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1、Unit 4 Natural DisastersPeriod 6 Discovering useful structureThe restrictive relative clause限制性定语从句I have an apple. The apple is red.I have an apple and it is red.I have an apple (that/which is red).I know a man. The man is a teacher.I know a man (that/who is a teacher). I have an apple. The apple i

2、s red.I have an apple and it is red.I have an apple which/that is red.I know a man. The man is a teacher.I know a man and he is a teacher.I know a man who/that is a teacher.主语先行词1. The people who suffered the earthquake are living a new life. 2. She wants to find the kid who she met yesterday.3. The

3、 house which stands by the river is my uncles.4. This is the most exciting film that I have ever seen.5. They live in a room whose window faces south.主语先行词宾语主语宾语定语=the roomsvt.vt.6. The Tangshan earthquake was a terrible experience that my great grandma cannot forget.7. The couple who live next to u

4、s volunteered to help after the volcano eruption.8. The supplies which were provided to the disaster area were collected from around the country.9. Mr Li is an architect whose designs for the new town have won praise.10.A doctor with whom James used to work died in the 2016 earthquake in Educator. 宾

5、语主语主语定语宾语vt.定语从句的定义定语从句:在主从复合句中,对某一名词或代词起修饰 作用的从句;先行词:被修饰的名词或代词;关系词:引导定语从句的连接词(关系代词和关系副 词)。 The couple who live next to us volunteered to help after the volcano eruption. 先行词关系代词定语从句指人that who whom whose指物thatwhichwhose主语/宾语主语/宾语宾语定语主语/宾语主语/宾语定语关系代词“的”=of whom “的” =of which1.作宾语时关系代词可以省略。注意2. 在定语从句中

6、紧接着介词的只能用which和whom。(that)关系代词的作用 连接主从句 代替先行词 在从句中充当成分1. The number of people _ come to visit this city each year reaches one million.2. The person_ you just talked to is Mr Li. 3. They planted the trees _didnt need much water.4. The fish_ we bought were not fresh. 5. This is the house _ we lived in

7、 last year. that/whoThe person _ you just talked is Mr Li.This is the house _ we lived last year.that/who/whomto whomthat/whichthat/whichthat/whichin which( )( )( )Complete each sentence with that, which, who, whose, whom or “ / ”. 6. The earthquake _ hit San Francisco on April 18th. shook down hund

8、reds of thousands of dollars worth of walls and chimneys (烟囱).7.Tens of thousands of people_ had lost their homes left the city to look for shelter from the fires. 8. The team brings help and hope to those _lives are changed by a storm, flood, earthquake or any other natural disaster. that / which w

9、ho / thatwhose 9. The list of people to help has been given is long. 10.The team treated more than 3,000 people _ were injured in the 2006 earthquake in Indonesia, helped 2,500 wounded people after the earthquake_ hit Haiti in 2010, and spent several months giving aid to over 25,000 victims of the 2

10、010 floods in Pakistan (巴基斯坦). 11. They have to be able to do work is difficult under conditions can be very dangerous. who/thatthat/whichthat/ whichthat/whichwhom 关系代词的特殊用法Note: that 和 which 在指物的情况下一般可以互换,但在下列情况中,一般用that而不用which。 I am sure she has something (that) you can borrow. Ive read all the b

11、ooks that are not mine. This is the first book (that) he has read.This is the most wonderful book (that) Ive read. This is the very book that belongs to him. They talked of things and persons that they remembered.下列情况中,定语从句中关系代词一般用that而不用which:1. 先行词为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, li

12、ttle, much 等不定代词时。2. 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much等修饰时。3. 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。4. 先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时。5. 先行词既有人又有物的时候,只能用that。Summary定语从句的写法第一步:写出两个简单句。第二步:在一个简单句中找出一个要修饰的词汇,这个词在两个简单句中都有。第三步:把另一个简单句改成定语从句,要特别注意引导词的选择。1I live in Beijing.Beijing is the capital of Chin

13、a. 2In fact, smoking is a bad habit, it does great harm to peoples health. 3I would visit some museums. These museums should not be missed to widen my horizons as well as enrich my knowledge. 4. My family will always be thankful for the people. We received aid from the people.I live in Beijing, whic

14、h is the capital of China.In fact, smoking is a bad habit, which does great harm to peoples health.I would visit some museums which should not be missed to widen my horizons as well as enrich my knowledge.用定语从句合并句子My family will always be thankful for the people from whom we received aid.翻译:1.和你信任的人

15、谈谈你的感受。(建议信)Talk to someone you trust about how you feel.2. 第二,你会交到一些好朋友,他们也很喜欢打乒乓球。(建议信)Secondly, you will make some good friends who are also interested in playing table tennis.3. 你应该早上花半小时的实践背单词和朗读课文,这对增进你的词汇量是非常重要的。(建议信)You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading text

16、s aloud, which is very important in increasing your vocabulary.4. 只有那些面对(confront)困难不遗余力地去克服的人才能取得(achieve)成功。(建议信)Only those who spare no effort to confront problems can achieve success.5.我们将学习唐朝(dynasty)时写的一些中国诗歌。(传统文化)We are going to learn some chinese poems that/which were written in the Tang Dy

17、nasty.6. 人们可以一边吃月饼一边赏月,月饼是这个节日的特殊食品。People can enjoy the moon while eating mooncakes, which are the special food for this festival.7. 长城是吸引大批游客的世界著名建筑之一。(邀请信)The Great Wall is one of the world-famous buildings that attract lots of visitors.8. 比赛定于周六下午在市体育场举办,比赛旨在(aim)帮助我们与你的学校交流和增进友谊。(邀请信)This match

18、 is due to be held this Saturday afternoon in the citys stadium, whose aim is to help us communicate with your school and promote our friendship.9. 我一个在组织学校活动方面有丰富经验的外向的女孩。(申请信)I am an outgoing girl who has rich experience in organizing school activities. 10. 我的爱好广泛(widespread),包括画画、收藏邮票等。(申请信)My ho

19、bby is widespread, which includes drawing, collecting stamps and so on. 1. 先行词指人时,用关系代词在句中_;关系代词用_。 2. 先行词是物时,在从句中作_,用关系代词_。3. whose 在从句中作_ , 既可以指人, 意为“_ _”; 也可以指物,意为“_ _”。 4. 关系代词that, who, whom, which 在定语从句中作_时可以省略。Summary作主语或宾语that / who (whom)that / which主语或宾语定语某(些)人的某物的宾语关系代词指代在定语从句中所充当的成分人物句子主

20、语宾语定语whowhomwhichthatwhoseThe usage of the relative pronouns that / which that / whothat / which whosethat whosethat / which thatwhothat that/which happened in Tangshan in 1976who have passed the examthe one that you boughtthat/which were writtenwhose mother diedThe usage of the relative pronouns whose 在从句中作定语,修饰人或物,意为“的”,可与of which (whom) the . 互换。 Miss Flower is the teacher whose house caught fire last week.of whom the This is t


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