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1、2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语听力部分分析报告一、整体分析2022年高考英语落实立德树人根本任务,依据高校人才选拔要求和普通高中英语课程标准,坚持“方向是核心,平稳是关键”的原则,结合中学英语教学和复习备考实际,深化基础性,考查关键能力,进一步加强对学生德智体美劳全面发展的引导,加强教考衔接,服务“双减”工作,发挥高考的育人功能和积极导向作用。此套听力试卷,将对体美劳教育的引导与考查内容、考查情境有机融合。在美育融入试题方面:Text 8一位艺术鉴赏家谈论自己的经历。这段材料旨在引导学生加深对艺术的认识,培养健康向上的审美情趣。在工作与学习融入试题方面:Text 9谈论大学生活中如

2、何平衡工作与学习生活。这段材料旨在引导学生在人生的不同阶段,有不同的重点,懂得适当地做取舍;在体育融入试题方面:Text 10一位短跑运动员的采访材料。这段材料旨在引导学生提高运动意识,保持身心健康。本套题有13个事实细节题;4个推理判断题;1个主旨大意题;2个观点态度题。疑问词分布相对均衡、全面:10个what,4个why,2个how,2个where,1个whose,1个which。主播是美音,与2021年高考主播一致。设题方面:题干设置虽然灵活度高,但万变不离其宗。选项设置简短,但干扰性强,更加注重考查考生对信息的推理、转换能力。原文单词量880左右,第二节结构:2-2-3-4-4。二、具

3、体分析Text 1 饭后散步M: Jenny, you can just drop me here.W: But we are two streets away from the office.M: Its fine. I had a big breakfast, and feel like a bit of walk.1. What does the man want to do?A. Have breakfast.B. Take a walk.C. Call his office.【解析】事实细节题。根据男士的话“I had a big breakfast, and feel like a

4、 bit of walk.”可知,他早饭吃的很丰盛,现在想走一会儿。故选B。Text 2 赶截止日期W: Hello, George. You look tired. Didnt sleep well last night?M: No, not at all. I had to work flat out to meet the project deadline. Now Im really feeling a bit run-down.2. What was George doing last night?A. Having a meeting.B. Flying home.C. Worki

5、ng on a project.【解析】事实细节题。女士说George看起来很疲惫,根据George的话“I had to work flat out to meet the project deadline.”可知,为了赶上项目的截止日期,他必须全力以赴地工作。故选C。【点拨】flat out 竭尽全力Text 3 去公园谈话W: John, cant we go someplace and talk? Its so noisy in here.M: Well, there is a small park across the street. Its usually not crowded

6、at this time of day.3. Why does the man suggest going to the park?A. Its big.B. Its quiet.C. Its new.【解析】推理判断题。女士说这里太吵闹了,想找个地方谈话。根据男士的话“there is a small park across the street. Its usually not crowded at this time of day.”可知,小公园里这个时间人不多。由此推断出,公园比较安静。故选B。Text 4 邻居的狗W: Weve got to do something about t

7、he neighbors dog. M: Why? Has he been into your flower garden again?W: The flower garden, the garbage can and yesterday he started digging holes in the yard.4. How does the woman sound?A. Annoyed.B. Pleased.C. Puzzled.【解析】观点态度题。根据女士的话“Weve got to do something about the neighbors dog.” “The flower ga

8、rden, the garbage can and yesterday he started digging holes in the yard.”可知,邻居家的狗狗又去了她家的花园、垃圾桶并在院子里挖洞。由此可推断出,女士听起来很生气。故选A。Text 5 在餐厅吃饭M: Hello, we have a reservation in the name of Mr. Johns. Is there any table by the window?W: Sorry, weve got this corner table for you. Its quiet here, not close to

9、 the door.5. Where is the mans table?A. Near the door.B. By the window.C. In the corner.【解析】事实细节题。根据女士的话“weve got this corner table for you.”可知,她给男士留了角落的桌子。故选C。Text 6 晚上出去吃饭W: (6)Dave, dont forget we are invited out to dinner tonight.M: (6)Oh yeah. I almost forgot. What time?W: 7:30. We should leave

10、 the house by 6:30. You know how bad the traffic is that time of night.M: Its informal, isnt it?W: Yeah. (7)You can wear your new sports jacket, the one I got you as an anniversary gift.M: Okay. Well, Ive got to go. Ill try to get home a little earlier today.W: Good.6. What are the speakers going to

11、 do tonight?A. Eat out.B. Go shopping.C. Do sports.【解析】事实细节题。根据对话开头女士的话“Dave, dont forget we are invited out to dinner tonight.”和男士的肯定回答可知,女士提醒男士不要忘记今晚他们被邀请出去吃饭。故选A。7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Boss and secretary.B. Hostess and guest.C. Husband and wife.【解析】推理判断题。根据女士

12、的话“You can wear your new sports jacket, the one I got you as an anniversary gift.”可知,女士让男士穿新的运动夹克去吃晚餐,那个夹克是她送给男士的周年纪念日礼物。由此可推断出,对话双方是夫妻关系。故选C。anniversary(周年纪念日)是解题的关键。【点拨】在做人物关系题时,要关注对话双方说话的语气、称呼及抓住关键词。常见的称呼有honey,darling,关键词有anniversary,our daughter,our son等。Text 7 寻求公司搬家的建议M: We need to decide exa

13、ctly when were going to move. Any suggestions?W: (8)I think July would be the best time. Our sales are always down that month. We could move all the office equipment at a weekenddo everything at once.M: I think a weekends too short. (9)Maybe we should do it department by department.W: What do you me

14、an?M: (9)Well, each week a different department will move. That way, there will always be people here to handle customer inquiries, phone calls, and so on.W: (9)Hmm, thats a good idea.8. Why does the woman think July is the best time to move?A. Their business is slow.B. The weather is favorable.C. I

15、ts easy to hire people.【解析】推理判断题。根据女士的话“I think July would be the best time. Our sales are always down that month.”可知,7月份是销量的下降时期。由此可推断出,女士认为7月份是搬家最好的时候,因为那时候生意萧条。故选A。【点拨】down 下降的;slow 萧条的9. How will they handle the moving?A. Finish it all at once.B. Have the sales section go first.C. Do one departm

16、ent at a time.【解析】事实细节题。根据男士的话“Maybe we should do it department by department.” “Well, each week a different department will move.”可知,他提议逐个部门搬迁,每周只搬一个部门,女士对此表示赞同。故选C。Text 8 Peter Sayles与艺术W: So, Mr. Peter Sayles, Ive been curious to know what were the early connections in your life that led you into

17、 the art field. M: My grandfather was an art dealer in Munich. They had a great museum in Munich. He took me to the museum. And I responded very strongly to what I saw on the walls there. (10)I learned about art from him. I learned about looking at art from him. I think thats what really got me star

18、ted. Then, many years later, after I got out of the army, (11)I went to study art history at the University of Chicago.W: Tell us more about your experiences of looking at art with your grandfather.M: Well, we looked at the famous paintings by the great artists like Rembrandt, Botticelli and Albrech

19、t Drer. (12)Rubens paintings were my favorites. Yes, I remember these things. This was when I was between 10 and 15. When I was 14, I was so anxious to see more art that a friend of mine and I bicycled across the Alps to see Venice. That was a big adventure.10. What did Peter learn from his grandfat

20、her?A. How to appreciate art works.B. How to deal with artists.C. How to run a museum.【解析】事实细节题。根据Peter的话“I learned about art from him. I learned about looking at art from him.”可知,他从祖父那里学到了艺术,学到如何欣赏艺术。故选A。选项A中的appreciate art works是对话中look at art的同义转述。11. What did Peter do in Chicago?A. He studied at

21、 a college.B. He served in the army.C. He worked in a gallery.【解析】事实细节题。根据Peter的话“I went to study art history at the University of Chicago.”可知,他在芝加哥大学学习艺术史。故选A。12. Whose works did Peter like best?A. Rembrandts.B. Botticellis.C. Rubens.【解析】事实细节题。根据Peter的话“Rubens paintings were my favorites.”可知,他最喜欢鲁本

22、斯的画。故选C。Text 9 火车上偶遇熟人W: Hi, John! Havent seen you for ages!M: Hi, Susan! (13)Fancy meeting you here on the train! W: How is your college life? M: What can I say? Ive survived. W: What happened?M: Well, early last March I started doing a part-time job in a law firm. A few weeks before I had started

23、writing my term paper. (14)I thought I could finish it by August. W: That was a pretty good idea trying to have some work experience.M: For the first three weeks, you know, I tried. I got up early and worked for an hour on my paper before going to work. (15)But work was so fun, I met tons of new peo

24、ple and soon I couldnt find even a minute for my paper. So, I had to quit my part-time job and finally finished my paper in October. W: (16)Well, its never too late to mend. Its kind of hard to find a balance between what you have to do and what you want to do. M: Yeah, its really important for me t

25、o balance study and work. And I think I should learn to exercise some self-control.13. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a library.B. In a law firm.C. On a train.【解析】事实细节题。根据John的话“Fancy meeting you here on the train!”可知,对话发生在火车上。故选C。14. By what time did John plan to finish his term paper

26、?A. March.B. August.C. October.【解析】事实细节题。根据John的话“I thought I could finish it by August.”可知,他原计划八月前完成他的学期论文。故选B。15. Why did John quit his part-time job?A. He had to catch up with his study.B. He was offered a better one.C. He got tired of it.【解析】推理判断题。根据John的话“But work was so fun, I met tons of new

27、people and soon I couldnt find even a minute for my paper. So I had to quit my part-time job and finally finished my paper in October.”可知,他因为兼职而没时间写论文,最终在10月份才完成。由此可推断出,John是为了赶上学习进度,所以辞去了兼职。故选A。16. What is Susans attitude to Johns problem?A. Carefree.B. Understanding.C. Forgiving.【解析】观点态度题。根据女士的话“W

28、ell, its never too late to mend. Its kind of hard to find a balance between what you have to do and what you want to do.”可知,她认为亡羊补牢,为时不晚。因为在必须做的事情和想做的事情之间很难找到平衡。由此可推断出,她对于John的问题表示理解。故选B。 【点拨】Its never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,为时不晚。carefree(不负责任的,无牵挂的)在之前高考真题中从未出现,学生应注意词汇的积累。Text 10 短跑运动员在跑道上的经历M: Bei

29、ng an athlete is very fun, painful and exciting. (20)Every time I come to the track, I feel like Im out of this place. This is Botswana National Stadium. This is where I train. (17)When I saw Usain Bolt running in 2012 London Olympics, I was amazed. Just watching him run got me motivated. I quit bei

30、ng a chess player and started to run. (18)I went to the 2016 Olympics, and went to the finals at the age of 18. And, wow, I finished fifth. It was a dream come true to me, but I still wanted more. The training is super hard, (19)but the hardest part for me is that I got an injuryan injury which may

31、take me out for years. For a period of time, as a young athlete, I didnt know what to do. I lost focus. (20)But now, Im back on the track. I really want to be there at the Olympics, and do what I did before, do much, much greater. I dont care about the gold. I dont care about the silver. I want to d

32、o my best. You know, take everything and show it to the world. 17. What did the speaker do before the year 2012?A. A fitness coach.B. A chess player.C. A marathon runner.【解析】事实细节题。根据“When I saw Usain Bolt running in 2012 London Olympics, I was amazed. Just watching him run got me motivated. I quit being a chess player and started to run.”可知,说话者在2012


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