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1、全册教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语My dayPart A(Lets try & Lets talk)Unit 1Main sceneWhat time is it? Its _ .Its time to _.6:30get up7:30go to school12:00have lunch5:00go home9:00go to bedWarm-upFree talkRevisionHe is Pedro.He is from Spain(西班牙).Do you know him?Good to knowSpain is

2、 a country in Europe.Its famous for football games and bull fighting.PresentationLets tryWhere are Zhang Peng and Pedro?Tips: 听音前,先仔细观察所给的三幅图片,弄清每幅图片分别表示的地点。听音时,注意听清人物所在的地点,然后在对应的图片下打钩。Zhang Peng: Pedro, this is our new classroom. Do you like our school?Pedro: Yes, but Im tired. In Spain, I always s

3、leep a little in the afternoon.Zhang Peng: Really? When do you sleep?Pedro: At about 2 oclock.Zhang Peng: Oh. Thats now, but we have a maths class at 2 oclock.听力原文Pedro is a new student from Spain.PresentationLets talkLead inZhang Peng is curious about Pedros timetable.Lets have a look!Task 1:Watch

4、and think.When does Pedro finish class in the morning?When does he go back to school after lunch?When does he usually eat dinner in Spain?Task 2:check the answers.When does Pedro finish class in the morning?When does he go back to school after lunch?When does he usually eat dinner in Spain?At 1 oclo

5、ck.At 2:30.Usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock.Language pointsWhen do you (usually)+动词(短语)原形+(其它)?I (usually) +动词(短语)原形+ atWhen do you (usually) finish class in the morning?I (usually) finish class at 11 oclock.如:知识点1课文原句:When do you finish class in the morning? We finish class at 1 oclock.怎样问答别人的作息情况c当此句型

6、的主语是第三人称单数(he,she或单数名词)时,助动词do要变成does。例句:When dose Linda get up? She gets up at 6:00.知识拓展询问时间还可用What time 来提问,what time常用来询问具体的时间点,可以与when进行交换。Lets talkRole-play请两位学生站起来,一位学生扮演访问者,一位扮演出租车司机,示范读对话。学生同桌合作,根据图片提示,替换对话中的关键短语,编新对话,并尝试表演新对话。请两三对学生上台,戴上头饰,表演新对话。Practice句子接龙I (usually) atWhen do you (usuall

7、y) ?规则:教师把班里学生分成若干组,A问B “When do you (usually) ?”,B回答后问C,C回答后问D。依次类推,循环进行问答练习。最先完成任务的小组获胜。Play a game Exercise 连词成句1.do,go,bed,you,to,when (?)_2.usually,morning,I,do,exercises,six,at (.)_3.I,to,school,go,after,back,lunch (.)_When do you go to bed?I usually do morning exercises at six.I go back to sc

8、hool after lunch.Summary(听、说、认读)词汇:when, after, start, usually, Spain, late句子: When do you finish class in the morning? We finish class at 1 oclock.教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语 My dayPart A(Lets learn & Ask and write)Unit 1RevisionWhat time is it?Its 8:00 a.m.Brain stormingwat

9、ch TV read books play computer games play ping-pong Listen to music do homework do housework cook meals sweep the floorClean the bedroom water the flowers makethe bed set the table do the dishes wash the clothes What time is it?Its_.Its time to go to schoolIts time to go homeIts time for lunchThis i

10、s Pedros timetableLead inWhen do you_?At.Zhang Peng wants to know more about Pedros timetable.When do you do morning exercises?PresentationLets learndo morning exercisesI do morning exercises at 7:00 a.m.When do you eat breakfast/ dinner?I eat breakfast at 8:00 a.m .eat breakfasteat dinnerI eat dinn

11、er at 9:00 p.m .eat breakfastI often eat breakfast at 8 oclock.同义短语:have breakfast 拓展:eat luncheat dinner同义短语:have dinnerI usually eat dinner at 9 oclock in the afernoon.When do you have an English class?At 9 oclock.have.class 拓展:表示“上课”常用 “have+课程名+class”。We have English class on Mondays.When do you

12、 play sportsAt 6 oclock.play sports 同义短语:do sports/ have sportsThe girl often plays sports after school.PracticeMonkey: Im 1.5 metres tall. How _ are you,Horse? Horse:Im 2 metres. Im _than you.Giraffe:But you are _ than me, Horse. Im 5.5 metres.Monkey & Horse:Yes, You are the tallest.Finish the dial

13、ogue.talltallershorterAsk and writeAsk about your partners timetable.First stepWhen do you_?I _ at _.Second stepWrite down your partners timetable.get upeat breakfasteat luncheat dinner do morning exercises have.class play sports go to bed 6:00 a.m.PracticeGroup work学生三人一组进行表演,第一人表演动作,第二人演示,第三人说出句子,

14、如:I get up at 6:30 Exercise 英汉互译吃早餐( )play sports( )do morning exercises()上床睡觉()get up()吃晚餐( )eat breakfast做运动做早操go to bed起床eat dinnerSummary(听、说、认读、写)词汇:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have.class, play sports, eat dinner教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语 My dayPart A(Lets spel

15、l)Unit 1Warm upLet chantLets clean the classroom at 8 oclock.Lead inLook and readWho is clever in the class?Please clean your plate.No more eggplant.Clean your plate.Please,please,please.PresentationLets spellStep 1: Read,listen and chant.Step 2: Watch and find你发现规律了吗?cleanclockclasscleverplateplaye

16、ggplantplease字母发音要领例词clclose clockplplaneplace发音时,舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,然后突然放开,让口腔内气流冲出,爆破成音。发音时声带不振动。双唇紧闭,然后突然放开,让气流从口腔冲出,爆破成音。Bingo!plate,clock,please, player, clean, cloudy, clever, clothes, class听力原文 Exercise 判断下列单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“T” 不相同的写“F”。()1.clothes cloud()2.eggplant classroom()3.playground plan

17、t()4.close cleverTFTTSummary语音(字母组合cl/pl):cl: clean, clock, class, cleverpl: plate, eggplant, please, play教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语My dayPart B(Lets try & Lets talk)Unit 1-What do you do on the weekend?-I always/ often/ sometimes .Revision Free talkAsk and answerFor example

18、PresentationLets tryLead inSarah has a busy weekend.Listen! Where is she?听力原文Sarah: Hello, Mrs Green. Good to see you!Shopkeeper: Hi, Sarah. Welcome to our shop again.Sarah: I want to buy some vegetables.Shopkeeper: Here are some fresh carrots. You dont often shop here on Saturdays. Sarah: No, not o

19、ften.PresentationLets talkLead inIt is Saturday. Sarah goes shopping. Task1:Watch and think.Task2:check the answers.Why is Sarah shopping today?What does Sarah do on the weekend?Because her mum worked last night.She often watch TV and play ping-pong with her father.What does Sarah need?She needs a r

20、obot.Language points知识点 询问周末活动课文原句:What do you do on the weekend? I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.句型结构:问句 What do you do on the weekend? 答句 I/We+(频度副词)+动词原形+其它.注意:当主语是第三人称单数(he/she或单数名词)时,助动词do要变为does。often 是频度副词,下面我们一起来认识一下频度副词五兄弟吧!知识拓展频度副词always: 意为“总是”,发生频率100%usually:意为“通常”,发生

21、频率为80%often:意为“经常”,发生频率为60%sometimes:意为“有时”,发生频率为40%never:意为“从不”,发生频率为0%Practice1Group workFor exampleAsk the question and then pass it on.Practice2班级小调查:调查一下你们小组的成员在周末都做哪些活动学生们可以根据自己的情况分别选用句型1或句型2Excuse me,can I ask you some questions?What do you do on the weekend.I often Excuse me,can I ask you so

22、me questions?Do you on the weekeed?Yes, I do/No, I dont.make a survey句型1句型2 Exercise 情景交际选一选1.当你想知道同学周日会做什么时,你应该问: A. What do you do on Sundays? B. What is Sunday?2.你想告诉同学有时你会在周末看电视,你应该说: A. I usually watch TV on the weekend. B. Sometimes I watch TV on the weekend.Summary(听、说、认读)词汇:why,shop,work,las

23、t,sound,also,busy, need句子:What do you do on the weekend?I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语 My dayPart B(Lets learn & Do a survey)Unit 1RevisionLook and sayI can say:My weekend is fun.always, often, usually, sometimes频度副词虽然都表示动作发生的频率

24、,但具体用法有所不同:单词含义大致发生的频率always总是100%usually通常80%often经常60%sometimes有时40%never从不0Lead inLets learnPresentationI usually_on the weekend.go for a walkI often go for a walk with my father.同义短语:take a walkgo for a walkI often _on Saturdays.clean my roomI clean my room every afternoon.clean my room拓展:sweep

25、the floor 扫地Sometimes,I _ with my mum.go shoppinggo shoppinggogo shoppinggo swimming go boatinggo fishinggo+动词ingI always _on Sundays.take a dancing class短语:take a/an +科目+ class 上课They sometimes take a dancing class on Sundays.take a dancing classDo a surveyLook,tick and write.What do you do on the

26、weekend?clean my roomwith.on Saturdayson Sundayson the weekendgo shoppinggo for a walktake a dancing classIalwaysoftensometimesI sometimes go shopping with my mum on the weekend.Look and talkPracticeWhat do you do on the weekend?go for a walk80%clean the room60%go shopping40%play football60%draw car

27、toons80%take a dancing class60%read books100%do homework100%watch TV80%play the pipa40%I _ _with my dad on Saturdaysoftenclean the room Exercise 开心三选一。()1.I always play sports _ the weekend. A.on B.in C.at( )2._ do you go to school? I go to school at 7:00. A. What B. When C.Where()3.What do you ofte

28、n do on Saturdays? _ A.Im watching TV. B. I often go shopping. C.He plays the pipaABBSummary(听、说、认读、写)词汇:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语My dayPart B(Read and write & Lets check & Lets wrap it up)Part C(Story time)Unit

29、 1Warm up Saturday,Saturday, What do you do on Saturdays? I often paint or watch TV.Saturday is fun for me! Sunday,Sunday,What do you do on Sundays? I often read books or play computer games.Sunday is sweet for me!Lets chant Lead in PresentationRead and writeRead and circle.First step: 阅读信件,并圈出新词。Se

30、cond step: Fast readingRead and underline What does Robinson do?用横线画出相关日常活动的短语Fourth step: Intensive readingRead the letter,first finish the page 9 “Tick or cross”.Then write a letter to Robinson. Robinson and Friday always get up late in the morning.( )Robinson only cleans his cave on Fridays.( )Ro

31、binson and Friday play sports together in the afternoon.( )Dear Robinson,My name is .I live in .I often and .In the afternoon, I with .I hope you can get off your island soon.Yours, Write a letter to Robinson鲁滨孙漂流记主要为个人通过努力,靠自己的智慧和勇敢战胜困难。情节曲折,采用自述方式,可读性较强。并表现了当时追求冒险,倡导他个人奋斗的社会风气。其代表作鲁滨孙漂流记闻名于世,鲁滨逊也成

32、为与困难抗争的典型模范,因此他被视作英国小说的开创者之一。鲁滨逊漂流记(Robinson Crusoe)旧译鲁滨孙漂流记,一部家喻户晓的现实主义回忆录式冒险小说,是18世纪英国著名作家笛福受一个苏格兰水手海上遇险的经历启发写成的。笛福在书中塑造了一个勇于面对自然挑战的新型人物鲁滨逊克鲁索。他不屑守成,倾心开拓,三番五次的抛开小康家庭,出海闯天下。在遭遇海难流落到荒岛上以后,他运用自己的头脑和双手,修建住所,种植粮食,驯养家畜,制造器具,缝纫衣服,把荒岛改造成“世外桃源。他在海外冒险多年,经历千辛万苦,终于得到了可观的财富,回到了英国,完成了一个时代的英雄人物的创业历程。为此,笛福博得了“英国和

33、欧洲小说之父”的称号。丹尼尔.笛福(DanielDefoe 16601731),英国作家,新闻记者,小册子作者。英国启蒙时期现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为“英国和欧洲小说之父”。Good to knowLets checkListen and tick. Tips: 听音前,先仔细观察所给的四幅图片,知道每幅图片所描述的动作。听音时,注意听清迈克周末的活动,然后在对应的图片下打钩。Lets checkAmy: Mike, lets go swimming on the weekend.Mike: Im sorry. I cant.Amy: Why not?Mike: I always clean

34、 my room and do my homework on the weekend. Amy: OK.Mike: Have fun!听力原文Give answers about yourself. What do you do on the weekend?1.I often _.2.I always_.3.I sometimes _.go shoppingdo my homeworkclean my roomLets wrap it upChoose and write the words in the cottect rows. homework sports class running

35、ping-pong the pipa kung fu dinnerswimming shopping morning exercisesFirst step: Read the words loudly.Second step: Choose and write the words.gogo swimming、playplay sports、havehave.class、dodo homework、go running、go shoppingplay ping-pong、play the pipahave dinnerdo kung fu、do morning exercises Story

36、timeSummary(听、说、认读、写)词汇:eat breakfast, have.class, play sports,eat dinner,do morning exercises, clean my room,go shopping, go for a walk, take a dancing class句子:1.When do you finish class in the morning? We finish class at 1 oclock.2.What do you do on the weekend? I often watch TV and play ping-pong

37、 with my father. 教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语My favourite seasonPart A(Lets try & Lets talk)Unit 2Main sceneWhat is the weather like? Its _ .windyrainycloudycoldhotWarm-upFree talkRevisionsnowyPresentationLets tryMike and Chen Jie are talking about the weather.What is the weat

38、her like today?Lead inIts _ _ _.Tips:听音前,先熟悉书中所给短语,根据题目确定听音重点。听音时,注意着重听有关天气的词语。根据所听内容,写出正确的答案。windyandcoldMike: Its a windy day.Chen Jie: Yes. Its cold, too.Mike: Whats your favourite season, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: Autumn. It is beautiful here In Beijing.听力原文PresentationLets talkLead inTask 1:Watch and

39、think.What will they do in the class?Which season dose Mike like best?Why?Which season dose Wu Yifan like best?Why?Task 2:Check the answer.What will they do in the class?Which season dose Mike like best?Why?They will draw the seasons.Winter.He likes snow.Which season dose Wu Yifan like best?Why?Spri

40、ng.The spring is pretty.Language pointsWhich season do you like best,Jack?I like summer best./Summer.如:知识点课文原句:Which season do you like best,Mike? Winter.I like snow.询问某人最喜欢的季节句型结构:Which season do you like best? I like+季节+best./直接用季节来回答.同义句型:Whats your favourite season?当此句型的主语是第三人称单数(he,she或单数名词)时,助

41、动词do要变成does。例句:Which season does Linda like best? She likes autumn best./Autumn.知识拓展Group workWhich season do you like best?Ask and answer.Practice(用所学的重点句型,从动物,食物,水果,颜色,运动,学科等方面选择一种创编新对话。)Make a new dialogue参考句型:Which _ do you like best? _.animal, fruit, colour, sport, class,food Exercise 选词填空。1. _

42、( Which/What) season do you like best?2. I like _(夏天) best. (autumn/summer)3. _ you like the music?( Do /Does)Summary(听、说、认读)词汇:which, best, snow句子: Which season do you like best,Mike? Winter.教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语My favourite seasonPart A(Lets learn & Read and match)Uni

43、t 2RevisionFree talkWhats the weather like?Its.warmhotcoolcoldsunnycloudyrainysnowywindyLead inLets guess:PresentationLets learnwinter短语:winter holiday I like winter best.Lets guess:autumn短语:in autumn 在秋天 Its cool in autumn.同义词:fall Lets guess:spring短语:in spring 在春天 Its sunny in spring.拓展:spring还可作“

44、泉水”之意 Lets guess:summer短语:in summer 在夏天 Its hot in summer.Whats missing?PracticeRead and matchFirst stepWhich season is it?Look and answer.springsummerautumnwinterRead and match.Spring is green with flowers and songs.Summer is hot and the days are long.Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.Winter is

45、 white and the year is gone.Second step Exercise 阅读短文,并填空。 There are four_ in a year. In _,its warm. In _,its hot. In _,its cold. In _,its cool. I like the four seasons.seasonsspringsummerwinterautumnSummary(听、说、认读、写)词汇:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP

46、版 五年级下册英语My favourite seasonPart A(Lets spell)Unit 2RecisionAsk and answerGreen grapes grow,Lead inLook and readGrandpa and my brother watch green grapes grow.Lets chantBrown bread bakes.Grandma and my brother watch brown bread bakes.PresentationLets spellStep 1: Read,listen and chant.Step 2: Watch

47、and find你发现规律了吗?brownlibrarybrotherumbrellagreengrowgrapesgrandpa字母发音要领例词brbright breadgrgroundgrade由/b/向/r/滑动,前重读,后轻读。发音时,注意两个辅音之间不要加读元音/由/g/向/r/滑动,前重读,后轻读。发音时,注意两个辅音之间不要加读元音/Read and group.green brown grow grandma breakfast brother grass grapes library greatbr_gr_brownbreakfastbrothergreengrowngra

48、ndmagrassgrapesgreatChoose,write and say.GrandpaGrandmagrowsgreengrapes.1.Grandpa grows green grapes.yellowpotatoesbrowngrasspurpleapples2._ Exercise 找规律填字母,补全单词。1.breakfast bread _ _ idge2.green grow _ _ ass3.great grapes _ _ andmab rg rg rSummary语音(字母组合br/gr):br: brown, library, brother, umbrellag

49、r: green, grapes, grandpa, grow教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语My favourite seasonPart B(Lets try & Lets talk)Unit 2A:What do you do on the weekend?B:_.Its _./I can_.RevisionAsk and answerAsk and answerFor examplePresentationLets tryLead in听力原文Zhang Peng: Look at my picture, John.

50、John: Its pretty. So you like spring best?Zhang Peng: Yes. Spring is beautiful. There are lots of flowers. The trees are green.PresentationLets talkLead inTask1:Watch and think.Task2:check the answers.What does Miss White think of the picture?What is Amys favourite season?Good job!She likes autumn b

51、est.What is Miss Whites favourite season?Summer.Language points知识点1 like.best表达“最喜欢”课文原句:I like autumn best.句型结构:主语+like/likes+事物+best.注意:当主语是第三人称单数(he/she或单数名词)时,like也需用其第三人称单数形式likes。例如:I like summer best. She likes spring best.表达“最喜欢”还可用“favourite”。知识拓展I like winter best.My favourite season is wi

52、nter.Lucy likes red best.Lucys favourite colour is red.知识点2 询问对方喜欢某个季节的原因及其回答课文原句:Why? Because I like summer vacation.句型结构:问句 Why?/Why do you like +季节(+best)? 答句 Because+原因.例如:Why do you like summer,Tom?Because I can swim in the sea.For exampleAsk and answer.Practicemake a surveyWhy do you like summ

53、er?Namefavourite seasonfavourite activity(why)Amysummerswim in the seaWhich season do you like best,Amy?Summer.Because I can swim in the sea. Exercise 给下列问句选出对应的答语。Yes, I do. B. She likes summer best.C. Its windy. D. Because I like snow.( )1. Which season does your mother like best?( )2. Do you like

54、 autumn?( )3. Whats the weather like today?( )4. Why do you like winter ? BACDSummary(听、说、认读)词汇:good job, because, vacation句子:Why?Because I like summer vacation!教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语 My favourite seasonPart B(Lets learn & Ask and answer)Unit 2RevisionLook and sayWhich s

55、eason do you like best?I like _best.Lets learnPresentationGuess and talk:Its sunny and hot.Which season is it?Its _.Because I like summer vacation.summerWhat can you do in summer?I can _.go swimmingThey often go swimming.拓展:go climbing go skiing go hikinggo swimmingIts green.There are many flowers.W

56、hich season is it?Its _.springThere are beautiful flowers everywhere.Guess and talk:What can you do in spring?go on a picnicI can _ with my family.I go on a picnic on Sundays.go on a picnicIts golden.Farmers are busy.Which season is it?Its _.autumnI can pick apples in autumn.Guess and talk:pick appl

57、esI can pick apples in autumn.拓展:pick up 捡起;获得; 收拾Its white.We can see the snow.Which season is it?Its _.I can make a snowman in winter.wintermake a snowmanLets make a snowman.snowman的复数:snowmenAsk and answerPair workAsk your partner use the pattern.example: Which season do you like best? Winter. I

58、often play in the snow. 参考短语: go on a picnic go swimming pick apples make a snowman play in the snow plant flowers eat ice creamMake in groupsPracticego on a picnic go swimming pick apples make a snowman play in the snow plant flowers eat ice creamspringgo on a picnic plant flowers summergo swimming

59、eat ice cream autumnpick appleswintermake a snowmanplay in the snow Exercise 连词成句1.like,do,you,best,Which,season ( ? ) _2.I,best,summer,like ( . ) _3.family,picnic,often,on,go,I,a,with ( . ) _Which season do you like best?I like summer best.I often go on a picnic with my family.Summary(听、说、认读、写)词汇:g

60、o on a picnic, go swimming,pick apples, make a snowman教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 五年级下册英语My favourite seasonPart B(Read and write & Lets check & Lets wrap it up)Part C(Story time)Unit 2Warm upChain gameWhich season do you like best? Why?Winter. Because I can skate and make a snowman.


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