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1、Unit 2 NeighboursGrammar新课导入一般将来时含义:表示将来发生的事情。基本结构:will / shall + do (动词原形) (shall 只用于第一人称I / we) be going to + do (动词原形)时间状语:常用的 书本P24新课导入将来时的典型标志:next Tuesday / week / month tomorrow (morning/afternoon )this afternoon /Sunday tonightthe day after tomorrowsoonin the future今夜不久(在)将来后天* in + 一段时间后in

2、ten minutes新课讲解一般将来时A. Simple future tense with will and shall will/shall动词原形(Shall 只用于第一人称 I / we) 新课讲解I will take an umbrella with me. 一般将来时: will/shall + 动词原形 1. Things that are sure to happen in the future (将来肯定会发生的事情) 今天下午将下雨。 她奶奶下周将90岁。It will rain this afternoon.Her grandmother will be ninety

3、 next week.2. plans we are making now (我们正在做的计划) 我将随身带把伞。新课讲解注意: will用于一切人称,shall只用于第一人称(I/we)。但是shall开头的句子可以表示请求或建议。Shall I go shopping with you? 我能和你一起去购物吗? (请求)Shall we go shopping? 我们去购物好吗? (建议)新课讲解一般将来时各种句式(will): 1. The boy will play football tomorrow. The boy will not /wont play football tomo

4、rrow.Will the boy play football tomorrow? Yes, he will. / No, he wont. What will the boy do tomorrow?(否)(一般)(回答)(划线)新课讲解一般将来时各种句式(shall): 1. I shall help the old man clean his flat the day after tomorrow.(否) I shall not /shant help the old man (一般)Shall I help the old man clean ?(回答) Yes, I shall. /

5、 No, I shall not/shant. (画线)When shall I help the old man clean his flat?新课讲解一般将来时各种句式(shall): 1. I shall help the old man clean his flat the day after tomorrow.(否) I shall not /shant help the old man (一般)Shall I help the old man clean ?(回答) Yes, I shall. / No, I shall not/shant. (画线)When shall I he

6、lp the old man clean his flat?新课讲解Mr Lin: Hello, Simon. Do you need any help?Simon: Yes, Mr Lin. Theres something wrong with my computer.Mr Lin: OK. We _ (ask) an engineer to check it for you.Simon: When _ the engineer _ (be) free?shall/will askwillAsking for helpP23be新课讲解Mr Lin: Well, we _ (call) h

7、im first. _ you _ (wait) for us to call back?Simon: All right. I _ (wait) for your call, Thanks.Mr Lin: Youre welcome.shall/will callWillwaitshall/will wait新课讲解原句: wait for us to call back wait for your calln.v.他的朋友都叫他Simon.All his friends call him Simon.那是呼救的声音。That is a call for help.当堂小练1. Amy wi

8、ll do her homework tonight(今晚). (否定句) (一般疑问句) (肯定、否定回答) (对划线部分提问) Amy wont do her homework tonight.Lets practise.Will Amy do her homework tonight?Yes, she will./ No, she wont.What will Amy do tonight?句型转换当堂小练2. The flat will belong to(属于) Tom next year. (否定句) (一般疑问句) (肯定和否定回答) (对划线部分提问)The flat wont

9、 belong to Tom next year.Will the flat belong to Tom next year?Yes, it will.No, it will not/wont.Who will the flat belong to next year?当堂小练3. Tom will find an engineer to check the computer. (对画线部分提问) (1)4. My mother will carry all the food.(同上) (1) (2)Who will Tom find to check the computer?What wi

10、ll your mother carry?Who will carry all the food?新课讲解be going to +动词原形B. Simple future tense with be going to1. Things that we decide to do (决定要做的事) I am going to visit our new neighbours. She is going to watch the film next Friday.2. Things that will probably happen (很可能发生的事) It is nine oclock. We

11、are going to be late. Its so cloudy. I think its going to rain.新课讲解be going to各种句式:1. 肯定句:be going to + v.原形2. 否定句:be + not + going to + v.原形The boy is going to play football tomorrow.The boy is not /isnt going to play football tomorrow.3. 一般疑问句:将be置于句首。Is the boy going to play football tomorrow?4.

12、一般疑问句回答:肯定: Yes, 人称代词 + be. Yes, he is.否定: No, 人称代词 + be not. No, he isnt.新课讲解5. 特殊疑问句:(1) 疑问词 + be + 主语 + going to + v.原形What is he going to do?他打算做什么?你打算什么时候去踢足球?When are you going to play football?Who is going to play football?你打算去哪里踢足球?谁打算去踢足球?Where are you going to play football?新课讲解Simon is te

13、lling Amy about his plan for a day out with his uncles family. Help him use the correct forms of be going to to talk about his plan.Planning a day outP24新课讲解Simon: Hi, Amy. My parents and I are planning a day out with my uncles family the day after tomorrow. Amy: Great! What _ you _ (do)?Simon: I _

14、(buy) some food, and my cousin Annie _ (buy) some plates and forks. Amy: What _ your parents _ (do)?aregoing to doam going to buyaregoing to dois going to buy新课讲解Simon: They _ (bring) some water.Amy: How about your uncle?Simon: He _ (make) a fire.Amy: And your aunt? What _ she _ (do)?Simon: She _ (c

15、ook) some food.are going to bringis going to makeisgoing to dois going to cook新课讲解bring 带来,从别处带到说话时所在地take 带去,从说话人处带到别处去你能把这些书带到教室去吗?Can you take these books to the classroom?他会带面包来的。He will bring some bread. bring here / take therecarry 无方向性当堂小练We _ (take) the train to Shanghai next Friday.Who _ (s

16、ing) at the party tomorrow? Millie is.The radio says it _(rain) this afternoon.4. Its so cloudy. I think it _ (rain).will take / are going to takeis going to singwill rainis going to rain当堂小练你下个周末有空吗?Will you be free next weekend?Will you have free time next weekend?今天下午将会有一场足球比赛。There will be a foo

17、tball match this afternoon.There is going to be a football match this afternoon.新课讲解Pay attention to these!在英语中,有些动词如come, go, leave, arrive等位置移动词可用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。如:Im coming. (我就来了。)Are we all going ? (我们都将去吗?)The train is leaving.(火车就要开了。)当堂小练We _ (meet) outside the school gate tomorrow. 2. How _

18、they _ (visit) the History Museum next week? 3. Look! They _ (lie) on the grass.4. He _ (sit) on the balcony and _ (look) out at the park at the moment.Exercisesshall/will meetwillvisit are lyingis sittinglooking当堂小练5. She is studying Chinese now. (用 next year 改写)6. 两天后学校里将有一场排球比赛。She will/is going

19、to study Chinese next year.There will be / There is going to be a volleyball match at school in two days.当堂小练1. Amy will do her homework tonight. (否定句) (一般疑问句) (肯定、否定回答) (对划线部分提问) Amy wont do her homework tonight.Lets practise.Will Amy do her homework tonight?Yes, she will.No, she wont.What will Amy do tonight?句型转换:当堂小练2. Tom will go to London next year. (否定句) (一般疑问句) (否定回答) (对划线部分提问)Tom wont go to London next year.Will Tom go to London next year?No, he will not/wont.Where will Tom go next year?当堂小练3. I shall eat noodles this evening.


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