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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、-What a bad day I have today!- Everyone has one of those days when goes right.AanythingBeverythingC

2、somethingDnothing2、Im very tired and really feel like _.Ato restBrestCrestingDto resting3、After the boy saw a bird resting by the window, he moved _ to have a look at it.ApolitelyBquietlyCeasilyDsafely4、Robin is a great actor, he is also a good father.Aor Bbut Cso Dand5、Last December, a man who stol

3、e a shared bike 1,000 yuan by the police.AfinedBis finedCwas fined6、About _ of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the 1990s.Athree fourBthree fourthsCthird fourthDthird fourths7、- _ you often go to school by bike?- Yes, but sometimes I go by bus when it rains.ADoBWillCHaveDAre8、I hope

4、 you dont mind my opening the window. . Its much too hot here.AAll right.BCertainly.COf course not.DNever mind.9、You think all the training meaningless, but Im a hundred percent sure later youll thank yourself for doing it.AshallBshouldCneedDmay10、Youve been watching TV for two Hours. Why not _ game

5、s with us?Astop playingBstopping to playCstop to play. 完形填空11、 Everyone knows Bill Gates. He is one of the worlds richest men. 1 do you know Blanche Caffiere?Blanche Caffiere was Bill Gates 2 .Gates said she changed 3 life.Gates first 4 Mrs. Caffiere when he was nine years old. Then he was in his fo

6、urth grade. He was not a good student. He had terrible handwriting. He tried to get unnoticed(不被注意的). He didnt 5 others to know that he liked reading because he thought the 6 was for girls but not for boys.Mrs. Caffiere pulled Gates out of his shell(使他胆子大起来)by 7 her love of books. She asked him,“Wha

7、t do you like to read?”Then, she found him a lot of books. After he read a book, Mrs. Caffiere would take time to 8 it with him. She would ask,“Did you like it? Why? What did you learn?” She carefully listened to what he said. They became good friends.Gates showed his 9 to Mrs. Caffiere in a blog. H

8、e wrote, “I liked to 10 time with her then. Now I want to thank her for helping me find my strengths(长处), for helping me become the man I am today. Thank you ,my teacher.”1ASoBButCor2AfriendBclassmateCteacher3AhisBherCits4AsavedBmetCleft5AwantBaskCneed6AbookBlessonChobby7AreturningBsharingCfinding8A

9、hear fromBtalk aboutClook for9AthanksBsadnessCsurprise10AsaveBwasteCspend. 语法填空12、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词.Its four oclock in the afternoon. Some students1(talk) about the future. Here is one of their predictions. I believe we will be able to live in the space. There2(be) many big clean hotels

10、in the space. We can fly our rockets to the space hotel there. And also we 3play) sports and enjoy all kinds of interesting food in the sky. John Lisa Hawkins loves riding her BMX bike (极限单车)and her dream is to go to the Olympics. Lisa first got interested in BMX racing at the age of ten. Once she h

11、ired(租) a bike for a pound and immediately 4(fall) in love with the sport. “It was the best pound I ever spent,” she says. Lisa is only 16 but she 5already have) lots of success, and got first prize in a world BMX competition last year. BMX racing is quite a dangerous sport. But this didnt keep her

12、from6(want) to do more competition. Lisa exercises every day. Like many sports people, she7(believe) in luck as well as hard work. 阅读理解A13、At the moment, it may be difficult to imagine, but many people believe that, by the year 2100, we will live on the planet Mars. Our own planet, Earth, is becomin

13、g more and more crowed and polluted. Luckily, we can start again and build a better world on Mars. Here is what life could be like.First of all, transport should be much better. At present, our spaceships are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars-it takes months. However, by 2100, spaces

14、hip can travel at half the speed of light. It might take us two or three days to get to Mars!Secondly, humans need food, water and air to live. Scientists should be able to develop plants that can be grown on Mars. These plants will produce the food and air that we need. However, can these plants pr

15、oduce water for us? There is no answer now.There is a problem for us to live on Mars. Mars pulls us much less than the Earth does. This will be dangerous because we could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space. To prevent this, humans on Mars have to wear special shoes to make themselve

16、s heavier.Life on Mars will be better than that on Earth in many ways, People will have more space. Living in allergen building with only 10 bedrooms is highly possible. Many people believe that robot will do most of our work, so we have more time for our hobbies.There will probably be no school on

17、Mars. Every student will have a computer at home which is connected to the internet. They can study, do their homework and take exams in online schools. Each student will also have their own online teacher called e-teacher.However, in some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth

18、today. Food will not be the same-meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also, space travel will make many people feel ill. The spaceship will travel fast but the journey to Mars will probably be very uncomfortable.1According to the text, by the ye

19、ar 2100, some of us will possibly live _ .Aon Mars Bon the moonCunder the sea Din the sun2So far, how long will it take us from the earth to Mars by spaceship?ATwo or three days BA few monthsCA few days DA few years3In the future, the students on Mars _ .Awill study mainly through the internet Bwill

20、 study mainly in a classroomCwill meet each other face to face every day Dneednt study at all4Life on Mars will be better than life on the earth because _ .Aonly a few people will live there Bthere will be more space and less work to doCthere will be much delicious food Dall students dont need to do

21、 any homework5According to the text, which of the following about Mars is NOT true?ATransport will be much better and faster.BWe need to develop a special plant which can produce water.COn Mars, we can jump higher than on the earth.DFood will be much more tasty.B14、No human community has not worked

22、out a language for itself Each language is based on the life of the people who invented it,so it is especially useful to themFor example,Eskimos use a large number of words for different kinds of snowThese would be useless to people living in a hot countryLanguages change all the timeWords that are

23、no longer needed in everyday conversation drop out of use,though they can still be found in books and dictionariesThis is often because the word has been replaced(代替)by another simpler one that most people preferFor example, car is now used instead of automobileWords can change their meanings,or hav

24、e new ones added to themThe development of computers has given new meanings to words like programme, disc and mouse and invented new words like byteOften words borrowed from other languages are used to create new wordsEnglish contains many words that were originally French and were introduced into t

25、he language in 1Court, beef and vegetable are a few examplesAt first sight,or at first hearing, But when you look more closely, or listen more carefully,it is possible to find links and similarities between some languagesFor example,the word brother is like Bruder in GermanLanguage experts have grou

26、ped together languages that seem to be connected into language familiesGenerally, languages that belong(属于)to a particular family have similar sounding words which have the same meaningEnglish belongs to the same language family as French,German,Spanish,and many languages spoken in Europe and AsiaTh

27、ey belong to the IndoEuropean group and it is the largest language familyThe Chinese language belongs to SinoTibetan group, while Japanese belongs to yet another family which includes KoreanBut differences in language can make a barrier(障碍)when countries meet to discuss world issuesTo smooth away th

28、e barrier,the United Nations use Chinese,English,French,Russian and Spanish as a few official languages throughout their meetingsIn some countries where many languages are spoken,there is an official language for formal(正式的)and business useFor instance,English is the official language in India2The e

29、xample of the Eskimos mentioned in ParaIt shows that Alanguage is close to the life of the people who invented itBthe same word has different meanings in cold and hot countriesCpeople change the meanings of words in books and dictionariesDEskimos prefer to add new uses to words in everyday conversat

30、ion3People today prefer the wordcartoautomobilebecause Acar sounds nice at first hearingBcar is simpler than automobileCautomobile is harder to pronounceDautomobile has changed its meaning4Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in the passage?Alanguages used in most countri

31、es change with the timeBlanguages of different places sound difficult to understandClanguages spoken throughout the world seem very differentDlanguages with similar pronunciation make people feel close5It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that Amany words in English,Spanish and German share simila

32、r sounds and meaningBEnglish and Spanish are used as official languages at business meetings in EuropeCthe Chinese,Japanese and Koreau languages belong to the largest language familyDsome French words were introduced into English in order to better their own cultureC15、Have you ever wondered how we

33、know the things that we know? How do we know that the stars are really huge balls of fire like the Sun and very far away? And how do we know that the Earth is a smaller ball turning round one of those stars, the Sun?The key to those questions is“ evidence(证据). Sometimes evidence means actually seein

34、g (or hearing, feeling, smelling) that something is true. Astronauts have travelled far enough from the Earth to see with their own eyes that it is round. Sometimes our eyes need help The evening star looks like a bright twinkle in the sky, but with a telescope( 望远镜 ) you can see that it is a beauti

35、ful ball. Something that you learn by direct seeing(or hearing or feeling )is called an observation(观察)Often evidence isnt just observation on its own, but observation always hides at the back of it. If theres been a murder, often nobody(except the murderer and the dead person!)actually observed it.

36、 But detectives(侦探)can gather together lots of other observations which may all point towards the suspect(嫌疑犯). If a persons finger- prints match those found on a knife, this is evidence that he touched it. It doesnt prove(证明)that he did the murder, but it can help when its joined up with lots of ot

37、her evidence.Prediction helps to look for evidence. Scientists make a guess about what might be true. For example, if the world is really round, we can predict that any of us, going on and on in the same direction, should eventually find ourselves back where we startedPeople sometimes say that you m

38、ust believe in feelings deep inside, but not all the inside feelings are real evidence.What can we do about all this? When somebody tells you something that sounds possible, think to yourself: Is there any evidence for that? And, next time somebody tells you that something is true, why not say to th

39、em: What kind of evidence is there for that? Remember ,always think carefully before you believe a word.1Why does the writer use the example of a detective in Paragraph 3?ATo explain what prediction isBTo tell what observation is calledCTo introduce how detectives work.DTo prove evidence is not just

40、 observation2The underlined eventually in Paragraph 4 means Aprobably Bfinally Ccompletely Dluckily3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?APrediction helps to prove something if it is true.BWhat you see directly is real evidenceCPeople should always believe their inside feelingsDAs

41、tronauts find the Earth is round with a telescope.4whats the best title of the passage?AEvidence speaksBScientists make predictionsCInside feelings help get ideasDObservation offers the factsD16、Its a long-awaited (期待已久) day for China. The navy now has its first aircraft carrier(航空母舰), Liaoning. Its

42、 a unique experience to get to know the life in the carrier. The carrier is just like a small city on the sea. It has all the functions for daily life. There are 4 words to sum up its characters: big, small, much andhigh. The carrier Liaoning is such a huge one that the total length of the whole cor

43、ridor(过道)could reach over 20 kilometers. But the living space for the sailors is quite small. Thats because the carrier is designed for researching purposes, rather than comfortable living. Over 1,000 sailors, both men and women, are living on board. They are arranged among over 3,000 tiny rooms bel

44、ow the deck. For visitors, its so easy to get lost. So the first thing the new sailors have to learn is their way around. The number of female sailors is much smaller than that of the males, taking about 5 percent of the total. But they play a key role in carrying out some special missions.Also, you

45、 will be surprised by the high level of education of todays sailors. The captain said that over 90 percent of the sailors are college graduates. Six hold Doctors Degrees and 45 have a Masters. The whole team is young but vigorous (精力充沛的). The complex work on the carrier requires high management abil

46、ities for the commanders on board.1Why do we visitors get lost easily inside the carrier?ABecause they dont have a map.BBecause the living space is quite small.CBecause there are too many corridors for rooms.DBecause the corridor inside the carrier is too long.2What does the word “high” in Line 4 re

47、fer to(指代)?AThe aircraft carrier is high since it is just like a small city.BMost of the soldiers received good education.CThe expense(花费)to run a carrier is high.DThe high-level of their training.3The number of female sailors is about _.A50 B150 C200 D6004Which of the following is TRUE according to

48、 the passage?AThere are more women sailors than men sailors on the carrier.BMost of the sailors on the carrier hold Doctors Degrees.CLiaoning is our countrys first aircraft carrier.DIt is comfortable for the sailors to live in the carrier.E17、April will bring a new product the Apple Watch into the m

49、arket. Last week, the watch was firstly introduced by Tim Cook, Apples CEO. The price of the watch will differ from $349 to $1,099, depending on its size, strap and whether it is a sports or regular version.Apple engineers and designers have put in a lot of thought and hard work into creating this s

50、mall screen on your wrist(手腕). The sensor on the screen not only detects your finger, but knows the difference between when you are tapping, and when you are pressing harder.The watch also has “haptic feedback(触觉反馈)”. You can send personal messages to your friend - such as drawing a star or a specia

51、l sign with your fingers, or tapping the watch, say 3 times, and your friend will receive those taps on their wrist.Besides telling the time, the watch will use bluetooth to connect with your iPhone and show calls or text messages that come in.According to Tim Cook, the watch may open up a whole new

52、 area of applications that we had never thought of. Some car factories like BMW have developed an app that allows its car owners to open their cars with the watch. A Hotels app may allow you to open the door to your hotel room without worrying about losing the smart-card. And finally, even airlines

53、are jumping in - passengers may be able to simply wave their wrist to check into their flight.The biggest use of the watch, however, is as your personal fitness coach. The watch can measure your pulse (heartbeat) using a sensor at the bottom of the watch. It also has the same accelerometer as your i

54、Phone, so it knows when you are moving, and also how much you are walking or running. It will remind you if you have been sitting for too long without much activity.Many stores are planning to stop selling the Nike, Jawbone and FitBit devices(设备) to welcome the Apple Watch. Will Apple Watch really r

55、eplace these devices and make fitness much more fun?1We can learn from the passage that the Apple Watch _.Ais designed by Tim CookBwas brought into the market last weekCsells at different prices for different coloursDwill come into the market this coming April2With apple watch, you can _.Adevelop yo

56、ur own personal appBconnect your iphone with your ipadCreceive personal messages from your friends iphoneDsend personal messages to your friends apple watches3Many businesses help push for the uses of apple watch EXCEPT _.Ahospitals BhotelsCairlines Dcar factories4Many stores are planning to stop se

57、lling FitBit devices because _.Aall of the devices are sold outBthey cannot make fitness funCthey want to welcome the Apple WatchDApple Watch can replace FitBit devices completelyF18、 A video of a group of fathers line dancing while wearing their babies tied to their chests has become an online hitm

58、elting the hearts of millions.The dads, who dance to Wild Cherrys Play That Funky Music, perform the moves largely with the music while they are carrying their children in baby carriers and appear to be very careful.The video, which has been watched more than 2. 7 million times was said to be part of a class in California.The studio, which specializes in funky baby-wearing line dancing classes, is run by Messhi and Amber Anjali.They pr


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