1、材料科学与工程学科硕士研究生培养方案(学科代码:0805,授工学硕士学位)Master Program in Materials Science and EngineeringSpecialty Code : 0805培养目标I .Objective本专业培养能从事材料科学与工程科学研究、 教学工作或工程技术与工程管理, 具有创 新精神的高级人才,具体要求为:The major is targeted to train the master candidates skilled in a variety of research 、 teaching and engineering techno
2、logy and management of Material Science and Engineering , and High level talents with innovative spirit. As proposed, this program would require the postgraduate students to be able to:掌握马列主义基本理论,树立科学的世界观,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国;遵纪守法,品行端正;诚实守信,学风严谨,团结协作,具有良好的科研道德和敬业精神。Grasp the theories of Marxism and establi
3、sh a scientific world outlook, adhere to the basic lines of the Party, love the motherland, abide the law, form a good character, behave honestly and trustworthy, strictly and cooperately, and maintain good research ethics and professionalism.在本学科领域掌握坚实的基础理论, 基本的实验技能和系统的专门知识, 了解本专业的学科前沿动态。 掌握一门外语, 能
4、熟练地阅读专业文献资料和写作。 熟练掌握计算机应用技术。 具有从事科学研究、 教学和独立担负专门技术工作的能力。 具有工程意识和较强的经 营开发意识及市场观念。Be skilled in the basic theory 、 basic experiment skill and systematic professional knowledge of one oswn field, know the dynamics of cutting -edge professional disciplines. Use a foreign lauguage as a skilled language t
5、o read professional literature and to write an abstract of a thesis. Skilled in computer application technology. Have engaged in scientific research, teaching and can take an independent technical work. Have a strong sense of engineering and stronger managing and developing consciousness and market
6、concept.3积极参加体育锻炼和社会活动,具有良好的心理素质和健康的体魄。Actively participate in physical exercise , Maintain a good physical and mental health quality.、研究方向环境材料 生物医学材料 材料成型新技术 计算机在材料中的应用.Research Orientation TOC o 1-5 h z 生态建筑材料5.先进复合材料6. 新能源材料与器件7.新型功能材料8.Ecological building materials1Environmental materials Advanc
7、ed composite materialsNew energy materials and devicesNovel functional materialsBiomedical materialsNew technology of material formingThe application of computer in materials三、学制、学习年限与及学分要求出.Length of Schooling and Credits硕士生学制为3年,学习年限一般为 3年,最长不超过5年。总学分27学分,其中 课程学分22学分(公共学位课程学分 11学分,专业学位课程总学分 6学分,选修
8、课 程5学分),必修环节5学分。The educational system for a full-time academic graduate is three years and the study period lasts generally three years, no more than five years. Total credits for academic graduate should be greater than or equal to 27 credits, among which the courses credits should be greater than
9、 or equal to22 credits (Public degree courses credits should be greater than or equal to 11 credits, Professional Degree Course credits should be greater than or equal to 6 credits, Elective credits should be greater than or equal to 5 credits ), Compulsory courses is 5 credits.四、课程设置IV .Course Desc
10、ription课程 类别 Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hour s学分Credits开课 学期 Term开课单位Offered By备注Notes公共学位 课PublicCourse01821031-040第一外国语(上、下)(英,日,法,德,俄语)First Foreign Language7241、2外国语学 院必选02121102中国特色社会主义理论与实践Chinese Socialism Theory &Practice3621马克思主 义学院02121007自然辩证法概论Dialectics of Nature1811马克思主 义学院01421061数学物
11、理方程Methods of Mathematical Physics3621理学院必选2门01421062矩阵论 Matrix Theory3621理学院01421063应用数理统计Applied Mathematical Statistics3621理学院01421064随机过程Stochastic Processes3622理学院01421065数值计算Numerical Computation3622理学院01421066数学模型Mathematic Model3622理学院数学模型Mathematic Model542.56-8月理学院学硕班 必选课程 类别 Type课程编号Cours
12、e No.课程名称Name学时Hour s学分Credits开课 学期 Term开课单位Offered By备注Notes专业 学位课Speciali zed Course00121001材料科学进展Progress in Materials Science3622材料学院 及相关单 位任选00121002材料现代测试技术Contemporary Analytical Techniques for Materials Characterization543200121003固体物理学Solid State Physics543100121004生态环境材料Ecologically Benefi
13、cial Material362100121005材料强化的微观理论Microscopic Theory of Materials Strengthening362100121006金属凝固原理与计算机模拟Principle and Computer Simulation of Metal Solidification362200121007相变理论Introduction of PhaseTransformation362100121008聚合物结构与性能Polymer Structures and Properties362100121009聚合原理Principles of Polyme
14、rization362100121010聚合物成型原理与技术Polymer Processing Principle and Technology362200121011复合材料力学性能The Mechanical Property ofComposite Materials362100121012复合材料界面与设计The Interface of the CompositeMaterial and Design362100121013生物医学工程学概论Introduction to Biomedical Engineering362100121014生物医用材料学Biomedical Mat
15、erials3622课程 类别 Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hour s学分Credits开课 学期 Term开课单位Offered By备注Notes00121015薄膜材料与器件Thin Film Materials and Devices362200121016材料先进制备技术Advanced Synthesis and ProcessingTechnology of Materials362100121017计算材料科学Computational Material Science362100121018材料成型理论与技术Material Forming Th
16、eory and Technique362100121019材料加工学Theory and Technology of Material Processing362100121020半导体物理学Semiconductor Physics362200121021材料热力学Material Statistical Thermodynamic362200121022材料动力学Dynamics in Materials362100121023材料谱学与分析技术Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Techniques for Materials Analysis36210012
17、1024传递原理Spectroscopy and SpectroscopicTechniquesfor Materials Analysis3621跨学科 选修课OptionalCourse00323001创新管理 Innovation Management1811管理学院必选 一门00323002风险投资与创业融资Venture Capital and Start-up Financeing1811管理学院00323003企业上市筹划Planning on Enterprises BecomingListed1811管理学院00323004社会责任与企业伦理Social Responsibi
18、lity and BusinessEthics1811管理学院00423001数字制造技术与应用Digital Manufacturing Technology and Application1811机电学院课程 类别 Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hour s学分Credits开课 学期 Term开课单位Offered By备注Notes00423002人工智能前沿Introduction of ArtificialIntelligence1811机电学院00423003先进制造技术及工程应用概论Introduction of Advanced Manufactur
19、ing Technology and Engineering Application1811机电学院00523001科技期刊概要及科技论文写作Summary of Sci-tech Journal and Scientific Paper Writing1811能动学院00723001汽车产品周期虚拟开发技术Virtual Development Technology forAuto Lifecycle1811汽车学院01023001软件设计基础Software Design Basis1811计算机学 院01523001氢能源-应用与挑战Hydrogen Energy-Application
20、s and Challenges1811化生学院01823001第二外国语Second Foreign Language7242外国语学 院01923001专利制与专利信息运用Patent Applications and the Use of Patent Information1811文法学院02023001西方哲学史History of Western Philosophy1811政治行政 学院02023002质的研究方法及其实践Qualitative Research Practice1811政治行政 学院02023003西方文化经典导读The Leading of the Weste
21、rn Classics1811政治行政 学院02023004美学原理Aesthetic Ideology1811政治行政 学院02123001研究生的压力与情绪管理The Management of Stress and Sentiment of Postgraduates1811马克思学 院02223001太极拳文化与功法习练Taiji Culture and Practice1811体育课部02423001信息检索与利用Information Retrieval andInformation Use1811图书馆课程 类别Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hour s
22、学分Credits开课 学期Term开课单位Offered By备注Notes02523001创业实务及案例分析Entrepreneurial Practice and Case Analysis1811学工部02523002职业选择与职场适应Career Choice and VocationalAdaptation1811学工部02123002婚恋职场人格Marriage Work Personality1811马克思学 院02123003学术道德与学术规范Academic Ethics and AcademicNorms1811马克思学 院专业选修课OptionalCourse00122
23、001实验室安全学Security in Laboratory1811材料学院 及相关单 位必选00122002科技论文写作规范Writing and Specification of Research Paper181200122003材料科技英语English for Materials Science and Engineering181200122004混凝土材料破坏原理Destruction Principle of Concrete Materials3622材料学院 及相关单 位任选00122005玻璃非晶态科学Glass and Amorphous Materials36220
24、0122006新型建筑功能材料New Type of Functional Materials for Architectures362200122007胶凝材料学Cementitious Material Science362200122008新型陶瓷材料Advanced Ceramic Materials362200122009建筑高分子材料Construction Polymer Materials362200122010道路与桥梁建筑材料Pavement and Bridge Construction Materials362200122011表面工程学Surface Engineer
25、ing Science362200122012材料连接学3622课程 类别Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hour s学分Credits开课 学期Term开课单位Offered By备注NotesMaterials Welding and Joining Techniques00122013金属功能材料Metallic Functional Materials362200122014金属基复合材料Metal Matrix Composites362200122015聚合物形态学Morphology of Polymer362200122016聚合物加工工程Polymer
26、 Process Engineering362200122017乳液聚合进展Emulsion Polymerization362200122018聚合物表向与界囿Polymer Surface and Interface362200122019特种高分子材料Polymer Materials with SpecialFunctionality362200122020树脂基复合材料Resin Matrix Composites362200122021复合材料制备新技术The Development of Composites Process362200122022高性能聚合物基体High Per
27、formance Polymer Matrix362200122023复合材料设计Composite Materials Design362200122024高性能增强材料High Performance Enhancement Materials362200122025生物陶瓷Bioceramics362200122026纳米材料学Science and Technology of Nano-sized Materials362200122027陶瓷基复合材料Ceramic-matrix Composites362200122028材料表向与界囿Surface and Interface o
28、f Material362200122029材料微观力学3622课程 类别 Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hour s学分Credits开课 学期 Term开课单位Offered By备注NotesMicromechanics of Materials00122030材料加工计算机辅助技术Material Processing with Computer Aided Design Technology362200122031高分子材料成形CAD/CAEPolymer Forming CAD/CAE362200122032材料成形数值模拟与优化理论Material Mo
29、lding Numerical Stimulation and Optimization362200122033粉末冶金原理The Principle of Powder Metallurgy362200122034板材成形理论The Engineering Analysis of Forming for Sheet Metals362200122035现代模具材料与设计Modern Mold Materials and Design362200122036高能成形原理与技术Principles and Techniques of HighEnergy Rate Forming36220012
30、2037材料加工检测与控制Detection and Control of Material Processing362200122038精密成形技术Precision Forming Technology362200122039半固态成形理论与技术Semi-Solid Manufacturing Theories and Technology362200122040功能薄膜材料Functional Thin Film Materials362200122041特种陶瓷成型技术Forming Technology of AdvancedCeramics362200122042光电子技术Opto
31、electronics and PhotonicsTechnology362200122043半导体光电子学基础Foundations of Semiconductor Optoelectronics362200122044光电子材料与器件3622课程 类别 Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hour s学分Credits开课 学期 Term开课单位Offered By备注NotesOptoelectronic Materials and Devices00122045新能源材料与技术New Energy Materials and Techniques362200122
32、046材料显微结构与性能Microstrusture and Properties of Materials362200122047化学电源Electrochemical Powersources362200122048催化化学与催化材料Catalytic Chemistry and Catalytic Materials362200122049电化学过程动力学Electrochemical Fundamentals362200122050材料微加工原理与技术 Materials Micro-fabricationPrinciple and Technology362200122051材料热分
33、析技术Thermal Analytical Technology for Material362200122052电子显微分析Electron Microscopy of Materials362200122053材料表向与界囿的 能谱分析技术Photoelectron Spectroscopy forMaterials Surface & Interface362200122054材料X射线衍射分析技术Crystal Structure Analysis of Materials with X-ray Diffraction Method362200122055硅酸盐反应工程Silicate
34、 Reaction Engineering362200122056超微粉体及制备技术Ultrafine Powder and ProcessingTechnology362200122057材料流变学Rheology of Materials362200122058表向和界囿物理化学Surface or Grain Boundary of3622课程 类别 Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hour s学分Credits开课 学期 Term开课单位Offered By备注NotesMaterials00122059电介质物理Dielectric Physics362200
35、122060磁性材料Magnetic Materials362200122061半导体评价技术Evaluation Technology for Semiconductor362200122062半导体陶瓷与器件Semiconduct Ceramics and Devices362200122063晶体材料Crystalline Materials362200122064材料测试技术实验Experiments of Materials Research and Testing Methods362200122065生命复合材料Living Materials362200122066光纤化学与生
36、物传感器Fiber Optic Chemical Sensor and Biosensor362200122067光纤光学Fiber Optics3622生物医学材料与工程方向其它课程可选修生物医学工程专业培养方案课程必修环节Compulo- ryActivities00124001材料学院硕士研究生实践环节practice of SMSE3材料学院00124002材料学院硕士研究生选题报告及中期考 核topics and interim assessment of SMSE1材料学院00124003材料学院硕士研究生学术活动academic activities of SMSE1材料学院说明
37、:专业选修课可在全校范围内任选12学分。Note: Optionally 1-2 elective course credits within the school.五、必修环节V . Compulsory Activities.实践环节3学分。学生完成专业实践、社会实践、创新创业活动、竞赛、高水平论文、获奖成果、获得专利之一记1学分。其中专业实践为材料测试技术专项训练,可结合本课题研方向,有针对性的选择至少 1台先进大型仪器,进行专项技术综合训练, 可以在测试 中心公共平台进行,也可以在相关基地、实验中心、工程中心进行。社会实践可采用“助管、 助教”等形式。所有参加实践的研究生须撰写实践(经
38、验)报告,并经指导老师检查、考核合格后,记1 个学分。模拟完成一篇省(市)级及以上自然( 社会 ) 科学基金等纵向项目的的申请书及20 分钟汇报PPT,经指导教师检查、评阅合格者记2学分。Three credits for internship and practical training. Students, who complete one of the following activities like professional practice, social practice, innovation and entrepreneurial activities, competitio
39、ns and high-level papers, awarding achievements, and getting a patent, will be rewarded with 1 credit. The professional practice is the special training of material testing technology .It can be combined with the subject of research direction,to choose at least one of the advanced large-scale instru
40、ments ,to proceed special technology comprehensive training.which can be conducted both at the test center of public platform,and the base, the experiment center, engineering center. Social practice can be adopted” assistant manager, assistant teacher” andforms. All graduate students who participate
41、 in practice must write the practice (experience) report, and take 1 credit after the adviser check and pass the examination.Complete a simulation application form and 20 minutes presentation on provincial (city) level or natural (social) science funds project. After inspected and reviewed by the su
42、pervisor (Group), those who passed will get two credits.学术活动 1 学分。 为了促使研究生能主动关心和了解国内外本学科前沿的发展动态,开阔视野, 启发创造力, 要求每个硕士研究生应参加学术活动不少于5 次, 且每次参加学术活动必须写出 500 字以上的心得。经指导教师检查、审核,完成者在必修环节记1 个学分。One credit for academic activities. In order to encourage candidates to take concern and understand the state of art
43、 at home and abroad, broaden their horizons and inspire their creativity, each candidate should make public academic report at least five times, attend academic reports at least 10 times, and write 500 words or more each time after participating in academic activities. After examination by the super
44、visor (Group), those who complete it will get 1 credit of compulsory courses.选题报告及中期考核1 学分。硕士研究生入学后,应在导师的指导下明确科学研究方向,查阅国内外相关文献,进行广泛的调查研究,提出学位论文选题报告,于每学年3或 10 月提交学院审核,经选题答辩后确定学位论文题目。选题报告通过后记1 个必修环节学分。One credit for thesis proposal and interim assessment. Under the guidance of supervisors, candidates
45、should pinpoint their research areas, look up relevant literature at home and abroad, conduct extensive investigations and make report on the selection of dissertation. After examination, the research topic will be definite. After passing thesis proposal defense, the candidate will get one credit.硕士
46、研究生的选题报告和中期考核的具体要求按照研究生手册相关规定执行Graduates must participate in the medium-term assessment. Specific requirements for the report on topics selection of the thesis and interim assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions in graduate students manual.六、科学研究与论文VI .Research and
47、 Papers硕士研究生申请学位必须达到研究生手册“武汉理工大学研究生申请学位发表学术 论文的规定”中的第四章第十二条要求。Master apply for degree must achieve the requirements of the chapter IV,article 12 from the publication in the graduates manualstud“enGtsrapduubaltiseh academic papers in order to applyfor degree in WHUT ”.硕士研究生申请学位论文必须通过“学位论文学术不端行为检测系统(
48、TMLC2”检 测,达到校学位评定委员会对学位论文的有关要求方可申请答辩。Graduates applying for the degree must meet the relevant requirements of publication in the graduates m anual. Thesis must pass the test by TMLC2 and reach the requirements of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee for thesis before the defense.其它关于学位论文工作及要求按研究
49、生院的有关规定执行。About the other thesis work and requirements in according to the relevant rule of the graduate school.七、培养方式与方法W .Educational Measures硕士研究生的培养采取导师负责制或以导师为主的指导小组的指导方法,培养方式 应灵活多样,更多地采取启发式、研讨式的教学方式,充分发挥指导教师的主导作用。Tutor or tutor-based instruction group is the mode of cultivation, with flexible
50、and diverse, heuristic, seminar-style teaching methods demonstrating the leading role of the supervisor.导师应根据培养方案的要求和因材施教的原则,从每个研究生的具体情况出发,制定出研究生的培养计划, 加强研究生的科研能力、 自学能力、 动手能力、表达能力和写作能 力的训练和培养。Supervisor should according to the requirements of the training program and the principle of individualized
51、to work out the students training plan ,meanwhile they should consider every graduate students specific situation. Strengthen graduate student scientific research ability, self-learning ability, practice ability, expression ability and the writing ability training and cultivation.对研究生的培养采取课程学习和论文工作相
52、结合的方式。The way of cultivation of graduate students follows combination of courses learning and paper work.整个培养过程应贯彻理论联系实际的方针,使硕士研究生掌握本专业的基础理论和 专门知识,掌握科学研究的基本方法,并具有一定的生产实践知识和实验设计能力。The whole caltivation process should be combined theory and practice,which make the master graduate students to grasp the professional basic theory and special knowledge of the professional.The students can master the basic approach of scientific research.and they should have a certain ability of the production practice of knowledge
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