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1、 PAGE 页码 6 / NUMPAGES 总页数 6人教版三年级上册英语阅读理解知识点巩固练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文并判断正误。Danny is having lunch with his friend Peter. Peter is very fat. He likes good food, and a lot of it. They sit at a table. They buy some nice things.After lunch they eat some other food. We must go, Peter, Danny says.We are here fo

2、r a long time. Its three fifty now.We cant leave now, says Peter. Its time for tea.”( )(1)Danny is having lunch with his father.( )(2)Peter likes good food very much.( )(3)After lunch, they go home.( )(4)Peter wants to have tea with Danny.( )(5)Peter is very thin.2. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致。This is Dick

3、 s desk (迪克的书桌). It is in his room. His schoolbag, pencil-box and books are on his desk. Dick has three rulers, two pencils and a pen. They are in his pencil box. A new chair is beside(在的旁边) the desk and a small ball is under(在的下面) the chair.( )(1)Dicks desk is in the library.( )(2)Dicks pencil-box

4、is on the desk.( )(3)Dick has two rulers.( )(4)The pen is in the pencil-box.( )(5)The ball is beside the desk.3. 阅读理解,选择正确答案。Sam is agood boy. He is tall and fat. He likes sports. In spring, he flies kites in thepark. In summer, he plays football with his friends under the tree. In autumn,he goes fi

5、shing with his Dad in the lake. In winter, he plays snow with hispupils at school. He is happy each day.(1)Sam is.( )A.tall and thin B.tall and fat C.short and fat(2)He flies kites.( )A.in spring B.in winter C.in summer(3)He goes fishing within the lake.( )A.his friends B.his pupils C.his Dad(4)In w

6、inter, he plays snow.( )A.at school B.under the tree C.in the lake4. 阅读短文,判断下列句子“正确”还是“错误”。Which Skirt to Wear?Tina is 8 years old, and follows her own ideas. When her parents tell her to do something, she always doesnt do it. Today, she will go to a friends birthday party. She is now choosing skirt

7、 to wear. She has three skirts: a blue skirt, a white one and a yellow one. She asks her father, “Which one is the best?” her father says, “I think the blue one is the best.” Then she asks her mother, “Which one do you think is the best?” Her mother answers, “The white one, of course!” Tina says, “T

8、hank you.” Then she puts on the yellow skirt and goes out.( )(1)Tina is 8 years old.( )(2)She follows her parents ideas.( )(3)Today is Tinas birthday.( )(4)She puts on the yellow skirt and goes out.5. 读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Tom : Hello , Lily .Lily : Hello , Tom . Whats your favourite colour?Tom : Its blue

9、. Whats your favourite colour?Lily : My favourite colour is red.Tom : Whats your favourite letter?Lily : I love every letter.( )(1)Toms favourite colour is red.( )(2)Lily loves every letter.( )(3)Lily loves red.( )(4)Tom loves blue.( )(5)Lilys favourite colour is blue.6. 阅读判断。Hello! Im Tim. Im a boy

10、. Im from the USA. Im nine. I have twelve pencils, twenty books, eight pens and five erasers.( )(1)Tim is from Canada.( )(2)Tim is 9.( )(3)Tim has 20 pencils.( )(4)Tim has 8 pens.( )(5)Tim has 6 erasers.( )(6)Tim is a boy.7. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。My name is Bo B. I am from the USA. Im eleven. I am a student

11、. I have a big family. My father is a teacher. My mother is teacher, too. I have two brothers. They are twelve years old. I have a sister. Shes Lily. Shes only 3 years old. I love my family.( )(1)I am Bo ( )(2)Bob is from America.( )(3)His mum is a teacher.( )(4)Mike has one brother and one sister.(

12、 )(5)Lily is a boy.8. 读下列小笑话,判断正误。A man says to his friend,Guess how many coins(硬币) I have in my pocket(兜). The friend says. If(如果) I guess right,will you give me one of them?The man says,If you guess right,Ill give you both(两个都) of them. ( )(1)The man has two coins.( )(2)The friend knows the man ha

13、s two coins at first(开始).( )(3)The man is very clever.9. 阅读理解。It is eight oclock. The children (孩子们) go to school by car every day, they are going to school on foot. It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually (通常)stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops. It is four oclock

14、 in the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. It is six oclock, In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. I

15、t is nine oclock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But hes not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, hes reading an interesting (有趣的)book.1The children go to school _ every day. ( )A.by car B.on foot C.by bike D.by bus2Mrs. Sawyer is going to _ this morning。( )A.staying a

16、t home B.go shopping C.drinking tea D.watching TV3Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at _in the living room. ( )A.8:00 B.16:00 C.18:00 D.21:004Are the children doing their homework at the moment? ( )A.Yes, they do. B.No, they dont. C.Yes, they are. D.No, they arent10. 根据内容判断对错。Yang Ling:

17、Excuse me, whats that on the table?Nancy: Its a toy car.Yang Ling: Oh, how nice! Can I have a look?Nancy: Sure. Here you are.Yang Ling: Thank you. I like it very much. Is this your toy car?Nancy: Yes, it is.(1)The toy car is on the desk.( )(2)Its a nice toy car.( )(3)Its not Nancys toy car.( )(4)Yan

18、g Ling likes toy car very much.( )11. 阅读文章,并根据文章内容填空。This is my father. He is a cook. He likes to cook meat, fish and chicken. This is my mother. She is a nurse. She likes to clean the room.1My father is a_.2He likes to_meat, fish and chicken.3My mother is a_.4She likes to_the room.12. 阅读理解。OnedayMr


20、numberandtheyarefrozenthere.Itisnttheircar.( )(1)Mr.andMrs.Whitedrivefor_.A.fishing B.shopping C.business( )(2)Theystoptheircar_.A.attheparkingspot B.nearthesea C.nearthestore( )(3)Theywanttoputthethings_.A.inabigbag B.intheircar C.inotherscar( )(4)Mr.Whitecantopenthecar,so_.A.theywalkhome B.theyask

21、apolicemantohelp C.theycallataxi( )(5)Thecar_theircar.A.isnt B.is C.are13. 读短文,判断正()误()。We have two new friends. The girl is Amy. She is nine years old. She is from the UK. She is short. She is pretty. She has big eyes. The boy is Zhang Peng. He is ten. He is from China. He is tall. Hes not thin. He

22、 has big eyes, too. We like Amy and Zhang Peng. We help each other.1We have two new friends, Amy and Wu Yifan.(_)2Amy is from the UK.(_)3Amy has big ears.(_)4Zhang Peng is thin.(_)5Zhang Peng has big eyes.(_)14. 阅读短文,判断下面句子的正误。Look! This is my room(房间). The toy car is on the desk. The toy boat is un

23、der the desk. My cat is under the chair. Its black. It has two big eyes. I like it very much. Wheres my new bag? Is it in the desk? No, it isnt. Its on the chair. The books are in the bag.(1)The toy car is on the desk.( )(2)The toy boat is on the desk, too.( )(3)My cat is yellow.( )(4)My bag is on t

24、he chair.( )15. 阅读对话,判断正误。We are seeds. We are small. We are brown. We like water. We are thirsty. Its a rainy day. We have some water. We are happy. Now its warm. We feel warm. Look, we have roots. They are short. We have buds, too. We grow and grow. Now we have leaves and flowers. The leaves are g

25、reen and big. We are sunflowers.( )(1)The seeds, are not small.( )(2)The seeds like water.( )(3)Its rainy. The seeds are happy.( )(4)Its a sunny day. The seeds are cold.( )(5)The sunflowers have big leaves and small flowers.16. 阅读对话,判断下列句子是否正确。Dolly: Are you a girl?John: No, Im not. Im a boy.Dolly: Are you a tall boy?John: Yes, I am.Dolly: Are you fat?John: No, I am not.Dolly: Are you


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