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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1 more about the plac

2、e where you live,and you will shoulder more responsibility to protect itALearning BTo learn CLearn DLearned2The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain_as the plane was making a landing.AseatBseatingCseatedDto be seating3Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me? Sure. _ ?AWhat helpBWhat is t

3、hisCWhat is itDWhat do you want4Afghans used to hold big weddings, costing thousands of dollars, in a county _ the average annual income is less than $400. Awhich Bwhose Cwhere Dwhat5It _ a Saturday afternoon in May _ Margaret could arrange for me to meet her elder ,sister.Awas until; when Bwas unti

4、l;thatCwas not until; when Dwas not until; that6The Games are known as the friendly games because of their _ on kindness and mutual respect.AlacksBfocusesCchallengesDresearches7It was reported that as many as 50% of patients do not take medicine _ directed, _ has drawn doctors attention.Awhen; itBas

5、; whatCas; whichDthat; and8-My computer doesnt work!-Robert is a computer expert. How I wish he_ with me.AcameBhad comeCis comingDhas come9-How was your trip to Xian last month?-_. It was raining cats and dogs during my stay there.AWonderfulBExcitingCNot badDIt couldnt be worse10Whether something is

6、 alive or dead is a crucial _ and it is one that children have no difficulty understanding by the age of five.AdeclarationBdistinctionCdivisionDdistribution11Taking targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty, _has been predicted, is fruitful.Awhat BwhichCas Dthat12Jenny, how was

7、 your trip to Beijing?Oh, I missed it. I wish I _ my vacation there.Aam spending Bwill spend Chave spent Dhad spent13What it be?It be a man, for it is not moving. It be a dustbin, I think.Acan; may; mustBcan; cant; mustCcan; must; canDmay; may not; could14Daddy, would you please buy me an iPhoneX?If

8、 you can pass this midterm examination, you _ have one as a reward.AmustBneedCwouldDshall15If _ in the elevator, please press the emergency button immediately.A trapped B trappingC having trapped D to be trapped16Its really stupid of you _ him the news yesterday so that it has been disturbing him al

9、l the timeAhaving toldBtellingCto tellDto have told17People believe that the China Dream is not very difficult _ so long as the whole nation works hard for it.ArealizingBto be realizedCrealizedDto realize18The two pens are the same, but the red one cost _ that one.Aas much twice asBtwice as much asC

10、much as twice asDas twice much as19The government should develop system to predict when wildfires occur andgive warnings in time.ApreviousBreliableCreasonableDresponsible20Without your help, I _ the first prize in the English Speaking Contest.Awont getBdidnt getCwouldnt getDwouldnt have got第二部分 阅读理解

11、(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Recently, online hike-sharing has become the new favorite in China. In major cities, bikes in, yellow, orange, blue, white and green, can be seen almost everywhere on the street. It seems that these bikes appeared suddenly, adding a new beautiful scenery

12、 to Chinese cities.Both the market and the public welcome online bike-sharing, but is it really a promising business? Well, it depends. After all, online bike-sharing platforms can never get away with huge operating cost and uncertain government policy.Some theorists might say that online bike-shari

13、ng platforms can earn a fortune simply through deposit. Since users will always need to rent bikes, their deposit will always be kept to online bike-sharing platforms.However, although online bike-sharing platforms may be able to use the deposit for other purposes at the primary stage, they will hav

14、e to set up a special account, so that the deposit shall be used specially for its designated (指定的) purpose. As the market gets increasingly mature, they will have to do so whether to be responsible for users or in consideration of possible government regulations.Now that online hike-sharing platfor

15、ms cant make profit through deposit,how can they become profitable as fiercer marketunfolds? Although Hu Weiwei, CEO of Mobike, stated in an article that she would take Mobike as charitable(慈善的) project if she failed, running a startup is absolutely different from managing a charity organization. Af

16、ter all , she has to pay back investors billions of investment(投资).To make profit, online bike-sharing platforms might have to increase rent fee for each trip, just as Didi did.From this aspect, it might be a really good business. If we consider full screen ads fee, recommendation fee for business o

17、wners, etc. , its annual income might reach at least RMB 15 billion. If we consider the huge operation cost, including bike repairs,bikes service life and labor cost, there might not be much net profit left. After all, offline operation cost has always been an unbearable burden for such internet plu

18、s mode-based startups.1、How does the author feel about the future of online bike-sharing platforms?AOptimistic. BDoubtful.CHopeful. DSecure.2、How do some theorists think online bike-sharing platforms can make money?AThrough advertisements. BThrough services.CThrough deposit. DThrough investment.3、Ho

19、w should deposit be dealt with when the market is mature according to the author?AUsed for other purposes.BKept in a special account.CUsed for charity.DLeft aside to the users.4、What does the underlined word unfolds mean in the passage?AShrinks. BSpreads.CShows. DDevelops.22(8分)People in Finland wer

20、e the least likely to believe that people laughing in their presence were making fun of them. Less than ten percent of Finns in the study said they would think that, compared to eighty percent of people in Thailand.Some people in the study said they felt unsure of themselves in social situations but

21、 hid their feelings of insecurity(局促不安)Others said they avoided social situations where they had been laughed at before. The study found that people in Turkmenistan and Cambodia were more likely to be in the first group. They would hide their feelings of insecurity if they were around other peoples

22、laughter. But people in Iraq, Egypt and Jordan were more likely to try to avoid such situations if they felt they had been laughed at before.Shy people often avoid situations that would force them into close contact(联系) with other people. They worry that something they say or do will make other peop

23、le laugh at them. But some people worry much more than others. They may have an illness called gelotophobia. Gelos is a Greek word. It means laughter. Phobia means fear. This fear of laughter can be truly sad for those who live with it. It can affect how they lead their lives.In the study, a team fr

24、om the University of Zurich led more than ninety researchers from around the world. They wanted to understand the difference between normal shyness and true gelotophobia. Another purpose of the study was to compare the levels of fear of being laughed at in different cultures. The researchers surveye

25、d(调查) more than twenty-two thousand people in forty-two different languages. The findings appeared in the scientific magazine Humor.1、What did the study find?ABeing laughed at is a common fear.BBeing laughed at is different from culture to culture.COnly people in Turkmenistan would hide their feelin

26、gs of insecurity if they were around other peoples laughter.DThe fear of being laughed at is different around the world.2、Shy people often avoid situations that would force them into close contact with other people because _.Athey have a disorder called gelotophobiaBIt can affect how they lead their

27、 livesCthey worry that something they say or do will be laughed atDthey worry that all what they say or do will make other people laugh at them3、The underlined word “it” in Paragraph3 refers to .Alaughter. Bgelotophobia.Cfear. DPhobia.23(8分) Emilia Dobek traces her interest in space and the universe

28、 back to third grade when she and her father watched a blood moon-a total lunar eclipse (月蚀)-on the roof of their house.Now a seventh-grader at East Prairie Elementary School, Dobek recently won the national Discovery Education Lockheed-Martin Beyond Challenge by designing a space station for travel

29、ling to Mars.She says that night watching the lunar eclipse started a strong desire in her that has yet to run out of fuel. So when her teacher Andrea Smeeton received information about the national challenge, Smeeton said she immediately had one student in mind.“I knew she would love the challenge

30、and that she would go way beyond in her search,” Smeeton said. “She immediately started researching bone density (密度) of astronauts and how to have food on Mars.”“My design will ensure the safety of the astronauts but also make sure their comfort is out of this world,” Dobek says.Dobeks design calls

31、 for building the MSS or Mars Storage Station to put the supplies in. It also includes the SGF or Self-Crowing Farm, and she details how it would work with the elements on Mars.Then there is physical and leisure activity for the astronauts under Dobeks design. A simulation (模拟装置) allows astronauts t

32、o choose their exercise machine and virtual (虚拟的) reality environment. Rooms have circular ceilings so astronauts will be able to watch downloaded shows and even see places on Earth, such as their homes.“I want to tell other kids to follow their passions.” Dobek said. “Whatever they want to do they

33、should push for it and always try their best.”1、Dobek first became interested in space when .Ashe was still a seventh-graderBshe studied at a junior high schoolCshe lived on the top of their houseDshe watched an eclipse of the moon2、Smeeton recommended that Dobek take the challenge because .Ashe kne

34、w Dobek liked challenges in lifeBshe had no other students interested in MarsCDobek knew how to research bone density of astronautsDshe was sure that Dobek would have outstanding performance3、What does Dobek focus on when designing the space station?AThe environment on Mars.BThe safety of the suppli

35、es.CThe activities for astronauts.DThe comfort of the astronauts.24(8分) In the United States, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is. That is what keeping up with the Joneses is about. It is the story of someon

36、e who tried to look as rich as his neighbors.The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning $ 125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealt

37、hy neighborhood. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants. Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.It was like a race, but one could never finish this race because one was

38、 always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They had to move back to an apartment in New York City. Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with rich lifestyle of their neighbors. H

39、e saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it Keeping up with the Joneses because Jones is a very common name in the United States. Keeping up with the Joneses came to mean keeping up with rich lifestyle of the people around you. Momands series appeared in d

40、ifferent newspapers across the country for over 28 years.People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. And there are Joneses in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.1

41、、Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they _.Awant to be as rich as their neighborsBwant others to know or to think that they are rich.Cdont want others to know they are richDwant to be happy2、It can be inferred from the story that rich people like to _.Alive outside New York CityBli

42、ve in New York CityClive in apartmentsDlive with many neighbors3、Whats the authors attitude to keeping up with the Joneses?ANegative.BPositive.CSupportive.DObjective.25(10分) China plans to launch 156 small satellites by 2025 toprovide Internet services in low signal areas and placeswith adverse natu

43、ral environment, according toChinaAerospace Science and Industry Corporation(CASIC).Due to environmental conditionsof deserts,mountains and seas, half of the worlds population has noaccess to the Internet, and the information deficiencyhamperslocal development.It will be Chinas first broadband Inter

44、net accesssystem with small satellites hovering in low orbit, whichwill also help meet the needs of commercial space development.The project, named Hongyun, plans to send the firstsatellite by 2019, and launch four more by 2020. By theend of 2025, CASIC plans to have all of the 156 satellites in ope

45、ration.The Hongyun Proiect, which focuses on communication,remote sensing and navigation, can offer communicationand Internet services for China and less-developed 3countries with reduced latency. Meanwhile, the projectcan also benefit emergency communication, sensor data collection and remote contr

46、ol of unmanned equipment.Currently, international maritime satellites are widely used in communications in mountainous areas and airplanes, but those satellites, 36, 000 kilometers abovethe Earth, have time and signal delay as well as high cost for providing services.The small satellites sent by the

47、 Hongyun Project will hover in low orbits only hundreds of kilometers to 1, 000 kilometers above the Earth, and thus could improve the Internet access. However, the low orbit satellites may face challenges in power supply, as they need more energyto reduce the influence of air-resistance compared to

48、 highorbit satellites. Experiments are needed to determinewhether solar energy alone is enough.1、According to the passage, _.A156satellites will be launched by the Hongyun Project by 2020Binternational maritime satellites can cause signaldelayCThe Hongyun Project may not encourage commercialspace de

49、velopmentDlow orbit satellites are currently used widely incommunications in mountainous areas2、The underlined word “hampers” in Paragraph2 probably refers to _.AacceleratesBdeterminesCpreventsDpromotes3、Which of the following is not included in the HongyunProject?ACommunication and Navigation.BRemo

50、te sensing.CData collection.DSolar energy.4、Low orbit satellites need more energy in order to_.Aprovide more accurate dataBimprove the Internet accessCreduce the effect of air-resistanceDface more challenges第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) I used t

51、o watch her from my kitchen window when she played with boys on the playground. She seemed so small as she 1 her way through the crowd of boys. A sea of children,and yet to me,she 2 from them a11.She 3 to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net and no one could stop her.I began to no

52、tice her practicing dribbling and shooting alone over and over again, sometimes until dark. One day I asked her why she practiced so much. Without 4 ,she said. “I want to play college basketball. My father told me if I was good enough,I would get a 5 ,which was the only way for me to go to college.

53、My Daddy said if the dream was big enough,the facts didnt 6 .”Well,she was really 7 I watched her practicing playing through those junior high years and into high schoo1.Every week,she 8 her school team to victory.One day in her senior year,I saw her 9 in the grass,head buried in her hands. I 10 her

54、 disappointment and I felt my own throat tighten. I sat down in the cool grass beside her and 11 asked what was wrong. “OH,nothing , ” came a soft 12 .“I am just too 13 .”The coach told her that at 5.5 feet she would probably never get to play for a top ranked team. She was heartbroken.But after a w

55、hile,she 14 her head from her hands and told me that her father said those coaches were wrong. They just did not understand the 15 of a dream. He told her that if she really wanted to play for a good college,if she 16 wanted a scholarship,nothing could stop her except one thingher own 17 .The next y

56、ear,as she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game,she was 18 by a college recruiter(招聘员)。She was indeed 19 a scholarship to a Division I,NCAA womens basketball team and her dream came true. The words 20 in my ears again: If the dream is big enough,the facts dont count.1、Afelt

57、BlostCinchedDmuscled2、Astood outBcame outCfigured outDmade out3、AintendedBmanagedCexpectedDpretended4、AsatisfactionBeffortChesitationDdoubt5、AscholarshipBbudgetCallowanceDreward6、AcareBcountCspreadDcontrol7、ApositiveBnegativeCoutgoingDdetermined8、AledBprovidedCdroveDpushed9、AroilingBstandingCsitting


59、dCpunishedDadopted19、ArequiredBobtainedCchosenDoffered20、AinspiredBreceivedCdiscoveredDrang第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)Blessed by the pleasant weather, the island province of Hainan is fast becoming known as Chinas Florida”,1 (draw) masses of retirees escaping the biting

60、 cold of their hometowns.“At home in Harbin, it can be-30C, it is unbearable! But here the climate is 2 (suit),” said a 71-year-old woman from the 3 (extreme) cold province of Heilongjiang. She 4 (move) each winter to Sanya over the past eight years.“Here the 5 (warm) is better for our health. We fi


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