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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、This kind of plant is seen in our city because it lives 4,500m above sea level and is har

2、d to find.Acommonly Balways Cseldom Deasily2、Did you_the first place of the league match?Of course we did. We_all the other teams.Abeat; beatBbeat; wonCwin; wonDwin; beat3、- Look! The tree is growing well. When _?-Three years ago.Awill it be planted Bdid it plant Cwas it planted Dis it planted4、Wher

3、es my pen? I cant find it. May I use_? Sure, here you are.Ayou Byours Cyour5、How long is it _ we last met?More than ten years, I believe. I went to Australia in 2006 and came back only yesterday.Asince Bbefore Cuntil Dafter6、With the development of the society, parents _ more and more money on their

4、 childrens education.Atake Bcost Cpay Dspend7、- Id like to introduce my best friend to you , Peter .- Thank you , Lucy . But we _already .Ameet Bmet Cwill meet Dhave met8、The Chinese are the ones who best understand the nature of tea. As we know, _ show us how to make a perfect cup of tea with beaut

5、iful tea sets.ATea art performanceBTea art projectsCTea art performances9、Music helps us _ /rlks/ a lot when we feel tired .AreadBredCrestDrelax10、We are all encouraged to work hard and succeed life.AonBinCoutDup. 完形填空11、 Lisa has always been overweight. She wanted to lose weight, not just because s

6、he wanted to 1 more beautiful and healthier, but also because it would make life easier. In school, she needed a 2 chair which was bigger and stronger than the other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very quickly. She was also unhappy about the way people treated 3 sometimes. “People loo

7、k at me and even make fun of me. Thats unfair! Its true that Im overweight,butI dontthink people 4 treat me differently .I cant enjoy 5 with my friends, because Im afraid of getting fatter.” Her friends and family never made fun of her. They wanted her to be happy and healthy. Sometimes when Lisa wa

8、s feeling sad, she didnt want to speak to 6 .But now things are quite different. Last month her classmates were preparing for the School 7 Week. Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the proud Queen who was tall and fat. Lisa 8 and practiced a lot.Soon after the play, Lisa became the star! S

9、he did 9 well that everybody remembered the proud Queen. She 10 won the School Best Actress Award for her wonderful performance. Now she believes in the English saying “Every dog has its day.”1AseeBwatchCnoticeDlook2AspecialBimportantCheavyDnice3AherBhimCyouDme4AmustBmayCcanDmight5Ahaving dinnerBrea

10、ding booksCdoing sportsDgoing shopping6AeveryoneBanyoneCnobodyDsomeone7ADancingBScienceCArtDSports8ArefusedBallowedCagreedDdisagreed9AveryBtooCsuchDso10AevenBneverChardlyDalmost. 语法填空12、Sarah and Janet are middle school students. They have been friends1 they started school. They do many things toget

11、her, such as studying, watching TV, surfing the Internet, playing sports, listening2 music and so on.They usually help each other. When Sarah was in the 3(three) grade, some students made fun of her because she was shy. Janet told the other students4(stop) making fun of Sarah and she helped Sarah ov

12、ercome her shyness. In the fifth grade, Janet had 5(difficulty) in math. She studied hard, but she still couldnt know what the teacher 6(teach) clearly. Sarah helped Janet and explained every exercise to her. After six months, Janet did much 7(well) than before and even got an A in the math exam. Wh

13、en Janet got the test paper, we can imagine 8 happy they were!Everyone9(need) a good friend in life. A life without a friend is a life without the sunshine. Please remember people want friends 10 are kind and helpful. So if we want a good friend, lets be a good friend first. 阅读理解A13、1Jack is going t

14、o visit Old Glasgow on August 7th. Where will he start from?AHistoric Glasgow.BGeorge Square.CGhosts and Ghouls.DGruesome Glasgow.2How long will the tour of Gruesome Glasgow be?AHalf an hour. BTwo hours.COnly one hour. DOne hour and a half.3Mr and Mrs King with their 13-year-old son Jim and 9-year-o

15、ld daughter Jane, will go on a tour of Historic Glasgow. How much do they need to pay?A12. B13. C16. D17.4You can get more information about the tours of Old Glasgow except _.Agoing to the mercat-tours companyBvisiting the websiteCsending e-mailsDcalling at (0141) 772 0022B14、What if you fall out of

16、 a boat and cant swim? Dont be frightened. Remember, your body is full of air. Learn to bounce(弹起) in the water bouncing can save your life.First take a deep breath and hold it. Then stand up in the water. You really can float standing up. The water will cover your eyes, but the top of your head sho

17、uld stick out. Let your arms and legs hang loose. Put your chin on your chest.Stay under the water until you need a breath. Then bounce out of the water to get one. Bouncing is very easy to do. Raise your arms in front of you, with your hands facing down. Keep them just under the top of the water. T

18、hen raise one leg. Pretend youre trying to walk. Now push your hands down and step. After you do this, your head will come out of the water. Blow out all your air, and shout for help.Now take a breath of air and hold it. Let yourself slip under the water again. Let your arms and legs hang loose. Whe

19、n you need more air, bounce up again. Keep doing this until people come to help you.Anyone can learn bouncing. It doesnt take long to learn. The man who thought of bouncing shows it to little children. Bouncing is easy. And it has saved many lives.1What should you do first to bounce in the water?ABr

20、ing your hands up in front of you.BLook around and shout for help.CHold your breath and stand up in the water.DTry to get our head out of water.2What does the underlined word “one” refer to?AA shout. BA rest. CA walk. DA breath.3What can we learn from the passage?AIts not easy for children to learn

21、bouncing.BWhen you bounce up for air, you should also shout for help.CYou can stay under the water until people come to help you.DBouncing in the water can produce fresh air for people.4Whats the passage mainly about?AHow to bounce in water.BHow to breathe in water.CThe importance of bouncing in wat

22、er.DThe importance of swimming in the right way.C15、1The book is suitable for_ATom, 5 years oldBNick, 10 years oldCSue, 7 years old2_ customers like the book very much.A32B2C83Which of the following is NOT true?AIf we want to get the book, we should pay for12 .BThe book was written in English and Fr

23、ench.CThere are more than 60 simple recipes show us how to make nice food.D16、Learning vocabulary doesnt have to be boringMany students have problems with vocabulary when preparing for tests like the SATs. Last week, TEENS offered advice on how to memorize new words. If youre now familiar with those

24、 methods, why not try moving on to the next stage by using the following tips to build up your English vocabulary.Repeated encounters (反复遇见)The usual way of “memorizing” new material is through repeating it while its still in your mind. However, simply repeating a word seems to have little long-term

25、 effect.But one kind of repetition is effective: repetition of encounters with a word. Words stand a good chance of being remembered if theyve been met at least seven times in your reading, at intervals (相隔一段时间). So, read English magazines, newspapers, and websites regularly.Spacing and reviewIts be

26、tter to distribute (分配) memory work over a period of time rather than do it in a single session (一段时间). This is known as the “principle of distributed practice”, where new vocabulary introduced in one lesson is reviewed in the next, and then in later lessons.Use it or lose itPutting words to use in

27、interesting ways helps add them to your long-term memory. In a study of vocabulary learning, students who made up their own sentences with new words and read them aloud remembered them better than those who learned the words separately and silently. Best of all, students were given the task of silen

28、tly imagining a picture in their minds to go with a new word. So it might help if learners link words with a mental image.Mix it upLets face it learning words can be really boring, but it doesnt have to be. Thanks to the Internet, there are more interesting ways to get the job done. Try watching vid

29、eos from English-speaking social media celebrities and copying the way they speak. You could even upload your own videos and try becoming a star yourself.1According to the passage, a good way of memorizing new words is _.Asimply repeating themBlearning the words silentlyCreviewing them in one lesson

30、Dreading English magazines regularly2To make learning words more interesting, we can _.Atry to become a famous starBread new words on websitesCmake and upload our own English videosDdraw a picture on the paper with a new word3What does the passage mainly talk about?AWhere to use new words. BHow to m

31、emorize new words.CWhen to learn new words. DWhat to write with new words.E17、I live in India and Indian is my mother language. I am a scientist. I learned English very well and now I want to share my experience with other people. I had my first contact with English when I was six. My dad loved list

32、ening to the Beatles(披头士)and he encouraged me to listen to the band. I listened to them every day for the following seven years. In the beginning, I could not understand nothing. But soon I started to understand some words. Later I got a book with the words of all the songs. I read the book many tim

33、es. I learned many songs by heart. It became my dream to learn English well so that I could understand the Beatles. Today, I can understand the Beatles very clearly. Each time I hear a Beatles song, I am happy and proud. When I was 13 years old, I started reading science books. I could only read in

34、Indian. But more books were all English. I could not read them because I did not know English so well. I felt that the books in English would be even more interesting and more exciting.When I met every new English word, I felt it was close to my goal, it could improve my reading ability. Finally I c

35、ould read my first whole book in English. That moment was exciting. I knew I got into a new world. When I read in English, I had not only the pleasure of reading, but also the pleasure of using English and learning English. For the last four years I have read books only in English. Now I study scien

36、ce. I discover that my knowledge of English is very important for my learning science. Without English I would be limited to the few books which are in Indian, and there are really few.1We can infer(推断)that listening to the Beatles _.Awas always the writers favorite thing to doBmade the author decid

37、e to become a singerChelped the author a lot in learning English wellDhelped the authors father learn English well2Why did the writer start to read science books in English?ABecause his father strongly required him to do so.BBecause he wanted to learn English well in this way.CBecause there were no

38、books written in Indian in his country.DBecause he thought the books would he more fun and exciting in English.3When the author was reading something in English, he _.Atried his best to remember new wordsBdidnt find it hard to read them at firstCnever chose texts with many new wordsDpaid no attentio

39、n to using and learning English4According to the last paragraph, what is an advantage of the writers learning English?AHe can write books in English.BHe can share his knowledge of English.CHe can translate English books into Indian.DHe can read books about science in English.5Whats the writers purpo

40、se in writing the passage?ATo tell us how he learnt English well.BTo prove that English is easy to learn.CTo explain why he wanted to learn English.DTo suggest that we spend more time on English.F18、阅读理解.1(小题1)You can choose Tour 1 to _.Atake a look at the kitchenBsee a movieCvisit the largest guest houseDexperience the Castle at night2(小题2)If a father takes Tour 2 with his 3-year-old son, how much will they pay?A$40. B$30.C$25. D$20.3(小题3)Which tour will you choose if you are interested in libraries?ATour 1. BTour 2.CTour 3. DTour 4.4(小题4)Wha


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