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1、精品基础教育教学资料,需要可下载使用!高考英语二轮复习语法突破:名词变化规那么例词可 数 名 词 复 数 的 规 那么 变 化1一般情况卜仕词尾加Sapple apples toy toysexperience-experiences2.以zsh结尾的名词 在词尾加esglass glasses boxboxes dish-dishes watch-swatches brush-brushes3.以铺音字母加y结尾,变y为i再加esfamily-familiesenemyenemiesholiday-holidaysactivity-activities4.以y结尾的专有名词或兀音+y结尾的名

2、词,直接加stwo Marysthe Henrysmonkey-monkeys holidayholidays4.以f或fe结尾、大都变f或fe为V再加esthief -thieves wifewives leafleaves self selves knife-kniveswolfwcdveshandkerchief 一 handkerchief 或者 handkerchieves5 .有些以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时,加sbelief beliefs roofroofsproof 一proofs chief chiefschef chefs gulfgulfs safesafes6.以字母

3、。结尾的名词,Negro-Negroes hero heroes有生命的在词尾加espotato potatoes tomato tomatoesvolcano volcanos / volcanoes7.以字母。结尾的名词,没有Radios zoos tobaccos photos pianos生命的名词在词尾加esbamboosvideosstudioszeros8.单、复数相同sheep deermeans series可species fish(fishes 各种各样鱼)数9.表小某国人的复数形式:ChineseChinese名中日不父英法变其它S加后面JapaneseJapanese

4、词Englishman Englishmen复Frenchman-Frenchman数GermanGermans的9名词复数的不规那么变化footfeet tooth-teeth goose-不geese mouse-mi.ce oxoxen child-规children man-men woman-women那么medium-media变phenomenaphenomenon化10.只有复数形式clothes trousers glasses goods shortsscissors scales11.习惯上多用复数式:congratulations belongings wishesre

5、gards thanks13.形式上单数,意义上复数people police cattle public14.形式上复数,意义上单数physics politics maths news15.单复数同形deer“sheep,fish,series , meanszspecies16名词单复数的特殊形式 作整体概念看待时,当单数用,谓 语动词也用单数;强调整体中具体人或物时,当复数用,谓语动词也用复数。这类词有:family, army、audience.class、committee.group、tea , public,cattle 等。17.加s和不加s意义不同如:wood木材woods

6、森林sand沙子sands沙滩look看looks夕卜貌iron铁Irons镣铐good好的goods货物manner 方式 manners 礼貌green绿色的greens蔬菜还有:work工作works著作,工厂coffee咖啡coffees几杯咖啡people 人民 peoples 民族fruit水果总称fruits (各种水果)paper纸papers文件、试卷、论文time时间times时代,次数,倍数Mr.King金先生the Kings金家一家人合 成 词 复 数16.只变中心词shoe shopshoe shops toothbrushtoothbrushes ediror e

7、ditors-in-cheif passer-bypassers-by son-in-law-sons-in-law17.无中心词时,将s加在最后go-between-go-betweensgrown-upgrown-ups18.由man woman构成的合成词,前后都变成复数形式man doctor men doctorswoman professor wom.en professors不物质名词chalk, bread, furniture,可rubbish, food,cheese数抽象名词advice,equipment,air,progress,名information, educa

8、tion, fun, health, news词抽象名词具体化a success 一个成功的人或事;a surprise 一件令人惊奇的事物质名词具体化,a coffee 一杯咖啡;two(drink)两杯饮料;单数名词词尾加S;the boy s mother这个男孩儿的妈妈复数名词词尾有S的只加,Teachers Day 教师节名复数名词词尾无S的加S;Children s Day 儿童节词and连接的并列名词,表示各自Tom and Jerry s room I know所所有关系,要分别在并列名词后有加S,格表示共同所有关系,只在最后一个名词后加STom s and Jerry s w

9、ives不定代词后接else,所有格s加在else上somebody else s bagof所有格:无生命的事物的名the best title of the passage词,常用Of所有格表示所有关系一些有生命的名词,如果名词较 长或有较多的定语时,须使用Of 所有格双重所有格名词十0f+名词所有格或名词+of+名词性物主代词”名词+ S=店铺/医院/诊所/住宅 等的全称文章最好的标题the purpose of this passage 文章的目的the story of the bravery of William Tell andhis sona novel of Luxuz s鲁

10、迅的一本小说a friend of mine我的一个朋友at the doctor s = at the hospitalgo to Lily s = go to Lily s homeL高考真题再现(名词)IL l.In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut have reported increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a( believe) that populations are increasing.2.They also shared with

11、 us many(tradition) stories about Hawaii that were hugely popular with to urists.3.Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 that showed a mere 5 to10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all (cause).4.(单句 改错) All the football pl

12、ayer on the playground cheered loudly, saying that I had a talent for football.IL单句语法填空(名词)China has got a goo . d reputation for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth (organize).Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to search for(survive) in an earthquake.After the

13、earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide accommodation for the hom eless (family).The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his(patient), so he has a very good reputation.Was it because of his(lazy) that he didn*t do the experiment suc

14、cessfully?The government is very cautious about setting a new policy and making(decide).The( girl) shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into Toms car.All the(woman) teachers can have a rest on March 8th, because it is their own holiday.The village is far away

15、 from here indeed, its a four (hour) walk.Those who suffer from headache will find they get(relieve) from this medicine.HL单句改错(名词)The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common sight in many part of the city.Despite such a big different in attitude towards what one eats, there is no d

16、oubt that people in the west re gard the Chinese food as something special.Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercises.There was a volleyball match yesterday between the man teachers and the boy students.In China masses of graduate go abroad to have further s

17、tudy every year.It makes you search for more informations about your favourite singer on the Internet.My grandpa is the best cooker in China and he can make the most delicious dishes.Professor White gave me one of the best piece of advice Ive ever heard.Mr Green is a neighbour of my sister.Theres a

18、papers factory near our school.IV.语篇语法填空(名词)If your life lacks the(1) (powerful) that you want and the (2) ( motivate)that you need,sometimes all you have to do is to shift your point of view. By training your (3)(think) to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the re

19、asons to follow yourgoals.You are less likely to beheld back by negative (4)_ (idea) that might limit your performance.Your life can be enhanced (提升) and your (5)(happy) enriched, when you choose to change your viewpoints. Dont leave4 your future to chance ,or wait for things to get better mysteriou

20、sly on their own, You must go in the (6)(direct) of your hopes. Begin to build your confidence, and find 7)(solve) to the (8)(problem) rather than avoid them.Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be (9)(lesson) that lead to (10) (discovery). Turn your” worry hours1 into ” productive hoursn, You will see beautifu


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