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1、会议口译资料一(社会大类必背材料):详细内容::体育与健康高超的才智需要健康的体魄,这样才智才能充分发挥。有益的运动有很多,它们有益于 健康,许多运动项目雨天可以在室内进行。然而,室内运动总不像在户外的新鲜空气中 进行活动那么好,因为我们身体在新鲜空气中会汲取更多氧气,吐出更多废气。室内空 气的新鲜程度保持不了多久,而户外空气则常常新鲜而清爽。但是可以进行哪些项目 呢?可进行的项目有足球、篮球、跑步等等,只要有足够的运动量的体育项目都是有益 的,最好的是那些在户外进行的运动。A strong mind needs strong body in order to make it most use

2、ful. There are a great many good exercises. They are helpful and healthful. Many of them may be taken ind oors during rainy weather. Indoor exercises, however, are never as helpful as those tak en out of doors in pure fresh air. It is because in fresh air more oxygen is taken into our systems and mo

3、re wastes are given off. The air in the house does not remain fresh very long. But out of doors it is usually fresh and pure. But what shall we play?There are a number of games such as football, basketball, races. Any game with pl enty of movement is good. The best are those that are played out of d

4、oors.不断变化的环境扩大了食品选择范围,改变了饮食习惯。杂货店货架上的物品花样愈加 繁多,包装食品,快餐店,软饮料俯拾即是。虽然这些食品快捷便利,但是他们趋向于 高脂肪、高糖、高卡路里,食用过多这些类型的食品会导致卡路里摄入过量。一些食品 包装上标注着健康,低脂肪或无脂肪,但许多食品含的卡路里比他们实际取代的食品含 的卡路里还要多,重要的是阅读食品标签以了解营养信息且适量进食。Grocery stored stock their shelves with a greater selection of products. Pre-packaged f oods, fast food rest

5、aurants, and soft drinks are also more accessible. While such foods are fast and convenient they also tend to be high in fat, sugar, and calories. Choosin g many foods from these areas may contribute to an excessive calorie intake. Some fo ods are marketed as healthy, low fat, or fat-free, but may c

6、ontain more calories than t he fat containing food they are designed to replace. It is important to read food labels for nutritional information and to eat in moderation.太极拳是从中国的赤手搏击演变而来的古老武术之一,武术扎根中国哲学思想,倾注精神 层面发展,是提升自我与专注意识的方式,在中国乃至全世界人民纷纷练习,它动作舒 缓优美,可强健筋骨,使身姿灵活,对健康大有裨益。太极拳即可治病健身,可御敌还 击,它注重形神合而为一,

7、强调专心致志的能力,不致分心或受扰。Shadow boxing is one of the ancient martial arts that evolved from unarmed combat i n China. The martial arts have their roots in Chinese philosophy and involve considera ble focus on their spiritual aspects and as a means of increasing self-concept and conc entration. Shadow boxin

8、g is practiced not only in China but all over the world for its health benefits-developing strength and flexibility with its slow, graceful movements.As both healing art and fighting art, shadow boxing emphasizes the mind and body c onnection. It focuses on developing the ability to center oneself a

9、nd therefore not be e asily distracted or confused.医疗与卫生新中国1949年成立之后,中国政府把医疗工作的重点放在了农村卫生服务,疾病的防 治,保健和中医学的改进上来。政府致力于建立医疗公共卫生机构。一个全国范围内的 公共卫生网络已经形成,并且已有了大批的医疗人员。随着医疗教育制度建立,大量的 医疗专家接受了培训。After the founding of New China in 1949, the Chinese government put the emphasis of medical work on rural health ser

10、vices, disease prevention and health care, and prom otion of traditional Chinese medicine. Great efforts were devoted to setting up medical and public health institutions. A nationwide public health network has been formed a nd there is now a large contingent of medical personnel. With a medical edu

11、cation sy stem established, a large number of medical experts have been trained.医疗技术有了很大的提高,医疗工作的管理和监督业得到了加强。在城市和农村已建立 的医疗保健制度下,每个人都只用支付一小部分的医疗费。中医在同西医的结合中得到 了提高。传染性疾病的发病率大幅下降,一些地方性疾病也在控制之中。农村的卫生事 业日趋完善,对于国民整体的健康水平意义重大。中国人民的平均寿命,婴儿死亡率和 初生儿死亡率都已接近当今世界水平。The medical technology has improved greatly, an

12、d the management and supervision of medical work have been strengthened. An urban and rural medical insurance system has been established, under which the individual pays a small portion of the medical e xpense. Traditional Chinese medicine has been promoted through its integration with Western medi

13、cine. The incidence of many epidemic diseases has dropped considerably, and some endemic diseases are now under control. Rural health work has been impro ved, greatly contributing to the overall health of the population. The average life expe ctance of Chinese people, the death rate of infants and c

14、hildbirth death rate has appro ached the world advanced levels.在卫生方面,着力加强公共卫生体系建设和农村卫生工作。加强艾滋病等重大疾病防治。 高度重视高致病性禽流感疫情防控工作,有效遏制了疫情蔓延和对人的传播。人口和计 划生育工作取得新进展。In health, we put great effort into improving the public health system and rural health care work. We intensified efforts to prevent and treat majo

15、r diseases such as AIDS a nd gave high priority to the prevention and control of highly pathogenic avian influen za, keeping it from spreading and infecting people. Progress was made in population work and family planning.传统的中医是经临床验证,并且具有独树一帜的治疗理论的数千年的疗法。中国政府不 仅下大气力发展现代医学而且还对中国的传统中医的开发和发展,特别是在治疗中综合

16、两种疗法采取了鼓励的态度。中国政府制订了一系列的政策和措施推动中国传统中医和 药理学的发展。传统中医强调器官的内部协调功能和增强人体对疾病的抵抗力的重要 性。因此,传统中医是建立在对人体上的规范控制基础上的,也就是说,是建立在自我 控制基础上的。Traditional Chinese medicine has clinical experience and a unique system of therapies that are thousands of years old. The Chinese government not only makes great efforts to dev

17、elop modern medicine but also adopts a positive attitude toward the exploration and development of traditional Chinese medicine and especially, a combination of the two in treatment. A series of policies and principles have been formulated and regula tions adopted to advance TCM and pharmacology. Tr

18、aditional Chinese medicine empha sizes the organisms internal function and the importance of building up the bodys re sistance to diseases. Treatment by TCM is thus based on “the regulation of the whole organism”, that is to say, on “selFregulation.”传统的中医在治疗的过程中的好处是对身体没有副作用,而化学药品对身体都有副作 用,因此,它吸引了许多发

19、达国家医生的注意力,因为当今社会,他们越来越关心他们 用药的副作用。针灸疗法和阵脚麻醉法现在已经在世界范围内120个国家和地区被使用。 中国传统中医同时还有很多具体的疗法帮助病人逐渐康复。针对重大疾病出现了一系列 疗法,比如针灸,灸术,按摩,拔火罐,气功,或者是用中草药结合加以食物辅助都非 常的有效。As traditional Chinese medicine has the great advantage of treating diseases without p olluting the body with chemical substances, is has attracted t

20、he attention of doctors in the developed countries who are more and more concerned about the side effects ofthe medicine they use. Acupuncture treatment and acupuncture anesthesia are now used in 120 countries and regions throughout the world. Traditional Chinese medicine hasalso many specific remed

21、ies to help the patient recover during convalescence. After e mergency treatment of acute and dangerous diseases, acupuncture, moxibustion, massag e, cupping, qigong and a combined treatment of medicinal plants and diet have proved to be very helpful.文化与艺术汉字时由图画和符号演变来的,当中国的书写汉字有了进步之后,奇特的中国书法才真 正的产生了

22、。书法家用上乘的纸张,毛笔和墨水逐渐演化成了今天迥异的书法风格,而 这些形式,就一代传给一代了。每个朝代的书法家都层出不穷,他们的书法和书法风格 都代表了他们生活年代的写照。生活在东晋的王羲之,是最著名的书法家。他的儿子王 献之,也是非常有名的书法家。Chinese characters evolved from pictures and signs, and the unique Chinese calligraphy came into being during the development of writing. Using fine paper, brushes and in k,

23、calligraphers have evolved a richly varied tradition of calligraphic styles, which hav e been handed down from generation to generation. Great calligraphers emerged in eve ry dynasty, and their calligraphy and styles became representative of their time. Wang Xizhi, who lived in the Eastern Jin dynas

24、ty, was best known. His son, Wang Xianzh i, was also a famous calligrapher.长城由要塞,城墙和烽火台组成,它绵延6300公里,穿越了五个省。它是战国时代, 公元前5世纪由燕国,赵国和秦国建造的,当初的目的是为了抵御北方的游牧民族入侵。 在秦朝,中国第一个皇帝秦始皇在公元前3世纪统一中国之后,他把长城加长并且连接 了一部分长城。接下来的汉朝,唐朝,宋朝,元朝和明朝都继续修筑长城。今天的长城, 不论是从规模,现存状况还是地理位置来说,都是明朝所建。这样如此浩大的一项工程, 而且是建立在高山和梯田之上,在那个技术还很落后的时代

25、使得长城成为了世界建筑史 上的一个真正奇观。The Great Wall, which is composed of fortresses, walls, terraces and beacon towers, r uns 6,300 km, across five provinces. It was constructed in the Warring States Period of the 5th century B.C by three states-Yan, Zhao, and Qin as a defense against each other and against the n

26、omads further north. After Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor o f the Qin dynasty, unified China in the 3rd century B.C., sections of the walls were l inked and extended. The subsequent Han, Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties conti nued to strengthen and extend the wall. Todays Great Wall, in size, c

27、ondition and loc ation, is mostly the Ming reconstruction. That such an immense engineering project co uld be accomplished over high mountains and difficult terrain at a time of less advanc ed technology make s the Great Wall truly a wonder of world architectural history.京剧是中国的国粹,已有200年的历史。京剧的产生要从徽戏

28、说起,京剧在200年的发 展历程中融合了多个民族的发明,成为一种成熟的艺术。京剧有“文戏”和“武戏”之 分。基本的表演形式有唱、念、做、打。Peking Opera of China is a national treasure with a history of 200 years. It originated from Anhui opera. In its 200 years of development, Peking opera acquired characteris tics of many different nationalities and finally emerged

29、as a mature art form. Peking Opera can be divided into “civil” pieces characterized by singing, and “martial” ones f eaturing acrobatics and stunts. Peking Opera has chang (singing), nian (dialogue), zuo (acting) and da (martial arts) as its basic performing forms.明朝和清朝见证了小说史的发展。罗贯中的三国演义,施耐庵的水浒传,吴承恩

30、的西游 记,曹雪芹的红楼梦是当时的四大名著。几个世纪以来,因为他们著作丰富的历史, 文化内涵和独特的写作风格而为世人传颂。The Ming and Qing dynasties saw the development of the novel. The Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Naian, Journey to the West by W u Chengen, and A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin are the four masterpieces p

31、roduced in this form during this period. They have been celebrated for centuries for their rich historical and cultural content and unique style.在文化方面,积极开展文化体制改革试点工作,公共文化基础设施建设进一步加强,文 化信息资源共享工程顺利实施。对外文化交流日益活跃。体育事业取得新成绩。社会主 义精神文明建设得到加强。In culture, we launched a trial reform in the cultural system, up

32、graded culture-related f acilities for public use, implemented the project to share cultural information, and incr eased cultural exchanges with other countries. Further successes were achieved in the c ountrys athletic endeavors. Greater efforts were made to promote socialist cultural and ideologic

33、al progress.教育与科技高等学校从2000年起连续扩大招生规模,高考录取率从25%提高到49%; 2003年高等 学校在校生2400万人,是1998年的3.6倍;五年内全国本专科毕业生2000万人,毕 业研究生40万人。高校后勤社会化改革取得重要进展,新建和改建学生公寓5200万平 方米,超过1962年到1999年的建设总规模。Institutions of higher learning have enrolled more students every year since 2000, and the admission rate for those taking the col

34、lege entrance exams increased from 25% to 49%, In 2003, the student population in institutions of higher learning was 24 millio n, 3.6 times the 1998 figure. In these five years, 20 million junior and regular college students and 400,000 graduate students graduated. Important progress was made in ou

35、 tsourcing college services to independent service providers. A total of 52 million squar e meters of college dormitories were built or remodeled, more than the total built in t he 1962-1999 period.在教育方面,重点加强了义务教育特别是农村义务教育。中央和地方财政安排专项资金 70多亿元,对592个重点贫困1700万名贫困家庭学生免除学杂费、免费提供教科书和 补助寄宿生生活费。继续实施西部地区“两基”

36、攻坚计划。两年来,为16万个农村中 小学校和教学点配备了远程教育设施。职业教育的到进一步加强。高等教育持续发展。 In education, we focused on strengthening compulsory education, especially in rural ar eas. Over 7 billion yuan was allocated by the central and local governments to pay tu ition and miscellaneous fees, provide free textbooks, and subsidize ro

37、om and board for 17 million students from poor families in 592 designated poverty-stricken counties. W e continued to implement the plan to make nine-year compulsory education basically u niversal and to basically eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged adults in th e western region. We pro

38、vided distance learning equipment for 160,000 rural primary and secondary schools and learning centers over the past two years. Vocational educati on was further improved, and higher education continued to develop.在科技方面,加强了国家创新体系、基础研究和基础设施建设。集成电路芯片设计开发、 第三代移动通信、高性能复合材料、高档数控机床研制等重大科技专项取得重要进展。In scien

39、ce and technology, we improved the national innovation system and strengthen ed basic research and infrastructure development. Important progress was made in majo r R&D projects, including those to design and develop advanced integrated circuit chip s, third-generation mobile communications, high-pe

40、rformance composite materials, and h igh-grade, digitally controlled machine tools.社会事业取得新进步。科技、教育、文化、卫生、体育等事业全面发展。神州六号载人 航天飞行圆满成功,标志着我国在一些重要科技领域达到世界先进水平。Continued progress was made in social programs. Science and technology, education, c ulture, health, sports and other undertakings developed in an

41、 all-round way. The succes s of the Shenzhou VI manned space flight shows that China has reached world-class l evels in some key areas of science and technology.人口与环境中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家。当1949年新中国成立之时,中国的人口是五亿 四千一百六十七万。根据2000年的人口普查,这一数字已达到了十亿两千九百五十万。 作为一个领土广大的国家,中国拥有世界上最丰富的资源。然而,由于人口基数大,人 均耕地面积,森林,淡水,主要

42、能源和矿物资源远远低于世界平均水平。例如,中国仅 仅用世界上7%的耕地却养活了世界上22%的人口。China is a developing country with the largest population in the world. In 1949 when the Peoples Republic was founded, it had a population of 541.67 million. According to the 2000 census, the population had reached 1.295 billion. As a country with a v

43、ast territory, China has the worlds largest supply of many resources. However, due to the large population, the per capita quantity of cultivated land, forest, fresh water, mai n energy resources and mineral resources is much smaller than the world average. For instance, China has only 7% of the tot

44、al cultivated area of the world but 22% of the worlds total population.如果不能严格控制人口数量,人口过多和资源不足的矛盾将进一步加剧,进而影响国家 现代化建设的进程。由于中国大量的人口已经成为阻碍经济和社会发展的主要因素,能 否合理的解决人口问题与提高人民的生活质量和水平,与国家的繁荣发展有着直接的关 系。Without strict population control, the conflict between a large population and insufficie nt natural resources

45、 will intensify and the countrys modernization efforts will be unde rmined. As the countrys large population has become a primary factor hampering its economic and social development, whether the population problem can be properly sol ved has a direct bearing on the improvement of the peoples living

46、 standard as well a s the prosperity and the quality of the Chinese nation.为实现中国现代化建设的战略目标,中国政府在二十世纪七十年代提出了 “控制人口数 量,提高人口素质的”的人口政策和“晚婚晚育,少生优生”的计划生育政策。In keeping with the strategic goal of Chinas modernization campaign, the Chinese gov ernment formulated, in the 1970s, a population policy of “control

47、ling the size and raisi ng the quality of the population” and a family planning policy of “late marriage and childbirth and having fewer but healthier babies”.我们在解决环境问题时,必须同时考虑到各个国家的直接利益和全世界的长期利益。现 在,当我们关注到全球气候变化和生物多样性问题时,我们应该着重解决发展中国家的 一些环境破坏以及生态环境恶化的问题,例如,土壤侵蚀,沙漠化,植被减少,干旱以 及洪水。如果能解决这些问题,对世界环境保护和经济

48、增长都意义重大。When we tackle environment problems, consideration should be given to both the imm ediate interests of various countries and the long-term interests of the whole world. At present, while paying attention to such global questions as climate change and biodiv ersity, we should give priority to addressing the problems of environmental pollution a nd degradation of ecological environment in developing countries such as soil erosion, desertification, diminished vegetation, droughts and floods. Solution to these problems will not only remove a serious threat to the environme


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