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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Have you seen the movie Forever Young?Yes. I_ the movie with my friend last night.AwatchBwatchedCwatchesDhave watched2、 I wonder what

2、 Mr. Wang asked you just now? He asked_.Awhether I will take part in the singing competitionBhow long I have bought my new bikeCwhat was wrong with my old bikeDhow much money did I spent on book3、一Mom, of my classmates glasses.一Oh, my God. You need to protect your eyes well.Athree fourths; wears Bth

3、ree fourth; wearCthree fourth; wears Dthree fourths; wear4、 _ is it from our school to Nianhua Bay? About 40 minutes by coach. Wanna go?AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow much5、My father says we wont go on a trip to Shanghai Disneyland._You are looking forward to it.AEnjoy yourselves!BNever mind.CWhat a

4、 pity!DDont worry about it.6、Wasit lastsummer_ you and your friends went to Moscow?AwhenBhowCwhichDthat7、I love my school. It always tries its best to our needs.How lucky you are!Asatisfy Brealize Cencourage Dget8、Do you know where Jeff is? Is he still in the office?He was here earlier, but he go ho

5、me now.AcanBmightCshouldDneed9、Do you know _? Im going to visit him.Sorry, I dont know.Awhere does Mr Li liveBwhere did Mr Li liveCwhere Mr Li livesDwhere Mr Li lived10、- _ coming earlier, we can easily find a good seat in the theater.- You made a wise decision.AInstead of BThanks to CAs for DExcept

6、 for. 完形填空11、Yesterday my husband and I walked into a “ What a Burger” for lunch. As we were sitting waiting for our 1 to come, I noticed an older man in a wheelchair roll himself over to a table.He was all by himself and he 2 there for a few minutes, looking around , smiling all the time. No one se

7、emed to notice him 3 me. I got up and went over to his 4 and asked if I could get him something to 5 .He smiled and said , “ Oh yes! And thank you kindly. Id like some beer please.”When I brought him his beer , I told him my 6 and ask him to 7 if he needed anything else.We were in the “What a Burger

8、” for a good hour. The man just 8 smiling at everyone and looking around the restaurant as he 9 ate his hamburger and fries.As we were getting ready to 10 , I wanted to refill our glasses and , as I walked by the mans table, I asked if he would like a refill 11 we left.Again , with a big 12 , he sai

9、d,” Yes, please!”When I brought it back to him, he told me that he just loved beer and the hamburgers here. I told him I did too. He told me I had made him 13 by coming over, talking to him, and 14 him out. I gave him a hug and told him he had made my day too! As I was turning to leave ,he told me t

10、o have a blessed day. I smiled and said I would and wished him to have 15 ,too.I hope he made his way back home safely.1Aticket Bchange Corder Dpicture2Asat Bstood Clay Drested3Alike Bbut Cas Dwith4Acar Broom Ctable Dgrade5Awatch Bfollow Cdrink Dread6Aplan Bhouse Cplace Dname7Awave Bstop Cstay Dshou

11、t8Aforgot Bkept Cfinished Dremembered9Acarefully Bseriously Cquietly Dfinally10Aleave Banswer Crefuse Dreturn11Aafter Buntil Cbefore Dwhile12Asmile Bthought Cvoice Dstyle13Anervous Bhappy Cpeaceful Dsad14Ataking Bsending Chelping Dbringing15Athat Bit Cthis Done. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词

12、的正确形式。I m a girl from Nigeria. Growing up in a home full of watching and playing football, I have grown to love the 1(game).I watch mostly European football and I support an English club 2(call) Arsenal. There are a lot of 3 ( reason) why I love football. No matter where you come from, no matter wha

13、t language you speak, everyone 4 (understand) the game. That is why it is called a“ global(全球的)sport”.Football is 5 very easy sport to learn and play. Looking from the outside, it might seem really hard, but when you start 6 (learn),it is not that hard Football involves(牵涉) a ball and a human. There

14、 are other rules and technicalities(技术性细节)involved, but, with time, you would be able to understand 7 (they).I have learned so much from football throughout the years. For example, through football, I know lots of countries and cities in them. I know8 (place) like Zurich, Leicester, Liverpool, Munic

15、h, and Shrewsbury. Also,listening to experienced commentators(解说员)during the football games helps increase my vocabulary(词汇量). Thanks to it, I was able to score higher on my SAT exam.9 my SAT, a question was about a word I heard a commentator use in a game the week before.To me, football is more tha

16、n 10 a sport, it is life. 阅读理解A13、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)Not long ago, I asked large mid-aged persons a question. I asked, “How many of you had a hobby when you were children?” Nearly everyone raised a hand. I then asked them to keep their hands in the air if they knew at least one of their children h

17、ad a hobby. Most of the hands went down. I felt sad. Its terrible if the children dont have a hobby. How I wish all the parents can care their childrens hobbies!Thirty years ago, almost every child in my neighborhood had some kinds of hobbies. Collecting and trading baseball cards was a popular hobb

18、y. Others, like coin collecting and stamp collecting, are also popular. One of my friends was collecting photos, another was collecting radios. In fact, hobbies can benefit children in several ways.Theyare expressions of personal success and self-discovery(自我发现). Hobbies also help build self- respec

19、t(自尊). Hobbies are educational tools, as well. For example, a child who becomes interested in rocketry (火箭技术) one of the most popular hobbies, can explore those skills in many ways. By working on hobbies, children learn to set goals, make decisions, and solve all sorts of problems.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号

20、填入题前括号内。1Whats the age the persons I questioned?A310. B1525. C3040. D5060.2Why did the writer feel sad?ABecause the persons children didnt have any hobbies.BBecause most persons didnt have children.CBecause the children werent interested in hobbies.DBecause the parents didnt pay enough care for thei

21、r childrens hobbies.3Which was out of the popular hobbies?ARadio collecting. BCoin collecting.CStamp collecting. DBaseball cards collecting.4What does the underlined word “They” mean?APhotos. BHobbies.CChildren. DRadios.5Whats the main idea of this passage?AMany parents dont care about their childre

22、ns hobbies.BChildren need to have a hobby.CHobbies help children build self- respect.DChildren learn skills by working on hobbies.B14、阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。A young man woke up one morning under a bridge and checked his pocket. All he had left was less than ten dollars. He bought food and as he sat

23、down to eat, an old man and two children came along. The old man asked him to help them with food as they had not eaten for almost a week.The young man looked at the children-they were so weak that they could hardly stand. With the last bit of kindness he had he gave them all the food. The old man a

24、nd children thanked the young man and then gave him a dirty old coin. The young man said, “You need this coin more than I do- just keep it.” The old man insisted(坚持) that the young man put it in his pocket-and finally he did.The old man and children sat down to eat. And with no money, no job and no

25、food, the young man went back under the bridge to lie down. As he was about to fall asleep he saw an old newspaper on the ground. He picked it up and saw an ad inviting people with old coins to come to a store. He decided to go there with the dirty old coin the man gave him.When he arrived at the st

26、ore, he gave the keeper the dirty old coin. The keeper cried loudly. It was part of a Spanish treasure ship that had never been found. This same old coin was worth 67,000 dollars. The young man was pleased. He immediately sold the coin for money and then looked for the old man and little children to

27、 thank them and share the money. By the time he got to where he left them eating, they had gone.1Where did the young man stay for the night?AUnder a bridge. BAt home.CIn a store. DIn a hotel.2What did the old man and children ask the young man for?AMoney. BFood.CClothes. DCoins.3How did the young ma

28、n learn about the ad for old coins?ABy watching TV.BBy reading a newspaper.CBy listening to the old man.DBy reading an ad on the wall.4Which of the following is True?AThe old man and children had nothing to eat for a month.BThe young man had a big meal after getting so much money.CThe young man thou

29、ght the old man needed the coin more than he did.DThe young man sold the coin for 67,000 dollars and gave half of the money to the old man.5Whats the best title for this passage?AA Poor Young Man and An Old ManBAn Old Mans KindnessCA Dirty Old CoinDNo Money, No Job and No FoodC15、Luca Gramberini has

30、 been scuba-diving(戴水肺潜水) since he was a kid. His family owns a scuba company. For the past three summers, Luca has added gardening to his underwater activities. He helps run Nemos Garden, a project to grow plants in the sea.From May through September, Luca and other divers are working on Nemos Gard

31、en in the Mediterranean Sea, 150 feet from the coast of Noli, Italy. Five large balloon-like objects, called biosphere(生物圈), hold plants such as beans and strawberries. The biosphere is filled with air and placed 20 feet below the surface. “My father came up with the idea because he loves gardening

32、very much,” Luca said.According to Luca, the sea is a good place to grow plants because underwater temperatures remain stable, changing little from day to night. The biosphere acts like greenhouses. Inside the air-filled biosphere, fresh water keeps evaporating(蒸发), providing the plants with a good

33、environment to grow in. “We have already seen the plants, grow faster and better,” Luca says. “And there are fewer storms that can knock down the biosphere during the summer.”Luca hopes Nemos Garden will provide a new way of growing crops. “There is not enough land on the Earth,” he says. “And in ma

34、ny developing countries, bad conditions make it difficult for crops to grow.”Though the project has just started, Nemos Garden has achieved success and is moving to different areas. “Were going to try growing other plants,” Luca says. “We hope to set up biosphere in other countries. There are many p

35、ossibilities.”1Nemos Garden is a project to _.Ado scuba-diving in the seaBstop storms in the seaCmake fresh water from the seaDgrow plants under the water2How long do Luca and other divers work on Nemos Garden?AOne month. BFive months. CFour months. DThree months.3The underlined word “stable” in Par

36、agraph 3 means “_” in Chinese.A平衡的 B正常的 C稳定的 D合适的4The passage is probably taken from the _ part of a newspaper.Atravel Bscience Chealth Dsports5The best title for this passage is _.AGardens in the Sea BProjects for Summer ActivitiesCPlants in Greenhouses DConditions for Crop GrowingD16、Since last ye

37、ar, city streets around China have seen colorful shared bikes, which people can rent with a smart phone app and then park wherever they choose. To reduce traffic jams and air pollution, many cities have offered bike-sharing. But sometimes, dreams can turn sour.As shared bikes become more popular, pr

38、oblems keep showing up. According to news reports, shared bikes are badly treated by users. When people are using the bike, some of them just throw it onto streets and even into ditches (水沟). Some bikes are stolen. Recently, a man in Shanghai was fined (罚款) 1,000 yuan for stealing a shared bike.Besi

39、des, the damage (破坏) to the QR codes on the bikes has brought huge losses to bike-sharing companies, like Mobike. If the QR code is damaged, the bike cannot be used any more. It can take several hundred yuan for the company workers to find a lost bike and get it repaired.Mobike has 100 credit (信用) s

40、cores for each user. Penalty (惩罚) points will be taken in case of users bad behaviors. Once the score drops to below 80, bike rental will go up to five yuan per 30 minutes.However, punishment may not be the best way to stop shared bikes from being stolen or damaged. Bike-sharing services will work w

41、ell only if people follow the rules and show respect for the bikes and other users.1Why do many cities have offered bike-sharing?ATo provide convenience to travelers.BTo reduce traffic jams and air pollution.CTo make money for the company by renting.DTo encourage more people to excise by riding.2The

42、 underlined word “loss” may mean _.A损失 B利益 C回报 D深思3If Mr. Li credit scores is 70, he should pay for _ his one hours riding shared Mobike.Afive Yuan Beight Yuan Cten Yuan Dfifteen Yuan4The author mainly wants to tell us _ in this passage.Ashared bikes are popular in the citiesBChinas bike-sharing dre

43、ams turn sourCcredit scores of Mobike are important for every userDbike-sharing companies are facing serious problemsE17、For most people, the word “fashion” means “clothes”. But people may ask the question, “What clothes are in fashion?” And they use the word “fashionable” in the same way: “She was

44、wearing a fashionable coat. His shirt was really a fashionable colour.”But of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs and in languages.Fashions change as time g

45、oes. If you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. An English house of 1750 was different from one of 1650. A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1860.Today fashions change quickly. Some of this is natural. W

46、e hear about things much more quickly than in the past. Newspapers, radios, telephones and televisions send information from one country to another in a few hours.New fashions mean that people will buy new things, so you see there is money in fashion.1Most people think that “fashion” means _.AbooksB

47、clothesCholidays2By _ we can see that fashions change as time goes.Awearing a fashionable coatBeating in a new restaurantClooking at pictures of people3In the 4th paragraph the writer mentions _ kinds of ways to send information.AthreeBfourCfive4“There is money in fashion.” means _.Apeople like fash

48、ion and moneyBfashionable things are expensiveCone can make money through fashion5The passage is mainly about _.Athe changes of fashionBthe kinds of fashionsCthe money in fashionF18、 Nowadays there seems to be an app for everything . And mobile apps have been a part of our life. The following apps a

49、re part of the most popular apps.Ctrip can be the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can buy tickets anywhere at anytime.Ximalaya Reading has millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children. Whats special about it is

50、that you can use it to download book recording that can be listened to. It has more than 1 million valuable resources.Baby Bus is a very good friend for children under three years old. Kids can learn to speak, understand numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app.World Hero may help learn m

51、ore English words while youre playing games, so if you have problems remembering the new words when you learn English , use it!World of Tanks Blitz(坦克世界), a free-to-play online games with over 40 million downloads, bring quick-fire tank fights. “A lot of tanks, a lot of people and a lot of fun.” It will be the best choice to kill your time.1Ctrip is a useful app for _.Aplaying gamesBlearning EnglishCbooking ticketsDdrawing pictures2You can NOT know about _from Ximalaya Reading.ApoemsBnovelsCne


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