1、Chap2 Journalizing and Posting TransactionsContents2.1 Economic events and original documents2.2 T-accounts and debit & credit2.3 Journalizing and posting transactions2.4 Preparing a trial balance2.5 Practices in ChinaJournalize and Post Closing EntriesAnalyze TransactionsOriginal DocumentsMake Adju
2、stmentJournalize TransactionsJournals分录账Post to the LedgerGeneral Ledger分类账Prepare Trial BalanceTrial Balance试算平衡表Prepare Adjusted Trial BalanceAdjusted Trial BalancePrepare Financial StatementFinancial StatementsPrepare Post-closing Trial BalancePost-closing Trial Balance记账凭证试算平衡表财务报表交易(原始凭证)银/现金日记
3、账总分类账科目汇总表国内会计循环流程明细分类账明细分类账银/现金日记账总分类帐三栏式多栏式数量金额式三栏式三栏式2.1 Economic events and original documentsSource/Original DucumentsQuatation 报价单Purchase Order 顾客订单Sales Order 销售订单Goods Received Note 收货单Goods Despatched Note 发货单Invoice 发票Receipt 收款单2.2 T-accounts and debit & credit The left side of the T-acc
4、ount is always the debit side(借方).Account NameLeftRightDebit The right side of the T-account is always the credit side(贷方).CreditA T-account is a tool used to represent an account.LiabilitiesOwnersEquityAssets=+The Debit-Credit FrameworkDebit CreditDebit CreditDebit CreditASSETS + -LIABILITIES - +EQ
5、UITIES - +RevenuesExpensesOwnersInvestmentOwners Withdrawals_+_Debit CreditCapital - +Debit CreditOwners Withdrawals + -Debit CreditExpenses + -Debit Credit Revenues - +The Debit-Credit FrameworkOwners EquityDrawingTypical Account Titles账户名称AssetsCashAccounts ReceivableNotes ReceivableInventory (to
6、be sold)SuppliesPrepaid Expenses预付账款Long-Term InvestmentsEquipmentBuildingsLandIntangibles无形资产LiabilitiesAccounts PayableAccrued Expenses应计费用Notes PayableTaxes PayableUnearned Revenue 预收账款Bonds Payable应付债券Stockholders EquityCapitalRetained EarningsThe Balance SheetTypical Account TitlesRevenuesSales
7、 RevenueFees RevenueInterest RevenueRent RevenueExpensesCost of Goods Sold销售成本COGCOSWages ExpenseRent ExpenseInterest ExpenseDepreciation Expense折旧费用Advertising ExpenseInsurance ExpenseRepair ExpenseIncome Tax ExpenseThe Income StatementReal Account/ Permanant Account 实账户/永久性账户Nominal Account/ Tempo
8、rary Account 虚账户/临时性账户Income Summary本年利润ExpensesxxxRevenuesxxxRevenuexxxxxxExpensexxxxxxNet incomeIncome SummaryNet incomexxxCapitalxxxxxxA = L + SEThe Debit-Credit FrameworkCash$20,000Capital$20,000LIABILITIESPapa Johns deposit $20,000 to companys bank account as an investment.How Do Companies Keep
9、 Track of Account Balances?Journal entries(分录记账)T-accounts (T字账)2.3 Journalizing and posting transactionsA typical journal (分录日记账) looks like this:Analytical Tool: The Journal Entry普通分录日记账Analytical Tool: The Journal EntryA journal entry might look like this:Papa Johns deposit $20,000 to companys ba
10、nk account as an investment.Analytical Tool: The Journal EntryProvide a referencedate for each transaction.Debits are written first.Credits are indented andwritten after debits.Total debits must equaltotal credits.Dr. Cash $20 000 Cr. Papa John, Capital $20 000Post过账Ledger(总帐)Analytical Tool: The T-
11、Account After journal entries are prepared, the accountant posts (transfers) the dollar amounts to each T-account affected by the transaction.总分类账T-accountsTransaction Analysis IllustratedLets prepare some journal entries and post them to the T-accounts.Analyzing TransactionsAnalysis:Journal entry:1
12、26101Posting:Dr. SUpplies $2,500 Cr. Cash 2,500Analyzing TransactionsAnalysis:Double entry:126201Posting:Dr. SUpplies $7,100 Cr. AP 7,100Exercise: Matthew set up a business and in the first nine days( January) of trading the following transactions occurred:1.Matthew introduced $10,000 capital by che
13、ques.2.Buys supplies worth $4,000 and pays by cheques.3.Buys $1,000 of materials on credit.4.Pays rent of $200 by cheques.Required:a)Make relevant journal entries.b)Complete the relevant ledger accounts.Answers:1.Matthew introduced $10,000 capital by cheques.2.Buys supplies worth $4,000 and pays by
14、cheques.3.Buys $1,000 of materials on credit.4.Pays rent of $200 by cheques.1. Dr. Bank $10 000 Cr. Matthew, Capital $10 0001.Matthew introduced $10,000 capital by cheques.2.Buys supplies worth $4,000 and pays by cheques.3.Buys $1,000 of materials on credit.4.Pays rent of $200 by cheques.2. Dr. Supp
15、lies $4 000 Cr. Bank $4 0001.Matthew introduced $10,000 capital by cheques.2.Buys supplies worth $4,000 and pays by cheques.3.Buys $1,000 of materials on credit.4.Pays rent of $200 by cheques.3. Dr. Materials $1 000 Cr. AP $1 0001.Matthew introduced $10,000 capital by cheques.2.Buys supplies worth $4,000 and pays by cheques.3.Buys $1,000 of materials on credit.4.Pays rent of $200 by c
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