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1、虹口区20182019学年度第一学期期末质量调研初三英语2019.1(满分:150分, 考试时间:150分钟)考生注意:本卷有7大题。 共94小题。 试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening comprehension (听力理解)(共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6 分)6.5. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best

2、answer to the question you hear (题,选出最恰当的答案A) Rainy.A) Apples.A) By train.A) In a post office.A) 500 yuan.):(8 分)B) Windy.B) Oranges.B) By bus.B) In a bookstore.550 yuan.Sunny.C) Bananas.C) By plane.C) In a bank.450 yuan.根据你听到的对话和问Cloudy.D) Lemons.D) By car.D) In a library.D) 50 yuan.12. A) Before d

3、inner.D) Tomorrow evening.B) During dinner.C) Tomorrow afternoon.A) Because she has bought a new car.Because she is going to take a driving test.Because they are going to eat at a restaurant tonight.Because she has succeeded in passing her driving test.A) He is very good at sports.B) He doesnt like

4、skiing.C) He often goes to the mountains.D) He came last when he went skiing.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false ( 判15.)(6分),符合的用“表示,不符合的用“F”表示断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容Thank you seems to be greatly welcomed by us Chinese students.A friend of mine travelled to B

5、ritain the summer before last.The old man said Thank you to my friend after receiving the help.Nowadays more British people like to say Cheers because it can also mean Thank you.Its not proper to use a pleasant gesture or a big smile to express thanks.express ways to are at least three that From 20.

6、 this passage we can draw a conclusion therethanks.(听短文,完成下歹1J内容。每 Listen to the passage and complete the following sentencesD.to make sure his daily分)(空格限填一词)1021. Lucky, a Little Penguin, has the world -only are Penguins the smallest penguins in 22. Little centimetres tall.safety.)now, but once th

7、ere 群落 23. There are around 200 of Little Penguins in their colony (were 40.24. You can help Little Penguins by any rubbish, especially plastic one onthe beach.,and you will learn how to to 25. Welcome to the website HYPERLINK .au .au protect Little Penguins.Grammar and Vocabulary、Part 2 PhoneticsII

8、. Choose the best answer(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)分)20 (选择最恰当的答案)Which is the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?A. againstB. abilityC. allowD. attitude 一 _ _ _Fortunately, I dont need to buy any tonight because there is still a little in thefridge.juicetomatograpeD. pineappleFrance won t

9、he World Cup for second time with a 4 -2 victory last July.A. aB. anC. theD. /Mrs. Zhu teaches Chinese, and we all like her lessons so much.A. weB. usC. ourD. ourselvesIt was said that something terrible happened here the snowy winter.A. onB. atC. inD. byRoom Escape (密室逃脱)games are becoming more and

10、 more popular youngpeople.A. aboutB. withC. fromD. ontoThe students ran to the playground as as they could to greet the famous sportsman.A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. the fastestMaries mum looks young and beautiful. Its hard to imagine she is already in her.A. fortiesB. fortyC. fortiethD. fortiethsTh

11、e teacher held a book in one hand and his notes in.D. othersC. the otherA. otherB. anotherWe protect our privacy (隐私) and prevent the release of our personal information.A.needB. canC. mayD. mustStop about the food safety. Just think about what we can do to improve plainto complaincomplainingcomplai

12、nedDying to Survive (我不是药神) great success since it was released in July, 2018.A. achievedB. has achievedC. achievesD. will achieveHongkou football stadium soon to become a football and sports landmark ” inShanghai.will be rebuiltwas rebuiltwill rebuildD. rebuiltBy the end of last week, all of us the

13、 homework about Chinese geography.A. finishedB. have finished C. would finish D. had finished-are you able to type the English words?-About forty to fifty words a minute.A. How oftenB. How fastC. How longD. How farNot only my parents but also I a big fan of Beijing Opera.A. amB. areC. isD. beYou wil

14、l gain weight you reduce the amount you eat.A. ifB. sinceC. butD. unlessbeautiful the riverside areas along the Huangpu River are at night!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How aI dont know how to search for the right information. Ill help you.I hope soNeither do IIm afraid, too D. Dont worryYoud better go t

15、o see the doctor.Thats all rightYes, I willC. Yes, you can D. Im glad you like itComplete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once.(将下列单词或者词组填入空格,每个空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. appliedB. crazy C. seriouslyE. gentlyD. considered46 ever any for notBread is just eatin

16、g more! Have youkeeping bread in your medicine box? That may sound 47, but breadis more useful than you think. Here are some unusual uses for bread.thoseof medicine. In kind as used China, In ancient people bread adays, moldy bread was 48 to open wounds in order to treat or prevent wounds from getti

17、ngmore serious.Broken glass is a big problem for housewives. Dont worry! You can collect those sharp bitsby 49 pressing a piece of bread on the top of them. Then throw it away carefully.E. pain D. points out C. tears B. turns out A. wholeDoes cutting onions cause you to cry? Try holding a piece of b

18、read in your mouth,with a little bit sticking out. No more 50.mad? White bread 51 to be a you Are fingerprints on your walls driving“cloth” .perfect cleaning)in your finger? Place a bit of bread over the splinters(Why not try bread when you have splinter, cover it with a piece of soft material, and

19、leave it the 52 night. The bread can drawout the splinter without 53 as you sleep.So now you know that a loaf of bread in your kitchen has more to offer than just sandwiches.用括号中所给单词IV . Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms )8 分)(共 的适当形式完成下列句子 month) 54. T

20、ony has gone to Australia and will stay there for more than two. ( fair) 55. It seems to that nature can be so damaging to those kindpeople. ( ) speak56. I attended the professors lecture yesterday, but I didnt enjoy his verymuch. (in 2018 November the, China International Import Expo began on 57. T

21、he first)(fiveShanghai.fires.of forest away are the cause ends 58. Cigarette which peoplecarelessly throwpossibly) (59. His design won the heart of customers and the products were sold out in aweek. create) ( ) wide60. So far the invention has not been used in industry or in any otherfield. (61. The

22、 doctors on the boy and took out the button battery in his stomach last night. )(operation 小题 62-67,改写下列句子,V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求)14 分)每空格限填一词(共 (改为一般疑问句)62. Tina used to be a tour guide in a travel agency.Tina to be a tour guide in a travel agency?63. Sherrys grandpa

23、 has never been abroad all his life.(改为反意疑问句) Sherrys grandpa has never been abroad all his life,?(对戈 U线部分提问)every summer. about 23 dayslasts (环法自行车赛)The Tour de France 64.does the Tour de France last every summer?My dinner was made up of some fish, potatoes, and fruit salad.(保持句意基本不变)My dinner some

24、 fish, potatoes and fruit salad.We reuse the waste paper in order to protect the environment.(改为被动语态)The waste paper in order to protect the environment.John asked his daughter, “Are you getting along well with your new classmates?(改为宾语从句)John asked his daughter she getting along well with her new c

25、lassmates.David, to make, his baby sister, tell stories, go to sleep, every night (连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读与写)IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12 分)and in human-like animal lives mysterious Who has seen Yeti? ThisOr does he? For years

26、, stories of around Asias high Himalayan Mountains.the Yeti have attracted the interest of explorers and adventurer from aroundthe world. In the local cultures of the Himalayan people, old stories of thefamous Yeti are everywhere. Many stories say the Yeti is not an animal, buthalf human intelligent

27、 animal. No one can say for sure. What we do , perhaps a half-ape (半猿) fictiononly know is that the Yeti is a powerful mix of fact andwere They enter China. began curious years ago, Europeans about the Yeti to 150 Overlooking for something to prove that the Yeti existed. They hoped the photograph, o

28、r maybe even catch, a real-life Yeti. Over the years, many explorers saw large unexplained footprints in the snow. Several European climbers even reported seeing a hairy, ape -like animal from a distance.by various climbers“found The search for the Yeti didnt become so popular later. Yeti fur was ex

29、amined by scientists and proved to be unreal. People began to question the existence of theYeti.(保护区)In 1998, the Chinese government had to stop some activities of a nature reservewhich was doing great business by inviting tourists to buy tickets and hunt the Yeti. The reserve even offered large pri

30、ces for anyone lucky enough to catch a Yeti! Clearly, basic human curiosity (好奇 心)keeps the Yeti myth alive today. Plenty of unexplained footprints, bodies and stories continue to feed out curiosity as well. However, nobody can prove exactly whether the Yeti exists or not.Explorers and adventurers f

31、rom around the world want to know more about the Yeti becausethe Yeti is harmful to human beings.they are interested in stories of the Yeti.they want to make a living by hunting the Yeti.the Yeti lives in and around Asias high Himalayan Mountains.The underlined word “fiction “ in Paragraph 1 probabl

32、y means ” .A. stories people imagineB. opinions people haveC. reasons people explainD. things people complain aboutPeople began to think the Yeti may not exist.when Europeans curious about the Yeti decided to enter Chinabefore the Chinese government had to stop some activities of a nature reserveaft

33、er Yeti for found by various climbers was proved not truewhen several European climbers failed to photograph a real -life Yeti 72. The reserve invited tourists to hunt the Yeti in order to.A. make moneyB. prove Yetis existenceC. do experimentsD. make itself famous73. Which statement is TRUE accordin

34、g to the passage?It is certain that Yeti is a human -like animal which lives in and around Himalayan Mountains.It is proved that several European climbers really saw a hairy, ape -like animal from a distance.It is allowed by the Chinese government to hunt the Yeti for research in a nature reserve.It

35、 is human curiosity that has spread the stories of the Yeti for over a century. 74. The best title of the passage might be.Unexplained FootprintsA. Yeti HuntingA Mountain MythD. Human CuriosityB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或短语选项完成短文):(12分)Narcissus was a famous character

36、 in Greek myth. Once upon a time, there was a boy called Narcissus. He was the son of a god and his beauty won the hearts of millions of women. They fell in love with him, but he turned them away. He was so 75 that he looked down upon andeven laughed at girls who fell in love with him. One of the wo

37、man who loved Narcissus was a nymph (女神) called Echo. Echo could not speak 76 -What she could do was to repeat whatwas said to her, so she couldnt express her love for Narcissus.One day, when Narcissus was walking in the woods with some friends, he lost his way. Hecalled out “Is anyone here?” Echo r

38、eplied Here, Here” right away. Echo stepped forward with open arms, wanting to hug him. But Narcissus 77 to accept Echos love. Echo was so upsetthat she ran away and hid in a small cave with nothing left except her 78. Thats whyecho means repeated sound in English.Another goddess found out about thi

39、s, and she decided to punish (惩罚) his behavior because it 79 cruelty and pain. She attracted Narcissus to a pool, where he saw his ownreflection (彳到影)in the water and fell deeply in love with the beauty of his reflection, not realizing it was himself. He tried to kiss it. However, as soon as he touc

40、hed the surface of water, the reflection moved away. He stared at his beautiful reflection for such a long time that he forgot all about the need to eat and drink.80, a is called and that flower Where he died a flower grew, he lost his life. narcissus today.D. confusedC. proud 75. A. kindB. surprise

41、dD. recentlyC. quietly 76. A. loudlyB. properlyD. refusedC. preferred B. arranged 77. A. managedD. clothesC. love78. A. voiceB. friendsD. gave up79. A. stood for B. dealt withC. put offIn the endC. In brief B. In fact 80. A. In addition(在短文的空格内填入适当的C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with pro

42、per words 分)14 (词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Many people think of bullying(欺凌) as one child pushing or hitting another. However,bullying is not only p 81. Words also hurt people badly. When I was in junior high school,the girls in my class would laugh at me or ask questions designed to embarrass me. Their

43、 words really hurt me so much that it was difficult for me to f 82 my attention on study.Be kind You may not think of yourself as a bully, but do you always play jokes on others? If the other person isnt laughing, your words or actions may hurt more than you think. When some people are bullied, they

44、 will make r 83 by hurting others. No matter what your experiences are, being kind will make you truly powerful.WE STND TWEWEfi “I KIST WLLYIMGSpeak upto are supposed bullying another, you When you notice one person will hesitation (坚定地) .Your them to stop i84 and firmly warnadult an and tell they d

45、ont stop, walk away problem make the worse, if about the bullying.Stand tall bullied, dont try to face it alone, but ask a parent or other trusted adult for help. If you areSimilarly, in places where bullying happens, stay close to a friend b 85 bullies often aim at.When you are being bullied, walk

46、away calmly. Leaving will isolated (孤立的) people who are upset, the bully may feel bored and l 86 keep you safe, and if you dont seem frightenedorinterest in you.Finally, remember that what is happening is not your m 87. Bullies are responsible fortheir actions and words. Make sure your life will not

47、 be affected by their words and action. And when you meet others who are weaker than you, remember that they are valuable, too.7.(12 分)D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)knows movies, everyone the fromnovels, TV shows or Whetherthe read most material in are Sherlock Holmes. His stories among thea

48、nd the dictionary.Bible (圣经)world, behind only thestudied Doyle. Arthur by were detective The famous stories written Sir Conan Though hemedicine and managed to practise it, writing became his pleasure in life and made him famous all over the world. In addition to his gift in writing detective storie

49、s, he had a medical background that enabled him to be of service during wars and journeys to both Antarctica and Africa. During his university years, Doyle found his studies dull but loved watching his unusualteachers. One of these was Dr. Joseph Bell, who liked to observe to find solutions to probl

50、ems. While Bell could guess peoples jobs just by observing them carefully, he was also cold to his patients. And so Doyles famous Holmes was born a confident detective with a keen eye but anindifferent (冷漠的) attitude.Doyle began to publish detective stories of Sherlock Holmes in The Strand magazine

51、in 1891 and achieved great success. These exciting and enjoyable adventures attracted the British middle class who lined up to buy magazines and read them. Doyle, however, felt Holmes was blocking his desire to write historical novels and killed him off in 1893. Angry letters and protest failed to b

52、ring Holmes back until 8 years later.Holmes continued being popular through new novels, BBCs TV shows and the RobertDowney Jr. films. Some fans are even crazy about Sherlock Holmes. A group of fans called Sherlockians claim (宣称) that Sherlock Holmes was a real person and his stories are historical r

53、ecord. As they work to prove their claims and as books and films about Holmes continue to fill our homes, our favourite detective certainly lives on.Are Sherlock Holmess stories the most read material in the world?How could Dr. Joseph Bell guess peoples jobs?Why did Doyle kill Holmes off in 1893?Whe

54、n did Doyle bring Holmes back to his stories?What do Sherlockians mainly do to show their love for Sherlock Holmes?They work to prove that Please give at least two reasons mentioned in the passage that make Sherlock Holmes popular for such a long time.VD. Writing(作文)(共 20 分)Write at least 60 words o

55、n the topic “ I admire myself. ” (以“夸夸我自己”为题,写一篇不少于60 词的短文,标点符号不占格。 )提示: 为了给初中四年的学习生活留下美好的回忆, 你们班级策划了一次主题班会。 要求每位同学以“夸夸我自己”为题,用一至三个形容词概括自己的优点,并通过举例子或列举理由加以说明。(注意:短文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分) 虹口区 20182019 学年度第一学期期末质量调研初三英语参考答案Part 2n . 26. D 27. A 28. CBCBAACD37. BC40. B 41. A 42. DCDB38. A 39. D

56、 mCBAE. 46-49 DBAE50-53IV 57. fifth 58. possible . 54. months 55. unfair 56. speechcreativewidelyoperatedHow; long 65. consisted; ofis; reused 67. whether/V. 62. Did; use 63. has; he if; was68. David tells stories to make his baby sister go to sleep every night. Part 3VI. (A) 69. BACBDC75. C 76. B 77. D 78. A 79. A 80. Dimmediatelybecause( C ) 81. physical 82. focus 83. response/r


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