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1、分子生物学教学大纲 分子生物学教学大纲(中文)教学时数:40学时教材:卫生部规划教材生物化学与分子生物学第8版,周爱儒主审,查锡良 药立波主编教学方式:多媒体教学表1 各章学时分配表(总学时:40学时)章节授课内容学时备注第一章核酸的结构与功能 4第二章核苷酸代谢2第三章DNA的生物合成,DNA损伤修复6第四章RNA的生物合成5第五章蛋白质的生物合成5第六章基因表达调控4第七章细胞信息转导的分子机制5第八章DNA重组及重组DNA技术5第九章常用分子生物学技术的原理及其应用2第十章癌基因、肿瘤抑制基因与生长因子2 第一章 核酸的结构与功能学习要求一、掌握核苷酸分子组成及结构,DNA、RNA组成的

2、异同。二、掌握核酸(DNA、RNA)的一级结构,连接键。三、掌握DNA双螺旋结构模式的要点,DNA的超螺旋结构和功能。四、掌握tRNA、mRNA、rRNA的组成、结构特点。五、熟悉以下概念:融解温度、增色效应、DNA复性、核酸分子杂交。 第二章 核苷酸代谢学习要求一掌握嘌呤核苷酸从头合成途径:概念、原料、关键酶及过程。熟悉核苷酸生物功能、嘌呤核苷酸补救合成途径。了解核酸的消化。二掌握脱氧核苷酸的生成,核糖核苷酸还原酶的成分。了解三掌握嘌呤核苷酸分解代谢终产物;熟悉嘌呤核苷酸抗代谢物作用。痛风症的原因及治疗原则。四掌握嘧啶核苷酸从头合成途径:概念、原料、关键酶及过程。掌握脱氧胸腺嘧啶核苷酸的生成

3、。五熟悉嘧啶核苷酸补救合成途径,嘧啶核苷酸抗代谢物作用。六熟悉核苷酸的转变关系。核苷酸合成调节的基本方式。 第三章 DNA的生物合成学习要求一掌握真核生物基因和基因组的概念和结构特点二掌握中心法则、基因表达、半保留复制的概念。三掌握参与DNA复制的主要物质及其作用机理。掌握DNA聚合酶作用特点,原核生物和真核生物DNA聚合酶的异同。拓补异构酶、引物酶作用。熟悉DNA复制的方向性、保真性。熟悉连接酶作用机理。四掌握DNA复制过程及各阶段的特点。端粒和端粒酶概念及作用。熟悉复制起始和冈崎片段、引发体、负超螺旋概念,形成。了解滚环复制过程。五掌握突变概念,DNA损伤的类型,DNA损伤修复的方式,切除

4、修复的基本原理;熟悉突变的意义、引发因素。光修复、SOS修复及重组修复的概念。五掌握逆转录概念、作用过程。逆转录酶作用特点。生物学意义及应用。 第四章 RNA的生物合成学习要求一掌握转录的概念,不对称转录、模板链、编码链。原核生物RNA聚合酶全酶,核心酶的组成和作用。真核生物RNA聚合酶的主要类型和产物。二掌握RNA聚合酶与模板辨认结合。掌握原核转录起始。熟悉真核转录因子,转录前起始复合物。熟悉延长与原核两类转录终止过程。三掌握真核基因的断裂基因、内含子、外显子的概念。掌握mRNA、tRNA转录后的加工方式。熟悉内含子剪接机制,rRNA的加工过程,核酶结构、作用特点。四熟悉核酶的概念,结构、作

5、用特点。 第五章 蛋白质的生物合成学习要求一、 掌握翻译的概念及参加蛋白质生物合成的物质,mRNA、tRNA及核糖体的结构和翻译中作用,氨基酰- tRNA的生成。熟悉遗传密码的特点。二、掌握原核及真核生物翻译的基本过程,起始阶段,延长阶段的三个步骤:注册,成肽,转位。终止阶段。熟悉起始因子、延长因子和释放因子的种类和作用。原核、真核翻译过程异同。三、掌握多聚核糖体的概念、意义。翻译后加工的概念及加工方式,熟悉高级结构修饰,一级结构修饰。蛋白质合成后靶向输送。四、熟悉常用抗生素等物质抑制翻译的机理。 第六章 基因表达调控学习要求一、熟悉基因表达的概念,时间、空间性,基因表达方式,生物学意义。掌握

6、基因转录激活调节的基本要素。二、掌握原核基因操纵子的概念、结构和功能,乳糖操纵子的负性、正性、协调调节。三、掌握真核基因调控顺式作用元件和反式作用因子的概念,种类。真核转录因子结构,PIC的装配过程。熟悉真核基因组结构特点,真核基因表达调控特点。 第七章 细胞信号转导的分子机制学习要求一、掌握细胞信息传递概念。细胞间信息物质,细胞内信息物质种类。二、掌握膜受体种类、结构。胞内受体结构。G蛋白结构,功能。熟悉受体作用特点及调节。三、掌握膜受体介导的信息传递:cAMP-蛋白激酶途径,Ca2+-依赖性蛋白激酶途径,cGMP-蛋白激酶途径。第二信使cAMP 、DAG、IP3、cGMP产生及作用。四、掌

7、握蛋白激酶PKA、Ca2+-CAM-PK、PKC、PKG活化机制,调节作用。五、掌握酪氨酸蛋白激酶途径概念。受体型TPK途径。掌握细胞内受体介导的信息传递途径。熟悉JAK-STAT途径、核因子B途径的参与成分及调节机制。了解信息途径的交互联系。第八章 DNA重组及重组DNA技术学习要求一、熟悉自然界基因转移及重组的方式。结合、转化及转导、转座、基因重组。二、掌握重组DNA技术的相关概念,基本程序和基本原理。限制性内切酶概念及作用特点。熟悉常用载体及特点。目的基因的获取及与载体连接的方法。三、熟悉重组体的导入受体细胞及筛选方法。基因克隆表达技术。四、熟悉重组DNA技术在医学中应用。 第九章 常用

8、分子生物学技术的原理及其应用学习内容一、掌握分子杂交与印渍技术原理、类型、应用。二、掌握PCR技术原理,应用。 第十章 癌基因、肿瘤抑制基因与生长因子学习要求一掌握癌基因概念。病毒癌基因概念、致病机理。细胞癌基因特点和分类。二掌握原癌基因的活化机制,原癌基因的表达产物与功用。三熟悉抑癌基因概念、类型和作用机理。四熟悉生长因子概念、分类。了解生长因子作用机理,细胞凋亡概念。Teaching Program of Molecular Biology For Undergraduate Students PrefaceMolecular Biology is to study the gene st

9、ructure and function at the molecular level. This outline is based on the eighth edition of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (Peoples Health Press. Edited by Zhou airu). According to the teaching program for international student of bachelor medicine, the total teaching hours of Molecular Biology is

10、 40 hours. ContentsChapterContentsHours1Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids42Metabolism of Ribonucleotides23DNA Synthesis (Replication)64RNA Synthesis (Transcription)55Biosynthesis of Proteins (Translation)56Regulation of Gene Expression47Signal Transduction 58Recombinant DNA Technology59Techniq

11、ues used in molecular210Oncogene,Tumor suppressor gene and Growth factor2IntroductionChapter 1 Chapter 1 Structure and function of nucleic acidsThe Contents for learning:I. the components of nucleic acid1. types of base in nucleotides. 2. ribose and ribonucleotide. 3. structure and naming of nucleot

12、ides. II. The primar y structure of nucleic acid.III.Dimensional structure and functions of DNA.1.The secondary structure of DNA-double helix of DNA.2.The dimensional structure of DNA3.The function of DNA.IV.The structure and function of RNA.1. The structure and function of mRNA, codon.2. The struct

13、ure and function of tRNA.3. The structure and function of rRNA.4.The other little RNA.5.ribozyme.V. The physiological and chemical characteristics of nucleic acids.1. The general physiological and chemical characteristics of nucleic acids.2. The denaturation of DNA.3. The renatruation of DNA and mol

14、ecular hybridization of nucleic acid.4. The probe of nucleic acid.The requirements for learning:I.to learn and master:1.the differences between DNA and RNA.II. to learn and master:1.the primary structure of nucleic acid and the bond of linkage between nucleotides in DNA and RNA.III. to learn and mas

15、ter:1.the characteristics of double helix of DNA.2.the supercoiled structure of DNA and its functions. IV. to learn and master:1.structures and functions of mRNA, tRNA and rRNA.V. to be familiar with:1. the following concepts: Nucleosome, Denaturation and renatruation of DNA, Hyperchromic effect, Me

16、lting temperature, Molecular hybridization of nucleic acid.Chapter 2 Metabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotidesThe contents for learning:I. Metabolism of purine nucleotides. 1. Anabolism of purine nucleotides. 2. Catabolism of purine nucleotides.II. Metabolism of pyrimidine nucleotides. 1. Anab

17、olism of pyrimidine nucleotides. 2.Catabolism of pyrimidine nucleotides.The requirements for learning:I.to learn and master:1.the concept, materials, key enzymes and processes of de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides.To be familiar with:1.the salvage pathway of purine nucleotides synthesis.2.the f

18、unctions of nucleotides.To know:1. digestion of dietary nucleoproteinsII. to learn and master:1. formation of deoxyribonucleotides.2. the components of ribonucleotide reductase.III. to learn and master:1. the end products in catabolism of purine nucleotides.To be familiar with:1. the functions of an

19、timetabolic compound.2.IV. to learn and master:1. the concept, materials, key enzymes and processes of de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides.2. the synthesis progress of dTMP.V. to be familiar with:1. pyrimidine and the importance of salvage pathway.2. the functions of antimetabolic compound.VI. t

20、o be familiar with:1. the conversion of ribonucleotides/deoxyribonucleotides.2. the regulation ways of purine and pyrimidine synthesis.Chapter 3 ReplicationThe contents for learning:I. Semiconservative Replication1. Experimental Evidence of Semiconservative Replication2. Significence of Semiconserva

21、tive ReplicationII. Enzymology of DNA Replication1. Reaction2. DNA-dependent DNA polymerase 3. Enzymes for unwinding of DNA double strands and Changes in topology of DNA 4. Primase and Prepriming complex5. DNA ligaseIII. Biosynthesis of DNA1. Initiation2. Elongation3. Termination IV. DNA damage and

22、repairing1. Significance of Mutation2. Mutagenic Factors3. Types of DNA damage4. Repairing of DNA damage5. Reverse Transcription and Reverse transcriptaseThe requirements for learning:. To learn and master: 1. Definition of the Central Dogma.2. Gene expression.3. Semiconservative Replication.4. Requ

23、irement of DNA Replication and the mechanisms for replication. 5. Characteristics of DNA-pol and Comparison of replication in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes. 6. Function of topoisomerases and Primase.7. The procesee and features of DNA replication.8. Definition and function of Telomere and Telomerase

24、. 9. Definition of mutation and types of DNA damage.10. The mechanism of Excision repairing.11. The concept and acting process of Reverse Transcription. 12.The mechanism, biological significance and application of Reverse transcriptase. . To be familiar with1. The orientation and Fidelity of DNA Rep

25、lication.2. The mechanism of ligase. 3. The concept of Okazaki Fragments, Prepriming complex and negative supercoiling.4. The significance of mutation and mutagenic factors.5. The concept of Photoreactivation, Recombination repairing and SOS repairing. to knowThe process of Rolling circle replicatio

26、nChapter 4 RNA Synthesis ( transcription )The contents for learning:. the template and enzyme1.the template of transcription2.RNA polymerase3.The recognition and binding of enzyme and DNA template. the procedure of transcription1.initiation in transcription2.elongation in transcription3.termination

27、in transcription. post-transcriptional processing of eukaryotic RNAs1. post-transcriptional processing of rRNAs2. post-transcriptional processing of tRNAs3. post-transcriptional processing of mRNAsthe requrement for learning:. to learn and master: 1. the concept of transcription, the asymmetry of th

28、e transcription. the template strand and coding strand. 2.the composition and function of prokaryotic RNA polymerase, holoenzyme and core nzyme. 3. the major types and the functions of eukaryotic RNA polymerase.to be familiar with: consensus sequence for most promoters in E. coli, the -10 region (Pr

29、ibnow box), the -35 region. to know: important feature of transcription. the difference of the replication and transcription. to learn and master: 1.the recognition and binding of enzyme and DNA template. 2.the procedure of initiation in prokaryotic transcription. 3.the consensus sequences and trans

30、cription factors of eukaryotes, the formation of pre-initiation complex (PIC) in eukaryotic transcription.to be familiar with: 1. the procedure of elongation in prokaryotic transcription, transcription bubble. 2. Two types of termination procedure in prokaryotic transcription. dependent andindepende

31、nt. to learn and master: 1. eukaryotic splite genes. introns (noncoding sequence), exons (coding segments). 2. post-transcriptional processing of eukaryotic mRNAs: “cap” adding at the 5 end, poly(A) adding to the 3 end, to remove the noncoding sequences, splicing. 3. post-transcriptional processing

32、of tRNA: the removal of extra sequences from each end, splicing, to generate the CCA(3) sequence at the 3 end, unusual bases modified; to be familiar with: post-transcriptional processing of rRNAto know: 1. the spliceosome, lariat-formation splicing mechanism of eukaryotic mRNAs. 2. cap and tails fu

33、nction. to familiar with: the definition, structure and function feature of ribozyme.Chapter 5 Biosynthesis of proteins (Translation)The contents for learning:. The materials involved in protein synthesis1. mRNA is used as the direct template of translation2. Ribosome is used as the site for transla

34、tion tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA The process of protein biosynthesis The initiation of polypeptide chain The elongation of polypeptide chain The termination of polypeptide chain3. Post-translational processing The modification of protein conformation The modification of protein primary structure Protein

35、 targeting of post-translation4. Interference and inhibition of protein biosynthesis Antibiotics Materials interfering protein biosynthesisThe requirements for learning:.to learn and master:1. the definition of translation and the materials that are involved in protein synthesis. 2. the structures o

36、f mRNA, tRNA and ribosome as well as their roles in translation. 3. the formation of aminoacyl-tRNA or activation of amino acids. . to be familiar with 1. the features of genetic codes. to learn and master:1. the basic procedures of translation in prokaryotes and enkaryotes that include three stages

37、 of initiation, elongation and termination. 2. three steps of registration,peptide bond formation andtranslocation in elongation stage. .to be familiar with 1. the classification and functions of initiation factors, elongation factors and release factors. 2. the similarity and differences of transla

38、tion process between prokaryotes and enkaryotes. . to learn and master:1. the definition and significance of polyribosome. 2. the definition and the manners of post-translation. . to be familiar with 1. the modification of protein conformation and protein primary structure as well as protein targeti

39、ng of post-translation.2. the mechanisms by which antibiotics inhibit protein biosynthesis.Contents of special topic:Folding and processing of proteins in post-translation.Protein targeting of post-translationChapter 6 Regulation of Gene ExpressionThe contents for learning:.the concept and mechanism

40、 in regulation of gene expression1. the concept of gene expression regulation2. the temporal specificity and spatial specificity of gene expression regulation3. the modes and biological significances of gene expression regulation.the regulation of prokaryotic gene transcription 1.the feature in regu

41、lation of prokaryotic gene transcription. 2. the mechanism of gene transcription regulation by lac operon 3. other mechanism of gene transcription regulation. the regulation of eukaryotic gene transcription 1.the feature of eukaryotic gene transcription regulation 2.the feature of eukaryotic genome

42、structure and eukaryotic gene expression regulation.the mechanism in regulation of eukaryotic transcription activation the requrement for learning. to learn and master: 1.the elements required for regulation of transcriptional activation: specific DNA sequences: consensus sequence for most promoters

43、 in E. coli, the -10 region, the -35 region. in eukaryotes , cis-acting element. 2. regulatory proteins:1) in prokaryotes: specific factors, repressors, activators.2) in eukaryotes: trans-acting factor, transcription factors. interaction of DNA-protein and protein-protein. 3) RNA polymerase. to be f

44、amiliar with: 1. the concept of gene expression, temporal specificity, spatial specificity. 2. the concept for modes of gene expression: constitutive, inducible turned: induction or repression, developmental. the biological significances of gene expression regulation. to learn and master: 1. the con

45、cept of operons in prokaryotic gene transcription. operon structure: structural genes, promoter, operator. 2. operon function. the mechanism of negative ( mediated by repressor ), positive (mediated by cAMP-CAP) and and coodidinate regulation by lac operon: to be familiar with: 1. the feature of the

46、 regulation of prokaryotic gene expression. 2. trp operon: structure, attenuation mechanism. to learn and master: the concept and types of cis-acting element and trans-acting factor. to be familiar with: 1. the feature of structure in eukaryotic genome. 2. the feature of the regulation of eukaryotic

47、 gene expression. 3. the structure and types of eukaryotic transcription factorsChapter 7 Signal TransductionThe contents for learning:. Signal molecules1. Intercellular signal molecules 2. Intracellular signal molecules. Receptors1. Classification, structure and function of receptors2. Characterist

48、ics of receptor-ligand binding3. Regulation of receptor activities Signal transduction pathway1. Signal transduction pathway by cell-surface receptors: 1)cAMP-PKA pathway 2)Ca2+-dependent PK pathway3)cGMP-PKG pathway4) tyrosine protein kinase pathway5)nuclear factor -kappa B and TGF-pathway2. Signal

49、 transduction pathway by intracellular receptors. Communication among different signal transduction pathways. Signal transduction and diseaseThe requirements for learning:to learn and master:to be familiar with:to know:. to be familiar with:1. the concept of Extracellular signaling molecules:neurotr

50、ansmitters,endocrine hormones, local chemical substances, gas signaling (nitric oxide)2. the concept of entercellular signaling molecules and second messengers. . to learn and master:1.structure and function of G-protein coupled receptors, (Seven transmembrane -helical receptors ).2. structure and a

51、ctivation of G protein.3. structure and function of intracellular receptors.to be familiar with:1.structure and function of ion-channel receptors2.structure and activation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)3. structure of tyrosine kinase linked receptors.4.structure of receptors with intrinsic guan

52、ylyl cyclase (GC) Activityto know:1.The feature of receptor function 2.The regulation of receptors activity. to learn and master:1.the mechanism of cAMP-PKA pathway. The activation of denylyl cyclase (AC) and protein kinase A, function of cAMP and CRE. 2. the mechanism of Ca2+-dependent protein kina

53、se pathway. 1)The formation of DAG and IP3. The activation and function of PKC 2) The activation and function of calmodulin and Ca2+-CaM-CaM kinase.3. the mechanism of receptor tyrosine kinase pathway.1) The activation and function of RTK and Ras.2) The activation and function of protein kinase casc

54、ade.to be familiar with:1) the mechanism of cGMP-PK pathway: synthesis of cGMP, the signal of ANF and nitric oxide (NO)2) the mechanism of janus kinase and STATs pathway. 3) the mechanism of nuclear factor-B pathway.to know:the mechanism of TGF-pathway. to learn and master:the mechanism of signal tr

55、ansduction by steroid hormone receptors. The activation and function of steroid hormone receptors and hormone response elements.to know:1. Communication among different signal transduction pathways2. Signal transduction and diseaseChapter 8 Recombinant DNA technologyThe contents for learning:. Gene

56、transfer and gene recombination in nature1. Conjugation 2. Transformation and transduction3. Transposition4. Gene recombination. Recombinant DNA technology1. The definitions related to recombinant DNA technology2. The basic principle of recombinant DNA technology3. The application of recombinant DNA

57、 technology to medicine and discovery of genes related to diseases as well as development of new remedies The requirements for learning:. To be familiar with:1. the manners of gene transfer and recombination in nature that includes conjugation, transformation, transduction, transposition and gene recombination. To learn and master:1. the definitions related to recombinant DNA technology.2. the basic principles and procedures of recombinant DNA technology. 3. the definition and


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