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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-Hello, Kate. How is your weekend at home?-Awful! You know it is the first time I _ alone at home, bored to d

2、eath.Ahas leftBhad leftChad been leftDhave been left2Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?Yes,I did.You know,my brother _ in the match.Ais playing Bwas playingChas played Dhad played3_ theyve managed to get everything finished so quickly is not clear to us.AWhich BWhatCThat DHow4In the stude

3、nts eyes, Mrs Smith is a mother more than a teacher. she treats the students just like her own children.AAs a result BIn other words CWhat is more DFirst of all5He was greatly shocked at Donald Trumps taking office. Never did he expect that the voters _ be so unreasonable.Ashould BcouldCwould Dmight

4、6They will run an after-class club _ kids can have fun and learnhow to protect themselves.AthatBwhenCwhereDwhat7Patrick waited _ all the luggage was cleared, but his never appeared.AuntilBbeforeCwhenDwhile8 I am worn out. Me too, all work and no play. So its time to _.Aburn the midnight oil Bpush th

5、e limitsCgo with the flow Dcall it a day9Most Schools have banned junk food and brought out new menus. “Thats cool!”said Andreas Petrou, 11th grader.A/; anB/;theCthe; aDthe; /10Im burnt out as Ive been working on my essay all the time. _. Youll surely make it.ADont put on airsBGive me a breakCDont g

6、et on my nerveDHang in there11The businessman studied the market in his hometown to find the_ for investment.ApotentialBreservationCcriterionDallowance12Bob made a promise to the manager _ the work would all be finished on time.AthatBwhatCwhichDwhether13Regarding China-US differences on human rights

7、 issues, Hong said the two sides can enhance mutual understanding through dialogue _ on equality and mutual respect.AbasedBto baseCbasingDbase14Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry.With so much work _ my mind,I almost break down.Afilled Bfilling Cto fill Dbeing filled15Fiona nev

8、er fails to grasp any chance of promotion.Shes a woman of _.AambitionBattentionCexpectationDreputation16These diagrams are especially helpful when we have a concrete problem _ at hand.Abe solved Bto solve Csolved Dbeing solved17What do you think of Betty? Lovely,though she _ be naughty sometimesAsho

9、uldBmustCcanDneed18The real winners in sport are those who know how to persevere and to behave with _whether they win or lose a game.Acertainty BcautionCdignity Dindependence19Taught in a more professional way, you _ the swimming skill much better.Amight masterBwould have masteredCcan have masteredD

10、could master20This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it, _.Ahowever much it may costBno matter how it may costChow much may it costDhowever many it may cost第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)International Exhibition for Animal Husbandry(畜牧业)& Processing of Grain,Fruits & Vegeta

11、blesDate: 11-13 August,2015Place: London,EnglandRegistration Deadline: 30 June,2015Exhibition and MarketThe marketThe British agricultural market provides very good chances for international companies since the demand for modern technologies is continuously rising.And the existing market cant satisf

12、y the local development.Great potential is to be found also in livestock(家畜)and livestock farming.In particular,investment in cattle farming and pig husbandry is to be further increased.The exhibitionIt is the most important platform for animal husbandry and agricultural technology in Britain.Last y

13、ear,537 companies from 14 countries showed their advanced solutions for livestock,animal husbandry and agricultural technology to over 13,540 business professionals.OrganizerLondon International Contract Fair and IF Wexpo Heidelberg GmbH Heidelberg,GermanyPhone: +49-(0)6221 -13 57 -0Fax: +49-(0)6221

14、 -13 57 -23E-mail infoOpening time11 August-12 August,2015 ,09:00-16:3013,August,2015,09:00 -15:30Main IndustriesAgricultural Technology,Cereal Grain Technology,Animal HusbandryMain TopicsEquipment for soil working and seed-bed preparationHarvesting equipmentPlant breeding(繁殖)Plant protectionGrain p

15、rocessingStorage and transportAnimal breedingAnimal husbandryLivestock housingFeed industryEntrance fee2,000 pounds/per stand/per day1、The text tells us the following information EXCEPI_.Athe time of the exhibition Bthe topics of the exhibitionCthe rules of the exhibition Dthe site of the exhibition

16、2、Which of the following statements is true?ALondon has the largest agricultural market in the world.BInternational companies can find more business opportunities in the British agricultural market.CAlmost all countries in the world take part in the exhibition.DThe exhibition covers all kinds of liv

17、ing goods.3、If you want to take part in the exhibition,you_.Acan contact the organizer in three waysBmust register between 30 June and 13 August,2015Chave to buy some equipment on display during the exhibitionDneed not pay the organizer of the exhibition22(8分)My grandmother Rosalind Einhorn was born

18、 exactly fifty-two years before I was, on August 28, 1917. Like many poor Jewish families in New York City, hers lived in a small, crowded apartment close to their relatives. Her parents, aunts, and uncles addressed her male cousins by their given names, but she and her sister were referred to only

19、as “Girlie”.During the Depression my grandmother was pulled out of Morris High School to help support the household by sewing fabric flowers onto undergarments that her mother could resell for a tiny profit. No one in the community would have considered taking a boy out of school. A boys edocation w

20、as the familys hope to move up the financial and social ladder. Education for girls, however, was less significant both financially, since they were unlikely to contribute to the familys income, and culturally, since boys were expected to study the Torah while girls were expected to run a “proper ho

21、me?!” Luckily for my grandmother, a local teacher insisted that her parents put her back into school. She went on not only to finish high school but to graduate from U.C Berkeley.After college, “Girlie” worked selling pocketbooks and accessories at Davids Fifth Avenue. When she left her job to marry

22、 my grandfather, Davids had to hire four people to replace her. Years later, when my grandfathers paint business was struggling, she jumped in and looked some of the hard steps he was reluctant to take, helping to save the family from financial ruin. She displayed her business ability again in her f

23、orties. After being diagnosed (诊断) with breast cancer, she beat it and then devoted herself to raising money for the clinic that treated her by selling some watches. Girlie ended up with a profit that Apple would envy. I have never met anyone with more energy and determination than my grandmother.Wh

24、en my grandmother had children of her ownmy mother and her two brothersshe emphasized education for all of them. My mother attended the University of Pennsylvania. When she graduated in 1965 with a degree in French literature, she surveyed a workforce that she believed consisted of two career option

25、s for women: teaching or nursing. She chose teaching. She began a Ph. Dprogramme, got married, and then dropped out when she became pregnant with me. It was thought to be a sign of weakness if a husband needed his wifes help to support their family, so my mother became a stay-at-home parent and an a

26、ctive volunteer. The centuries-old division of labour stood.Even though I grew up in a traditional home, my parents had the same expectations for me. My sister, and my brother, all three of us were encouraged to do well in school, do equal routine tasks, and participate in after-school activities. W

27、e were all supposed to be athletic too. My brother and sister joined sports teams, but I was the kid who got picked last in gym. Despite my athletic shortcomings, I was raised to believe that girls could do anything boys could do and that all career paths were open to me.When I arrived at college in

28、 the fall of 1987, my classmates of both genders seemed equally focused on academics. I dont remember thinking about my future career differently from the male students. I also dont remember any conversations about someday balancing work and children. My friends and I assumed that we would have both

29、. Men and women competed openly and aggressively with one another in classes, activities, and job interviews. Just two generations removed from my grandmother, the playing field seemed to be level.But more than twenty years after my college graduation, the world has not evolved nearly as much as I b

30、elieved it would. Almost all of my male classmates work in professional settings. Some of my female classmates work full-time or part-time outside the home, and just as many are stay-at-home mothers and volunteers like my mom. This mirrors the national trend. In comparison to their male counterparts

31、 (相同能力者), highly trained women are scaling back and dropping out of the workforce in high numbers.1、Why were the writers grandma and her sisters called “Girlie”?AThey had not yet got their given nams.BThey were highly valued by their ciders.CThey shared apparent similarities in many ways.DThey were

32、regarded as less important than boys.2、From Paragraph 2 we can mainly learn _.Ahow people suffered during the DepressionBwhat resulted in the social division of labourCwho took responsibility for supporting a familyDwhy education was essential for all the children3、What conclusion can we draw about

33、the writers grandmother?AShe was an extraordinarily able and tough woman.BShe was full of ideas for solving various problems.CShe benefited greatly from her family background.DShe had special ways of teaching her own children.4、What might people think when the writers mother gave up her job?AHer fre

34、edom of choice ought to be well respected.BHer job should be taken over by a younger person.CIt was a real shame about her losing that good job.DIt was quite normal for a woman like her to do so.5、From the description of the writers own life, we can see _.Agreat expectations in the students mindsBse

35、eming social progress in certain aspectCinnocent friendship between boys and girlsDpositive attitudes to work and competitions6、By writing the passage the writer intends to reveal _.Athe necessity of womens educationBthe importance of womens liberationCthe existence of gender discriminationDthe live

36、s of three generations of women23(8分)Our family loves the snow and cheers at the first good storm of the season. While others may think of Florida, we dream of a cabin vacation in New Yorks Allegany State Park.One particular trip, I recall, was just a bit more memorable than the rest. What we now re

37、fer to as the snow pants incident began accidentally enough. My husband, Bernie, and our 2-year-old daughter, Faith, were building a snow fort while I sledded down a nearby slope.On the way back up from one trip, I saw a small stone tumbling down the track I had just made. I was puzzled, since all t

38、he other rocks were buried under several feet of snow, as I stood and wondered about the stoneit jumped! This was no stone. This was a mouse.Now, I love nature, but that doesnt include mice. I loudly protested the invader, and Bernie, coming to my rescue, assured me that this was not a mouse but a m

39、ole, as if that mattered. A mouse or a mole I still didnt like it.Bernie and I stood for a few minutes watching the creature disappear from the path into the furry white and come back out again. But soon it disappeared and I headed up the hill again.Shortly after I left, my husband screamed out, say

40、ing that the mole had gone up the leg of his snow pants. You have to understand Bernie can be quite a joker, and I smelled a rat. Not wanting to be a sucker and fall for another one of his jokes, I laughed it off. When he started running for the cabin, though, I stopped laughing and decided maybe th

41、is was for real.“Dont you dare take that thing into the house!” I yelled. But like a flash, Bernie was already dashing through the cabins front door, with his snow pants, the mole and all. If it were me, Id have been down to my long underwear right there in the snow without a second thought.A few mi

42、nutes later Bernie appeared. We relished the rest of our winter vacation, drinking lots of hot chocolate, sitting beside the fireplace and admiring naturefrom a safe distance.1、Why did the authors husband come to her rescue?ABecause the “mouse” frightened herBBecause she hardly controlled the sledCB

43、ecause the snow fort she built was damagedDBecause she stepped on the stone and fell down2、When her husband said that the mole had gone up the leg of his snow pants, the author was _.Acurious BpuzzledCexcited Ddoubtful3、What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AThey enjoyed the rest of their hol

44、idayBThey were fond of hot chocolateCHer husband had freedom at lastDNature can be dangerous at times4、What could be the best title of the text?AA Memorable Experience with a JokerBThe Painful Incident in Allegany State ParkCFamilys Funny Vacation in the SnowDMy Strong Love for Nature24(8分)Amsterdam

45、 is a special city. There are many places you should not miss during your visit. Here is our list of the best.Amsterdam canal ringThe city old centre is formed from canal rings which give you the feeling of space, freedom and peace. Walk trough these canal streets or bettertake a trip by renting a b

46、oat yourself. Another way to explore the Venice of the North is to take a ride or a bicycle. Any way you decide forenjoy this city.The National Maritime MuseumThe Maritime Museum is an attractive place to visit, especially with children. With many attractions in it, this colourful and enjoyable muse

47、um will help you understand the history of the Netherlandsa small nation which was one of the worlds greatest sea powers.Amsterdam Brown CafeWhen you enter Amsterdam old cafes called Brown, at first it will seem too much from the past and too crowded, but the atmosphere is unique. Relax and watchmos

48、t of people around will be locals. Feel like one of themthe real Amsterdammers.Civic Guards GalleryThis gallery is filed with old paintings from the Dutch Golden Age. The exhibited canvas may be not always the masterpieces of art, but these group portraits of Amsterdam citizens and their wives are a

49、n exquisite (精致的) document of the Dutch civilization and culture centuries ago.To avoid waiting lines we advise you to buy your tickets in advance online through our Amsterdam attractions and museums tickets webpage.1、How many ways are there for tourists to visit the city old centre?A5.B4.C3.D2.2、Wh

50、ere would you go to learn more about local life?AAmsterdam Brown Cafe.BAmsterdam canal ring.CCivic Guards Gallery.DThe National Maritime Museum.3、Where does the passage probably come from?AA fiction.BA textbook.CA travel guide.DA science magazine.25(10分)OPENINGS AND PREVIEWSAntlia PneumaticaIn a new

51、 play by Anne Washburn, directed by Ken Rus Schmoll, a group of estranged friends gather at a Texas farm house to bury one of their peers. (Peter Jay Sharp, 416 W. 42nd St. 212-279-4200. In previews.)Bright StarSteve Martin and Edie Brickell wrote this bluegrass-and-Americana musical, in which a mag

52、azine editor meets a soldier returning from the Second World War. Walter Bobbie directs. (Cort, 138 W. 48th St. 212-239-6200. In previews.)The CrucibleIvo van Hove directs Arthur Millers classic drama about the Salem witch trials, starring Saoirse Ronan, Ben Whishaw, Ciaran Hinds, and Sophie Okonedo

53、. (Walter Kerr, 219 W. 48th St. 212-239-6200. In previews.)Dry PowderJohn Krasinski, Claire Danes, and Hank Azaria star in Sarah Burgesss play, in which an executive at a private-equity firm (私人股本公司) tries to rebound from a P.R. disaster. Thomas Kail directs. (Public, 425 Lafayette St. 212-967-7555.

54、 In previews. Opens Oct. 28, 2017)The FatherFrank Langella stars in a play by the French writer Florian Zeller, translated by Christopher Hampton and directed by Doug Hughes for Manhattan Theatre Club, about an eighty-year-old man who is losing his grip on his own life story. (Samuel J. Friedman, 26

55、1 W. 47th St. 212-239-6200. Previews begin Oct. 28, 2017)1、If youre interested in American music, where can you get entertained?APeter Jay Sharp, 416 W. 42nd St. BCort, 138 W. 48th St.CWalter Kerr, 219 W. 48th St. DPublic, 425 Lafayette St.2、If you want to preview a play now, which of the following

56、is not available?ABright Star BThe CrucibleCDry Powder DThe Father3、The authors purpose of writing the passage is to _ .Ainform BentertainCpersuade Ddescrib第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)November 17 is my 47th birthday, which has caused me to be q

57、uite reflective.My 1 goes back to the Fort Worth stock Show & Rodeo(竞技表演)that our family 2 in 1998. We sat close to the action. When the announcer 3 for all of the children under the age of 12 to come down to the center of the field, my 4 , Ally, who was 4, ran past me and shot down the stairs, 5 th

58、e field.Feeling nervous, I was 6 about Ally being there with all the 7 kids. She was the littlest one, and I was worried 8 when I heard what would happen next. The kids were 9 to grasp a ribbon tied to the tail of a goat.The announcer released the goat and the 10 wentrunning, skipping, screaming, an

59、d falling. I 11 Ally race after the goat, as we all 12 for her.She kept on, chasing after that goats ribbon with great passion(激情) 13 she tripped overface first. Our entire row caught our 14 , afraid she was hurt, but she got right back up and 15 off after the goat.When she 16 it back to our seats,

60、covered in dirt from head to toe, she looked up at me 17 and asked, “Mommy, Can I do that again?”I kissed her on the forehead, so 18 of her attitude and her ability to find 19 in every situation.On my 47th birthday, thats my 20 that I would go after every dream with the same persistence that Ally ch


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