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1、完形填空的两大干扰及其对策 杨华新完形填空是学生普遍公认易误选,难拿分的一道综合能力题。尽管篇幅短短,但却困难重重。不少学生除了对完形填空的三大策略把握不准,运用不熟外,选项之间也给他们造成了一定的干扰。下面笔者谈谈完形填空选项对学生的种种干扰及其对策。一选项之间的形似干扰。有时命题者会把形式相似的几个单词放在同一道题里,试图用“掩眼法”给考生造成视觉上的错觉,导致一些粗心的考生“中了招”。如:1. As soon as she arrived at the hotel , she couldnt wait to _ about the trains for London. A. requir

2、e B. acquire C. inquire D. inspire2. No one can _ to achieve his dream without working hard.A. respect B. expect C. inspect D. suspect3. So angry was he that he really wanted to _ his wife on the face.A. slap B. pat C. tap D. bat4. _ you had a million pounds-how would you spend it?A. Propose B. Prom

3、ote C. Support D. Suppose5. In 1945, about 35 years ago, government researchers realized that nitrates(硝酸盐), commonly used to _ color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer.A. preserve B. conserve C. serve D. reserve 其实,以上的题目,与其说是各选项对考生的干扰,还不如说是学生对单词的熟悉程度还不够,至少词汇的基本意义还没真正了解,放在一起来辨别自然就会产生“

4、真假难辨”的纠结了。当然,也不排除部分考生错选是粗心使然。对策:做题时,要认真对比几个选项,特别是形似项,力避由于看错而误选的现象。此外,建议学生在平时积累词汇时,可以有意识地把形似的单词放在一起来记忆甚至运用,那样就会减少对它们的“误解”。譬如,请看下面的例句。The classroom is quite quiet. (教室非常安静。)She felt so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she was in bed. (她太累了,一上床马上就睡着了。)Well feel weak without a weeks food. (一周不吃饭,我们

5、会很虚弱。)He laid the eggs laid by the hen on the table. (他把母鸡下的蛋放到桌子上。)We inquired the receptionist to acquire more information. (我们询问接待员来获得多一些信息。)通过这样一对比,学生对那些形近词在意义和用法方面的区别就一目了然,用起来也不会张冠李戴。 二选项间的义近干扰(笔者也称之为“中式英语思维的干扰”)。自从新课改以来,在广东英语高考的完形填空里,几乎不考查选项中词之词在意义上细微的区分。譬如,在同一道题中: A. common B. usual C. ordina

6、ry D. general 这样的考法几率几乎为零。那么,笔者为什么还要强调同一选项中单词之间的义近关系呢?其实,这种所谓的“近义”,并不像刚才选项中那几个词之间关系那么“密切”的,很多情况下是受到我们母语的影响而误选。请看下面的题目:You could 30 the Changeling on the fire-then it would rise up the chimney, and you would hear the sound of fairies laughter and soon after you would find your own child safe and soun

7、d nearby. (2008年广东高考英语试题)A. seize B. burn C. place D. hold一看到句子出现有“火”(fire),很多考生的第一反应就会不假思索地选了B. burn(燃烧),从中文的逻辑上似乎很合理,“放在火上烧”,然而,结合语境就讲不通了,burn sth. on fire,因为burn(燃烧)这个词已经含有用火(fire)来燃烧的意思了,故fire在此明显“画蛇添足”,应该是“放”(place) 在火上烧。看另一道题:She _ little schooling but she achieved great success in her career.

8、 A. accepted B. took C. received D. paid中文意思:她接受很少教育,但她在事业上取得了很大的成就。于是,马上就“条件反射”般地选了A(接受)。而在英语中,accept表达“接受”时,意为“take sth. (offered) willingly or say yes to an offer or invitation”,它的反义词可以理解为refuse,因此,很明显accept在这里“此路不通”,而receive虽然平时也用作“收到”之意,但在这里却有get的意思,如:receive blows/thanks / congratulations(受到打击

9、/感谢/祝贺),因此C才是最佳选项。再来看一个典型的例子:He was confused and had no idea what would _ next. 在这道题中,相信不必给出选项,很多同学都想到且填出答案是happen(发生)。但要是把题目改为:He was confused and had no idea what to _ next. 笔者也同样相信,即使只给出两个选项: A. happen B. expect 很多考生也会不由自主,不约而同地挑A. happen,想当然以为无论“发生”什么,都可以用happen来“担当”,想想也太可笑了。 可见,刚才错选很大程度上都是学生的“中

10、式英语”和“中式思维”惹的祸。要根治这个“祸根”,就要多从英语的角度来考虑问题,阅读时不要动不动就把句子翻译成中文,应养成用英语来思维(think in English)的好习惯;对于某些有特殊用法和搭配的单词,要多长几个心眼,这样也在一定的程度上减少“中国式英语”的错误。 三选项中似是而非的干扰。有些选项的单词,并非是我们平时所接触的那个常见的意思。有些考生往往会望文生义,或是想当然“一口咬定”是某个意思,这也是导致他们犯错的一个因素。譬如:She has such a _ accent that she fails to make herself understood by others.

11、 A. heavy B. strong C. thick D. high2. Standing on the stage, he felt very _ and spoke with a trembling voice. A. pleased B. disappointed C. uneasy D. annoyed3. He shows no concern about other people; he is so _. A. energetic B. enthusiastic C. diligent D. indifferent 4. I think his parents are a li

12、ttle too _ on him. After all, he is simply a child and they dont need to be so strict with him. A. hard B. special C. violent D. clear5. After being bitten by a snake, the old man _ some medicine to his wound and felt better instantly. A. gave B. threw C. applied D. stuck6. The boss got _ at Jacks b

13、eing late for work. A. sad B. mad C. thrilled D. amazed7. Robinson speaks such _ English that he fails to make himself understood. A. traditional B. indirect C. fluent D. broken8. Researchers in America have found proof that non-smokers can _ cancer by working with smokers. A. infect B. spread C. de

14、velop D. cure分析:1. 有不少学生误选了heavy (口音)重;殊不知表示“口音重”英语里面习惯用“have a strong accent”来表达。好些学生不敢选uneasy,究其因,误以为是“不容易”之意。一些学生以为indifferent是different加了前缀,表示否定,是different的反义词;其实,indifferent与different是在意义上是完全没有关系的。由后面的strict可知,要填的词是“苛刻的;严厉的”意思,但却有不少学生没意识到hard就是答案,还以为它是“硬的;困难的”。apply (for) 表示“申请”是众所周知的,但是此外,appl

15、y也还有“应用;适用”等,而在该句中是“敷;涂;搽”之意,这是很多学生始料不及的。好些学生见到crazy,就排除了,以为只有“疯狂的”意思,其实get mad相当于get crazy。别人听不懂,说的英语应该是很“糟糕的”,可是却可以用broken(破烂的;破碎的)来表达。很多学生是做梦都未曾想到的,当然也可能有学生用排除法选中正确答案。受到中文思维的影响,绝大多数的学生恐怕会选infect(感染)的,压根儿不会把develop“放在眼里”,有的学生甚至一开始就排除develop,以为它只表示“发展;培养”等。对策:要真正地杜绝此类现象的出现,学生平时应多留意单词,尤其是关注那些容易“似是而非

16、”的单词的特殊用法。同时,在做题的过程中,切忌先入为主,一眼看“盯”上了某个答案,而忽略其它的选项。四一句设多空对学生的干扰。在完形填空中,有的句子,尤其是长句,一句话会设置2个甚至3个空。在那种情况下,也可能对学生造成视觉上的干扰,感觉让人“应接不暇”。譬如:1. In Germany, parents were told at the meeting that their childrens shool_3_ were held to be personal information protected by the law, and that the school would not _4

17、_ the students marks, nor would it report them to the _5_. (江门市2013年高考英语模拟考试)3. A. grades B. results C. performance D. behavior 4. A. give B. tell C. share D. disclose 5. A. leaders B. adults C. parents D. families2. I arrived at the camp, being very _3_ of my ability to be a good dancer; of course

18、I was _4_ high marks and praise because my rich experience and long time in the dance team qualified me for the top class, which I felt was a right _5_. (2013年广东省自主命题名校名卷考前模拟题二) 3. A. worthy B. confident C. fond D. aware 4. A. showing B. expecting C. receiving D. wasting 5. A. suggestion B. method C

19、. decision D. style3. Sometimes it may not be so easy to know exactly what is right or wrong. Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is _9_ to eat animals, but others argue that they can eat meat and _10_ be kind to animals; some insist that stealing is always wrong, but oth

20、ers think that one does not need to feel so _11_ when stealing some food to eat, if lives in a really poor area and he is _12_. (2012年广东高考英语试题)9. A. awful B. cruel C. unhealthy D. unnecessary10. A. still B. even C. later D. somehow11. A. nervous B. anxious C. afraid D. guilty12. A. begging B. stavin

21、g C. growing D. wandering对策:首先,考生要冷静对待,不能给这么多“空”所吓倒或是感到焦躁,建议把整句话浏览完,然后先选比较有把握的(不必按照题目的顺序做),各空逐一击破;最关键的是每个空都要“有据可依”。五一词多义对学生的干扰。如果说单词的形近仅仅是由于学生的错觉导致失误的话,那么一词多义对学生的“杀伤力”就要大得多了。对单词的多个意思掌握不全面,导致了考生的错选,喜欢用排除法的考生甚至把本应是答案的选项都排除掉了。在英语里,一词多义是很普遍的现象。同一个单词,其汉语意思却大相径庭,故在完形填空中给学生带来了较大的干扰,往往导致他们错选。譬如:To make sure

22、 that he was remembered with love and respect. Nobel arranged in his _27_ to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes, which would be awarded to people who made great contributions to the causes of peace, literature, and the sciences practice. (2009年广东高考英语试题) A. book B. artic

23、le C. will D. contract2. It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes, The argument has been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by learning situation that has designed for the 3 children. (2011

24、年广东高考英语试题) A. smartB. curiousC. matureD. average3. The attempt to find jobs, the continuous disappointment of being told that it was impossible for a blind person to _11_ law, the rejection letter, not based on my lack of ability but rather than on my disability, will always remain one of the most u

25、psetting experiences of my life.(2013年广东省自主命题名校名卷考前模拟题三) A. disobey B. challenge C. practice D. makeWhile I was waiting for the bus, he happened to pass by and offered to give me a _9_. (2013广东高考英语命题揭秘与专题练析) A. help B. car C. lift D. way分析:在例1中,很多考生并不知道will有“遗嘱”的意思,还以为是“意志”,甚至还有学生误以为是情态动词,因此误选较多。在例2

26、中,也相当多的考生把practice当作“练习;操练”,而忽略或是根本不知道practice还有work as a doctor or lawyer之意。同理,lift除了表“电梯;提升”之意外,give sb. a lift是“给某人提供顺风车”,这个意思是很多考生不熟悉的。对策: 由此可见,不少学生在积累单词的时候,不甚重视一词多义的现象,仅仅记住单词的常用意思,而忽略了其它的意思或用法。基于此,笔者建议考生在复习备考的过程中,不妨把一词多义的单词摘录下来,并把该单词的各种意思串连成句子来记忆,譬如:Where did you lay the eggs laid by the hen? (

27、lay摆放;下蛋)Julia is a pretty pretty girl. (非常;漂亮的)Her major problem is that she doesnt know which major to take up. (major主要的;专业)On the tree hung a criminal who was hanged for murder. (hang悬挂;绞死)The boy lying in bed often tells lies. (lie躺;撒谎)He adopted my suggestion that he adopt a child. (adopt采纳;收养

28、)Were very content with the content of the lesson. (content满意的;内容)Having realized his problems, he made up his mind to realize his dream. (意识到;实现)Apart from attending a series of meetings, he has to attend his sick wife. (参加;照顾)How long did the last opening ceremony last? (上一个的;持续)Hearing that I was

29、 fined by a traffic policeman, he said “fine”. (好的;罚款)When filling in a form, you should form the habit of writing your name first. (表格;形成)She practised typing with different types of methods. (打字;种类)He had a date with Mary on the date of December 10th, 2012. (约会;日期)At first the boy planned to give the change to the beggar, but changed his mind later. (改变;零钱)Mr. Smith separated from hi


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