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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、 The model plane is so cute. Whose is

2、 it? Its _. He made it _.ADavids; itselfBDavids ; himselfCDavid; himselfDDavid ; itself2、- I went to see you last night, but you werent in. Where were you then?-I _ a walk by the river.Ahad Bwas having Chave had Dhave3、I hear a bridge _ over the Qiongzhou Channel(琼州海峡) in several years.Awill be buil

3、tBis builtChas built4、Jack _ his father, because they are both easygoing.Alooks afterBlooks likeCtakes afterDlooks up5、I _ /hp/ you have a good trip.AkeepBhomeChopeDhelp6、Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?ACreate.BRealize.CForward.7、Do you know _? Im going to visi

4、t him.Sorry, I dont know.Awhere does Mr Li liveBwhere did Mr Li liveCwhere Mr Li livesDwhere Mr Li lived8、_riding shared bikes is an easy way to travel, it also causes some problems.AAlthoughBIfCUntil9、 Where is your teacher? He _ the library. He _ the library for an hour.Ahas gone to; has been toBh

5、as gone to; has been inChas been to; has been inDhas been to; has gone to10、You know? Max got the highest mark in the English test. Wow! He made such great _.Amistakes Bdecisions Cprogress Dtrouble. 完形填空11、Time flies like an arrow. What is your most unforgettable experience in the year 2014? Three t

6、eens readers want to 1 their stories with you. Ji Luyang, 13, from Jiangsu: This summer, I went for a budget trip(穷游) with my father to northern China. We took 2 instead of plane. Hard seat tickets were our 3 choice. We were happy because we 4 the money for a hotel even though the time on the train

7、was uncomfortable. After the trip, I have become an expert on saving money.He Zhuowen, 14, from Shanxi: The biggest thing for me this year is that I have made a new friend from Taiwan. Her name is Zou Mianzhi. She is of the 5 age as me. I learnt a lot about schools in Taiwan from Zou. For example, t

8、hey take logic class and home economics(家政) class, which are new to 6 . Now we still talk about our lives by WeChat(微信) every day.Zhang Yaozhi, 14, from Shanghai: In 2014, I tried teaching for the first time in my life. It was 7 of our schools community activities. Before, I thought it was easy, 8 I

9、 was wrong. To prepare lessons, I had to 9 until midnight. From this experience I came to understand our teachers 10 . It is really frustrating when you speak on the platform but nobody listens!1AhelpBshareCtellDtalk2AtaxiBbusCplaneDtrain3AfirstBsecondCtwoDone4AraisedBputCborrowedDsaved5AdifferentBy

10、oungCsameDold6AusBherCmeDhim7ApartBplaceClifeDside8AsoBbutCandDor9AbeginBworkCtalkDfinish10AbetterBmoreClessDfewer. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。People spend almost a third of their lives doing one thingsleeping. Every year, there is a day for people around the world to celebrate the1

11、(important) of good and healthy sleepWorld Sleep Day.Sleep is like food for the brain. Healthy sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop. People of different ages need different amounts of sleep. It is said that eight hours per night2 (consider) the average amount of sleep. For students aged 1

12、0 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night. However, last year, the China Youth and Children Research Center 3 (report) that about four4 (five) of middle school students didnt get enough sleep. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep 5 (worry) about their sch

13、oolwork and cant fall 6 (sleep) quickly. A lack (缺乏) of sleep can greatly affect (影响) a persons life. Students who dont get enough sleep may get poor grades. They cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports.7 (solve) this kind of problem, scientists advise that students should have8 (little)

14、schoolwork and more time to sleep. There are some other ways to help people get enough sleep, such as 9 (take) a 20-minute nap (午睡) during the day, trying to go to sleep earlier and so on . Good sleeping habits are also 10 (help). For example, try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every da

15、y, even on weekends and during the day. 阅读理解A13、I had unpleasant experiences in a summer five years ago. My father died in a car accident, leaving my mother, my two younger brothers and I alone. At that time, I was a senior high school student. After my fathers funeral, I had no choice but to drop o

16、ut of school and work in a factory.I really wanted to return to school and wanted to go to college, but I couldnt. I only hoped to bring up my two younger brothers. Life was not easy for me, for I cant afford their tuition even if I worked from day to night without stopping. Without my fathers prote

17、ction, I thought I was a slave (奴隶) to the fate.Later on, something changed my life. I still remember that it was a rainy day. I put myself in the rain and walked slowly in the street.Suddenly the rain stopped! I raised my head and found “the sky” was in fact a dark blue umbrella. Then I noticed a m

18、iddle-aged man with one leg on crutch standing behind me. He said to me, “Why not run without an umbrella? If you didnt run, you would get drenched.”The man told me that he was promoter. He once dreamed of being a policeman, but an accident ruined his dream. Though his present job was not suitable f

19、or his legs, it was a wonderful start to him. He was very happy that he didnt lose heart and still “ran” on the road of lifeI was encouraged by the mans words. I went to a big city and I became an assurance representative (担保代表). After two years running, I did well and my family condition turned bet

20、ter little by little. Later I returned to school and succeeded in my entrance to university.Life is like this. When you are in rainy days in your life, if you couldnt find a way to prevent you from being wet, you would be overwhelmed. But if you decide to get rid of it, youll discover that the rainy

21、 days last not so long as you imagine.1What happened to the writer at the beginning of the story?AHis father died in a car accident six years ago.BHe had to drop out of school to look after his sick mother.CHe couldnt afford his two brothers tuition even if he worked from day to night.DHe didnt have

22、 money to hold the funeral for his father.2About the middle-aged man with one leg on crutch, which of the following is not true?AHe had dreamed of being a policeman.BHe was a promoter.CHe lost one leg in an accident.DHe had a good job which was suitable for him very well.3What does the underlined me

23、an in Chinese?Awet Bvery dry Cquite nervous Dreally comfortable4Whats the main idea of the sixth paragraph?AThe writer didnt want to listen to the middle-aged man and left without any word.BThe writer made friends with the middle-aged man and they got on well with each other.CThe writer had to give

24、up his dream and became a promoter as the middle-aged man.DThe writer learned from the middle-aged man and the situation got better.5Which is the best title for the passage?ARun out of the Rainy Season of Your Life.BCare for the Disabled Person.CTry to Be Independent.DGet to Know More About Middle-a

25、ged People.B14、News ReviewLearn to swim. Do you want to study in Tsinghua(清华) University? If your answer is yes, you need to be able to swim or get prepared to learn to swim from now on. Recently, the university has made a new rule that students must pass the 50-meter swimming test to finish school.

26、 This rule has been brought into a broad discussion. Some agree with it because it can help students do more sports, but others disagree. They believe that it doesnt respect their personal wishes. It shouldnt be a must for graduation. Whats your opinion?_“Thomas Edison was an great inventor in the U

27、S. When he was seven, her mother caught a serious illness so she had to receive an operation(手术)in time. However, the room was too dark. So Edison brought a mirror and an oil lamp to light the room. How smart he was.” This story comes from the Chinese textbook for Grade-two students in the primary s

28、chool. But recently, many people believe it was not true because the first operation about that illness in the world took place in 1886. Edison reached seven years old in 1854. Some people wonder why the story appears in the textbook. Maybe thats because the editor(编辑) cares too much about the educa

29、tional meaning without checking whether it was true or not.Paper books never disappear With the development of E-books, many people prefer to read on the Internet. Some experts worry that paper books may die down as time goes by. However, a recent study has shown a rising enthusiasm of paper books a

30、ll over the world, especially among young people of 16 to 24. Just in last month, 7% more paper books have been sold in the UK and E-book sale has fallen in a row by 4% in total over the month. Also, a survey made by Voxburner says that 60% of 16-to-24-year-olds prefer paper books. The most popular

31、reasons given were, “ I love the feeling of holding the books and the smell of the paper, and I wont end up with headache and sore eyes.1According to the first paragraph, students in Tsinghua University must _ to finish school.Ado some sports Bpass a swimming test Clearn to discuss Drespect each oth

32、er2The blank in the second paragraph should be filled in “ _.”AThomas Edisons childhood BSome good stories in the textbookCTextbooks are not true DEducational meaning in Edisons story3The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “enthusiasm” in this passage is “_”.A热情 B厌恶 C危机 D成本4To explain why paper

33、books never disappear, the writer does all the following things EXCEPT_.Alist some numbers Bgive us some reasonsCshow a survey result Dtell a story of his ownC15、In many places, if you do not take your wallet with you, youll be in trouble. This is especially true in overseas airports when you want t

34、o pay for food or gifts. Luckily you can now pay without your wallet in some overseas airports.Its announced on Sept 26 that Chinese tourists can use the third party payment Alipay at ten airports across the world. The 10 airports are in Germany, Singapore, South Korea, New Zealand, Thailand and Chi

35、nas Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.Digital wallets like Alipay, WeChat and Apple Pay have brought big changes to our lives.In April, CNN reporter Will Ripley spent a day in Beijing without his wallet. In Chinas largest cities, you can definitely (肯定地) survive without carrying a pocket full of money and

36、 credit cards as long as youve got your smart-phone, he wrote. From small shops to large stores, a huge number of businesses in Beijing accept mobile payments.He paid for breakfast by scanning (扫描) a QR code on the window of a restaurant. All he had to do was enter a password.Then he also used his p

37、hone to pay for movie tickets, buy takeout food, order goods for delivery and hail a taxi.But, there is also concern about the safety of the digital wallets. Dont think the largest payment technology has solved all of its security problems. commented Fox News.1Maybe Chinese tourists can buy things a

38、t the airport in without wallets or credit cards.AEngland BFrance CJapan DGermany2The underlined word in paragraph 4 means Aaccept Bbuy Clive Dsuffer3According to Will Ripleys description, he used his phone to do many things like buying gifts paying for his meal taking a taxi sell a digital cameraA

39、B C D4According to this passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?AIts difficult for us to use digital wallets.BIts very safe for us to use digital wallets.CIn many airports across the world Chinese tourists can use digital wallets.DIn Chinas largest cities, people can use digital wallets t

40、o do many things.5Which is the best title of this passage?ASurviving Without Money BSurviving in the oversea airportCPaying Without digital wallet DWill Ripleys day in BeijingD16、School ReportName:Alan School:Kelvin Grove Stale High School Grade:7 Term ends:21,JuneSubjects:MathsHe is a little weak i

41、n this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.EnglishHe is the best in the class.Keep it up.ScienceHe can work out many difficulties.FrenchHis reading is very good.He can remember many words.HistoryHe is not so good at this, but has done better than before.GeographyHe is familiar(熟悉) wit

42、h the names of many places in the world.MusicHe doesnt like pop songs, though sings very well.Remarks:Alan is able to do a lot better.More work is needed next term.Class teacher:SusanHeadmaster:M.L.Martin School reopens:11,September1This is a_.Astudying plan of AlanBteaching plan of SusanCschool rep

43、ort of Alan2Which subject is NOT mentioned in the form?AChinese.BMusic.CHistory.3Alans best subject is_.AscienceBEnglishCFrench4Alan is not so good at_.Amusic and geographyBhistory and FrenchCmaths and history5According to the form, which of the following sentences is TRUE?AAlan doesnt do well in sc

44、ience.BAlan cant sing songs well.CAlan studies two languages at school.E17、阅读下面的图表,做两个小题。1The box in the ad is a _.AComputerBwashing machineCtelevision2What do we learn from the ad?AStaying near the TV set is dangerous.BWe shouldnt watch TV during 20-26 April.CWe shouldnt put our head into a box.F18

45、、Most mobile phone companies design(设计)models especially for children. But parents are usually the ones buying the phones, and paying the phones. According to a study, 56% of parents of children aged 8 to 12 have given their children a mobile phone. Most children get their first mobile phone at the

46、age of 12.Many parents think its necessary for children to have a mobile phone because it helps children stay in touch with their friends and families. They believe that mobile phones are an important tool when something happens suddenly. Children can stay connected with their parents at all times.

47、Some people think mobile phones help teach children to beresponsible.But other people are worried about the health and safety of childrens mobile phones. They believe that sending messages while doing homework is bad for childrens concentration(注意力). They say that children are spending too much time

48、 sending messages instead of talking to each other. But we do need to communicate face to face. Also, the radiation(辐射)that the mobile phones give off can be harmful to young people.What do you think? If you have any idea about it, please tell me.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1(小题1)According to the passage, most ch

49、ildren got their first mobile phone .Aat the age of 12Bat the age of 10Cat the age of 82(小题2)Many parents think its necessary for children to have a mobile because .Aits cheaper than beforeBit helps children stay in touch with their friends and familiesCits a great birthday present3(小题3)When something happens suddenly, mobile phones are _ to stay touch with others.Aa useful languageBan important toolCa different way4(小题4)The u


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