



1、Agent for incorporation in Hong Kong代理注册xx有限公 司Agreement协 议 书甲方(委托方):Party A (Applicant):乙方(受托方):甲方因 业务发展需要欲在xx设立公司,现全权委托受理方向xx关于机构申请办理公司注册相关手续,经各方协商一致,达成以下内容条款:Due to the need of developing the business in Hong Kong, Party A is now appointing Party B, Shenzhen Baililai Investment Consulting Limited

2、 as agent to nominate a Hong Kong based incorporating agent to register and to incorporate a company in Hong Kong and both parties agree that:一、 甲方必须向乙方提供真实有效的股东资料文件资料:身份证(或护照)复印件、个人住址(或通信办公地址)、联络电话。Party A should supply the following information to Party B: Photocopy of Identity Card (or Passport),

3、 Address (or correspondence address), and telephone二、 填“xx公司注册委托书”一份:公司中英文名称、注册资本、董事详细资料文件资料、股份比例。Complete a copy of “Request for Incorporation of Hong Kong Company” stating the name of proposed Company, Authorised Capital, Particulars of Directors and Shareholders, Allotment of shares.三、甲方向乙方提供的数据必

4、须确认真实无误,保证申请注册的海外公司是用于合法的商业运作,并 承担该公司的债权债务和法律责任。Party A guarantee that all information supplied is true and without error. Party A also undertake that the company incorporated in Hong Kong is for purpose of conducting normal commercial activities and not for illegal and/or criminal acts in any part

5、of the world./cont四、乙方为甲方代理细节如下:Party B shall on behalf of Party A give instructions to and supervise the Hong Kong Agent to perform the followings:-a) 到xx公司注册署查册确定公司名称;Conduct a name search;b) 核实注册资本、股东数目以及股份比例;Affirm the authorised capital and share allotment;c) 确定首批股东、秘书、董事和董事会主席委任及呈报;Affirm the

6、subscribers, Company Secretary, Directors and Chairman of Directors;d) 筹备所有的资料文件和法定的申报表,安排股东签署资料文件,向政府关于部门提出申请;Prepare incorporation documents for signature and submit same to Company Registry of Hong Kong;e) 在注册处代申请人宣誓设立公司,代付注册资本登记;Representing the subscribers to make a declaration of Compliance, p

7、ay registrations fees and stamp duty on incorporation;f) 申领公司注册证书;Collect Certificate of Incorporation;g) 申领公司股份证明、股份分配资料文件及代付印花税;Prepare and submit to Company Registry allotment of shares;h) 申请税务局商业登记,代付登记年费;Apply Business Registration Certificate and to pay the Business Registration fees on behalf

8、 of Party A;i) 向政府印务局申印公司组织大纲、法定记录和公司股票各一本,代付费用;Printing of Memorandum and Articles, Statutory Rook, and Share Certificates;and to pay printing charges on behalf of Party A;j) 制作公司钢印、签字章、圆胶章各一枚,代付印章费;Engrossing common seal, signature stamp and sound shape stamp to pay these charges on behalf of Part

9、y A;./contk) 免费提供第一年的办公地址和秘书服务费。Provision of Registered Office and company Secretary service for 1 calendar year.五、 办理费用和付款方式:Terms of Payment:1) 办理总费用 元(包括须向xx政府关于部门支付的费用和乙方代理费用);Total fees being HK$/RMB _ (including Government charges and agency fees payable to Party B;2) 付款方式:申办前(甲方填委托书、协议书)预付50%

10、即 元,余额50%即 元在领取证书及相关资料文件资料时付清。Payment Term: 50% of the fees stated in 5(1) upon signing this agreement, balance will be paid when the incorporation process is completed with all incorporation documents ready to be collected by Party A.六、办理的时间:收到甲方签署申请设立公司法定资料文件和申报表后8个工作日。Processing time: the whole p

11、rocessing time will be 8 working days plus 2 days for mailing document to Hong Kong, (excluding Saturday and Sunday and Hong Kong Bank Holiday) after receiving all signed documents.七、本协议各方订 立后,如乙方无法履行甲方委托之业务,甲方此前所交的费用乙方给予退还。After signing this Agreement, Party B shall refund deposit money paid by Par

12、ty A if Party B fail to perform the duties stated above.八 如在注册期间因遇其它相同名字之公司同时申请而不获xx政府接纳发出注册证书,而该公司设立日期与本协议书签署日期不超过30天,本公司将不须作任何赔偿 甲方仍须向乙方缴付已缴之政府费用(港币400)元及手续费港币500元。If the application being refused by the Company Registry on the ground the application being made the other party bearing the same company name, and the incorporation date of that company is within 30 days of the signing date of this agreement, Party B will not be held liable. Party A shall reimburse all fess (HK$400.00) paid to Company Registry plus Party Bs agent fee of HK$500.00./cont本协议一式两份,甲乙各方各执一份。本协议自各方签署之日 起生效,未尽事


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