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1、八年级英语改错专项练习题学校名称:班级:学号:姓名:laughing45.短文改错School is over. There are some America students in the classroom. Some students are listening the music on the radio. The radio on the desk is Lily, s and Lucy, s. They are twins. Some are dancing. Others are talking and They were talking aboutTom s trousers.

2、They? re too big to him.短文改错Tomorrow is Sunday. It will fine weather.1We won t go to school. Miss Green wi11 take we to the park. We will take some photo and enjoy the sights After that, Beibei, April and Helen will go boat on the lake. I think we will have many fun there.短文改错Thank you for tell me t

3、he happy news.I ve decided go with you to Beijing. Beijing isthe capital of China. There is many places of interestthere. I m going to take a camera to me and we 11take some photos there.Im surely we 11 have a good time.18.单句改错。( )1. We learnt from each other since we became friends.( )2. Danny said

4、 that he hadn t finished doing his lessons already.( )3. She hopes you and I to come back in two days.( )4. The teacher often asked us don t speak in class.( )5. Those poor children will be happy only if we will help them.( )6. Your knowledge of Chinese are tested when you play the game.( )7. This c

5、omputer was made by Beijing last yean.()8. I m sorry I forgot my English book at home? Can I bring it heretomorrow?( )9. I was searching the Internet while my parents watched TV.()10. We are made read English for an hour every morning by our Englishteacher.单句改错。( )1. I m used to live in the country

6、now. ( )2. The teacher told us that light traveled faster than sound.( )3. They says theywill go there by the plane.()4. The patient sfamily aae watching theoperation with video.( )5. The policemanprevented the childrennot to play football o。the busyroad.单句改错。( )1. You must practice a lot of if you

7、want to be good at hosting. ( )2. I had much work to be done, so I was very busy.( )3. Remember to listen and write ir the same time, will you?( )4. I hear many people donated money for Save China s Tigers in the show.( )5. A microphone makes your voice to sound louder.改错找出划线局部错误的一项,并且在题后横线上改正。()1.

8、Although 返 was raining, but the game went on.( )2. He, s borrowed the book since two weeks ago, hasn t he?( )3. There are much more roads, buildings and people in this aree.( )4. Do you know when Tom married to her?( )5. He says he has just now finished doing his homework.22.短文改错 TOC o 1-5 h z It s

9、not polite to arrive in a dinner more than 15-201.minutes later. The host usually waits for all the guests2. to arrive before served the meal. If someone islate, the3.food may be spoiled (破坏),and so may the hosts spirit.4.If you have to late, call and tell them to startwithout you.5.It s even bad to

10、 be early! The host will probably6. be ready. If you are early, drive or walk around the block7.a few times, and just sit in your car until the right time.8.Because the host invites guests to arrive and leave 9. 10.between certain times, so you can start at any timebetween the times he gives you.单句改

11、错。This is (A) his (B) the best(C) book (D).He is (A) tallee (B) than(C) any boy(D) in his class.Which (A) do you like (B) best (C), this one or (D) that one?Mike is (A) very (B) cleverer (C) than(D) Jack.Kate draws(A) best (B) of (C) her class(D).短文改错。Mr. Black usually drive to work. One day, he saw

12、 a cat behind a woman when he was going to work by a car. As the car near them, the cat suddenly started to across the road. Of course the car hits the poor animal and killed it.改错Mr Green often go shopping with his daughter.Jack s mother look younger than Daniel? s.There are a map and three picture

13、s on the wall.Tom and his grandfather decides to go fishing.They keeped their secrets to themselves last week.Were you have a good time there yesterday?We planed to leave at 3P. nt last Wednesday.We weren t go to the World Park by coach yesterday.I was feel sick for most of the time.10Were you meet

14、Kitty at the school gate yesterday?.There were a boy and a girl on the playground yesterday.The book costed me ten yuan.26.单句改错:Don t worry. There is little time left.Because I can t see anything, so I never go out at night.There is going to have a concert next Sunday.What a beautiful weather it is

15、today!Tom and Jack are all students.Which is much interesting, Shanghai or Beijing?How long do you go home? Once a week.Your mother must keep health. What is the weather like yesterday?The floor is all wet. Please mop up it. They have more rains this year than last year. She crashed her car on a wal

16、l. He was died in a car accident. A boy fell down a tree and broke his left leg. Look! His clothes are on a fire.单句改错。找出每句中的一处错误并改正。She often (A) helps (B) her mother doing (C) some(D) housework.Do (A) you have delicious something to eat(D)?First (A), put the mayonnaise in(D) a slice of bread.Who(A)

17、 is (B) the giol(C) at (D) the bike?Here (A) are(B) three slice (C) of chicken (D).改错。The boy is all wet in the rain, but his mother didn t angny. John never greets teachers, so he is an impolite boy. The weather report said: It will be fog tomorrow. ” Don, t make so much noisy, I feel quite uncomfo

18、rtable. We were watching TV last night while my mother doing the housework29.改错。He put his pictures on the Internet for everyone to look.Do you know how to making a home page?On the way to the cinema, I met a friend of me.It was a great day and we didn t enjoy it at first.There are over three hundre

19、ds interesting places all over the world.30.短文改错 对短文中标有题号的每一行作出判断,并改正错误:该句多一个词:把多余 的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;该句缺一个词: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(人),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;该句错一个词:在错 的词下划一横线,在该行右边的横线上写出改正后的词。 TOC o 1-5 h z My mother has done so many for me! She gets up76. early every morning to make a breakfast for me.7

20、7. And she often wake up in the middle of the night78. to see if V m sleeping well. Once, when I am ill, I couldn t79. eat. Mum was so worried that she wouldn t eat, too.80. 31.短文改错下面短文中的划线局部是错误的,31.短文改错下面短文中的划线局部是错误的,请改正,不得改变原文意思,并将正确答案写在右边相应题号的横线上。I live in the country and my father was a farmer.

21、He is now forty five -years -old. Because of years of hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was young, he used to tell the importantce of study. Father knows few about English and other sub jects, but he usually gives me some good advices on how to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind t

22、o me but also very strict in me. With his help, I ve made great progress. I 11 never forget what him taught me. I think my father is a best father in the world.32.单句改错。( )1. We are thinking to make the computer “think“ like a eaa. ( )2. The little girl practices playing violin every day.( )3. It s i

23、mportant of us to protect our environment.()4.We re tired now.Whatabout have a rest, sir?()5.A group of us isgoingto help the elderlydosomecleaning.( )6. The teacher asked us to write a 8-hundred-word composition in class.()7.My work keeps mebusily all day.()8.The 2008 OlympicGameswill be taken plac

24、einBeijing.( )9. Sandy was ridiag his bike while she fell off and hurt herself.( )10. Australia is also an English-spoken country, just like England and America.33.以下每个句子画线局部均有一处错误,请指出并改正。(1)Thanksa lotfor C help me D with my English.(2)Myfriendoftenwash B his CclothesD on Sundays.(3)Who Brunsfast,

25、Li Ming Dor WangHai?(4)WhereB doyou D go yesterday?(5)HereB aresome C milk . D Drink itplease.34.短文改错Thecar was invented about a hundred years before.You may know1.allkinds of the cars names, but many people dont know who were 2.theinventor of the first car. The first car is invented not by a German

26、 3.but by an American. His name was Henry Food.He was born in a poor family. He was the oldest in six children. When4.he was a boy, he became interested in mend watches and machines.5.When he was twelve years old, his mother dead. Soon he had to work in a6.machine shop for two dollars and fifty cent

27、s a week. In the evenings he mended 7.watches for another dollar a week. The hard life made his strong and able. 8.At that time there was other interest in the life of young Ford. He dreamed 9.to make a machine. It could run without a horse. He overcame(克月艮)a lots of10.difficulties and in April 1893

28、, the machine was finished. It was the first car.单句改错What a fine day! Why not to go out for a walk? They were trap by the storm.It s best for you stay home.Everything were covered with snow. My brother works in hospital not far from here. The rain stopped us from go there. Hurry up! There will be no

29、 buses two hours.We must end up walk in the snow.The bus came and they got into the bus quickly. My father was hurted in the car accident. .改错 TOC o 1-5 h z How excited the film is! So it is.()Physics are her favourite subject.() Whose skirt is this? It s Tom mother s.()How long do you have a class

30、meeting? Once a week. ()Mary visited the new school yesterday, doesn t she? ().短文改错在以下短文中,每一行都有一处错误,请你在原文中划出错误的地方并在后面的横线上改出来。 TOC o 1-5 h z Mr. Green is our teacher. He come from London.56He teaches our English. He knows a little Chinese, too.57But he can t ask us with Chinese.58He likes work in Chi

31、na. Mrs Green works in China too.59She is a worker. She s works hard.60Her factory is near our school. Mr and Mrs Green have the son.61He is fifteen. He s name is Jim. He s a student.62He studys in a middle school. The school is near their home.63He goes to school by a bike every day.64The Greens is

32、 friendly to us. We like them very much.65.改错(指出句中错误之处,并改正。注意每句均有错误)Kitty s uncle has gone to Beijing twice.He seid that he will do his work.It s already ten o, clock. Tom feels very asleep.It s difficultof me to work out this problem.She askedthatLily hada notebook .Do you need any helps?There will

33、havea sportsmeeting in ourschoolnext week.Miss Greenis asinger. Wecan often hearher tosing.37.改错You shouldn t to ask your parents for much money.She likes this sweater because it is colorful than the black one.Could you please give me some advices?The match is over. Don t talk it about in the class.

34、I think there will be less people in the future.You look happily. What good news is it?she is interesting in the story.改错将错误之处划线并改正。Maybe I 11 be a doctor somedays. I don t want this apple, please give me the other one. Have you wrote a letter to your friend yet? How often will he be back? In twenty

35、 minutes.Does he speak English as good as you? .单句改错:以下各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。She says (A) Tom is (B) a good boy, but I dont think that (D).I prefer (A) writing (B) English to (C) read (D) it.She always(A) eats(B) too many eggs and drinks(C) too eaay(D) milk.He just (A) finished(B) cleans (C) his bedroom(

36、D). How long (A) does (B) it take (C) you get to school (D)?8.改错(指出句中错误之处,并改正。注意每句均有错误)He said that he will do his work.Could you tell me when does your father get up every day?Do you remember what does the teacher say last week?My parents told me don t to get up too late.She asked if Lily had a not

37、ebook or not.My mother said light traveled faster than sound.She asked them waking her up at six o clock in the morning.She asked me that my mother liked the blue one.Jim doesn t understand which are the way to the museum.9.短文改错English is now an international language. It used at ernational

38、 meetings. We would speak English when we2.do business with foreigners. But how can we learn English well?3.Most important of all, we should be interesting in it.4.Then we should go out to learn, to speak, to read or5.to write. Besides, we should practise use it whenever possible.6.In class we shoul

39、d answer questions active. After class7.we should talk with our classmates with it.8.If we come across foreigners, we should learn them.9.If we keep on practicing like that, we will besure to learn the English language well at the end.10.10.改错找出划线局部错误的一项,并且在题后横线上改正。10.改错找出划线局部错误的一项,并且在题后横线上改正。Could

40、you tell me some infoomations about the tour to Taiyuan.I, d like to buy two air tickets for Nanjing.What present are you going to buy to me, mum?Everything there werv very beautiful, we enjoyed it very much.The math problem was very difficult that few students could work it out.11.短文改错In England no

41、body under eighteen years old are1.allowed (允许)to drink in a bar (酒吧).Mr Thompsonoften went to a bar nearby his house. But he never2.took his son, Tom, so he was too young. Then3.when Tom had his eighteen birthday, Mr Thompson4.took him to his usual bar for the first time. Theydrink5.for an hour. To

42、m drank a few. Then Mr Thompson6.said to his son, “Now, Tom, I want to teach you an useful7.lesson. Why do you know that youve had enough?8.Well, I 11 tell you. Can you seethose two lights in the9.become four, you, ve 10.end of the bar? When they seem to had enough and should go home.”“But, Dad, sai

43、d Tom, “I can only see one light there.改错:() 1. How happily he looked after he saved the dying man!()2. He has borrowed the book from the library for 3 weeks.() 3. How time flies! A month past quickly!()4. We don t know if he comes tomorrow.() 5. If the question answers correctly, you will pass a le

44、vel.改错找出划线局部错误的一项,并且在题后横线上改正。1. Could you tell me some infoomatioos about the tour to Taiyuan.I d like to buy two air tickets for Nanjing.What present are you going to buy to me, mum?Everything there were very beautiful, we enjoyed it very much.The math problem was very difficult that few students c

45、ould work it out.单句改错。( )1. We are thinking to make the computer think“ like a man. ( )2. The little girl practices playing violin every day.( )3. (t s important of us to protect our environment.()4.We re tired now.Whatabout have a rest, sir?()5.A group of us isgoingto help the elderlydosomecleaning.( )6. The teacher asked us


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