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1、 Unit 13: Invitation for Bids and Bidding学习目标了解国际招标和投标的种类、运作程序;掌握国际招标文件和投标书的基本内容;掌握国际招投标相关的商业信函的专业术语、常用表达及基本内容。本讲内容Section 1: IntroductionSection 2: Specimen Letters Section 3: Some Useful Expressions Section 4: Summary Section 1:Introduction 1. 招标与投标的概念2. 国际招标的分类3. 招标的程序Section 1:Introduction 1. 招标

2、与投标的概念 (1)招标(Invitation for Bids)是指招标人(买方)发出招标通知,说明采购的商品名称(Name of commodity)、规格(Specification)、数量(Quantity)及其他条件,邀请投标人(卖方)在规定的时间、地点按照一定的程序进行投标的行为。 Section 1:Introduction 1. 招标与投标的概念 (2)投标(Bid/Tender)是与招标相对应的概念,是指投标人应招标人的邀请或投标人满足招标人最低资质要求而主动申请,按照招标的要求和条件,在规定的时间内向招标人递价,争取中标的行为。Section 1:Introduction

3、2. 国际招标的分类 (1)公开招标(Open Bids) (2)选择性招标(Selected Bids) (3)议标(Bid Negotiation)Section 1:Introduction 3. 招标的程序 (1) 编制招标文件或招标书(Bidding Documents) (2)发布招标邀请书(Invitation for Bids) (3)编制投标书(Bids) (4)递送投标书 (5)开标与评标(Opening and Evaluation of Bids) (6)决标(Award of Bids)Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter 1 A let

4、ter of invitation for bids Letter 2 A letter of invitation for bids with specific information Letter 3 A letter of bidding Letter 4 A bidding proposalLetter 5 A letter of calling off biddingSection 2: Specimen LettersLetter 1: A letter of invitation for bids 思考: What should Interested manufactures a

5、nd/or trading companies do if they intend to participate in the bid?Section 2: Specimen LettersDear sirs,In accordance with the Loan Agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation of the Peoples Republic of China and the Overseas Economic Co-operation Fund of Japan for the

6、 above mentioned project, China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation was authorized to purchase, by way of international competitive bidding, the equipment for the above mentioned project. Section 2: Specimen LettersThe payment for the purchase shall be made under the loan.We hereby invi

7、te interested manufactures and/or trading companies registered in and controlled by any country or area to participate in the bid.Section 2: Specimen LettersInterested manufactures and/or trading companies are kindly requested to contact us for obtaining bid documents between 9:00 and 11:00 am from

8、April 15 to 19, 2010 in Commercial Office Building, No.53 Anzhen St. Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.Section 2: Specimen LettersChina National Machinery Import and Export Corporation Address: Commercial Office Building, No.53 Anzhen St. Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. Tel: Fax: Yours faithfully

9、, Michel Zhang Section 2: Specimen LettersNotes 1. bid n.& v. (American English) tender n. & v. (British English) 2. Loan Agreement 3. Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation of the Peoples Republic of China 4. Overseas Economic Co-operation Fund of JapanSection 2: Specimen LettersLetter

10、 2 A letter of invitation for bids with specific information Notes 5. international competitive bidding 6. bid documents 7. Chief Executive Officer=CEOSection 2: Specimen Letterswith specific information 思考: What are the tendering Details?Section 2: Specimen LettersFar East Oil Tools & Services Ltd

11、Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base. Shekou, Shenzhen, P.R.C Attn: Li JiangSection 2: Specimen LettersDear Sirs, You, are hereby invited by GALL Petroleum Development (Purchaser) to submit a Tender for the above Goods and services, in accordance with this Letter of Invitation and the Invitation to Tender i

12、s accepted, Purchaser will issue a Purchase Order on the Terms and Conditions contained in this Invitation to Tender and your offer, for the provision of DRILLING TOOLS and associated equipment and services. Section 2: Specimen LettersOne copy of the Invitation to Tender Documents is enclosed herewi

13、th and comprises: Section A Instructions to Tender Section B Form of Tender Section C Conditions of Purchase Summary of WorkSection 2: Specimen LettersThe Goods and services, described in this Invitation to Tender agreement is to provide drilling tools and ancillary equipment/services in support of

14、Purchasers drilling activities in contract area 15/23 offshore Peoples Republic of China in the South China Sea. Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter 2 A letter of invitation for bids with specific information The firm Scope of Supply will be for the provision of drilling tools and ancillary equipment/

15、services with an option for standby tools at a later date. The intended date for spuding the firm well is early November 2010.Section 2: Specimen LettersProvisions are briefly: Provisions of fishing tools Provisions of back up fishing tools Provisions of standby tools running tools Provisions of ser

16、vice engineer (optionally)Section 2: Specimen LettersIf you cannot or do not wish to submit a Tender for the services described in this Invitation to Tender then please return the documentation to us in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions to Tenders stating that you do not wish to s

17、ubmit an offer.Section 2: Specimen LettersTendering Details You are requested to check the contents of the Invitation to Tender package for completeness when you receive it and then return the enclosed Tender Acknowledgment.Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter 2 A letter of invitation for bids with spe

18、cific information Tendering Details Tenders shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Tenders and Form of Tender. Any deviation from the requirements of these Instructions may render your Tender invalid.Your Tender must be receive no later than 12:00 hours on Friday, 3rd July, 2010 (

19、closing date) at the office of the Purchaser in Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China.Section 2: Specimen LettersTendering DetailsTenders shall be forwarded by courier service or delivered safe-hand, sealed and clearly addressed and marked on the outside in accordance with the Instructions to Tenders.

20、Please note that uninvited visits to our offices to discuss the Invitation to Tender are not acceptable and that all contact shall be in writing as set out in the Instructions to Tenders.Section 2: Specimen LettersTendering DetailsThe Tender shall consider this Letter of Invitation and the enclosed

21、Invitation to Tender documents to be confidential, and the contents shall not be divulged to any person or persons not directly concerned with the preparation of the Tender.Section 2: Specimen LettersTendering DetailsThis Invitation to Tender is subject to your signing and returning to the Purchase

22、the Tender Acknowledgment contained within section A. Yours sincerely,Section 2: Specimen LettersNotes 1. drilling fool 2. ancillary 3. standby 4. spud 5. courier 6. divulgeSection 2: Specimen LettersLetter 3 A letter of bidding 思考: Did the company accept the Invitation? How do you know?Section 2: S

23、pecimen LettersLetter 3 A letter of bidding Dear Sirs, We acknowledge receipt of your Invitation to Tender Documents for the above and we agree to maintain confidentiality in regard to the Invitation to Tender and the contents thereof. We confirm we intend to submit a bona fide Tender in accordance

24、with all your requirements by the date and time stated in your letter of Invitation to Tender.Section 2: Specimen LettersOur details are given below: Please accept our best wishes for quick and successful completion to your planed program. Yours truly, Li Jiang General ManagerSection 2: Specimen Let

25、tersNotes 1. acknowledge 2. confidentiality 3. confirm 4. bona fideSection 2: Specimen LettersLetter 4 A bidding proposal 思考: What advantages does Shenzhen Far East Oil Tools Ltd have?Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter 4 A bidding proposal Gentlemen, We appreciate the opportunity to put in bid for pr

26、oviding drilling tools/equipment & services to your company. In the past years we have enjoyed working with all groups in China drilling area and are very hopeful that your new operation in the South China Sea will be very profitable.Section 2: Specimen LettersWe have carefully examined your invitat

27、ion letters to tender “tender HB-403 Supply of Drilling Tools” and form of contract entitled “Contractor Service Contract” and related documents. We hereby submit our proposal No. FAS980008 to Tender HB-403. For Drilling Tools/ Equipment and Service in accordance with the terms of Tender document.Se

28、ction 2: Specimen LettersShenzhen Far East Oil Tools is also looking forward to a long-term profitable future in service of the oil industry in this area and therefore invested heavily in setting up a fully capable tool rental service as drilling operations expand. Most of our drilling tools are ava

29、ilable in our Chiwan Base. Our offshore operation supervisors are very experienced. We also have complete machine shop service in Chiwan Base and it is easily and quickly to maintain and repair for all related equipment.Section 2: Specimen Letters Enclosed please find 3 copies of our price schedule

30、prepared for drilling tools/equipment and service tender No.HB-403 including also our explanation and support documents. If any points that are not clear, we will be glad to explain in more details at any time.Our companys information is given below: Section 2: Specimen LettersWelcome you to our war

31、ehouse in Chiwan Base for visiting and Inspecting of the equipment. Yours sincerely, Li Jiang General ManagerSection 2: Specimen LettersNotes 1. profitable 2 . rental rental service rental charges 3. offshore Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter 5 A letter of calling off bidding 思考: Why did the company

32、 call off bidding?Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter 5 A letter of calling off bidding Dear Sirs, We apologize you for well call off our intend to submit a tender to Tender No. HB-4040 SUPPLY OF WELLHEAD on account of our equipment of wellhead was sold out recently. We apologize again for any inconvenience. Yours Sincerely, Li Jiang General ManagerSection 2: Specimen LettersNotes1.


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