1、达芬奇睡眠法达芬奇睡眠法(Da Vinci sleep),又称多阶段睡眠(Polyphasic_sleep)、Uberman睡眠或多相睡 眠,是一种将人类习惯的单次睡眠过程分散成多个睡眠周期进行,以达成减少睡眠时间的睡 眠方式。达芬奇睡眠法画坛泰斗达芬奇是一位刻苦勤勉、惜时如金的人,他创造的定时短期睡眠延时工作法甚为 人们所称道。这一方法是通过对睡与不睡的硬性规律性调节来提高时间利用率,即每工作4 小时睡15分钟。这样,一昼夜花在睡眠上的时间累计只有不足1.5(24/4.25*1/4 = 1.41) 小时,从而争取到更多的时间工作。前几年,意大利著名生理学家克拉胡迪奥斯塔皮参照 达芬奇的方法,
2、对一位航海运动员进行了长达两个月的类似睡眠试验。经测试,受试者的 逻辑思维和记忆运算等能力均完好无损。这说明达芬奇睡眠法不仅能满足机体代偿功能的 需要,而且还预示着利用人体生理潜力的广阔发展前景。然而,有趣的是,在20年前,一 位画家就这一方法进行了亲身试验,证实了它的有效性。可是不到半年时间,他又回到正常 的8小时睡眠上来。谈及各种原因,画家不无幽默地承认自己并非天才,更不知道这些多出 来的时间该如何打发。达芬奇睡眠法也被称为多相睡眠、Uberman睡眠或多阶段睡眠,是一种将人类习惯的单睡 眠过程分散成多个睡眠周期进行,以达成减少睡眠时间的睡眠方式。多相睡眠的合理性首先,自然界中几乎所有动物
3、的行为都是多相复杂性的。而且多相睡眠是人类婴儿时期占 主导地位的睡眠方式,只有在稍年长后,儿童才逐渐被断绝了午睡的概念。此夕卜,当人们 与外界环境隔绝联系后一一保证无法从自然因素(如阳光),或人为暗示(如钟表、电视节 目)来判断实际时间一一将倾向于表现出更多的短暂睡眠行 为,而非保持只夜晚”才发生 的单相睡眠。最后一点,小睡打盹一一即短时间的睡眠一一比起长时间的睡眠来说,在提神 醒脑方面更为有效。但是很遗憾,我们似乎都已忘了”这种符合生理自然天性的睡眠方式, 维持着一成不变的9点睡5点起的作息习惯。可行性市民体验“我每天晚上11点睡,第二天早上7点起床,一天8个小时都还不够睡,如果按照每4小
4、时休息15分钟,身体肯定垮掉。”市民孙小姐认为,正常人每天要睡八九个小时才够,这种 方法有点不靠谱。而六合某中学高二的王同学则告诉记者,他的一个同学每天只睡5个小时,其他时间都用来 看书,如果这种睡眠方法真有用,倒是值得大家一试。毕竟,还有一年就要高考了,时间越 来越不够用,如果能用这种睡眠方法多争取一点时间复习,当然再好不过了。“感觉有点夸张,照这样,我每工作4个小时就要休息15分钟,相当于把时间等分,暂且 不说科学不科学,就这短短的15分钟,能不能睡着还是一回事。”记者随机采访了十来位市 民发现,8位市民认为,操作性不强,无法接受。专家分析心理学家伍兹奈克认为多相睡眠的方法没有什么科学依据
5、,因为我们的大脑根本无法适应 “多次打盹”的睡眠模式。脑电波和其他生理指标的研究显示,我们的生物节律是双相而不 是多相的,这决定了我们的身体总是倾向于一个整块的睡眠时间。而试图利用多次短暂的打 盹来减少睡眠总量的做法,会让睡眠不同阶段的时间都缩减,扰乱生物节律,最终可能会造 成类似睡眠剥夺和睡眠节律紊乱症的负面效果,例如身体和心理的机能减退,焦虑和紧张感 增强,免疫功能降低。伍兹奈克通过观察参与多相睡眠的人的博客发现,大部分人都必须通 过一些“维持性活动”,例如大量饮用咖啡等方式来保持清醒,并且这种多相睡眠对人的学 习能力和创造力也并没有显示出任何提高和促进。军方分析多相睡眠的方式引起了军方的
6、高度重视,因为战时突发状况多,如果能运用多相睡眠来保持 充沛的精力将是个不错的解决方法。根据美国军方关于克服疲劳的研究报告,要采取多相睡 眠,每个人每次打盹的时间应当保持在至少45分钟,多于2小时则更好。总的来说,如果 单次打盹的时间较短,则打盹的频率应当增加,总体要保证每天8个小时的睡眠时间。美国国家航空和航天管理局也同样对打盹进行了研究,因为航天员也常常由于紧张而无法保 证8小时的充足睡眠。宾夕法尼亚医学院的教授进行了这项对睡眠时程的研究,控制“锚睡 眠”也就是基础睡眠时间在4-8小时,而打盹的时间在0-2.5小时不等。他发现,长时间的 打盹更有利于认知功能的发挥。被试的基本的警觉性和工作
7、记忆任务上的表现都因为打盹而 有所提高。不过,白天的打盹对工作有益,但晚上如果打盹而不是正常的睡眠则会引起睡眠 后迟钝这样一种睡眼惺忪的状态。这些研究都显示,为了应对一些特殊情况,合理安排多相睡眠的时间和方式或许可行,但无 论如何也不可能让总睡眠时间缩短到仅仅2个小时。不良影响根据参与者的经验,人们需要花大概一个星期去适应这种睡眠法。一个正常的睡 眠周期是90分钟,在一个周期中,REM睡眠(眼动睡眠)发生在晚期REM睡眠 是所有睡眠阶段中最重要的,在REM睡眠当中,人们会做梦,当一个人被剥夺 REM睡眠时,人体会产生很多负面的结果。达芬奇睡眠法要求人的身体学会在一睡着就进入REM睡眠,而不是让
8、它发生在周 期的后面。所以在第一个星期,会感到睡眠不足,因为身体正在学习适应短睡眠 周期,但是在适应期过后,实验者会感到很正常,甚至比原来还要更好。建议对于达芬奇睡眠法的效果,取决于个人。人们的大脑结构及运转模式有所不同,达芬奇睡眠只对少数人有效,达芬奇其本身就是人类 史上绝无仅有的旷世奇才,那么神经系统调节有别常人,这也正是尝试该方法大都失败的原 因。如果盲目尝试,达芬奇睡眠会破坏人体的昼夜规律,导致身心疲倦、焦虑紧张、免疫力下降 等不良反应。天才达芬奇创造的这种睡眠法,一天分时睡眠共90分钟就能精神抖擞,这样睡觉可行吗? 会不会伤害身心?武汉市精神卫生中心副主任医师张昌勇说,对于青少年来说
9、一天一个半 小时的睡眠肯定是远远不够的,如果睡眠不足,脑细胞就会处于混乱状态,智力得不到恢复, 注意力难以集中,进而影响思维和记忆力,反而降低学习效率。而且睡眠还有一个过程, 并非想睡就睡,想醒就醒,15分钟也很难进入深睡眠状态,睡眠质量无从保证。因此,学 生每天 应保持6-8小时的睡眠时间。该中心少儿病区王继中主任说,这种方法肯定不适合 大多数人,若达芬奇真能坚持如此睡眠,只能说是个奇迹。打盹,只能是睡眠的补充在有些情况下,人们或许无法保证一次完整的8小时睡眠。这时,有规律的短暂打盹或许可 以弥补人们缺失的睡眠。研究睡眠的心理学家克劳迪奥斯坦皮博士曾进行了一项49天的 实验,让一名年轻人每隔
10、3小时打盹30分钟,每天睡眠时间加起来差不多是3个小时。他 发现大脑在这种多相睡眠中也同样经历普通睡眠拥有的慢波睡眠和快速眼动睡眠,只不过 每个睡眠阶段的时间都被缩短。此外,斯坦皮还在工作和压力期刊上发表了一项田野 研 究,表明在连续工作、无法实现正常完整睡眠的状态下,周期性的打盹能让人们弥补由于睡 眠剥夺带来的认知功能下降。不过,在他的实验中,无论怎样的多相睡眠策略也都无法让 人们达到和正常睡眠一样的精神状态和认知表现3。因此,他总结称,当睡眠剥夺不可避免时,系统的短时间打盹可以在一定程度上保证人们的 最佳状态。但他并不提倡将多相睡眠当做一种生活方式,因为如果想要通过多相睡眠来增 加工作时间
11、,睡眠的质量和数量必然会受到严重影响,长期下去只会产生类似睡眠剥夺的症 状,也根本无法提高创造力。Up to Finch sleep methodDa Vinci Sleep Act (Da Vinci sleep), also known as multi-stage sleep (Polyphasic_sleep), Uberman sleep or polyphasic sleep is a single human habits during sleep dispersed into multiple sleep cycle, in order to reach a reduction
12、 in sleep sleep time.Up to Finch sleep methodPainting, dean of Finch is a diligent, hard to treat time as gold, he created the timing of short-term sleep delay work very people praiseworthy. This method is a time to improve utilization of sleep and sleep rigid regularity adjust each work four hours
13、sleep for 15 minutes. In such a time, a day and a night spent sleeping on the accumulated less than 1.5 (24/4.25 * 1/4 = 1.41) hours, so as to strive for more time to work. A few years ago, the famous Italian physiologist carat reference to Hu Dior Sita Pi, the da Vinci method similar sleep test two
14、 months on a sailing athletes. The test, subjects of logical thinking ability and memory operations are intact. This said the Mingda Finch sleep method can not only meet the needs of the bodys compensatory function, but also indicates that broad prospects for the development of physiological potenti
15、al. Interestingly, ,however, is a painter 20 years ago, on this personal test, and confirmed its effectiveness. But less than six months, he went back to normal eight-hour sleep up. Talked about a variety of reasons, the painter, not without humor to admit that he is not a genius, but do not know ho
16、w to spend extra time.Da Vinci sleep method is called polyphasic sleep Uberman sleep or multi-stage sleep, a single human habits during sleep dispersed into multiple sleep cycle, in order to achieve reduction in sleep time sleep patterns.Reasonable polyphasic sleepFirst, almost all of the animals be
17、havior in the nature are multiphase complexity. Polyphasic sleep is the human infancy dominant sleep the way, only a little older, the children gradually being weaned concept of the siesta. In addition, when people cut off from contact with the external environment - the guarantee can not from natur
18、al factors, such as sunlight or human cues (such as watches, HYPERLINK , television programs) to determine the actual time -will tend to exhibit more short sleep behavior, rather than keep only the night before single-phase sleep. Lastly, nap nap - that short sleep - compared to the long sleep, refr
19、eshing more effective. But unfortunately, we seem to have to forget This is consistent with the the physiological natural instinct sleep, maintaining rigid habits of sleep from 5:00 9:00.Feasibility1. Citizens experienceI sleep at 23:00 every day, the next day get up at 7:00 in the morning, eight ho
20、urs a day are not enough sleep, according to 15-minute break every four hours, the body certainly collapse. Miss Sun think for the people, normal daily To sleep eighty-nine hours is enough, this approach is a bit tricky.Wang Liuhe a high school sophomore students told reporters that one of his stude
21、nts slept only five hours, and at other times are used to reading, if this method is really useful sleep, was worth a try. After all, a year is necessary to test a more and more time is not enough, if they can use sleep to fight a little more time to review, HYPERLINK , of course, could not be bette
22、r I feel a bit of an exaggeration, as such, I work four hours to rest for 15 minutes, equivalent to the time decile Leaving aside the scientific unscientific can not fall asleep, this just 15 minutes, or the same thing . reporter interviewed a dozen people found that eight of the public believes tha
23、t interoperability is not strong, can not accept.2 expert analysisPsychologist Wozniak think polyphasic sleep no scientific basis, because our brains simply can not adapt to the multiple nap sleep mode. Brain waves and other physiological indicators show that our biological rhythm is biphasic, rathe
24、r than multi-phase, which determines our body is always in favor of a single piece of the sleep time. The practice of trying to take advantage of the many short nap to reduce sleep total time make different stages of sleep are reduced, disrupt biological rhythms, may eventually cause negative effect
25、s similar to sleep deprivation and sleep rhythm disorders, such as physical and psychological hypofunction, enhance the sense of anxiety and tension, reduced immune function. Wozniak found most people have some maintenance activities, for example, ,drink a lot of coffee and other ways to stay awake,
26、 and this polyphasic sleep on the persons ability to learn through observation of the people involved in polyphasic sleep blog and creativity did not show any improve and promote.3. Military analysisThe multiphase sleep caused by military attaches great importance because of the the wartime sudden w
27、ould be a good solution, if they can polyphasic sleep to keep plenty of energy. According to a U.S. military report on overcoming fatigue, to take polyphasic sleep, The everyone each nap time should be kept for at least 45 minutes, more than two hours is better. In general, if a single nap time is s
28、horter nap frequency should increase overall sleep time of eight hours a day to ensure that.United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration also nap study because astronauts often due to nervousness and can not be guaranteed enough sleep for 8 hours. Professor at the University of Pennsy
29、lvania School of Medicine, the study of sleep duration and control anchor sleep is the basis of sleep time 4-8 hours, nap time ranging from 0-2.5 hours. He found that the cognitive function of the play is more conducive to a long nap. Were alertness and working memory task performance the nap and im
30、proved. However, daytime nap on useful work, but if the evening nap instead of the normal sleep would cause such a bleary-eyed after sleep slow.These studies have shown that, in response to some special circumstances, reasonable arrangements for the time and manner of polyphasic sleep may be feasibl
31、e, but in any case impossible to make the total sleep time reduced to a mere two hours.Adverse effectsBased on the experience of the participants, it takes about a week to adapt to this sleep method. A normal sleep cycle is 90 minutes, in one cycle, REM sleep occurs at the late (eye movement sleep).
32、 REM sleep is the most important of all the stages of sleep, REM sleep, which people will dream, when a person is deprived of REM sleep, the body will produce a lot of negative results. Institute of Da Vinci sleep Act requires body fell asleep into REM sleep, and not let it happen later in the cycle
33、. So in the first week, you will feel a lack of sleep, because the body is learning to adapt to short sleep cycle, but after the adaptation period, the experimenter will feel normal, even even better than the original.ProposalFor the effect of the Da Vinci sleep method, depending on the individual.D
34、ifferent brain structure and mode of operation, the Da Vinci sleep only a small number of people effectively Da Vinci itself is unique in the history of mankinds Masterpieces Wizards nervous system regulation of other ordinary people, which is to try the method mostly The reason for the failure.If y
35、ou blindly try Da Vinci sleep disrupt the bodys circadian rhythm, resulting in physical and mental fatigue, anxiety and tension, decreased immunity and other adverse reactions.Genius Leonardo da Vinci created this sleep a day, timeshare sleep a total of 90 minutes full of energy, so sleep feasible?
36、Will not harm the body and mind? MD, deputy director of the Wuhan Mental Health Center, said Zhang Changyong, one and a half hours a day of sleep for young people certainly is not enough, if the lack of sleep, the brain cells will be in disarray, intelligence is not restored, difficulty concentratin
37、g thereby affecting thinking and memory, but reduces the learning efficiency. And sleep there is a process, not a sleepy, sleep, wake up wake up 15 minutes, it is difficult to enter a state of deep sleep, sleep quality is by no means guaranteed. Therefore, students should be maintained every day 6-8
38、 hours of sleep. Ji-in, the childrens ward of the center director, said that this approach is certainly not suitable for most people, so sleep if Da Vinci really insist, can only say that is a miracle.Nap, but sleep supplementIn some cases, people may not be able to guarantee a full eight hours of sleep. At this time, a regular short nap may be able
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