1、英语翻译句子汇总1他们最渴望的是结束这种摇摆不定的局面。The best solution to the problem is to conduct investigation. His frequent interference in other people s private affairs is very annoying.他常常干与别人的私事,真恼人。. Not only politeness but an attitude of reverence is demanded in church.在教堂里不仅要有礼貌,而且要有一种虔诚的态度。.University applicants
2、 who had worked at a job would receive preference over thosewho had not.报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。.The young brother wants to have the good half of the bread.小弟弟要那一大半面包。. My work, my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my time.我要工作,要做家务,要与朋友往来,这些事用全部时间应付还不够。. Jane does not work hard because she
3、 wants to earn money.简不是因为想赚钱才下力干的。.The president stands there, hat in hand, begging congress for their votes.总统站在那里手里拿着礼帽,乞求国会投他的票。. “ pay for all their learningI toil for all their ease.”他们读书,我付学费;他们享受,我却劳累。 ”.处理事情应讲轻重缓急。Matters should be handled according to priority. Talent Professor Smith has.
4、Money Professor Smith has not.才能,史密斯教授有。钱,史密斯教授没有.Contrast is the spice of life. There can be no joy without sorrow, no summer without winter, no love without hate.矛盾是生活的调味品:没有悲伤就没有快乐;没有冬就没有夏;没有恨就没有爱。.This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall, with Mr. Strong in t
5、he chair.这是一次精心组织起来的会议。市政厅里济济一堂,热情洋溢,主持会议的是斯特朗先生。.Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.昨晚我听到他鼾声如雷,声音就象把猪赶到市场一样。.A doctor s duty is to make every effort to save the dying and help the wounded.医生的职责是尽心尽力地救死扶伤.16.Ignorance of the law excuses no man.谁也不能以不懂法律来替自己辩解。.Don t you feel it strang
6、e that she should be so much ungrateful to Jack, who did so much for her when she was in poverty?她贫困潦倒时杰克帮了她那么多忙,而她却对杰克如此忘恩负义,难道您不觉得 奇怪?.We excel at making a living but often fail in making a life.我们善于谋生,却往往不会营造生活。.因辜负父母的期望而给他留下了深深的痛苦,故此他暗下决心从头再来。His failure to live up to his parents expectations le
7、ft him with a feeling of deep hurt,and hence he secretly made up his mind to start all over again.你要有所弋获,则必须在学习中不断深入。If you want to gain anything, you must constantly deepen your studies.仔细看看信的地址是否写对了。Care should be taken to see that the letter is properly addressed.他想到把这件事情全部都交给他的妻子去办。It occurred t
8、o him to leave the whole thing to his wife.这对年轻夫妇并不匹配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。This young couple is not well matched, one is a Xi Shia famous Chinese beauty,while the other is a Zhang Feia well-known 川-tempered brute.这个女人真是红眼病,连朋友长得好看都嫉妒。She is a greeneyed woman, even jealous of her friend s good looks.他总算把记者招待会
9、对付过去了。After all, he survived the press conference.Their panic was their only punishment.他们只是受了一场虚惊。(有惊无险).For the international community, the most striking consequence of these changes is that China has grown rapidly to be the world sixih largest economy, and is set to grow further.对国际社会来说,这些变化带来的最
10、引人注目的结果是中国已跃居为世界第六经 济大国,而且今后注定进一步发展。.She was torn between staying at home to watch the TV serial and going to the cinema with him.她既想呆在家里看电视连续剧,又想和他一起去看电影,一时觉得分身乏术。.走廊里放着一片雨伞,少说也有二十把,五颜六色,大小不一。Along the corridor lie at least twenty umbrellas of various sizes and colors.The water that bears the boat
11、is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。.He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自己的知识教给别人。.Carelessness caused his failure in this yearrance exa(mjeathln.由于粗心,他今年高考落榜了。.He had about as much chance of getting a job as of being chosen mayor of Chicago.他找到工作的机会和当选芝加哥市长的机会几乎差不多。(直译的程度最大)他
12、找到工作的机会简直微乎其微。(意译的程度最大).He was left high and dry.他处在进退两难的境地。.她50岁时退休了,多年的劳累把她的身体搞垮了。When she was fifty she retired, her health having been impaired by years of overwork.To play dance music at a funeral is to put new wine into old bottles.在葬礼时演奏舞曲就象旧瓶里装新酒一样不协调。.What was hatched a hen must not try to
13、be a rooster!孵出来是母鸡就别想冒充公鸡!生就是个女人就别想冒充男人!.High buildings and large mansions are springing up like mushrooms in Beijing.在北京,高楼大厦犹如雨后春笋般地涌现。.A little flattery would set him carried away.他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。.His temper is as short as he himself is.他个子不高,脾气却见长。In fact, the abuse of drugs has become one of
14、America m ost serious social problems.事实上,滥用毒品已经成为美国最为严重的社会问题之一。.The sight and sound of our jet planes f川ed me with special longing.看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。.You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying.你完全不懂你在蜡姻方面应承担的责任。.His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph.无论什么事,只要
15、他一露面,就算成功了。.The English language had changed subtly and pervasively.英语的变化很敏感,很普遍。. I have read your articles, but I expect to meet an older man.我读过你的文章,但没料想你会这样年轻。. She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.她被没完没了的电话铃声搞得心烦意乱。.They signed two agreements that served to warm up the atmospher
16、e of their relations.他们签定了两个协定,目的是使他们的关系热乎起来。.The new American Secretary of State has proposed a world conference on food supplies.美国新任国务卿建议召开世界食品资源问题会议。.He was a patriotic, adventurous and romantic writer.他是一个具有爱国热情、探索精神和浪漫风格的作家。.语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功夫不可。The mastery of a language is not easy and requ
17、ires painstaking effort.这座房子采光很好,全海景,地段也不错。The house has access to efficient sunshine, overlooks the sea and is within easy reach of transport facilities.With a favorable location to traffic, the house has access to efficient sunshine and overlooks the sea.There had been an ease of international ten
18、sion.国际紧张局势过去曾有所缓和。.Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.双方均不得无故解除合同。.多年来那个国家有严重的失业现象.For many years there has been serious unemployment in that country.我们相信用不了多久我们的产品就会走向世界。We believe that it will not be long before our products go global (are internationally r
19、ecognized).世纪交替,千年更迭,人类社会的发展正在揭开新的篇章。The turn of the century has opened a new chapter in the development of human society.这些新型汽车速度快,效率高、行动灵活。The newly produced car is fast, efficient and handy.But it s the way I am, and try as I might , I haven t been able to change it.但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变过来。.他长期以来
20、习惯于在最后一分钟作出决定。He has long been used to last-minute decisions.The manager is grateful to the customers for their valuable suggestions.经理感谢顾客们提出的宝贵意见。.没有调查就没有发言权。He who makes no investigation has no right to speak.63.Ignorance is the mother of fears as well as of admiration.无知是恐惧的根源,也是崇拜的根源。64.I will
21、not only forgive your infidelity to me but will do you all the service I can.我不但原谅你对我的不忠实,还要尽力为你效劳。65.About all these sticky question, he writes with calm frankness.对于所有这些棘手的问题,他都心平气和地、坦率地写了出来。Hennessy (轩尼诗)To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.初译1 :对于我来说,过去就是一片黑白,但未来就是色
22、彩。What is black and white in this sentence? How strange to say the future is color!初译2 :对于我来说,过去只有单调的黑白两种颜色,但是未来就总是有多种色彩。What dose it mean?I still cant understand it at some degree.改译:对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷This one shows the original meaning of the advertisement clearly.It tells us thatblack and white means the past life is dull.And the color means the future is fullof happiness and hope.分析:.采用直译与意译相结合的方法。句式上跟原句是一样的,但对表示色彩的词采用了意译的方法。.采用归化法,使中国读者更容易理解。.先转后译。在充分理解原句的基础上,将原句中的部分词语进行转化后再翻译。.词性的改译。black and white译成平淡无奇 color译成绚烂缤纷。名词转译成形容词De Bierres (第比尔斯)A diamo
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