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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、Many tall buildings _ in our city every year.AbuiltBare builtCwere built2、Can you work out the two problems?Let me see, I think

2、I can do _ one. They are both easy.AeitherBneitherCsomeDany3、The Chinese are the ones who best understand the nature of tea. As we know, _ show us how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.ATea art performanceBTea art projectsCTea art performances4、The bridge between the two islands i

3、s_one in Suzhou.AlongBlongerClongestDthe longest5、Spud Webb has influenced me most. His stories give me much to face all kinds of difficulties.Aluck Bwealth Ccourage Ddecision6、一Alex is planning to climb the mountain without even using a rope. 一What? Ive never heard of idea before.Aa crazierBthe cra

4、zierCa craziestDthe craziest7、Are you clear about the job of a policeman, Ben?Yes, to keep people _ and the society in good order.AbusyBsafeCluckyDhealthy8、 Look at the young man in yellow. Is it Mr. Green? No, it _be him. He is wearing a green coat today.AmustntBneedntCcant9、In China people are rea

5、dy to help others on March 5, Learn from Lei Feng Day.AespeciallyBhardlyCsimplyDfinally10、We usually have lunch _ the dining hall _ half past twelve.Ain; atBat; inCon; atDat; on. 完形填空11、 In many space films, whenever the Earth faces danger, humans always leave the planet in spaceships. But the lates

6、t Chinese science fiction movie, The Wandering Earth, offers a 1 idea.The film is based on a short story by a Chinese science fiction writer, Liu Ci xin. In this film, the Earth is in 2 of being damaged by the dying sun. In response, humans around the world work together to build a giant engine syst

7、em (发动机系统) that will push the Earth 3 the Sun. Instead of giving up the Earth, this time we will 4 it with us.For thousands of years, “homeland” has played an important role in the hearts and minds of Chinese people. One old idiom is “luoyeguigen”, which means 5 ones homeland in old age, like fallen

8、 leaves coming back to the roots of their tree. It shows that Chinese people have their closer ties with their 6 .The special cultural background of Chinese is probably what sets The Wandering Earth different from Hollywood-style space films.“What is Chinese science fiction?” Guo Fan, the films dire

9、ctor, said in an interview. “There is no more about superheroes to save humans alone. In Chinese culture, we 7 try our best to bring everyone together. This is what we saw in the movie. So the way that can really express our culture and spirit can be called a 8 science fiction. Otherwise, we just co

10、py others and tell the same American stories.And the makers of The Wandering Earth chose the best time to tell its Chinese science fiction story. The film was shown on Feb 5, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time when many people had just made the 9 journey back to their hometowns no matt

11、er how busy the traffic they had to face. So to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story: The 10 goes wherever humans go, because its our home.1AsameBdifferentCsimilarDuseful2AfearBsafetyCdangerDneed3Aaway fromBnext toCout ofDclose to4AleaveBtakeCfollowDplay5Aleaving forBsetting offCre

12、turning toDgetting to6AparentsBspaceCchildrenDhomeland7AneverBalwaysCseldomDonce8AChineseBAmericanCWorldwideDHollywood9AhardBsadClonelyDserious10ASpaceBSunCTrafficDEarth. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的单词,或括号内单词的正确形式。Money can make you happy only if you spend it in a clever way .To start with ,1(buy) a new

13、car makes you happy.However,youll “lose”this happy feeling when the car2(get)old.But if you are made to spend a week traveling,its more possible that youll have the great experiences and the good feeling for a long time .A new study has3(find)that spending money on experiences rather than material t

14、hings makes people happier. For material things ,its possible that you dont leave 4any little thing .If you buy a nice pen ,and someone else buys one with less money ,its possible that you may be unhappy that you spend so much money .It lets you down a lot.Oppositely, when it comes to experiences li

15、ke5(go)on a trip ,you wont think like that .If the trip can be nice ,youll happily pay for it even though 6(it) price may be very high. And the more ofen you go on trips,the7(happy)youll be.Material things can be compared more easily.If you buy an Ipad and then see a more suitable one. you may regre

16、t buying the first one.And 8 will drive you mad as well ,9,if you just have a dinner at a good restaurant and then learn about a better one ,youll not regret the first meal.Its normal that material things can cause jealousy(嫉妒).For example ,you buy a new toy and find that your friend has a better on

17、e ,it may make you feel 10(comfortable).Instead, if you just travel to a beautiful place ,no matter where your friends have gone,it wont make the memory of your trip less pleasant. 阅读理解A13、Top five universities in Asia-Pacific region1.National University of SingaporeThe National University of Singap

18、ore is a highly international university with more than half the students made up of international students. With 17 schools across three campuses in Singapore, it has overseas colleges in many different places including Israel, Germany, the US and Sweden. The university started as a medical school

19、in 1905 and has since developed to be one of Asias best universities. 2.Peking UniversityThe university was built in 1898 and was the first national university in Chinese modern history. The teaching language for college students is English. As the leading university in China, it has 31 colleges and

20、 14 departments. It has the largest university library in China containing more than 4 million volumes. Many of the buildings on campus remain their original Chinese-style design and structure.3.University of MelbourneThe University of Melbourne is a public research institution and Australias second

21、-oldest university. Four Australian prime ministers have graduated from the institution since it was set up in 1853. It is one of the leading research universities in Australia and some of the research developed there has been widely used throughout the world. In the 1970s, research at the instituti

22、on led to the first successful cochlear implant(人工电子耳). 4.Tsinghua UniversityTsinghua University was built in 1911. It is one of the best-known institutions in the world. Its 20 schools and 54 departments cover subjects in art, economics, education, engineering, history, management, medicine, law, l

23、iterature, philosophy and the sciences. 5.Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeNanyang Technological University, Singapore is a young institution andis considered Singapores main science and technology university. It was set up in 1991 and three campuses: Yunnan Garden, NTU one-north, and Nove

24、na. Yunnan Garden is the biggest in Singapore and has been one of the top 15 most beautiful campuses in the world and has planned to be the greenest campus in the world by 2022. Located in Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore is often overshadowed by National University of Singapor

25、e. But it is still one of students dream universities in Asia-Pacific region.1Which of the following statements is right about University of Melbourne?AIt contains the largest number of books in the world.BIt has got the longest history among the five universities.CIts considered Singapores main sci

26、ence and Technology University.DFive prime ministers of Australia have graduated from this university in the world.2The underlined word “overshadowed” in the last paragraph probably means_.Acompared BrelatedCput into a higher place Dmade less important3We can know from the passage that_.Athe majorit

27、y of students from National University of Singapore are overseas students.Ball the buildings in Pecking University are original Chinese-style.Cuniversity of Melbourne has 54 research teams to develop the first successful cochlear implant.DNanyang Technological University, Singapore is the most beaut

28、iful university in the worldB14、At the shopping mall, you probably think about spending, not saving. Think about all the lights that keep the mall bright. Think about all the water faucets (水龙头) in the toilet. Think about all the air conditioning in summer. Saving energy is a hot topic for such a bi

29、g place!Many things at the mall use energy. Electric lights, infrared (红外感应) faucets and air-conditioners need electricity to work. One way to save energy is by keeping lights clean. More and more dust and dirt make the lights less bright. When malls keep lights clean, they can use fewer lights and

30、keep the area just as bright, Using fewer lights means using less energy. You step up to the water faucet. The water starts to flow. You dont have to touch a thing. Why do malls have such fancy faucets? The answer is simple. They save water. Sometimes people forget to turn the water off after they w

31、ash. Infrared faucets turn themselves off.The1_ is a hot topic for a big mall.ATo spend moneyBTo save energyCTo keep the mall brightDTo buy things2The best title for the passage is _.ALights, faucets and air-conditionersBSpending less moneyCEnergy saving at the mallDA hot topic3What will the fourth

32、paragraph probably talk about?AHow to save water when using infrared faucets in the mallBHow to save energy when using air-conditioners in the mallCHow to save money when shopping in the mall.DHow to save time when shopping in the mall.C15、DNA is the whole “map”of the human body. It is something tha

33、t all humans have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our parents, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look the same as other people in our fami

34、ly. It is because of small things called “genes(基因)” in our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that those small parts are really messages. Theyre written in the DNA with a special language.In 1961, another two scientists found the first “word”that could understand in that lan

35、guage. It shows how DNA tells the cell (细胞) to build its parts. So far, scientists have found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word”means, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand. The m

36、ore doctors will be able to do.Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine and help sick people. Other people worry that when we learn more “words”and find out more information, we will use it in the wrong way, just to make people more attractive(有吸引力的) , or stop sick people getting

37、 jobs.1When did Mr. Mendel discover why we look the same as other people in our family?AIn 2000. BIn 1961. CIn 1953. DIn 1860.2How can we help sick people if we understand more “words” in the DNA map?AMake better medicine. BMake them get jobs.CMake maps for them. DMake them attractive.3Which one is

38、NOT true according to the article?AWe look like our parents because of “genes”in our body.BWe have understood what all the words in the DNA map do.CDNA is the whole “map”of the human body.DDNA tells the cell to build its parts.D16、Once, there was a big apple tree. A little boy loved to climb to the

39、tree top, ate the apples and played around it. With time on, the little boy grew up. He no longer played around it every day. One day, the boy came back, sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I am no longer a kid.” The boy replied, “ I need money to buy toys.” “I dont have money., but you ca

40、n pick all my apples and sell them.” The boy was so excited. He picked all apples and left happily. The boy never came back after that.One day, the boy returned. “Come and play with me,” the tree said happily. “I have no time to play. We need a house for my family.” “You can cut off my branches.” So

41、 the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. But he never came back since then.Again, the boy returned and said. “ I want to make anavigationacross the sea. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk(主干) to build your boat.” So the boy cut the trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and ne

42、ver showed up for a long time. Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I dont have anything for you anymore. the only thing left is my dying roots.” the tree said with tears.“I dont need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy

43、 replied.“Good! Old tree roots is the best place to rest. Come and rest with me.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears.You may think that the boy is cold to the tree but thats how we are treating our parents. The tree is our parents. When we were young, we loved to play with

44、them. When we grow up, we leave them, and only come to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. Whatever we ask for, parents will give everything they have and always be there waiting for us home.1The apple tree in the passage is just like_ in the life.Aour kid Bour parentCour friend D

45、our sister or brother2The boy made his house for his family by _.Apicking the applesBcutting off all the branches of the tree.Ccutting the trunk of the tree.Ddigging the dying roots of the tree3The underlined wordnavigationmeans_.A飞翔 B航行C赛车 D徒步4The passage mainly tells us_.Aparents hardly give help

46、when children are in troubleBwhatever we ask for, parents try to meet our needs in their whole lifeCchildren always do something to thank their parents great effort and help in returnDchildren always care about parents feeling as they grow upE17、On Lunar New Years Eve on Feb 18, 2015,Beijing had a g

47、ood day. PM2.5 levels were below 50. However, the nice day ended with firework celebrations at night.In the first hour after the start of the celebration, PM2.5 levels rose to 500 in certain parts of the city, with the average across the city around 400.According to the China National Environmental

48、Monitoring Center, on Lunar New Years Day, air pollution reached “dangerous levels” in 201 Chinese cities, because of fireworks, with more than 40 of them seeing “serious pollution”. As a result, the debate on whether to ban (禁止) fireworks during the Spring Festival is also heating up.Sina surveyed

49、3,000 Internet users, and results show that only 38 percent of the people support setting off fireworks, and 60 percent are against it.“I support a ban on fireworks,” a netizen (网民) nicknamed ann019 said. “Lighting fireworks can only bring problems: air pollution, disturbing sleep, causing fire and

50、exhausting sanitation workers (环卫工人).”Others thought it to be hard to ban traditions, and lighting fireworks during holiday seasons wont cause lasting pollution.Some, however, suggest a moderate (温和的) way to solve the problem.“As a tradition, fireworks absolutely add to the festivals happiness. They

51、 shouldnt be banned totally,” commented netizen Tracy on the China Daily online forum (论坛). “But the time should be reduced. For example, it can be allowed just during New Years Eve, the first day of the Lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival.”1 caused serious air pollution on Lunar New Years Eve.A

52、The factoriesBThe carsCThe fireworksDThe bad weather2 cities saw serious air pollution on Lunar New Years Day.A201BMore than 40CAround 400D5003According to Sinas survey, over half of the Internet users setting off fireworks.Aare againstBenjoyCsupportDdont care about4 was not mentioned by the netizen

53、 nicknamed ann019.AExhausting sanitation workersBDisturbing sleepCWasting moneyDCausing fire5According to the passage, we know is a moderate way to solve the problem.Ato ban fireworks totallyBto reduce the time of setting off fireworksCto get more people to set off fireworksDto never change the trad

54、ition6What does the passage mainly talk about?AAir pollution.BA Survey on the Internet.CModerate ways to reduce firework celebrations.DWhether to ban festive fireworks.F18、Our environment is being polluted faster. Mans present efforts cannot prevent it .Time is bringing us more people, and more peop

55、le will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities and the growing use of man-made materials.What can explain and solve this problem ?The fact is that pollution is caused by man -by his desire(欲望) for a modern way of life. We make “industrialization(工业化)”our main aim. So we seem to be ready to

56、 give up everything: clear air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children. Large numbers of people are moving from the countryside into the cities, looking forward to the modern life. But as our world has developed so fast in the last twenty years, pollution has become a serious problem.Isnt it time for us to stop to ask ourselves where we are going-and why? It makes one think of the story about the airline pilot who was heard over the loudspeaker, “Ive some good news and some bad news. The good news is that were flying at 530 miles per hour.


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