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1、乔治戈登拜伦解读 Byron was born into an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation. His father died of drink and debauchery(堕落) when Byron was 3, and when he was 10 his great-uncle - the wicked Lord Byron - also died. Byron inherited the title, a vast house called Newstead Abbey, and estates already mortgag

2、ed or in decay. 拜伦出生于一个名声有些问题的贵族家庭。他三岁时,父亲死于饮酒过度和生活腐化。他十岁时,他的叔祖即“邪恶的拜伦勋爵也去世了。拜伦继承了爵位,继承了称为“纽斯台德寺院的大宅邸和已经抵押出去的或已趋于衰败的产业。 His father was English, but his mother was of the Scottish origin. She was poor but noble, her name was Catherine Gordon(凯瑟琳戈登). Byrons motherByrons father He was born with a malfo

3、rmed foot - a disability which tortured him with self-consciousness in his youth.While an undergraduate he published his first book of poems. Hours of Idleness. The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope calle

4、d English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 拜伦生下时,一只脚就带有残疾这使他在年轻时候极为敏感,由此给他带来莫大的痛苦。他在大学读书时,就出版了第一本诗集?闲散的时光?。这本诗集受到的应有的非难刺痛了拜伦的心,他没有绝望,而是想报复,他以蒲柏的风格写了一篇名为?英格兰诗人和苏格兰评论家?的挖苦诗作为答复。Byrons shool-Cambridge UniversityWhen he was 23 his mother died, and he came home, an extremely handsome young man, to install him

5、self boisterously at Newstead Abbey.当他二十三岁时,他的母亲去世了。他成为一个非常漂亮的青年,回到了家里,兴高采烈地在纽斯台德寺院安排了下来。1812年2月20日?恰尔德哈罗德?第一、二章出版了,全城为之轰动。拜伦在一夜之间成了名。从此以后,他写得再快也应接不暇。在这以后的四年期间,他写了一系列浪漫诗篇,其中最好的有?海盗?和?阿比多斯的新娘?。据说,?海盗?一天就销售了一万四千册。拜伦对于女性总是容易动感情,而且对妇女具有吸引力。三年里他出够了风头,然后,莫名其妙地和安米尔班克结了婚,她是一个冷漠的、严肃的、有理智的妇女,对于他根本不适宜,只是有很多钱。她


7、了风湿病,终于在梅索朗吉昂去世,成为希腊人所悼念的一位民族英雄。 This is Missolonghi梅索朗吉昂where he died. Byron is one of the most influential poets of his time He was one of the most excellent representatives of English Romanticism. His literary career was closely linked with the struggle and progressive movements of his age.His po

8、ems show energy and vigour, romantic daring and powerful passion.Some of his poems show Byrons individual heroism and pessimism.influence歌德:十九世纪最伟大的天才普希金:思想界的君主鲁迅先生曾坦然成认:他自己早期对被压迫民族和人民“哀其不幸,怒其不争的思想,和“不克厥敌,战那么不止的精神,都是从拜伦那里学来的。苏曼殊:“善哉拜伦!以诗人去国之忧,寄之吟咏,谋人家国,功成不居,虽与日月争光可也。鲁迅先生曾坦然成认:他自己早期对被压迫民族和人民“哀其不幸,怒其不

9、争的思想,和“不克厥敌,战那么不止的精神,都是从拜伦那里学来的。苏曼殊:“善哉拜伦!以诗人去国之忧,寄之吟咏,谋人家国,功成不居,虽与日月争光可也。拜伦女性观拜伦曾公开宣称:“同拿破仑一样我是轻蔑女性的。这不是我突然产生的想法,而是我长期经历的结论。童年精神创伤对拜伦人格的影响父亲:风流浪子、挥霍无度、毫无责任感。母亲:可怜神经质 ,喜怒无常。保姆:行为放纵、严酷无情。初恋女友:嘲笑、伤害。拜伦九岁左右爱上了邻家玛丽瑞特,单相思,伤害“你以为我会喜欢那个瘸子吗?使自尊的拜伦痛苦到了极致。母亲、保姆、玛丽瑞特这几个女人对拜伦的共同影响是造成了拜伦成年后对女性的矛盾心态成年之后个人遭遇造成的的精神

10、创伤婚姻的不幸。婚后一年,妻子带着刚满月的女儿就离开了他,又在家人的指引下被迫与拜伦签订“分居协议。他的狂放不羁、情欲泛滥、花天酒地及与姐姐关系所谓的非同寻常。 他说:“依我愚见,爱情毫无意义,它只不过是恭维、梦想、欺骗的大杂烩。如果我有50个情人,我就会在两个星期内把他们统统忘掉。拜伦在恋爱The Works of Byron 1788-1824Literary WorksHours of Idleness ?闲暇的时光?(1806) English Bards and Scotch Reviewers ?英国诗人和苏格兰评论家?(1809) Childe Harolds Pilgrimag

11、e?恰尔德 哈罗尔德游记? ?(1818)When We Two Parted?昔日依依别?(1813)Oriental Tales “东方叙事诗She Walks in Beauty (1815)?她走在美丽的荣耀里?Hebrew melodies (1815?希伯来歌曲?Manfred (1817)?曼弗雷德?Cain (1821) ?该隐?The Vision of Judgement (1821)?审判的幻境?The Age of Bronze ?青铜时代?(1823) Don Juan ?唐璜?(18191824; incomplete on Byrons death in 1824

12、) Childe Harolds Pilgrimage 1812-1818) A lengthy narrative poemThe poem describes the travels and reflections of a world-weary young man who, disillusioned with a life of pleasure and revelry, looks for distraction in foreign lands; The work provided the first example of the Byronic ment:作品通过描写他的爱情故

13、事和英雄业绩,勾勒了一幅全景式的19世纪欧洲社会生活画卷,剧烈地抨击了各国反动势力,无情地讥讽种种社会弊端,热情赞颂了为自由而斗争的英雄气魄。 Spenserian stanzas9-line stanza rhymedAbabbcbccautobiography based upon Byrons travelsthe concept of the Byronic hero philosophical and political views long poem with 4 cantosChilde Harolds Pilgrimageeight iambic pentameter line

14、s followed by one alexandrine (a twelve syllable iambic line) Childe Harolds PilgrimageOnce more upon the waters! yet once more!And the waves bound beneath me as a steedThat knows his rider. Welcome to their roar!Swift be their guidance, wheresoeer it lead!Though the strained mast should quiver as a

15、 reed,And the rent canvas fluttering strew the gale,Still must I on; for I am as a weed,Flung from the rock, on Oceans foam, to sailWhereer the surge may sweep, the tempests breath prevail. 又到了海上!又一次以海为家!我欢送你,欢送你,吼叫的波浪!我身下的汹涌的海潮象识主的骏马;快把我送走,不管送往什么地方,虽然那紧张的桅杆要象芦苇般摇晃,虽然破裂的帆篷会在大风中乱飘,然而我还是不得不流浪去他乡,因为我象从

16、岩石上掉下的一棵草,将在海洋上漂泊,不管风暴多凶,浪头多么高。 Byronic hero fiery passions; unbending willideal of freedomagainst tyranny and injusticelone fighters, individualistic ends“Oriental Tales“东方叙事诗The Giaour ?异教徒?The Bride of Abydos ?阿比多斯的新娘?Lara ?莱拉?The Corsair ?海盗? Parisina ?帕日西纳?The Siege of Corinth ?攻克考日斯?Don Juan ?

17、唐璜?It was written in Italy during the years from 1818 to 1823.It has 16,000 lines in 16 cantos and witten in ottava rima 八行体.Each stanza contains 8 iambic pentameter lines.The rhyme scheme is abababcc八行体:每行10或11个音节,前6行交替押韵,后2行成一组同脚韵And where are they? and where art thou, My country? On thy voiceless

18、 shore The heroic lay is tuneless now The heroic bosom beats no more! And must thy lyre, so long divine,Degenerate into hands like mine?T is something, in the dearth of fame,Though linkd among a fetterd race, To feel at least a patriots shame, Even as I sing, suffuse my face; For what is left the po

19、et here? For Greeks a blush - for Greece a tear. 他们而今安在,还有你呢?我的祖国?在无声的大地上 那英雄的颂歌如今已寂静那英雄的心也不再激荡难道你一向庄严的竖琴竟至沦落到我的手里谈弄也好,置身于奴隶民族里尽管荣誉都已在沦丧中 但,至少一个爱国志士的忧思犹使我在做歌时感到脸红 诗人在这里有什么能为?为希腊人含羞,对希腊国落泪 The Plot of Don JuanChildhood Love affairSent aboardFall in love with HaideeSold as a slaveConstantinopleCapital of TurkeyEmpress CatherineTo England on a political missionGreek islandtake part in the French Revolutiondie fighting againstt


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