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1、江西省高校专升本考试英语试卷Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question the

2、re will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting r

3、oom.C) At the airport.D) In the restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) “ At the office “ is the best answer. You should choose A on the Answer Sheet and

4、 mark it with a single line though the center. Sample Answer A C D 1. A) They dont go to the concert. C) Her brother will lend a car to him. B) The subway is fine for her. D) Theyll rent a car to the concert.2. A) Driving her car. C) Having a meal. B) Typing an essay. D) Going back home.3. A) The mo

5、vie is excellent. C) He has no time to see it. B) He wants to see it again. D) The movie is not good.4. A) Go to the Seventh Street. C) Get her passport ready. B) Take ten pictures. D) Develop the photos herself.5. A) Shes in a bus. C) Shes on a plane. B) Shes in a train. D) Shes in a taxi.6. A) The

6、 woman forgot to bring her raincoat. B) The woman was late for the school bus. C) The woman got wet in the rain. D) The woman lost her way.7. A) Write a letter to Nancy. C) Call Nancy while she was home. B) Meet Nancy and talk with her. D) Make an appointment with Nancy. 8. A) 30 dollars. C) 21 doll

7、ars. B) 24 dollars. D) 15 dollars.9. A) She was stopped by a police. B) She lost her driving license. C) She noticed the speed limit. D) She was walking too fast.10. A) Teacher and student. B) Doctor and patient. C) Co-workers in an office. D) Manager and employee.Section BDirections: In this sectio

8、n, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on th

9、e Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage One Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A) He was a professor. C) He was an engineer. B) He was a businessman. D) He was an official.12. A) He had to go to the airport early next morning. B) He was going to

10、 hire a new driver. C) He would have his old car repaired. D) He and Johns mother would go abroad.13. A) He would take a taxi. C) He would go there by bus. B) He would ride a bike. D) He would walk to school.Passage TwoQuestions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) Because he

11、 speaks several languages. B) Because he has more experience. C) Because he is patient and kind. D) Because he is a robot.15. A) They are often too busy to ask patients many questions. B) They cant get enough education to cope with serious diseases. C) Their patients are often unwilling to tell them

12、 the truth. D) Their patients often ask them to treat their diseases on holidays.16 A) He can help other doctors to treat patients. B) He can give useful information to other doctors. C) He can take care of other doctors patients. D) He can write out prescriptions for other doctors. Passage ThreeQue

13、stions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. A) In America. B) In Europe. C) In Asia. D) In Canada.18. A) It is 88 stories high. B) It is so far the tallest in the world. C) It is the fifth tallest building in Asia. D) It is as tall as the World Trade Center in New York.19 A) It

14、keeps some of the Chinese traditional style. B) It looks like a huge television tower. C) It is a combination of twin towers. D) It has a supermarket and a grand theater inside.20 A) Most tall buildings are not quite safe. B) New York will not construct new tall buildings. C) It is necessary to buil

15、d more tall buildings in big cities. D) Tall buildings must be able to withstand earthquakes.Part II Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A)

16、, B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage oneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.In the past, a citys major shopping district was in its downtown area. People could get d

17、owntown more easily than they could get to other parts of the city. Before the 1960s, the best way to travel in a city was on a street-car, a subway, a railroad, or an elevated train. All of these ran on tracks that led downtown.As our cities grew outward, people living far from the center of town n

18、eeded a place they could drive to quickly. Driving downtown was difficult. Finding a parking space downtown was something almost impossible. People also needed a shopping place where they could park easily.To meet the shopping needs of people living in the suburbs, groups of businesses moved farther

19、 out, too. Today, most suburbs have large shopping centers.Modern and well-planned shopping centers are built on large areas of ground. They have even more space for parking than they do for stores. The shopping centers have many different kinds of stores. Often, the shoppers can do all their shoppi

20、ng in one place.The very large shopping centers have malls which make shopping pleasant. The mall is an area between stores set aside for walking. Shoppers can stroll(漫步)from store to store and enjoy beautiful fountains, statues, and plants. There are benches so that shoppers may rest. Some shopping

21、 centers have malls with roofs that protect shoppers from the weather outside.21. The first paragraph tells us that in the past _.A) few people drove cars to do shoppingB) it was convenient to do shopping downtownC) people liked to live in downtown areasD) street-cars were the main vehicle within a

22、city22. Why did some businesses move from downtown to the suburbs? A) They needed more space to build modern large stores.B) People no more liked to do shopping in city centers.C) Shopping downtown was difficult due to heavy traffic.D) Downtown businesses were not as good as before.23. Nowadays peop

23、le prefer to go shopping in big malls because malls _. A) are close to their homesB) have much larger walking spaceC) can shelter people from sunshineD) are more pleasant for shoppers24. The passage is mainly about _.A) changes of peoples shopping habitsB) the need for modern shopping centersC) peop

24、les life in the center of big citiesD) how to run a business in the suburbs25. We can conclude from the passage that _.A) suburban areas are beautiful and pleasant placesB) elevated trains will be built to connect shopping centersC) only city people visit big shopping centersD) suburban people will

25、have more shopping centersPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.When I arrived in Beijing more than five years ago, I had already given blood 79 times. I wanted to continue to be a donor(献血者). But entering a Red Cross clinic(诊所)in Beijing, I was surprised to be received as

26、 a hero. For me, a blood donation was simply a good habit and gift of love to humans. In Canada, donors can give 450 ml each time, every 51 days. That means six times a year. In China, we can give only 200 ml, every four months. In 1984, there were only 19 donors in Beijing who offered their blood f

27、or free. One year later, there were 141. In 1986, 1,083, and so on until the figure reached 10,046 in 1990, 14,016 in 1992 and more than double that the following year. There were 41,037 in 1994, and my statistics stop here. Im so glad to see that the Chinese have understood that giving blood is not

28、 dangerous, and that its a way to say, in a real communist spirit, “Brother, I love you”. In fact, every time I give blood, I think of my blood running in a man or a womans veins(血管). Through donation thirteen Chinese have become my relatives now. Giving blood is like giving birth. Some of these thi

29、rteen people may have died without my donation; doesnt that make it worth becoming a volunteer(志愿者)? What makes me even happier is when I can convince a Chinese friend to come with me and become a donor too.Things have become easier since May 1, 1996. A Hong Kong donor offered a well-equipped mobile

30、 unit to the Red Cross here. The vehicle stands in front of the Xidan Shopping Mall every Wednesday and Sunday morning, from May to the end of October. Donors just need a few minutes. I hope this public example will encourage new donors, and blood donation will become a social trend among the popula

31、tion.26. When the writer first went to the Red Cross clinic in Beijing to donate his blood he was surprised _.A) how he was respected by the people thereB) what a good habit blood donation isC) that donors only gave 200 ml each time in ChinaD) that most Chinese people were willing to donate blood27.

32、 The number of voluntary blood donors in Beijing in 1993 is _.A) more than 30,000 B) more than 28,000C) more than 15,000D) more than 14,00028. According to the writer, more and more Chinese are giving blood free because _. A) they know the advantage of blood donationB) they have learned how to donat

33、e bloodC) they have realized its great significanceD) they know its a way to show their generosity 29. The word “that” in Line 3, Para. 4 mostly probably means _.A) Becoming a volunteerB) donating bloodC) having relativesD) saving peoples life30. The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is

34、to _.A) explain blood donation is not harmful to the donors healthB) convince readers of the importance of blood donationC) tell us his donation experience in ChinaD) show people how to give blood freePassage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Dont Waste Advertising DollarsTh

35、e most important aspect of direct mail marketing(直邮营销)isnt a creative letter or an attractive offer. Its a good mailing list of customers. In fact, advertising professionals say that as much as 60 percent of your success in direct mail depends on getting the right names. But before you can find the

36、perfect list, you need to define your ideal customer based on factors such as:l Geographic locationl Age, sex and income levell Profession or educational levell Hobbiesl Size of a companyIf youre trying to sell luxury cars(豪华轿车)to rich people, its obviously a waste of money to mail an offer to those

37、 who earn $30,000 a year. But thats just what some companies do. This is truly one area where you can be “penny wise and pound foolish.” You can try to search for mailing lists yourself. But its generally best to find a broker(经纪人)who can identify the right lists for your company. Then, make sure th

38、e names are readily available. A list may be only 12 months old and has many names and addresses on it. But it can no longer be accurate(精确)because people move, close post office boxes, retire, and make other changes.31. The phrase “an attractive offer” (Line 2, Para. 1) in the passage probably mean

39、s _.A) valuable productsB) direct mail marketingC) a good mailing listD) something cheap32. What is considered most important in direct mail marketing?A) Writing a friendly letter.B) Getting the right names.C) Giving a low price.D) Having a list of customers.33. What is an ideal customer (Line 4, Pa

40、ra. 1) according to the passage?A) One who will buy your products or service.B) One who will buy a luxury car.C) One who is richer than others.D) One who is not very poor.34. If a man is “penny wise and pound foolish” (Line 3, Para. 2), people think he is _.A) a person who saves up every bit of mone

41、yB) a person who is only capable of doing small thingsC) a person who is sometimes clever and sometimes foolishD) a person who can deal with different kinds of situations35. Its very important that you can get in touch with the names on the list, because _.A) people are always changingB) people move

42、 frequentlyC) mailing lists are very expensiveD) mailing lists are seldom accuratePassage FourQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.The laptop computer(便携式电脑)is popular all over the world because it is small enough for us to put on the upper part of our legs. People use them on train

43、s and airplanes, in airports and hotels. These computers connect people to their workplace. In the United States today, they also connect students to their classmates.Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want. Within fi

44、ve years, each of the 1500 students at the college will get a laptop. Westlake College has started a large computer program for its students. With laptop computers, the students will be connected not only to the Internet but also to libraries. In addition, they can use email to “speak” with their te

45、achers, their classmates, and their families. However, the most important part of the laptop computer program is that students will be able to use computers without going to computer labs. They can work with it at home, in a fastfood restaurant or under the treesanywhere at all.At Westlake College,

46、more than 90 percent of the students use computers, either desktop (台式)or laptop, but the laptop users can work and study in any of the places. Just as one of the Westlake teachers said, “Here we are in the middle of the city and were giving students a window on the world.”36. The laptop computer is

47、 becoming more and more popular because it is _.A) very convenient to use in a lot of placesB) cheap enough for everyone to get oneC) small enough to put into ones pocketD) easy to take to and from classrooms37. What is the main purpose of the laptop computer program in Westlake College?A) To give t

48、he students more free time to do their school work.B) To give the students help in their homework out of classes.C) To offer the students more chances to work in the future.D) To allow the students to do school work anywhere.38. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A) 90 percent o

49、f the teachers and students in Westlake College use computers.B) Today most students in Westlake College do their studies outside the classrooms.C) Westlake College is making a program to encourage students to use laptops.D) Students in Westlake College can do everything they like to.39. What is the

50、 meaning of the words “giving the students a window on the world” in the last sentence of the passage?A) Showing them pictures of the world.B) Giving them chances to travel around the world.C) Offering them Information from around the world.D) Inviting their teachers from other countries.40. We can

51、learn from the passage that _.A) laptop computers are difficult to useB) laptop computers are more powerful than desktopC) Westlake College is a very rich universityD) Westlake Colleges students will mainly use laptops Part III Vocabulary and Structure (15 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete

52、 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 41. Most of the employees _ in this company are young peop

53、le.A) worked C) being workedB) working D) having worked42. It might be days _ the patient can stand on his own feet.A) when C) beforeB) as D) after 43. All _ the people want are lasting peace and social progress.A) what C) thoseB) such D) which44. We plan to finish the work on the 15th of next month

54、. By then, we _ for ten weeks.A) are working C) were workingB) have been worked D) will have worked45. We have nothing to do now but _ till John comes back.A) wait C) to waitB) to be waiting D) waiting46. _ was from his father that he first heard of Ba Jin, the great Chinese writer.A) That C) WhichB

55、) It D) What47. According to his report, the sales of our goods are to go up _ 8.6 percent this year.A) at C) byB) in D) with48. She went on with her study and became successful at last _ independence.A) in line with C) by means ofB) in case of D) with regard to49. Dont worry. Well _ all the debts w

56、e owe you within two years.A) bring about C) get awayB) take off D) pay off50. The United Nations expressed the hope _ the two sides should soon stop fighting in the area.A) which C) whatB) that D) when51. His fellow workers saw him fall down and blood came out from the open _.A) wound C) injuryB) h

57、urt D) damage52. _ in Shanghai for more than ten years, she knows the city very well. A) Having been lived C) Having livedB) Lived D) Living53. After they washed, Mom provided paper _ for the children to dry their hands on.A) tours C) towersB) towels D) towns54. New technologies and skills will spee

58、d up the _ of information.A) advance C) transferB) movement D) progress55. Mr. White is so self-confident that it never _ to him that sometimes he should listen to others.A) happens C) remindsB) occurs D) reveals56. Susan is now in a famous university in the South, _ in history.A) majoring C) taking

59、B) working D) dealing57. Concentrating on her writing, Mary was not _ of what had happened around the house.A) worthy C) considerateB) sensitive D) aware58. The old lady offered a $50 _ to the kids in the neighborhood who had helped to findher cat. A) reward C) awardB) prize D) praise 59. The United

60、 States is rich _ most of the metals and minerals needed to supply its basic industries.A) with C) forB) as D) in60. By the end of this year, it _ 16 years since the emergence of the World Wide Web as an electronicpublishing vehicle.A) has been C) will beB) will have been D) had been61. We hope that


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