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1、核准通过,归档资料。未经允许,请勿外传!9JWKffwvG#tYM*Jg&6a*CZ7H$dq8KqqfHVZFedswSyXTy#&QA9wkxFyeQ!djs#XuyUP2kNXpRWXmA&UE9aQGn8xp$R# theB. the; /C. a; /D. the; the3. Attracted by its living and working conditions, people from _ cultures choose to settle in America. A. diverseB. familiarC. fantasticD. traditional4. You _

2、 worry about my studies-I know quite clearly what to do at school. A. shouldntB. mustntC. needntD. cant5. Suffering from sleepless nights, she has _ round her eyes. A. influenceB. colorsC. pressureD. shadows6. Global warming has become a serious problem, _ we must find solutions. A. whichB. to which

3、C. with whichD. that7. One of the tasks of education is to develop childrens ability of solving problems _. A. independentlyB. personallyC. individuallyD. excellently8. _ into his eyes, I realized that something unusual must have happened. A. LookingB. LookC. To lookD. Looked9. It is required by law

4、 that enough evidence _ to prove one is innocent of a crime. A. is providedB. has been providedC. be providedD. have been provided10. With the contributions he has made to our country, he _ all the honors awarded to him. A. demandsB. obtainsC. deservesD. expects11. Schools must make sure that childr

5、en _ equal chances to learn every day. A. are givingB. will giveC. will be givenD. are given12. I would really appreciate _ if you can give me some advice on how to get the position. A. thisB. itC. thatD. you13. Its difficult to learn a language well _ youve actually used it. A. untilB. afterC. ifD.

6、 when14. Youll have to be patient _ my mother as shes going rather deaf. A. toB. aboutC. withD. at15. Tom has been most helpful to us; _ I dont know what we should have done without him. A. as a resultB. on the contraryC. on the wholeD. in fact16. Is there any possibility _ we can see each other aga

7、in after we part today? A. whetherB. thatC. whenD. which17. If you _ state secrets to the enemy, you will surely be arrested and sentenced to prison. A. put awayB. get awayC. give awayD. pass away18. Little Jane was very nervous when her turn was coming near. She _ in front of so many people before.

8、 A. hasnt spokenB. hadnt spokenC. wasnt speakingD. didnt speak19. If you want to get your ability _, you have to show it in your work rather than complain all day. A. to recognizeB. recognizingC. being recognizedD. recognized20. Hello, City Star. _ -Hi. This is Kelly Watson. Todays newspaper wasnt d

9、elivered to my house. A. How can I help you?B. Who are you? C. Whats the matter with you?D. How are you?第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。The little stream in the green forest flowed past and the beautiful wild flowers surrounded the small hou

10、se there.All of a sudden, a deer raced into the yard, where a little boy was 21 . The deer caught the boys 22 with its antlers (鹿角). This scared the little boy so much that he 23 a loud cry which brought his mother 24 out to see what the matter was. She came out just in time to 25 the deer running o

11、ff towards the mountains with her little boy.The boys mother was greatly 26 ! She ran after the deer as fast as she could, and not too far away, she found her little boy sitting 27 on the grass. When he saw his mother, the little boy laughed and reached out his arms to her. His mother lifted him up

12、and 28 him tightly. She was so happy that she 29 .She hurried back to their home with her precious son. When she got there, she stopped dead in her tracks, 30 at what she saw. The huge tree behind their house had fallen over 31 she was out running after the deer to save her son. The whole house was

13、destroyed under its great 32 .Then the little boys mother 33 the day about a year before when a deer 34 from a hunter had run into her house. She felt sorry for the frightened deer, so she covered it with some clothes, 35 it with some fresh grass and let it return to the forest later.The deer seemed

14、 to 36 that she had saved its life, because as it left, it kept bending its head to her, as if thanking her for her 37 .She never imagined that the deer 38 remember her kindness. The deer 39 knew the tree was going to fall and hurt her, so it came back to show its 40 .When the boys mother thought of

15、 all this, she said, “Saving the life of another is the same as saving your own life.”21. A. sleepingB. cryingC. playingD. working22. A. headB. clothingC. handsD. body23. A. let outB. brought outC. made outD. put out24. A. walkingB. movingC. jumpingD. running25. A. knowB. recognizeC. realizeD. see26

16、. A. surprisedB. frightenedC. excitedD. touched27. A. safelyB. painfullyC. aloneD. freely28. A. kissedB. keptC. heldD. took29. A. laughedB. waitedC. leftD. cried30. A. sorryB. interestedC. amazedD. amused31. A. whileB. beforeC. afterD. because32. A. powerB. shapeC. heightD. weight33. A. missedB. rem

17、emberedC. mentionedD. learnt34. A. sufferingB. dyingC. escapingD. running35. A. fedB. sentC. helpedD. left36. A. rememberB. recognizeC. noticeD. understand37. A. clothesB. grassC. mercyD. entertainment38. A. mightB. couldC. willD. must39. A. somehowB. hopefullyC. suddenlyD. anyway40. A. wisdomB. tha

18、nkfulnessC. kindnessD. love第二部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。AI live in the land of Disney, Hollywood and year-round sun. You may think people in such an attractive and exciting, fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some m

19、istaken ideas about the nature of happiness.Many intelligent people still consider happiness equal to fun. The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more lasting emotion

20、.Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.I have often thought that if Hollywood stars ha

21、ve a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. These rich, beautiful individuals have constant access to glamorous parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells “happiness”. But in memoir (回忆录) after memoir, famous people expose the unhappiness hidden

22、beneath all their fun depression, alcoholism (酗酒), drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children and extreme loneliness.Ask an unmarried man why he refuses to get married even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If hes honest, he will tell you that he is afraid of making a c

23、ommitment (承诺). For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure and excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.Similarly, couples that choose not to have children are deciding in favor of painless fun over painful h

24、appiness. They can dine out whenever they want and sleep as late as they want. Couples with babies are lucky to get a whole nights sleep or a three-day vacation. I dont know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children.The way people stick to the belief that a fun-filled, pa

25、in-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever achieving real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness, then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But, in fact, the opposite is true More times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.As a result, many

26、 people avoid the very efforts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain unavoidably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment and self-improvement.Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is

27、 one of the most liberating (解放) realizations we can ever come to. It liberates time now we can devote more hours to activities that can truly increase our happiness. It liberates money buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And

28、 it liberates us from envy we now understand that all those rich and glamorous people we were so sure are happy because they are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all. 41. According to the passage, which of the following people are more likely to achieve happiness?A. People livi

29、ng in fun-filled places. B. People taking pains to raise children.C. People living a wealthy life. D. People who are free from responsibility.42. According to the writer, an important role Hollywood stars have to play is to _.A. give audience enough fun B. write memoirs to introduce their livesC. te

30、ll people what happiness is D. show unhappiness beneath fun43. In the writers opinion, marriage _.A. means responsibility B. means the end of fun C. leads to raising children D. leads to less sleep44. Many people fail to enjoy real happiness because _.A. they believe fun is equal to happiness B. the

31、y get married and have childrenC. they dont have religious beliefs D. they cant free themselves from commitment45. If one understands the nature of happiness, he will _. A. stop seeking fun from daily lifeB. enjoy life by spending all his wealth C. keep himself with his familyD. make more efforts to

32、 take responsibilitesBBelow is a selection from a science report.Even facts “forgotten” by people during a busy day may be got back again if this is followed by a good nights sleep. Researchers from the University of Chicago asked volunteers to remember simple words. Many found their memories lettin

33、g them down towards the end of the day, but the following morning, those who had slept well could remember much more. Researchers, writing in the journal Nature, said the brain could “rescue” lost memories during the night. When the brain is first asked to remember something, that memory is laid dow

34、n in an “unstable” state, which means it is possible that it could be lost. At some point, the brain consolidates (强化) those which are thought important into a “stable”, more permanent state. However, the Chicago researchers suggested that it was possible for a “stable” memory to be made “unstable”

35、again. This would mean that memories could be slightly changed and then be kept in a new order again in the face of new experiences. The 12 volunteers who were tested in the experiment were asked to listen to words created through a speech synthesizer (语音合成器) which were purposely difficult to unders

36、tand. At the very beginning, the written version of the word was available, but afterwards the volunteers were asked to identify the word just depending on the sound they heard. Tests showed that the ability to remember the right word tended to weaken as the day ended. However, when the volunteers w

37、ere retested after a good nights sleep, they were able to recall some words that they had “forgotten” the previous evening. Dr Daniel, one of the study authors, said “Sleep strengthens memories, protecting them against later interference (干扰) or decay (衰减).”“Sleep also appears to recover or restore

38、memories.” He said “If the function of memory is reduced by decay, sleep might actively recover what has been lost.” Dr Karim Nader, from the Department of Psychology in McGill University in Montreal, said “Memory research is experiencing a transformation - no longer is memory thought to be a hardwa

39、re of the brain, instead it seems to be a process of storage and re-storage. Sleep helps some memories fully grown up and also removes unimportant memories.” 46. What tends to happen to a person at the end of the day according to the report?A. He may feel tired. B. He may feel sleepy.C. His memory w

40、eakens. D. His brain stops working.47. What can be kept in ones memory more permanently?A. Something first remembered by the brain. B. Something considered to be important by the brain. C. Something reviewed by the brain during the night. D. Something appearing in the brain last.48. Which of the fol

41、lowing is the correct order of what the volunteers did in the experiment?a. distinguished words simply by their soundsb. recalled the words they had heard at different times of the dayc. recalled the words they had heard the next morningd. distinguished words by their sounds and their written versio

42、nA. abcd B. dacb C. bdca D. dabc49. From the report we can learn that _. A. memory differs from person to personB. good memory happens in the early morning C. sleep affects memoryD. memory fails at the end of a dayCThe discovery that language can be a barrier (障碍) to communication is quickly made by

43、 allwho travel, study, govern or sell. Whether the activity is tourism, research, government, policing or business, the lack of a common language can severely delay progress or can stop it altogether.Although communication problems of this kind must happen thousands of times each day, very few becom

44、e public knowledge. Publicity comes only when a failure to communicate has major results, such as strikes, lost orders, legal problems or deadly accidents-even, at times, war. One reported example of communication failure took place in 1970, when several Americans ate a species of poisonous mushroom

45、. No remedy was known, and two of the people died within days. A radio report of the case was heard by a chemist who knew of a treatment that had been successfully used in 1959 and published in 1963. Why had the American doctors not heard of it seven years later? Possibly because the report of the t

46、reatment had been published only in journals written in European languages other than English.Several comparable cases have been reported. But isolated (孤立的) examples do not give an impression of the size of the problem-something that can come only from studies of the use or avoidance of foreign-lan

47、guage materials and contacts in different communicative situations. In the English-speaking scientific world, for example, surveys of books and documents consulted in libraries and other information agencies have shown that very little foreign-language material is ever consulted. Library requests in

48、 the field of science and technology showed that only 13 percent were for foreign language journals.The language barrier presents itself entirely to firms who wish to market their products in other countries. British industry, in particular, has in recent decades often been criticized for its assump

49、tion (设想) that foreign buyers will be happy to communicate in English, and that awareness of other languages is not therefore a matter to be considered first. In the 1960s, over two-thirds of British firms dealing with non-English-speaking customers were using English for outgoing letters; many had

50、their sales language only in English; and as many as 40 percent employed no one who was able to communicate in the customers languages. A similar problem was identified in other English-speaking countries, especially the USA, Australia and New Zealand. And non-English speaking countries were by no m

51、eans free from the same problem-although the widespread use of English as an alternative (可替换的) language made them a bit more able to communicate with other countries.The criticism and publicity given to this problem since the 1960s seems to have greatly improved the situation. Industrial training p

52、rojects have promoted an increase in language and cultural awareness. Many firms now have their own translation services. Some firms run part-time language courses in the languages of the countries with which they are most involved; some produce their own technical glossaries (词汇表), to ensure consis

53、tency (一致性) when material is being translated. It is now much more readily accepted that marketing efforts can be delayed, damaged or ruined by a failure to take the language needs of the customer into consideration. 50. Communication problems may come to the attention of the public when _. A. someb

54、ody has diedB. a serious traffic accident has happened C. serious results have been causedD. people have trouble in travelling51. What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “remedy” in Paragraph 2? A. doctorB. mushroomC. poisonD. treatment52. What can we infer about American doctors from th

55、e case of the poisonous mushrooms? A. They probably only read reports written in English. B. They hadnt read that report of the treatment. C. They didnt know how to treat such a case. D. They were unable to get reports written in other languages.53. Firms of English-speaking countries use English on

56、ly when marketing their products because _. A. English is their official language B. they dont know their products will be sold abroad C. people in their countries dont know other languages D. they think foreign customers will be happy when English is used54. Which of the following ways has been use

57、d by the British companies to solve the problem of language barrier since the 1960s? A. Employing foreign workers.B. Setting up their own translation services. C. Providing English training for foreign customers. D. Stopping exporting goods to foreign countries.DMy parents lived through the Great De

58、pression of the 1930s and I heard stories from both of them about how their lives changed because of it. The same was true of my in-laws whose lives were also affected negatively. For example, my husbands grandfather owned a factory. Owing to the stock (证券) market crash, he lost the factory and went

59、 back to work in the very factory hed once owned. He could no longer afford to send my father-in-law to college. My father-in-law worked full time as a pipe fitter and went to school part-time to earn his degree, which took seven years.Somehow, my husband and I never dreamed that we would live throu

60、gh anything similar. However, as they say, history often repeats itself. In 1929, the stock market crashed in the month of October. The same thing happened in 2008. My husband, who had invested (投资) all our money in the market, was in a state of shock. Each day the news was more terrible.“Weve lost


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