2022届广东省广州市越秀区铁一中学高三下学期三模英语试卷 Word版含答案_第1页
2022届广东省广州市越秀区铁一中学高三下学期三模英语试卷 Word版含答案_第2页
2022届广东省广州市越秀区铁一中学高三下学期三模英语试卷 Word版含答案_第3页
2022届广东省广州市越秀区铁一中学高三下学期三模英语试卷 Word版含答案_第4页
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1、2022届广东省广州市越秀区铁一中学高三三模英语试卷 本试卷共10页,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhere would you like to go for your New Year vacation? Here are the best ski resorts of comfort and joy during the holidays and the rest of the ski season.Kitzbhel, Au

2、striaThe most prized downhill on the ski racing calendar, Kitzbhel also attracts a host of festive fans with its fairy lights, and performances of jazz bands. By day, you can enjoy 230 kilometers of runs over the Kitzbhel Alps, and fill up on hearty Tyrolean classic foods.Val Gardena, ItalyThis attr

3、active valley is a New Year present waiting to be unwrapped. The three towns that make up Val Gardena-busy Ortisei, peaceful Santa Cristina and the higher Selva-traditionally go big on the festive season, combining their Italian, Austrian and Ladin heritage(遗产). The 175-kilometer skiing takes place

4、below the towering Sassolungo mountain.Alpbach, AustriaAlpbach is often considered Austrias prettiest village. Low at 1,000 meters, it may not always have snow on the ground. There are 91 kilometers of runs stretching up to 2,025 meters with a beautiful spread of mountain huts.Stowe, VermontStowe wi

5、ll celebrate its 85th winter of lift service this season and its a fine place to enjoy New Year. The skiing, up the road at Stowe Mountain Resort, offers options for all levels through forests from Mount Mansfield, the highest peak in Vermont.21.What can visitors enjoy in Kitzbhel?A. Firework displa

6、y.B. Lift service.C. Spicy food.D. Live music.22.What may attract visitors to go to Val Gardena during the festive season?A. The diverse culture.B. The beautiful huts.C. The new year gift.D. The traditional industry.23.Which place may have a disadvantage for ski lovers?A. Kitzbhel.B. Alpbach.C. Val

7、Gardena.D. Stowe.BBEIJING- Wang Yaping, a taikonaut onboard Chinas space station core module(舱), offered people on Earth a zero-gravity musical performance on Tuesday evening to celebrate the Lantern Festival. The space show was shared via a video released at an annual TV gala for the festival celeb

8、ration. In the video, Wang was seen floating in the space module while playing a guzheng, or Chinese zither. She played a segment of the popular Chinese folk song. “Jasmine Flower”.The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar. People usually hang colorf

9、ul lanterns, play riddle games and express their wishes and hopes for the future.The crew members, who traveled to the space station core module on the Shenzhou-13 mission, kept some festive traditions alive as they continued to rotate around the Earth. Commander Zhai Zhigang wrote riddles on red pa

10、per scrolls with a brush pen. He displayed the calligraphy together with taikonaut Ye Guangfu and extended festival greetings to the audience. They also sent blessing to athletes at the ongoing Beijing Winter Olympics: “We hope that you all achieve success, gain friendship and harvest your best Olym

11、pic experience.”The video of the space performance was received with much enthusiasm after it was shared on social media platforms. It drew nearly 2 million clicks in one hour after several national media outlets posted it on the Chinese micro-blogging site Sina Weibo. The Weibo account of Zhurong,

12、Chinas first rover on Mars, reposted the video, commenting, “The music was so beautiful, and it made me homesick, too.”The Lantern Festival also marks the last day of the lunar New Year celebration. Though far from home, the festive sentiments in space are the same. The China Manned Space Agency rel

13、eased a video on social media platforms on Tuesday, showing that the taikonauts had decorated the orbiting core module with red lanterns, Chinese knots and paper- cutting decorations. Wearing new clothes, the trio(三人小组)enjoyed the traditions of eating dumplings and posting spring couplets on walls D

14、uring the Chinese New Year holiday, they were also spotted watching the Winter Olympics and doing workouts in orbit.24.How did the mass enjoy the musical performance according to the text?A. By watching a video posted online by Wang Yaping herself.B. By watching a video coming from a TV gala.C. By w

15、atching the Lantern Festival gala at the scene.D. By logging on the Internet through computers.25.What does the underlined word “rotate” mean according to the context?A. Access.B. Substitute.C. Circle.D. Launch.26.What can we learn from the text?A. The video of the space performance became a great h

16、it.B. Zhai Zhigang showed the calligraphy on his own.C. The Beijing Winter Olympics had come to an end when the astronauts sent their regards.D. Wang Yaping shared puzzles on red paper scrolls.27.Which is the best title of the passage?A. Chinese folk song “Jasmine Flower” is played on space stationB

17、. Taikonauts send blessings to the, Beijing Winter Olympics athletesC. Taikonauts keep Lantern Festival traditions alive on space stationD. China makes major breakthroughs in the outer space explorationCIn May 2012, Australias Macquarie Dictionary and the McCann Advertising Agency gathered a group o

18、f language experts to name a phenomenon common in the age of the smartphone. They called the phenomenon “phubbing”, and defined(定义)it as “the act of snubbing(无视)someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention.” Its not the usual way words begin to exist.A month later

19、, the first example of phubbing in a major newspaper appeared in a letter to the editor of The Age, published in Melbourne. Since then, the word has appeared in various media the world over. Phubbing has yet to be fully adopted in the U.S., but we have collected some evidence of it in use.On 29 Sept

20、ember 2015, James A. Roberts wrote in the Huffinington Post, “In the present case, phubbing is a combination of the words phone and snubbing. To be phubbed is to be snubbed by someone using their cell phone while in your company. The “phubb” could be an interruption of your conversation with someone

21、 when he or she uses their cell phone or is distracted by it (steal glances when they think youre not looking) instead of paying attention to you. Maybe worse, youve been phubbed if someone used their cell phone instead of communicating with you while staying close to you. Oh, the shame.”The meaning

22、 and various forms of the word have yet to settle out. Is it phubbing if youre staring at your tablet instead of your phone? Is the singular noun (and the base form of the verb) spelled phubb, as in the example above, or phub, as in some other sources? These are the sorts of questions well need answ

23、ers to before were ready to consider phubbing and its relations for entry. In the meanwhile, you can of course use phubbing if you feel the need. It seems we all do these days.28.What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about phubbing?A. Its usage.B. Its birth.C. Its influence.D. Its definition.29.What may

24、 phubbing probably lead to according to James A. Roberts?A. Obvious embarrassment in life.B. Heavy reliance on cellphones.C. Complete ignorance by your friends.D. Permanent breakup of relationship.30.What can we learn from the last paragraph about the word phubb?A. It arouses heated arguments.B. It

25、proves to be settled.C. Its not included in a dictionary.D. Its not difficult to understand.31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A. Where Phubbing Leads Us?B. Why Phubbing Ruins Our Life?C. What Makes Phubbing Commonly Seen?D. How Phone Snubbing Becomes Phubbing?DColin Chapman,

26、 the founder of Lotus Cars, was one of motor racings most influential engineers. Between 1962 and 1978 Lotus won seven Formula One constructors championships. He summed up his philosophy as “simplify, then add lightness”. It appears to be an uncommon insight. A paper published in Nature suggests tha

27、t humans struggle with subtractive(减法的)thinking. When asked to improve something, they tend to suggest adding new things rather than removing what is already there, even when additions lead to sub-par(低于标准的)results. The research was motivated by everyday observation rather than psychological theory,

28、 says Gabrielle Adams, the papers first author, who cites folk wisdom such as less is more and keep it simple. Perhaps the need for such reminders was evidence of a blind spot in peoples thinking?Along with colleagues at the University of Virginia, Dr. Adams conducted a series of observational studi

29、es. In one, when participants were asked to alter an essay they had written, 16% cut words while 80% added them. Others gave similar results. Of 827 suggestions received by the new boss of an American university for how the institution could be improved, 581 involved adding new things and just 70 su

30、ggested removing something.Having established that addition does indeed seem to be more popular than subtraction, the next step was to work out why. One possibility was that people were considering subtractive options, but deliberately choosing not to pursue them. Another was that they were not even

31、 thinking of them in the first place.Lets enter a new set of experiments. One experiment asked participants to redesign a lopsided(不平衡的)Lego structure so that it could support a house-brick. Participants could earn a dollar for fixing the problem, but each piece of Lego they added cut that reward by

32、 ten cents. Even then, only 41% worked out that simplifying the structure by removing a single block, rather than strengthening it by adding more, which was the way to maximise the payout. Another example, asking people to make a golf course worse rather than better did not change their preference f

33、or additions, which suggested that many were simply not thinking of the possibility, at least at first.What all this amounts to, says Benjamin Converse, another of the studys authors, is evidence for a new entry in the list of “cognitive biases” that skew(歪曲)how humans think. Instead of thinking a p

34、roblem through and coming up with an ideal solution, they tend to use cognitive shortcuts that are fast and mostly “good enough”.Such research has inspired an entire field dedicated to working out when such shortcuts lead people astray. Dr. Adams and her colleagues, meanwhile, are keen to investigat

35、e their result in more detail. One question is whether the preference for addition is inborn or learned.32.The purpose of mentioning the story of Colin Chapman is_. A. To attract readers interestB. To highlight the experience C. To present background informationD. To introduce the topic of the passa

36、ge33.What can we learn from the passage? A. People prefer additions to subtractions in most situations. B. People tend to use shortcuts and come up with ideal solutions. C. Strengthening the structure is the way to maximize the payout. D. The philosophy“less is more” is well-received. 34.What are Dr

37、. Adams and his colleagues likely to study next? A. The benefits of subtractions. B. The ways of changing how people think. C. The details of the preference for addition. D. The influence of cognitive biases on peoples thinking. 35.What does the author propose? A. A way that people automatically thi

38、nk. B. A fact that people routinely forget. C. A view that shortcuts are good enough. D. A point that addition is better. 第二节(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余项。The 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago in China to guide agricultural production. They also refl

39、ect Chinas rich history through the seasonal festivals, special foods, cultural ceremonies, family gatherings and even healthy living tips that correspond with each solar term. _36_Rain Water signals the increase in rainfall and rise in temperature. With its arrival, lively spring-like scenery start

40、s blossoming: the river water defreezes. wild geese move from south to north and trees and grass tum green again. _37_ In northern China, the spring drought is common and the precipitation of this season accounts for only 10 to 15 percent of annual average rainfall. At this time of year, farmers beg

41、in to plough their fields. Its the right time to prepare for spring sowing when the day gets warmer. _38_During Rain Water period, extra care is needed to deal with a returning cold spell and humidity, which is the amount of water in the air. _39_ It is strongly advised not to take off the thick coa

42、ts too early and to keep warm, especially the elderly and children. The wet and humid weather during Rain Water period is considered harmful for peoples spleen and stomach according to Chinese medical practice. _40_ People in Beijing often eat porridge(粥)cooked with a kind of Chinese herb medicine t

43、o resist cold and wet weather. Honey, dates and Chinese yam are also very good nourishment(营养)to put in the porridge.A.With Rain Water coming, insects become more active. B.A bowl of nutritious porridge is the best choice to nourish the body. C.Therefore, Rain Water is considered as a key period to

44、water the fields. D.According to an old Chinese saying, the rainfall in spring is as precious as oil. E.The temperature in most of the basin areas increases quickly during Rain Water F.One of the 24 solar terms, which is very important in spring, is called Rain Water. G.The fast increase in air humi

45、dity due to rainfall can result in lower temperature and wet weather. 第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。He was 11 and went fishing every chance he got from the dock(码头)at his familys cabin. On the day before the bass(鲈鱼)season opened, he and his fathe

46、r were fishing early in the _41_.Then he tied on a small silver lure(诱饵)and practiced _42_. When his pole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other _43_. His father watched with _44_ as the boy skillfully worked the fish alongside the dock. Finally, he lifted the very _45_ fish from the

47、water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass. The father lit a match and looked at his watch. It was 10 P.M. two hours _46_ the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. “Youll have to put it _47_, son.” he said. “Dad!” cried the boy. “There will be other fish,” sai

48、d his father. “Not as _48_ as this one,” cried the boy. He looked around the lake. No others were anywhere around in the moonlight. _49_ no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could tell by the clarity of his fathers _50_ that the decision was not nego

49、tiable.He _51_ worked the hook out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the black water. The boy suspected that he would never again see such a great fish.That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City. He takes his own son and daughters _52_ from the sam

50、e dock. And he was right. He has _53_ again caught such a magnificent fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see that _54_ fishagain and againevery time he comes up against a question of ethics(道德准则).For, as his father taught him, ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. It

51、is only the practice of ethics that is _55_.41.A. morningB. afternoonC. eveningD. dawn42.A. liftingB. castingC. catchingD. waiting43.A. poleB. lureC. dockD. end44.A. admirationB. hopeC. angerD. patience45.A. livelyB. quietC. tiredD. beautiful46.A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. while47.A. upB. outC. downD.

52、 back48.A. beautifulB. interestingC. bigD. smart49.A. Even thoughB. As thoughC. SoD. But50.A. lookB. voiceC. gestureD. eyes51.A. angrilyB. happilyC. slowlyD. quickly52.A. fishingB. walkingC. runningD. living53.A. alwaysB. seldomC. sometimesD. never54.A. differentB. sameC. importantD. foolish 55.A. i

53、nterestingB. differentC. easyD. difficult 第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 From robots to aircraft, a new generation is providing thrust for innovation, Wang Qian reports.While most people _56_(stick) at home last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, feeling isolated and maybe

54、even caged in, some young people were thinking outside _57_ box and reached for the sky as they created an impressive array of work, from robots to rockets.Its difficult to predict what will be the next big thing to materialize from this tech-savvy generation. _58_ video sharing and live streaming p

55、latform Bilibili, it seems that anything is possible. No dream, it seemed, was beyond imagination. At first, they did not know each other but were united by a spirit of _59_(create).When Bilibili uploader Lin Xiao, nicknamed Lingshiqi online, had too many bags to carry, instead of asking someone for

56、 help, the then 18-year-old spent 200 days _60_(handle) the problem. The devil was in the detail you could say. He built a robot, which can follow him _61_ he goes, and upon which he can ride. The robots name? Devil!Tech influencer Peng Zhihui, _62_ online name is Zhihuijun, is already a household n

57、ame. A 16-minute video clip _63_(feature) the 28-year-old Huawei engineer designing and creating a robotic arm, named Dummy. Powered by Huaweis 5G technology, it can be remotely controlled to do the _64_(precise) activity. To prove _65_, Dummy can even stitch grape skins together.第三部分写作(共两节,满分40分) 第

58、一节(满分15分)假定你是某国际学校的学生李华。你市正在实施垃圾分类,请就此事给 China Daily 投稿。内容包括:1.垃圾分类的好处;2.你打算如何做;3.你的倡议。注意: 1.词数 80 左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _第二节(满分25分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Walking across campus with every pair of eyes on you can be embarrassing, especially when youre 13 years old. I looked around me

59、in desperate search of a friendly face, a smile, anything. I was quite disappointed, to say the least. And I, in turn, felt somewhat foolish, walking across campus with a false smile on my face. I was simply attempting to follow the advice my mother had given me years before: when things get awkward

60、, smile. No matter where you are, a smile will always be understood. A smile is universal. At that very moment, however, I felt my mothers advice didnt work.On top of it all, my mind was racing with questions and concerns typical of any 13-year-old on the first day of school: where would I sit at lu


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