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1、国际经济学双语课程教学大纲课程编号: 030063A课程类型:口通识教育必修课口通识教育选修课,专业必修课口专业选修课学科基础课总学时: 48讲课学时: 48 实验(上机)学时: 0学分: 3适用对象:经济学、国际经济与贸易、贸易经济、金融学等先修课程:微观经济学、宏观经济学、货币银行学一、教学目标根据教育部的要求, 国际经济学是经济类专业本科生的必修课程, 包括开放微观经济学和开放宏观经济学两个部分。 该课程的教学对培养与训练学生经济学思维方式, 提高其综合素质和能力有重要意义。 国际经济学教学的主要目标是培养学生应用经济学的分析方法, 掌握开放条件下经济学的基本理论,能够应用理论观察和分析

2、国际经济问题。为学生后续课程的学习打下坚实理论基础。 2009 年国际经济学 双语教学项目被教育部教学质量工程评为国家级双语示范课程,全英文教学目前面向经济学院国际经济与贸易专业的国际班开设。International economics is one of major course for the economics-major students require by China s Ministry of Education, which consists open microeconomics and macroeconomics. The instruction of internat

3、ional economics plays very important role in building up the way of thinking as an economist for the learners, improving the comprehensive aptitudes and abilities. The expected outcomes of this subject is to develop the learners to apply the economic methodology, grasp the basic open economics, and

4、enable the learners to observe and analyze the international economic issues, and then make a solid preparation for the fellow-up subjects in the teachingprogram. In 2009, this course was selected as the national bilingual teaching experimental course by China s MinistryaotifoEnd. uc二、教学内容及其与毕业要求的对应

5、关系(一)教学内容本课程的主要内容是阐述国际经济学的基础知识。 目的是帮助学生理解开放微观经济学和开放宏观经济学的基本原理, 以及不同国际经济政策对国内经济福利和世界经济福利的影响。 主要内容包括: 在开放微观部分, 重点讲述内容包括比较优势的基础,贸易模式,贸易利益的分配,贸易对经济增长的影响,贸易政策(关税、配额、资源出口限制,出口补贴)的效应;国际生产要素流动的福利效应;经济一体化理论,经济一体化组织的效应,主要阐述关税同盟的效应。在开放宏观经济学部分, 将探讨国际收支、 汇率决定、 开放宏观经济政策及国际货币体系。This is an introductory course to In

6、ternational Economics. The purpose of this course is to help students understand the basics of open microeconomics and open macroeconomics finance, and the effects of various international economic policies on domestic and world welfare.In microeconomics part, the course will highlight sources of co

7、mparative advantage, patterns of trade, gains and losses from trade, and effects of trade policy interventions such as tariffs, quotas, voluntary export restraints, and export subsidies; the welfare effects of international factor mobility; International economic integration theory, the forms of int

8、ernational economic organization and its effects, the effects of custom union will be focused.In open macroeconomics part, it will include balance of payments, determination of foreign exchange rates, open macroeconomic policy and international monetary system.(二)教学方法和手段由于教学内容理论性较强,主要以理论教授为主。同时安排“读、

9、写、议”课堂以便学生能够深入理解基本原理; 指定学生进行国际经济时闻阅读和重要文章阅读,指导学生撰写小论文;组织学生分组进行主题课堂讨论。The course is very theoretical, and it will keep a non-technical profile, thus wewill not go over the mathematicalmodeling techniques but we will concentrate on graph. The information flow will concentrate on the lecture, and we wi

10、ll arrange reading, writing and discussion class to help learners to understand the basicprinciple deeply; require the students to read and release the news of international issues, important reviews Direct the students to write essays; organize in-class group presentation based on topics.学习网站:(Cour

11、se Webpage) HYPERLINK /jpkc/guojing/index.html /jpkc/guojing/index.html(三)学习要求先修课程:微观经济学、宏观经济学、货币银行学Preparatory CoursesMicroeconomics, Macroeconomics, Money& Banking课后作业:Homework from problems on text book学生自学:Reading main contents before the class meeting, and reading news from medias; team work on

12、 some topics.综上本课程的教学内容,使学生能够灵活运用所学的经济学基础知识理解并 分析国际经济活动中的现象,促进了其毕业要求的实现。三、各教学环节学时分配教学课时分配在舁 厅P章P内谷讲课实验其他合计1第一章绪论第一早 Chapter1Introduction1阅读时 闻Reading课后习题 exercises12第二章比较优势原理Chapter 2 The Law Of Comparative Advantage4课后习题 exercises43第三章国际贸易的标油理论Chapter 3 The StandardTheory Of InternationalTrade4课后习题

13、 exercises44第四章需求与供给、提供曲 线与贸易条件Chapter 4 : Demand And Supply, Offer Curves And The Terms Of Trade3课后习题 exercises35第五章要素累赋理论:赫克 歇尔-俄林模型与里昂剔夫 之谜Chapter5FactorEndowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory, Leontief Paradox3课后习题 exercises36第六章新贸易理论:规模经 济、重叠需求、不完全竞争 与国际贸易Chapter 6 Economies OfScale,Imperfect

14、Competition, Overlapping Demand, And International4课后习题 exercises47第七章关税Chapter 7 The Tariff4阅读时 闻Reading课后习题 与讨论 Exercises, discussion48第八章非关税壁垒与新贸易保护主义Chapter8 Non-Tariff BarriersAndNewTradeProtectionism4阅读时 闻Reading课后习题 exercises49第九章经济一体化:关税同 盟的效应:贸易创造与贸易 转移Chapter 9 Economic Integration: The Ef

15、fects OfCustom Union3GroupDiscussion:310第十章国际生产要素流动: 资本、劳动Chapter10InternationalResourceMovements:Capital, Labor2课后习题 exercises211第章国际收支与国际 收支调节理论Chapter 11 Balance Of Payments and Adjustment Of BOP Disequilibrium5课后习题 exercises512第十二章外汇市场、汇率与 汇率决定Chapter12 FX Market AndExchangeRateDetermination4阅读时

16、 闻Reading课后习题 exercises413第十三章固定汇率卜宏观经济内外均衡Chapter 13 MacroeconomicEquilibrium Under FixedExchange Rate Regime2课后习题 exercises214第十五章浮动汇率卜宏观 经济内外均衡Chapter 15 MacroeconomicEquilibrium2课后习题exercises215第十六章国际货币体系 Chapter 16 International Monetary System3阅读时 闻Reading课后习题exercises3合计4848四、教学内容第一章绪论Introdu

17、ction重点和难点:国际经济学的内容和分析方法.教学组织和设计:讲授学习标准:了解国际经济学的主要研究内容和方法,国际经济学与其他学科的联系.Key Points: the contents of international economics and the methodologyTeaching method: lectureOutcome: Understanding the main contents and methodology, the relationships between the international economics and other disciplines

18、.Part One: International Trade Theory 国际贸易理论第二章比较优势原理The Law of Comparative AdvantageThe Mercantilists Views on Trade 重商主义的贸易观点Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith 亚当斯密的绝对优势; 理论Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David Ricard*嘉图的比较优势 理论Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Costs 比较优势与机会成本

19、The Basis for the Gains from Trade Under Constant Costs 成本不变下的贸 易利益分配本章重点和难点: 贸易模型的三个基本问题,亚当.斯密的绝对优势理论与大卫 .李嘉图的相对比较优势的区别;国际贸易模式、国际交易价格的形成,贸易利益的分配。本章教学组织和设计: 讲授本章的学习标准: 要求学生掌握贸易的基础、 贸易结构、 交换比价和贸易所 得Key Points: 3 basic questions of trade model, thedifference between the Smit hs absolute advantage theo

20、ry and Ricardo s comparative advantage theory, the trade pattern, the formation of international prices, and the gains distribution from tradeTeaching method: lectureOutcome: grasp the classical trade models: basis for trade, trade pattern, exchange price and the gains from trade.复习思考题:What are the

21、basic questions that we seek to answer in this chapter? In what way is the model presented in this chapter an abstraction or a simplification of the real world? Can the model be generalized?What were the mercantilists vie ws on trade? How does their concept of national wealth differ from today s vie

22、w?What were the basis for and the pattern of trade according to Adam Smith? How were gains from trade generated? What policies did Smith advocate in international trade? What did he think was the proper function of government in the economic life of the nation?In what way was Ricardo s law of compar

23、ative advantage superior to Smith theory of absolute advantage? How do gains from trade arise with comparative advantage? How can a nation that is less efficient than another nation in the production of all commodities export anything to the second nation?What is the exception to the law of comparat

24、ive advantage? How prevalent is it?What is the relationship between opportunity costs and the production possibility frontier of a nation? How does the production possibility frontier look under constant opportunity costs? What is the relationship between the opportunity cost of a commodity and the

25、relative price of that commodity? How can they be visualized graphically?Why is a nation s production possibility frontier the same as its consumption frontier in the absence of trade? How does the nation decide how much of each commodity to consume in the absence of trade?What is meant by complete

26、specialization? By incomplete specialization? Why do both nations gains from trade in the first instance but only the small nation in the second?How is the combined supply curve of both nations for each of the traded commodities determined? How is the equilibrium-relative commodity price determined

27、with trade?第三章 国际贸易的标准理论The Standard Theory of International TradeThe Production Frontier with Increasing Costs 机会成本递增下的生产可能性曲线机会成本递增与生产可能性边界差异的原因Community Indifference Curves 社会无差异曲线Equilibrium in Isolation 孤立均衡The Basis for and the Gains from Trade with Increasing CostsL会成本递增条件下贸易的基础和收益的说明本章重点和难点

28、: 机会成本递增情况下的生产可能性曲线、 社会无差异曲线。机会成本递增情况下的贸易基础、 贸易模式和贸易所得。 孤立均衡价格和均衡贸 易价格的形成。本章教学组织和设计 :讲授本章的学习标准: 掌握机会成本递增情况下比较优势的确定、 分工模式、 交 换模式、均衡价格与贸易利益的分配。Key Points: the production possibility frontier under increasing opportunity cost, community indifference curve. The basis for trade, trade pattern, gains from

29、 trade under increasing opportunity cost. The formation of equilibrium relative commodity price in isolation and common equilibrium relative commodity price.Teaching method: lectureOutcome: grasp the trade theory under increasing opportunity cost. How comparative advantage, specialization, trade pat

30、tern, equilibrium price formation and the welfare distribution.复习思考题:Why does a production frontier that is concave from the origin indicate increasing opportunity costs in both commodities? What does the slope of the production frontier measure? How does that slope change as the nation produces mor

31、e of the commodity measured along the horizontal axis? More of the commodity measured along the vertical axis?What is the reason for increasing opportunity costs? Why do the production frontiers of different nations have different shapes?What does a community indifference curve measure? What are its

32、 characteristics? What does the slope of an indifference curve measure? Why does it decline as the nation consumes more of the commodity measured along the horizontal axis?What difficulties arise in the use of community indifference curves in trade theory? How can these difficulties be overcome?What

33、 is meant by the equilibrium relative commodity price in isolation? Howis this price determined in each nation? How does it de fine the nation s comparative advantage?Why does specialization in production with trade proceed only up to the point where relative commodity prices in the two nations are

34、equalized? How is the equilibrium-relative commodity price with trade determined?What is meant by gains from exchange? By gains from specialization?第四章供求、提供曲线与贸易条件Demand and Supply, Offer Curves and the Terms of TradeTheEquilibrium-Relative Commodity Price with Trade-Partial EquilibriumAnalysis 贸易均衡

35、相对价格的局部均衡分析Offer Curves 提供曲线The Equilibrium-Relative Commodity Price with Trade-General Equilibrium Analysis 贸易均衡相对价格的一般均衡分析Relationship between General and Partial Equilibrium Analyses局部均衡分 析与一般均衡分析的差别The Terms of Trade贸易条件本章重点和难点: 相互需求、 提供曲线的推导, 均衡相对商品价格的形成 (局部均衡分析与一般均衡分析) 。本章教学组织和设计: 讲授本章的学习标准: 掌

36、握相互需求原理, 提供曲线的推导和均衡相对价格的形 成。KeyPoint s : reciprocal demand, derivation of offer curve, TheEquilibrium-Relative Commodity Price with Trade-Partial Equilibrium Analysis , The Equilibrium-Relative Commodity Price with Trade-General Equilibrium AnalysisTeaching method: lectureOutcome: grasp reciprocal d

37、emand theory, derivation of offer curve, Equilibrium-Relative Commodity Price analysis复习思考题:How can the supply curve of exports and the demand curve of imports of a commodity be derived from the total demand and supply curves of a commodity in the two nations?How is the equilibrium relative commodit

38、y price with trade determined with demand and supply curves?What is the usefulness of offer curves? How are they related to the trade model of Figure 3-4?What do offer curves show? How are they derived? What is their shape? What explains their shape?How do offer curves define the equilibrium relativ

39、e commodity price at which trade takes place? Why couldn t anyiovtehceor mremlaot dity price persist?第五章生产要素禀赋与赫克歇尔俄林定理Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin TheoryAssumptions of the Theory 论彳贸设Factor Intensity, Factor Abundance, and the Shape of the Production Frontier 要素密集度、要素丰裕度与生产可能性曲线的形状Fact

40、or Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory 生产要读禀赋与赫克歇尔俄林定理Factor-Price Equalization and Income Distribution 要素价格均等化理论Empirical Tests of the Heckscher-Ohlin Model 赫克歇尔一俄林模型的检验本章重点和难点:要素密集度、要素丰裕度、H O定理及推论。本章教学组织和设计: 讲授本章的学习标准: 掌握要素密集度和要素丰裕度的概念。掌握赫克赫尔 - 俄 林的要素禀赋理论(H O模型),以及H O模型的推论。理解 H-O模型实证 检验的基本方法

41、及里昂惕夫之谜产生的主要原因。Key Points: Factor Intensity, Factor Abundance, and the Shape of the Production Frontier, Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory, Explanations of the Leontief ParadoxTeaching method: lectureOutcome: grasp factor Intensity, Factor Abundance, and the Shape of the Production Fr

42、ontier, Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory. Understand Explanations of the Leontief Paradox复习思考题:. In what ways does the Heckscher-Ohlin theory represent an extension of the trade model presented in the previous chapters? What did classical economists say on these matters?.What is mean

43、t by labor-intensive commodity? Capital-intensive commodity?Capital-labor ratio?.What is meant by capital-abundant nation? What determines the shape of the production frontier of each nation?. Explain why the Heckscher-Ohlin theory is a general equilibrium model.第六章 规模经济、不完全竞争与国际贸易Chapter 6 Economie

44、s of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International TradeThe H-O Model and New Trade Theories 赫克歇尔 -俄林 定理与新贸易理 论Economies of Scale and International Trad 规模经济与国际贸易mperfect Competition and International Traded完全竞争与国际贸易Trade Based on Dynamic Technological Differences技术差异与国际贸易ransportation Costs, Envi

45、ronmental Standards, and International Trad运输 成本、环境标准与国际贸易本章重点和难点: 内部规模经济、外部规模经济、不完全竞争与国际贸易、产业间贸易与比较优势。本章教学组织和设计: 讲授本章的学习标准: 要求学生掌握新贸易理论的基础, 新贸易理论与之前贸易 理论的差别;理解战略性贸易政策的基础Key Points: Internal economy of scale, external economy of scale, imperfect competition and trade, intra-trade, product cycle and

46、comparative advantageTeaching method: lectureOutcome: grasp the contents of the new trade models, understand the differences between the new trade theory and the classical trade theory, and H-O model; understand the strategic trade policy.复习思考题:. What are two important limitations of the Heckscher-O

47、hlin theory?.Which assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory can be relaxed without invalidating the model?.What is meant by economies of scale? How can they be the basis for international trade?.What is meant by product differentiation? Why does this result in imperfect competition? How can interna

48、tional trade be based on product differentiation?.How can intra-industry trade be measured? What are the shortcomings of such a measure?第二部分国际贸易政策第七章关税TariffsPartial Equilibrium Analysis of a Tariff in Small Country 进口关税的局部均 衡分析The Theory of Tariff Structure 关税结构理论General Equilibrium Analysis of a T

49、ariff in a Small Country 小国进口关税 的一般均衡分析General Equilibrium Analysis of a Tariff in a Large Country 大国进口关税 的一般均衡分析The Optimum Tariff 最优关税本章重点和难点: 小国关税效应的局部均衡分析与一般均衡分析, 关税的成 本与收益。大国关税效应的局部均衡分析和一般均衡分析本章教学组织和设计: 讲授与讨论本章的学习标准: 要求学生掌握关税的类型, 小国关税的局部均衡效应和一般均衡效应, 关税的成本和收益, 对不同利益集团的影响。 理解大国关税的局部 均衡效应和一般均衡效应。K

50、ey Points: Partial Equilibrium Effects and general Equilibrium Effects of a Tariff for a small open economy, General Equilibrium Analysis of a Tariff in a Large Country.Teaching method: lecture and discussionOutcome: grasp the types of tariff, Partial Equilibrium Effects and generalEquilibrium Effec

51、ts of a Tariff for a small open economy. Understand the effects of a large economy.复习思考题:When is partial equilibrium analysis of a tariff justified? How is this measured?What is meant by the consumption, production, trade, revenue, and redistribution effects of a tariff?What is meant by the protecti

52、on cost, or deadweight loss, of a tariff? How is this measured?What is the difference between a nominal tariff and an effective tariff? What is the usefulness of the concept of effective protection? How is the rate of effective protection measured?Using general equilibrium analysis, indicate the eff

53、ect of an import tariff imposed by a small nation on the relative commodity price of the importable commodity for individuals in the nation and for the nation as a whole.第 8 章 非关税壁垒与新保护主义Nontariff Trade Barriers and the New ProtectionismImport Quotas 进口配额Other Nontariff Barriers and the New Protecti

54、onism 其他非关税贸易壁垒与新贸易保护主义本章重点和难点:比较进口配额和进口关税,出口补贴的效应。本章教学组织和设计: 讲授本章的学习标准:能够掌握分析进口配额的效应、进口配额与等额关税的区别,出口补贴的形式与效应的方法;理解倾销的定义,倾销与反倾销模型,理解新贸易保护主义的原因和主要形式。Key Points: Comparison of an Import Quota to an Import Tariff, effects of export subsidyTeaching method: lecture and discussionOutcome: grasp the effect

55、s of import quota, the difference between import quota and equivalent-tariff, the form of export subsidy and effects; understand the definition of dumping and anti-dumping, the reasons for new trade protectionism and its mainforms.复习思考题:1. What is an import quota? How is it mostly used today? What a

56、re the partial equilibrium effects of an import quota? How are they similar to and different from the effects of an equivalent import tariff?第 9 章经济一体化:关税同盟的效应:贸易创造与贸易转移Chapter 9Economic Integration: The Effects of Custom UnionTrade-Creating Customs UnionSS 易创造关税同盟Trade-Diverting Customs Unions 贸易转移

57、关税同盟本章重点和难点: 关税同盟的贸易创造效应和贸易转移效应。本章教学组织和设计: 讲授本章的学习标准:掌握小国模型下关税同盟的静态效应。KeyPoints: statistic effects of Trade-Creating Customs Unions and Trade-Diverting Customs UnionsTeaching method: lecture and discussionOutcome: grasp the static effects of Trade-Creating Customs Unions and Trade-Diverting Customs

58、Unions复习思考题What is meant by economic integration? A preferential trade arrangement? A free-trade area? A customs union? A common market? An economic union? Give an example of each.What is meant by trade creation?What is meant by trade diversion?What is the theory of the second best?第十章国际生产要素流动:资本、劳动

59、Chapter 10:International Resource Movements: Capital, LaborWelfare Effects of International Capital Flows 资本国际流动的福利效应Motives for and Welfare Effects of International Labor Migration 劳动的国 际流动福利效应本章重点和难点:国际资本流动和国际劳动流动的福利效应。本章教学组织和设计: 讲授与讨论相结合本章的学习标准:掌握资本、劳动国际流动的原因和效应。Key Points: welfare effects of int

60、ernational resources movementTeaching method: lecture and discussionOutcome: grasp the static effects of international capital movement and international labor movement复习思考题:What is the effect of foreign investments on the national income of the investing and the host nations? What is the effect on


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