest in playing music with paper. Can you say it in another way?S: T: Tan Dun is interested in playing music with paper. What abou

10、t the other musicians?S: T: Langlang shows an interest in playing the piano.Or Langlang is interested in playing the piano.Jay shows an interest in playing the guitar.Or Jay is interested in playing music the guitar.【设计意图:以Interest is the best teacher.为话题,引出短语show an interest in, 并变式操练be interested

11、in, 通过谈论3个音乐家对音乐的特殊兴趣,活用两个句型,体现语言在用中学的规律。】PPT 8T: Tan likes the sounds of nature. How does he make 50 sounds of water? Please enjoy a video called “Water ”.S: T: Yes, he makes 50 sounds of water by controlling the speed of water flow.PPT 9T: Tan controlsthe speed of water flow well and makes perfect

12、 music. The speed of water flow is under controland 50 sounds from water are created.T: What do you think of Tans musical talent?S: T:How amazing!He makes impossiblethings unbelievable.【设计意图:通过欣赏视频水乐,学生更真切地了解谭盾音乐取之于自然的特色,通过how的提问,学生了解by controlling是方式状语。操练control作为动词和名词的用法,并引导学生思考谭盾的音乐创作追求:To make i

13、mpossible things unbelievable.】PPT 5, 10 (超级链接)T: Now, boys, read Line 1-5, girls, read Line12-16. S: T: Since Tans music is so special, he has received great achievements. What are they?S: PPT 11-12T: Lets enjoy part of the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Pay attention to its music. S: T: Tan

14、Dun is best known for winning the Oscar for his music. It means Tan Dun is famous for winning the Oscar for his music. T: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon won 4 Oscar awards together. Look! Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragonis also best known for Best Photography Award.Best Music Award.Best Art Direction

15、Award.PPT 13T: A medal was presented toTan Dun, an Oscar winner at the73rdAnnual AcademyAwards. We can also say Tan Dun, an Oscar winner,was presenteda medal at the73rdAnnual AcademyAwards. And this is apresentation of the medals of Oscar.PPT 14T: (颁奖背景音乐) Look! This is a presentation of the medals

16、at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.Who are these famous Chinese winners?S: T: A medal was presented toa badminton winner, Lin Dan at the Beijing Olympics.S: T: Yes. Lin Dan, a badminton winner, was presented a medal at the Beijing Olympics. What about the others?S: 【设计意图: 利用卧虎藏龙同时获多个奥斯卡奖项的成就,鼓励学生灵活运用

17、”be known for”再现2008北京奥运会中国运动健儿获奖场景,学生操练“be presented to”,并进行变式训练。】PPT 5, 15 (超级链接)T: Read Line 23-32 together.S: T: What is included in the award music?S: T: Yes, the Chinese traditional music Molihua and the ancient bell. The music is also in a Western style.We can say: The music uses traditional

18、Chinese music and ancient bells, though it is in a western style. We can also use “but” to link them. It is in a western style but the music uses traditional Chinese music and ancient bells.PPT 16T: Please translate this sentence with “though/although” or “but”.S: (1) Though/Although there are many

19、differences between the East and the West,Tan has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together.(2) Tan has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together though/although there are many differences between the East and the West.(3)There are many differences between the East and th

20、e West but Tan has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together.【设计意图: 在欣赏北京奥运会颁奖音乐中,引出Tans music style: traditional Chinese music + ancient bell+ a Western style,在语境中理解though(although)/but的关系,学会替换练习。】PPT 17T: Suppose you would like to introduce Tan Dun to others at the English corner. He

21、re is yourreport.Tan Dun is _(最了不起的作曲家之一)in the world. He_(对音乐感兴趣) at an early age. He loves_(天籁之音)and uses them a lot in his music. In one of hisworks, Water, he doesnt use any_(乐器). He makes over 50 sounds from water_(通过控制水流的速度). That is really amazing! The music for the Beijing Olympic uses traditional Chinese music and an ancient bell _(虽然它是西方的风格). He_(被授予)an Oscar Award at the73rdAnnual AcademyAward. We should be creative like him. PPT 18-19T: So Tan Dun has helped build a bridge between the East and the West, the past and the pre


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