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1、Unit 2 My Favourite School SubjectLesson 8 E-mail Helps!学习目标掌握本课单词及词汇。学会感观动词 see 的用法: see sb. doing sth. 掌握宾语从句。 see sb. do sth.新课导入 Do you know how to send an e-mail to your friend.Do you think you have too much homework?说一说新课导入QuestionsWhat subject does Danny like best? What do you think is the be

2、st way to learn English?新课讲解(1)Who wrote the e-mails?(2)What did Danny do in P.E.class yesterday?(3)What does Li Ming think is the best way to learn English?(4)Who is good at maths?Read the two e-mails and answer the following questions:Danny and Li Ming.He put Brians shorts on his head and his runn

3、ers on his hands.He thinks the best way to learn English is to use it every day.Wang Mei is good at maths.新课讲解Language point 1exam vs. quizquiz 指“小测验”,如单元测验等。exam 通常指正式的“考试”。如期中考试及上学考试等。e.g. They have two exams every term. 他们每学期举行两次考试。e.g. The teacher gives the students a quiz every week. 老师每周对学生们进行

4、一次小测验。辨析新课讲解Language point 2All our teacher very, very hard.我们所有的老师都让我们非常努力地学习。make 作动词时,意为“使;让”。make sb. do sth. 意为“使某人做某事”。make sb. + adj.意为“使某人” make us studye.g. This story makes us sad.这个故事使我们难过。e.g. My parents made me do the housework. 我的父母让我做家务。make 后面的宾语补足语是不定式时,要用省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。新课讲解Langua

5、ge point 3except 是介词, 意为 “除之外”,表示“从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减的概念,强调的是除去,含有否定意义。其后可接名词,代词。Everyone laughed the teacher.除了老师之外,大家都笑了。except e.g. We all went except him. 除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去)except for意为“除以外;要不是”。e.g. The movie was good except for the ending. 这部电影除了结尾之外都很好。新课讲解Language point 4except vs.

6、besides 辨析besides 指“除之外;还有”,即整体中包括该部分。如:except 指整体中除去一部分。如:e.g. They all went to have art class except Jenny. 除了詹妮以外,他们都去上美术课了。(詹妮没去)e.g. They all went to have art class besides Jenny. 除了詹妮以外,他们也都去上美术课了。(詹妮去了)新课讲解Language point 5But I saw him smile. 但是我看见他笑了。see sb.do sth.为固定结构。see属于感官动词,其后的宾语补足语如果是

7、不定式,省略to。类似的感官动词还有hear,watch等。I heard her sing last night.昨晚我听到她唱歌了。新课讲解Language point 6 You have a lot.你已经帮了我很多。helped mehelp 常用于句型:help sb. (to) do sth.= help sb. with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”e.g. She often helps her mother do the housework.=She often helps her mother with the housework.她经常帮助她的妈妈做家务。新课讲解1.

8、 Dannys favourite subject is P.E. ( )2. The teacher was very angry with Danny. ( )3. Li Mings favourite subject is English. ( )4. Li Ming hates maths. ( )5. Wang Mei has helped Li Ming with his maths a lot. ( )TFTFTRead the lesson and write true (T) or false (F).Lets Do It!新课讲解 Zhao Fei is in Grade

9、_ this year. Her favourite subject is _.She _ it a lot every day. The teacher says its the _way to learn a language well. She has a pen pal in _ named Lucy. They have_ each other many e-mails. Zhao Fei helps Lucy with her _ .They write to each other in both languages.eightEnglishusesbestCanadasentCh

10、inese Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.新课讲解Write the past participles of the verbs below. Then group them.study tell help write see know say smile put laugh play teach close talk listen walk run make新课讲解regular verbsstudy-studied, help-helped, smile-smiled, laugh-laughed, play-played, cl

11、ose-closed, talk-talkedlisten-listenedwalk-walkedirregular verbstell-told, write-written, see-seen, know-known,say-said,put-put,teach-taught,run-run,make-made当堂小练一、词语运用 1. The pandas make my little brother _(laugh) and jump. 2. He said that it wasnt funny, but I saw him _ (smile). 3. Danny _ (write)

12、 some poems (诗歌) for us already. 4. Li Ming said that it _ (be) a piece of bad news.laughsmilehas writtenwas当堂小练二、完成句子1. 如果你有时间,请尽快给我写信。Please _ _ me soon, if you have time.2. 后天我们将进行一次考试。We will _ _ _ the day after tomorrow.3. “TV”是“television”的缩写。 “TV” _ _ _ “television”.write tohave an examis shor


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