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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业艿雅思基础+写作语法总结羇一 时态问题:芄四种时态:一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,一般将来时蚂一般现在时表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性的状态或者动作:谓语动词用第三人称单数,例如:蚀打工对一个人的将来的事业有深远的影响。(过去现在未来都有影响,客观,单数)蚈Taking part-time jobs exerts profound impacts on ones future career. 芇国际旅游业促进经济发展。(过去现在未来都促进,客观,单数)螂Int

2、ernational tourism promotes the economic development.肀现在进行时:表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在”, 膆表示逐渐的过程肅is developing rapidly/dramatically. 袂现在完成时: 1.表示结果和影响,一般表示变化大,发展了。2. 表示过去的动作或状态持续到现在蒁注意常用搭配:In recent years, In the past decades袈最近几十年期间,世界发生了巨大的改变。袄In the past decades, dramatic changes have ta

3、ken place in the world. 羂最近几年,科技极大的改变了人们的生活。薈In recent years, technology has reshaped peoples life. 莆犯罪率已经急剧上升了。薃The crime rate has increased sharply. 肁一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态:will do罿电脑将会在教育过程中起越来越关键的作用,但是它们绝对不能在教室中取代老师的地位。肈Computers will play an increasingly critical role in education, but it is not p

4、ossible that they could replace teachers in the classroom. /but it is impossible for them to replace teachers in the classroom.蚆二 语态问题: 膁常见被动语态结构:be done莀一般现在时 Am, is, are done蒆正在进行时 Is being done蒅现在完成时 Have/has been done膁一般将来时 Will be done螁应该把优先权给教育芈Priorities should be given to education. 膄很多动物的栖息

5、地正在被破坏芁Many habitants of animals are being destroyed膂书信已经逐渐被先进的科技所代替蚆Letters have been replaced by advanced technology gradually.芇三 简单句:蚅1)简单句:主流句型,主要结构会使用就可以了。薃主谓(宾),例如:蚁例句1 人们在这个问题上的观点不一样。芀People have different views on this question。螅Peoples ideas vary/differ on this issue.羄主系表,例如:莃例句2 代沟是我们现在所面临

6、的问题。肈Generation gap is a problem that we are confronted with. 袅Generation gap is now a problem we have to face.莄环境问题是现代社会中一个严重的问题袁The environmental problem is a serious problem in modern society.螇切记:不能出现没有谓语,或者双谓语的情况,否则分数不会高于5分!(仔细阅读作文反馈)袅2)并列句:既然叫并列,那就是连接两个句子。说明连接词前后的两个句子都要有谓语!螅And, but, or薃bothand

7、, 袀not onlybut also, 羅neithernor, 羂eitheror羁可以并列主语,谓语,宾语,状语(并列的两个部分词性和结构要相同) 蕿主语+谓语 + by either doing A or doing B 通过A方法或者B方法,.可以得到肄主语+谓语 + by not only doing A, but more importantly/seriously,doing B莃主语+谓语not only in terms of A, but more importantly/seriously,in terms of B 不止在A方面,更重要/严重的是,在B方面螃例句1:很

8、多小孩被溺爱,不但在关心和照顾方面,而且,更严重的是,在物质方面。莈Most children are spoilt, not only in terms of care and attention, but more seriously, material ways.蒈例句2:通过鼓励学生穿精心设计的校服或者引导他们参加一些能体现出团队精神的活动,学生的行为可以得到逐步的改善螄Students behaviors can be improved by either encouraging students to wear well-designed uniforms or guiding 形

9、式统一them to participate in activities which reveal the spirit of team work.膁例句3:肥胖症可以减轻,方法是不但要养成良好的饮食习惯,更重要的是要多做运动,比如慢跑,跳绳等等。莁Obesity can be relieved by not only forming good dietary/eating habits, but more importantly taking more exercises, such as jogging and rope skipping.蒈四 复杂句:膅宾语从句: 宾语由句子充当。连接词

10、可以省略。掌握度较好袃表述观点:膀认为: insist, maintain, hold, suggest, argue, believe薈支持:favor, propose, support, agree, advocate, 薆(be for, be in favor of)莀反对:object, oppose 罿(be against) 蚈Some people do believe that蚂Some people are fully convinced that肂Some people assert that 蚇Some people deem that螈Some people arg

11、ue that肃Some people claim that薀Some people doubt that螀Some people deny that袈主语从句:蒄1. It is suggested in the graph that+句子(indicate, demonstrate, illustrate)it指代的是什么?节It is reported that/estimated that/proved that 葿It is well-known/generally accepted/universally acknowledged that羈以上that不能省略袅2. Whethe

12、r S +V is a controversial issue.蚀Whether we should make effort to/endeavor to preserve endangered species is 芈Whether we should dodepends on whether S +V 划分结构肇我们能否成功取决于我们能否坚持羂Whether we will succeed depends on whether we persist.莂3. What we should do is to do.肇We should protect animals.改写:肇What we s

13、hould pay attention to/ emphasize/stress is to do莃老师应该强调的是告诉学生多练习袀What teachers should emphasize is to tell students to practice more.肀What we are faced with is that 主语从句+表语从句膇我们面临的是自然资源的枯竭螄What we are faced with is the depletion of natural resources薂What we should solve immediately is that衿What con

14、cerns us most is芇What I am concerned with is.膅主语从句:it is+ adj. +that+完整的句子 it指代 形式主语 避免头重脚轻聿It is important/vital/crucial/pivotal/essential/significant that ( 很重要)蚈It is clear/evident/obvious/manifest/as clear as crystal/quite common that(。 很明显)莇It is undoubted/undeniable/doubtless that(。 毋庸置疑)薆It i

15、s a pity/a shame/(这很遗憾)a common sense/practice( 这是个常识)螁It is well/increasingly/widely/commonly/generally known/recognized/accepted/acknowledged that (众所周知)蚀It is conceivable that 可想而知蒇It is desirable/admirable that 可取的螂It is advisable that 最好做某事蒃It is probable/possible/likely that 可能的葿It is imperati

16、ve that 必要的薇it is preferable/profitable that膃It is hazardous/risky/perilous that 危险的羁It must be stressed out that 必须要指出膈It must be admitted that 必须要承认蚇It is reported that 据报道薄It is suggested that 有人建议蚃It is assumed that 有人认为羇It is estimated that 据估计蚆It is always the case that 情况总是这样的羅表语从句: is that +

17、完整句子 that不能省略!肁例句1:我的第一个理由是,学术课程经历了时间的考验而且代表了古老文化的精华。羀My first reason is that academic courses withstand the test of time and represent the essence of ancient cultures.螆例句2:在教育中使用电脑的一个优点是,他们能够最大程度上丰富传统的教学方法。肂One advantage of the application of computers in education is that they can enrich the tradi

18、tional teaching methods to a great extent.螃同位语从句:蝿常用的:the fact/idea/belief/recognition/suggestion/proposal/attempt/effort that+句子 that不能省 主句要有自己的谓语袆Be based on the belief that 基于这样的想法蒃From the above discussion, we can safely draw the conclusion that芁There is no evidence that薈Despite the fact that. 为

19、什么要加the fact?羆neglect/ignore/overlook/ lose sight of / be blind to/fail to consider the fact that忽视了某个事实袄例句1:政府不应该忽视这样的事实,囚禁罪犯最起码是对受害者的安慰。羂The government should not be blind to the fact that imprisonment of criminals is the comfort to the victims at the very least.薁例句2:大学生应该承担全部学费,基于这样的一种普遍认识,那就是,大学

20、生通常比没有学位的人赚钱多很多。肆University students should bear total expenses for their tuition on the generalization that university students usually earn much more than people without a degree.芅定语从句:蒀定语从句: 名词(短定语)人,who,物, which, that荿Those (who+从句谓语)+主句谓语膆例句1 :支持这种观点的人给出如下理由。蚅Those who favor this view give the

21、following reasons.莆例句2: 上网成瘾的人总是会孤立的,不善于社交的,甚至是抑郁的。莂Those who are addicted to the Internet tend to be isolated, unsociable or even depressed.蒀主+谓, which (主)+谓 非限制定语从句。安全肆例句1:父母能集中发展他们的事业,这将会为他们的孩子带来更好的生活条件。袄Parents can focus on their careers, which will bring better life conditions for their childre

22、n.膁例句2:政府应该鼓励大家乘坐公交车,这将在很大程度上人们多做公交车,这将减轻交通方面的压力。薀The government should encourage people to take public transport, which will relieve the pressure on traffic to a great extent.蒇介词+引导词, 薆主句+逗号+some of which, two of which, (用于物)few of whom (用于人)膄例句1:网络带来了很多的实际好处,其中两个值得大家注意。虿The Internet brings many ta

23、ngible benefits, two of which(物) deserve most attention。袈例句2:已经采取了很多步骤去见减轻交通方面的压力,很遗憾,这些之中有些无效。肄Many steps have been taken to relieve the pressure on traffic, pitifully some of which are ineffective.羃例句3:很多人每天被广告浸泡,很少有人想到它的影响。蝿Many people are immersed in(exposed to) advertisements every day, few of

24、whom think of its impacts. 艿状语从句:螆时间:when, after, before, until, once, whenever螂原因:because, +句子 衿, for蚀as, since, 膄for the simple reason that+句子螅切记:有些词后面只能加名词:衿because of/due to /owing to (因为)/thanks to (多亏了)袇结果:(注意在句子里面的位置)羆原因, so+结果 (前后都为句子)薄,thus+being (结果)罿Therefore, 结果芈Consequently, 结果蚇Hence, 结

25、果芃As a result,结果聿如此以至于蚈Sothat肅Suchthat肁例句1:有些小孩太沉迷上网以至于他们可能会忽视他们的学习。腿Some children tend to be so addicted to the Internet that they may ignore their academic study. 聿条件:(如果,只要)袇If 主谓,肄原则:主将从现 if it rains tomorrow, we will not go to school. (if后面是从句)艿只要,在情况下:膆As long as 芅On condition that袃Provided th

26、at that不能省莈Under the circumstances that薇例句1:政府应该探索太空,只要政府的财政不紧张。(provided that)羇The government can explore the space provided that its budget is not tight.蚂例句2:学生可以打工,只要他们能够平衡学习和工作,并且合理安排好自己的时间。蚂Students can take part-time jobs provided that they can balance work and study and plan their time proper

27、ly。羈让步(虽然)蒅Though, although, 不能和but连用蚅Even if (即使)螂No matter + what, where, when, how.荿No matter where you go, I will stay with you.膇Despite the fact that蒄例句1: 虽然这个观点看起来有道理,但是它站不住脚。袂Despite the fact that : Despite the fact that the view seems reasonable, it does not hold water. 螀Though: though the v

28、iew seems reasonable, it .薅雅思基础+写作语法总结膃一 时态问题:羂四种时态:一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,一般将来时羇一般现在时表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性的状态或者动作:谓语动词用第三人称单数, 莆打工对一个人的将来的事业有深远的影响。羁国际旅游业促进经济发展。(过去现在未来都促进,客观,单数)肂现在进行时:1.表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在”, 莇2.表示逐渐的过程螄is developing rapidly/dramatically. 羄现在完成时: 1.表示结果和影响,一般表示变化大,发展了。2. 表示过去的

29、动作或状态持续到现在膂注意常用搭配:In recent years, In the past decades螈最近几十年期间,世界发生了巨大的改变。蒆最近几年,科技极大的改变了人们的生活。螃犯罪率已经急剧上升了。膂一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态:will do腿电脑将会在教育过程中起越来越关键的作用,但是它们绝对不能在教室中取代老师的地位。羄二 语态问题: 薂常见被动语态结构:be done芁一般现在时 Am, is, are done芆正在进行时 Is being done蚆现在完成时 Have/has been done莁一般将来时 Will be done莁应该把优先权给教育袈很

30、多动物的栖息地正在被破坏芅书信已经逐渐被先进的科技所代替蒅三 简单句:薃1)简单句:主流句型,主要结构会使用就可以了。艿主谓(宾),例如:羇例句1 人们在这个问题上的观点不一样。芄People have different views on this question。蚃Peoples ideas vary/differ on this issue.蚀主系表,例如:蒅例句2 代沟是我们现在所面临的问题。肃环境问题是现代社会中一个严重的问题螃切记:不能出现没有谓语,或者双谓语的情况,否则分数不会高于5分!(仔细阅读作文反馈)肁2)并列句:连接词前后的两个句子都要有谓语!蒁And, but, or

31、莀bothand, 膆not onlybut also, 蒂neithernor, 膃eitheror聿可以并列主语,谓语,宾语,状语(并列的两个部分词性和结构要相同) 膆主语+谓语 + by either doing A or doing B 通过A方法或者B方法,.可以得到袃主语+谓语 + by not only doing A, but more importantly/seriously,doing B薁主语+谓语not only in terms of A, but more importantly/seriously,in terms of B 不止在A方面,更重要/严重的是,在B

32、方面袈例句1:很多小孩被溺爱,不但在关心和照顾方面,而且,更严重的是,在物质方面。芆例句2:通过鼓励学生穿精心设计的校服或者引导他们参加一些能体现出团队精神的活动,学生的行为可以得到逐步的改善芄例句3:肥胖症可以减轻,方法是不但要养成良好的饮食习惯,更重要的是要多做运动,比如慢跑,跳绳等等。芃四 复杂句:蚇宾语从句:莆表述观点:蚅认为: insist, maintain, hold, suggest, argue, believe螁支持:favor, propose, support, agree, advocate, 蚀(be for, be in favor of)蒆反对:object,

33、oppose 螂(be against) 蒂Some people do believe that蒈Some people are fully convinced that薆Some people assert that 膂Some people deem that羀Some people argue that膇Some people claim that蚆Some people doubt that薃Some people deny that蚂主语从句:芀1. It is suggested in the graph that+句子(indicate, demonstrate, illust

34、rate)螆It is reported that/estimated that/proved that 羄It is well-known/generally accepted/universally acknowledged that肀以上that不能省略罿2. Whether S +V is a controversial issue.螅Whether we should make effort to/endeavor to preserve endangered species is 莅Whether we should dodepends on whether S +V 划分结构袂我

35、们能否成功取决于我们能否坚持螈3. What we should do is to do.袅We should protect animals.改写:蒂What we should pay attention to/ emphasize/stress is to do芀老师应该强调的是告诉学生多练习薇What we are faced with is that 羅我们面临的是自然资源的枯竭袃What we should solve immediately is that羂What concerns us most is薀What I am concerned with is.荿主语从句:it

36、is+ adj. +that+完整的句子 薈It is important/vital/crucial/pivotal/essential/significant that ( 很重要)蚄It is clear/evident/obvious/manifest/as clear as crystal/quite common that(。 很明显)蚃It is undoubted/undeniable/doubtless that(。 毋庸置疑)荿It is a pity/a shame/(这很遗憾)a common sense/practice( 这是个常识)罿It is well/incr

37、easingly/widely/commonly/generally known/recognized/accepted/acknowledged that (众所周知)蒅It is conceivable that 可想而知莂It is desirable/admirable that 可取的葿It is advisable that 最好做某事莀It is probable/possible/likely that 可能的袃It is imperative that 必要的蒄it is preferable/profitable that蕿It is hazardous/risky/per

38、ilous that 危险的薆It must be stressed out that 必须要指出薅It must be admitted that 必须要承认膃It is reported that 据报道虿It is suggested that 有人建议羇It is assumed that 有人认为莇It is estimated that 据估计羂It is always the case that 情况总是这样的蝿表语从句:莈例句1:我的第一个理由是,学术课程经历了时间的考验而且代表了古老文化的精华。螅例句2:在教育中使用电脑的一个优点是,他们能够最大程度上丰富传统的教学方法。螁同

39、位语从句:袈常用的:the fact/idea/belief/recognition/suggestion/proposal/attempt/effort that+句子 that不能省 主句要有自己的谓语蝿Be based on the belief that 基于这样的想法蒇From the above discussion, we can safely draw the conclusion that螄There is no evidence that羈Despite the fact that. 袆neglect/ignore/overlook/ lose sight of / be blind to/fail to consider the fact that


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