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1、必修三英语复习习题学习好资料精品资料必修三英语复习习题一、单词拼写Unit 1More and more侬业products are being shipped abroad.He travelled around收集)facts about folk son gs.We talked about differe nt社会problems, such as educati on andun employme nt.How will you(庆祝)the comi ng New Y ear?I ll tell him the news on his )He doesn t depend on h

2、is parents for money and lives a life of i.My heart beats faster whe never I see our nflag raised.France and Germa ny are both Econ tries.The poor man died of sbecause of lack of food.The oof this custom is unknwn.Unit 2He had so much精 力)that he did the work of three men.The boy shows great好奇心)about

3、 animals.You mustn t eat too much fat if you want to keep 苗条的)The shopp ing mall is full of cevery day.They love rmeat in the ope n air.In some coun tries, people eat too much fat and sugar. They should eat a bdiet to keephealthy.She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a dto lose weight

4、.Look ing at his son, he sand went out of the room.They stood there, gat each other without a word.Time is l. We n eed to be hurry.Unit 3He had no money with him and had to earn his船 费)by doing jobs onthe ship.The sun rise is a beautiful景 象)Only one man幸免)the accide nt.4.1 can make a bthat our team

5、will win.We are not pto swim in the river. It s too dangerous.After three hours of wait ing for the train, our pfin ally ran out.His amade me surprised.Jenny has just bought a new skirt with red s.On the c, I don t like the way you re talking.Do you like ain your life?Unit 4Don t put the bottle on t

6、he edge of the表面)of the desk, or it will falldow n.The气氛)cha nged as he walked in.The professor has brought in a good系 统)of teachi ng lan guages fromabroad.She asked them not to discuss the matter in her在 场)He was very粗暴的)when he got drunk.With the dof moder n agriculture and in dustry, our everyday

7、 life hasimproved a lot.During the Sec ond World War, two atom bombs ein Japa n,.Man can t live without water and o.If I tell you the secret, dont sit around.Now we still don t know whether life eon Mars.Unit 5There are seve n cin the world, of which Asia is the largest.The house was sby high walls.

8、The tow n lies on the bbetwee n the US and Can ada.Whe n are you going t marry and sdow n?Vancouver is Canada s largest h.Although this task is(非常地difficult, we will try our best to finish it.The patie nt is稍肖微)better today.The rural(风景)was so beautiful that he decided to stay one more week.Go(向东)to

9、 the end of the street and you will find the book.It is known to us all that China is a侈文化的)country.Unit 1agricultural 2. gatheri ng 3. social 4. celebrate 5. arrivalin depe ndence 7.n ati onal 8. Europea n 9. starv ing 10. origi nUnit 2energy 2. curiosity 3. slim 4. customers 5. roastingbala need 7

10、. diet 8. sighed 9. glari ng 10. limitedUnit 3.passage 2. sce ne 3. survived 4. bet 5. permittedpatie nee 7. appeara nee 8. spots 9. con trary 10. adve nture Unit 4surface 2. atmosphere 3. system 4. prese nee 5. viole ntdevelopme nt 7. exploded 8. oxyge n 9. spread 10. exists Unit 5c ontinents 2. su

11、rro un ded 3. border 4. settle 5. harbour 6. extremely 7. slightly 8. sce nery 9. eastward(s) 10. multiculturalUnit 1The people who work at the stati on apologized for the late到 U 达)of thetrai n.The childre n are always playi ng ton their teacher.Please rme of the time whe n we have to hold the impo

12、rta nt meet ing.The宗教affairs have bee n reestablished.You were wrong to take the car without p.He has lost his信仰)in God.Do you know such a proverb“ No pains, no g”?You have to complete so much work in such a short time. It s oare in a difficult positi on now.9.1 must ato you for not hav ing bee n ab

13、le to write to you.Every Mon day morning, we gon the playgro und to atte nd the flag-rais ing cere mony.We all aher for the way she saved the childre n from the fire.Unit 2This restaura nt could make people thin in two weeks a good d.You d better cook the seafood well. Don t eat rfood. ItTo see if t

14、he food would be popular, he decided to do some rin themarket.I have ca nu mber of law books in the British Museums.This project is of great bto every one.To make employees of a compa ny perform better, the bosses first of all have toknow their workers weak nesses and s.The hospital strictly lthe nu

15、 mber of visitors a patie nt can have.In order to realize the dream in mind, everybody should ctheory withpractice.A lot of young kids have a stro ng cabout the world around them.A bdiet should in clude the right amount of nu trie nts from all thediffere nt food groups.Unit 3It is bad mto keep on st

16、ari ng at some one.We all think it wrong to judge a pers on by his a.What a fan tastic moun tain s.I suggested you sadvice from your lawyer on this matter.Its uthat the eve nt repeated itself years later in the same place.Many year ago colleges and uni versities were only for men, and wome n were no

17、tpto atte nd.Since the first bus had gone, he could do nothing but wait two more hours for thenext one with great p.They see a penn iless young man won the paveme nt outside their house.Joa n sher frie nd in the crowd the mome nt she arrived at the railwaystatio n.He was born in Sha ngHai, so Shan g

18、Hai is his b.Mark Twain is best known for his no vels, such as The Aof TomSawyer. Unit 4The car cinto a tree and the driver was badly injured.After the vquarrel, the young couple realized that their marrage cameto an end.The existe nee of life in outer-space rema ins a mystery, which pmanyscie ntist

19、s.They have an alarm sin the house to protect their possessi ons frombeing stole n.As we all know, smok ing is hto our health.Music is quite uany other art form.It seems good in t, but it doesn t work in practice.We were trying to escape the pof the earth s gravity.The Roma n Empire efor several cen

20、 turies.Without sun light, the cof the earth has cha nged very much.un it 5Can you finish the task wan hour?I am looki ng forward to cwith you on the intern et.Can ada is a mof many cultures and races.I found many eyewit nesses to c证明)that I was innocent.It s () 400km from Toronto to Ottawa.He was b

21、orn and grew up in a small and quiet village which was sbyhighmountains and forests.That mid-aged housewife has formed the habit of going dshopp ingwhe n she hasfree time or wants to buy someth ing n ecessary.With the developme nt of scie nee, it become possible for astro no mers to messure thedof s

22、tars from the earth.Do I n eed a passport to cross the Spanish b?We n eed to take mat once to preve nt the growth of the populati on inChi na.His words are stro ngly ion my memory.They built a pumping station nthe bridge.Unitlarrival tricks remi nd religious permissi on belief gainsobvious apologize

23、 gather admireunit2diet raw research con sulted ben efit stre ngths limits comb ine curiosity bala need un it3 manners appera nee sce ne seek un believable permitted patie nee wan deri ng spotted birthplace adve nturesunit4crashed viole nt puzzles system harmful un liketheory pull exist climateunit5

24、Within chatti ng mixture con firm approximatelysurro un ded dow ntow n dista nee border measures impressed n earby un it 1Ma ny childre n sto death in Africa because of the lack of food.2.ln summer, there is usually pof rain in our area.3.They thought if they held some festivals, their awould be swi

25、th what they had done.4.0n his a, he was greatly welcomed by his fans.The colour of our nflag is red with five yellows stars on it.Un der the lead of our party, we fin ally got ifrom the other coun tries.At the beg inning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of awork todo.The cof some Ecoun tries

26、 are quite differe nt from oursThe wis a kind of fruit, which is quite famous in our city.He is such a hboy that many girls ahim.I hope you will always be ewhe n hav ing classes.Without the teachers p, you cannot play with the computer in ourclass.He man aged to save the dgirl, which was praised by

27、many people.It is othat he has known the story.He cheated her, which she would n ever funit 21.She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a dto lose weight.Rice, no odles and bread all bel ong to e-giv ing foods.Whe n hav ing dinn er, I like to eat cin stead of m.Wu must keep the bof n atu

28、re.Cdrove him to follow his frie nd into that restaura nt.Scie ntist are doing some rto find the cause of the disease.There are usually a lot of cin the KFC.Both of the two restaura nts have their sand w, so theydecided to cthem together into a larger one.They stood there, gat each other without a w

29、ord.Time is l. We n eed to be hurry.Kno wledge can be of a great bto everybody.Look ing at his son, he sand went out of the room.Some food is high in fibre which is good for d.Unit 3Smok ing is not pin our school.He had his wallet stole n, so he had to ear n his pduri ng the journ ey.The reas on he

30、gave to afor his abse nee was un believable. TOC o 1-5 h z As is known to all, we should n ever judge a pers on only by his a.To be h, I have no money on me.To do this work well n eeds some p.He was so hungry that he order a thick sand a glass of beer for lun ch.Its good mto say good-bye to the host

31、 whe n leav ing.Seeing the snake, she couldn t help s.In some parts of the Great Wall, it is wide eno ugh for two pers ons to walksto s.His family is quite rich, so they hire a sto do the housework.Dont be rto your frie nds. You should be frie ndly to each other.He was popular because of his sense o

32、f h.To my great joy, I found my lost pen by ain the corner of the room.We dont like him because he is always jof others success.Unit 4He does nt like to be v, in stead, he prefers to solve the problem in peace.Without o, we cant live.3.0 n cold wi nter days, there will be ice on the sof the water.As

33、 is known to all, smok ing is hto our health.With the dof scie nee, many new thi ngs are inven ted.Gspeak ing, he is a smart boy except his careless ness.The n ews squickly all over the coun try.Bad habits should always be pin our daily life.Whether you can succeed in the competiti on don whether yo

34、u havefully prepared forit.His pat the meeti ng made everybody excited. TOC o 1-5 h z Not meeti ng his favourite sin geer, he felt quite d.Ano ther of his book will be pnext mon th.The reas on why we have to fall to the ground is that there is g.G, he realized that he had done wrong to her.The river

35、 is so polluted that every day we can see a lot of thi ngs fonthe water.Unit 5It is said the Mof Japa n will come to visit our country n ext mon th.There are four ocea ns in the world, of which the Pis the largest.As is known to all, there are seve n cin the world.4.If you go e, you ll find the sea.

36、5.Our school is sby many trees.There is a hn ear our city, where you can find many big ships in andout.It is ehot these days.After they married, they sdown in a small village, leadi ng a quiet life.We admire her for she has a gfor singing and dancing.An order came that we should finish the work wthr

37、ee days.There is a sdiffere nee betwee n the two words.Could you help me fout the cost of this trip?It is said that some owill come to our school to have a visit.The tsound made me t.I have such a good eye-sight that I can see the small thi ngs in the dYesterday, it was so cold that there was some f

38、on the ground.I pla nned to go dthis Sun day.Fin ally, they man aged to arrived to their dest in ati on(目的地)at d.unit 11. starved 2. ple nty 3. an cestors, satisfied 4. arrival 5. n ati onal6. in depe ndence 7. agricultural 8. customs, Europea n 9. watermel on10. han dsome 11. admire 12. en eregetic

39、, permissi on 13. drow ningobvious 15. forgiveunit 2diet 2. en ergy 3. cucumbers, mashrooms 4. bala nee 5. Curiously6. research 7. customers 8. stre ngths, weak nesses, comb ine 9. glari nglimited 11. ben efit 12. sighed 13. digestionunit 31. permitted 2. passage 3. acco unt 4. appeara nee 5. hon es

40、tpatie nee 7. steak 8. manners 9. scream ing 10. shoulder, shulderserva nt 12, rude 13. humour 14. accide nt 15. jealousun it 4 1. viole nt 2. oxyge n 3. surface 4. harmful 5. developme nt 6. Gen erallyspread 8. preve nted 9. depe nds 10. prese nee 11. disappo in ted 12. publishedgravity 14. Gradual

41、ly 15. floati ngun it 5 1. Mini ster 2. Pacific 3. con ti nents 4. eastward 5. surro un ded 6. Harbourextremely 8. settled 9. gift 10. within 11. slight 12. figure13. officials 14. terrifying, terrified 15, distance 16. frost 17. downtown 18. Dawn二、完成句子Unit 1.能永远不知道那一夜发生了什么事。We may n ever discover w

42、hatthat n ight.你对考试的结果满意吗?Are youthe result of the exam?他甘愿过一种安静的生活。He is content toquiet.他们开放了一个新公园,以纪念鲁迅。They ope ned a new parkLux un.战争贩子们企图把自己打扮成和平天使”。The warm ongers tried tothemselves” an gels ofpeace我们非常盼望能再见到你。We are reallyyou agai n.圣诞节前夕他和孩子们玩得很高兴。Sheher childre n at Christmas Eve.她未经许可擅自

43、使用了汽车。She took the car.昨晚他直到十点才到场。He didn tuntil 10 o clock last night.他是一个遵守诺言的人。He is a man who always.所有的人都屏住呼吸,看看谁会赢得比赛。All the peopleto see who would win the game.你应该因你的错误向她道歉。You shouldher for your mistakes.这椅子是为儿童预备的。The chairchildre n.他待他的姐姐如陌生人。He treats his elder sistershea stra nger.他正站在电

44、影院门口等他的女朋友。He is sta nding at the gate of the cin ema ,his girl frie nd.这个故事使我想起了我们一起做过的事情。The storymewhat we did together.我的父母亲对我的英语满意。My pare ntsmy En glish.这是通向邮局的路吗?Is this the waythe post office?Un it2.医生说我得节食。The doctor says I ve got to因为没有足够的食物吃,他们的体重在减轻。Because there is not eno ugh food , th

45、ey are.任何人作弊都不会逃脱惩罚。No one willcheati ng.她靠做兼职教师谋生。Sheas a part-time teacher.这家俱乐部负债400万美元。The club is $400 millio n.她愤怒地瞪着我说道,我恨你”。Sheme and said, ” I hate you. ”这些新设施使全城人受益。The whole tow n havethese new facilities.有些电影把教育和娱乐结合起来。Some filmseducati onrecreati on.我们得这篇文章压缩到1000字。We n eed tothe articl

46、eto 1000 words.他离家出走但是不久就回来了。He ran away from home but returned.你不能让机器整晚运转。You shouldn tthe machineall night.那是一个非常寒冷的夜晚,我们都呆在家里。It wasa ni ghtwe stayed at home.他起床晚了,结果耽误了乘坐那趟火车。He got up late,he missed the trai n.第7/11页他们坐在那怒视着对方。They stood thereeach other.他们试图赢回顾客。They are tryi ng tothe customer.

47、Unit 3他是由姨妈抚养长大的。He wasby his aunt.我们就下次选举的结果打了赌。Weon the n ext electio n.俱乐部的规定是不允许抽烟。The rules of the club don t.要是你想用浴室,就用吧。If you want to use the bathroom,.我很偶然地找到了昨天丢的书。, I found the book I lost yesterday.他盯着脚印,满心恐惧。Hethe footpri nt, full of fear.你如何解释一连输了 5场比赛呢?How do youlos ing 5 games in a r

48、ow?8恰恰相反,我非常喜欢。, I enjoyed very much.说实话,这儿的食物不适合我。, the food here doesn t agree with me.大量的钱被用在了这个工程上。money was spe nt on the project.关于聚会要用的食物,都在置办当中。food for the party, that s all being taken care of .不要在那样的事情上冒险。Don ton that kinds of thi ngs.但是他穿得破破烂烂的。But he s.Un it4你早晚会对这习惯的。You ll get used to

49、 it.那药对身体有害。The drugbody.随着科技的发展,产生了许多重大变革。scie nee, great cha nges have take n place.一般而言,女人比男人更容易哭。, wome n cry more easily tha n men.什么也不能阻止他这样做。There was no thi ng toherso.万物生长靠太阳。All liv ing thingsthe sun for their growth.第8/11页我们快完成任务了。Wefin ishi ng our task.想办法高兴点,生活并非那么糟。Try to;Life isn t th

50、at bad.她有一大堆的事情要做。She hasthings to do.我不理解这道题。I can tthe problem.既然你驾驶考试已及格,就可以独自开车了。you ve passed your test, you can drive on your own.二战是1939年9月爆发的。The Seco nd World Warin September 1939.小心楼梯,这些楼梯很陡。for the stairs -hey are steep.这个人很难打交道。The man is difficult to.他的车太小了,容不下我们大家。He hasto hold all of

51、us.他的父母亲试图阻止他出席聚会。His pare nts tried tohimatte nding the party.Unit 5我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。I think I ll have a cold drinkcoffee.她宁愿死也不愿演讲。Shediegive a speech.除了你,我不认识别的法国人。I don t know any French peopleyou.我们必须采取措施来减少这个地区的犯罪。We mustto reduce crime in the area.她看见远处有一辆车。Shea car in the dista nee.她极有绘画天赋。Shepai

52、nti ng.他听到远处有人喊救命。He heard some one cryi ng for help.我们必须天一亮就动身。We must start.黄河是中国第二大河。The Y ellow River isin Chi na.我们设法及时赶到了机场。Weget to the airport in time.就我所知的情况而言,整件事情大约花了500美元。I know, the whole thing should cost $500.许多外国人近几年在中国定居。第9/11页Many foreig ners havein Chi na in rece nt years.这个孩子害怕被独

53、自留在家里。The childbeing left alone in the house.远处,她们可以看到在湖的南边尼亚加拉大瀑布上方升腾着的雾霭。, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the Great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.三、课文填空Unit1Chin ese festivals occur throughout the lunar year.our cale ndar year andthe lunar year are differe nt

54、, the festivals falldiffere nt dates each year.The date of the Lunar New Y ear falls somewherelate January andFebruary,(depe nd) on the lunar cale ndar. A few weeks,homes are clea ned thoroughly in(prepare) for the holiday. The wholecountry is coveredbrightly coloured decorati ons. Stores are packed

55、 withshoppers. New clothes and new shoes are worn(symbolize) the New Y earand red packets containing small amount of money are excha nged. On the fiftee nth day of the New Year, a spectacular three-day festival of lanterns beg ins. Lan ter ns (bear) the symbols of good fortune, happ in ess and healt

56、h are purchased and put up in homes. At the end of the Ian ter n festival, the New Y ear festivities are over and life(return) to its no rmal pace.Un it2That morning, Wang Pen gwei sat in his empty restaura nt and felt frustrated because no customers en tered his restaura nt. It was very stra nge. U

57、sually,restaura nt wasfull of people. He wan ted to know.he walked into a n ewly-ope ned small restaura ntn ame was Yong Hui s(slim)Restaura nt. In the restaura nt he found there(be) only two kinds of food andone drink on the menu: raw vegetables, fruit and water.his way home, heread through a copy

58、of the menu from Yong Hui s. Did Wang s dishes make peoYong Hui claimed? The answer was“ no” and he thought he couldn have Yong Hui(get) away with telli ng lies. After read ing the menu aga in,he realized that the food at Yong Hui s restpu(nardtjngiae no ugh en ergy. Sothe competiti onthe two restau

59、ra nts was on.Un it3This play tells a most(believe) tale. Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver,have made a secret bet. Roderick believes that a man cannot survive in the city for a month with only a milli on pound bank-note in his(possess) but Oliverbelieves he can. The play takes us along on their guinea pig Henry s第10/11页(fortune) with humour and surprise to discover who will win the bet. The story takes place in th


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