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2、题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Daniel, you are speaking too fast. I cant follow you.Sorry, I will speak a little more _.Aslowly Bloudly Cpolitely Dcompletely2、It is blowing hard outside. Tell the boy _Michael _the window.Acall; to open Bcalled; to openCcalled; not to open Dcall; dont open3、I visited the Reed Flute

3、Cave in Guilin last weekend. _ Why didnt you tell me earlier?AYou did?BI hope so.CHave a good time.DThats all right.4、Many schools set up chatting groups on QQ so that parents will be able to discuss their childs _ with their teachers any time.AproductsBprogrammesCprogressDpromises5、To tell you the

4、truth, we are planning to have a second baby recently.Think twice, for most children are to deal with.Atired Btiring Cinterested Dinteresting6、The population of China is _ than that of Russia. And this makes the traffic in China _.Amuch larger, more crowdedBmuch more, more crowdedlyCmuch larger, mor

5、e crowdedlyDmuch more, more crowded7、All the in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday.Aman teachersBwomen teachersCwoman teacherDman teacher8、The weather is really _/fan/these days.AfunBfineCfromDfact9、What kind of books do you like?I like funny storybooks. They

6、re very_.AboringBlazyCquietDinteresting10、What are you going to do this weekend? _. If there is enough time, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.AIt doesnt matterBIt dependsCDont mention itDForget it. 完形填空11、An American girl named Tae Davis held a special party on Saturday moming 1 the party, there

7、 were neither cakes nor candles. There was only a room full of art supplies and many 2 she had never met before. Tae told the children to 3 a picture. The children all love art, and they are all homeless. These children dont have art supplies to paint, said Tae. And I want to 4 the children and make

8、 them feel the beauty of art. Tae got the 5 last year when her art pictures were on sale. Tae was afraid that the children couldnt afford 6 own art supplies and they would give up. So she wrote letters to 50 big art supply 7 to ask for help and she heard from 45 of them.The little girl received a lo

9、t of donations from some companies. Tae Davis 8 more than $ 32,000, enough to make a home for children to paint their own pictures.So far, Tae has held three 9 She was encouraged by the White House. Tae also received the Presidents Volunteer Service Money. 10 the money is nice , Tae spends it for a

10、different reason to get poor children to enjoy art.1ATo BAt CWith DFor2Achildren Bcakes Ccandles Dtoys3Abuy Bsee Cpaint Denjoy4Ateach Bhelp Ctell Dask5Aanswer Bnews Cticket Didea6Aits Btheir Chis Dher7Acompanies Bstations Cmarkets Dcountries8Aborrowed Bfound Ccollected Dearned9Ameetings Blessons Cle

11、ctures Dparties10AAlthough BBecause CUnless DOnce. 语法填空12、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Taking public transportation in the United States, you can often see people reading books on 1 way to school or work. But in China, I hardly see people reading 2 their free time.Are p

12、eoples attitudes toward reading 3 (difference) here? Not really. Data (数据) released by Amazon China show that Chinese people still read a lot. They 4 (simple) prefer e-books over regular books.However, other data show that reading is still 5 (popular) in the US than in China. Is there a reason for t

13、his difference? Im not sure. What I do know is that China has a rich history of literature (文学). From classic novels like Romance of the Three Kingdoms to the modern science-fiction epic The Three-Body Problem, Chinese authors 6 (create) many fantastic works so far.Perhaps the difference starts from

14、 childhood. Reading textbooks and doing homework can make you feel quite tired. By the time you finish it, you might not feel like reading for 7. Chinese students surely have to read more and do more homework 8 American students. So its no wonder that they might not want to read much in their spare

15、time.9 learning to love reading can be great. Reading can open doors to places, people and ideas that you cannot imagine. Even just a single book has the power to change your own 10 (person) beliefs and attitudes. Where will your next book take you?. 阅读理解A13、 Social media has become a part of our li

16、ves. It is the communication tool that children have been brought up with, but it is still illegal(违法的) for a Canadian child under the age of 13 to have a social media page.This is a shame when you consider the learning opportunities that social media offers. At our school, Vernon Christian Elementa

17、ry school in Vernon, BC, I can see how it provides children with the chance to learn how to communicate properly and effectively. If they want their friends to follow them or re-tweet (转发) their messages, they must learn to write them creatively in an interesting and amusing style , attach (粘贴) pict

18、ures , and ask questions to invite a response. Students will learn a lot from the process.Social media can also help students to sharpen up their writing skills. My students usually use the blog to keep a diary about something that interests them, and suddenly they appear to love writing.So is it ne

19、cessary to restrict (限制) students in the social media age? Not really. A survey has found that 59 percent of children have already used a social network by the time they are 10 , and 43 percent have messaged people they didnt know by the age of 12.Of course, primary schools should care about the dan

20、gers of social media. Measures(措施) should be taken to protect students from the dangers. In our school , we have a social media platform with a teachers dashboard (信息窗) where all activities can be managed. On one occasion, a boy wrote hurtful comments (评论) about a girl in a post message. After a dis

21、cussion with him about why it is wrong to send hurtful emails, he was embarrassed and said sorry to the girl.Over the past 23 years teaching in British Columbia, I have focused on computing. I therefore take notice of the bad effects of social media on primary students. However, social media offers

22、learning and communicating opportunities to elementary students. More importantly, we cannot ignore(忽视) the fact elementary children are using social media. I strongly believe that exposing students to the social media will equip them to be wiser grow-ups in the future.1Which of the following is TRU

23、E according to the passage?AThe writer has made students learn a lot by using social media as a teacher.BAll the students cant be allowed to use social media in British Columbia.CIn Canada , children under 13 have rights to use social media pages freely.DThe writer has paid less attention to primary

24、 students in using social media.2The phrase sharpen up in the third paragraph means _ .AachieveBimproveCformDpractise3What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?AMore schools will encourage students to use social media skillfully.BIt is necessary to stop the students from using social media

25、at school.CSocial media at school will make great influence on students future.DIt is so important to keep school websites safe in Information Age.4In the writers opinion social media _ at school.Awill take the place of other learning styles slowlyBcan help students make a good habit of learningCwil

26、l make students take less interest in learningDshould be developed more widely among studentsB14、 Playing video games can be a fun way to spend time with friends. In some schools, teachers use games like Minecraft to encourage teamwork and communication.But for some players, gaming is an unhealthy h

27、abit. They stay up late playing games. They do little or no homework. They give up other hobbies and pay little attention to their families and friends. The video-game world seems a friendlier place than the real one.Mental(精神的)health experts(专家)have taken notice. The World Health Organization(WHO)

28、listed “ gaming disorder(电玩失调症)” as a disease(疾病)last year. A person may have the disorder if gaming has done harm to his or her relationships with family and friends. and if it has influenced his or her daily activities.Not all experts agree that over-gaming should be called a disorder. They say pe

29、ople who spend too much time on video games may develop other mental health problems. These should be treated first.Others think WHO did the right thing. Clifford Sussman is a doctor who treats gaming addiction (瘾). He says those kids often get angry easily and it makes everything difficult for them

30、 to complete, like schoolwork.Sussman advises tracking(跟球) how long you play. He says you should take at least an hour-long break after every hour of play. The brain needs time to recover(恢复).Young gamers who think they might have a problem should ask an ad(成年人) for helpSussman suggests you first an

31、swer a simple question: “Are you in control, or is the game in control?”1The writer develops his idea in Paragraph 2 by .Agiving some examplesBusing an expert s opinionCdescribing his personal habitsDintroducing the result of a survey2The underlined word it in Paragraph 3 refers to “ ”.AgamingBa dis

32、easeCgaming disorderDa video game3According to Sussman, kids with gaming addiction .Ahave grown in number these yearsBshould be treated as early as possibleCoften have trouble doing lots of thingsDmay have different mental health problems4By answering Sussman s question, we may know Awhat gaming add

33、iction isBif we have gaming addictionChow to fight gaming addictionDwhy to fight gaming addictionC15、Last Sunday evening, my parents went out for a walk with my sister. But I studied alone at home because I should have an English test the next day. Suddenly, I saw bright light in my neighbors kitche

34、n. I thought he was cooking, so I went on studying.Soon, there was a terrible smell in the air and I thought something was wrong. I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbors kitchen. So I shouted, “Fire, Fire!” But no one heard or came out.I ran quickly to my house to call 119, and then I ran

35、g my neighbors doorbell, knocked at the door, but there was noresponse. I got into the house through the window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom. I woke him up and we rushed out of the house together.We tried our best to pour water through the kitchen window, but the fire was too heavy.

36、 Luckily, the firemen came and put out the fire quickly. When my parents came back, they found I was dirty and tired. After my neighbor told them the whole story, they were happy and said I was a brave boy.1The underlined word “response”can be replaced (代替)by .Aresult Banswer Cquestion2Why didnt the

37、 writer go out for a walk with his parents?ABecause his parents only liked his sister.BBecause he would have an English class.CBecause he had to study for an English test.3Who put out the fire at last?AThe writer.BThe writers neighbor.CThe firemen.4According to the passage, which of the following is

38、 TRUE?AThe writers neighbor was sleeping when the fire started.BThe fire happened last Friday evening.CThe writers parents were angry when they knew what had happened.5Whats the passage mainly about?AHow to put out a fire.BI studied for a test at home.CI saved my neighbor from the fireD16、 GOOD ENOU

39、GH TO EAT:A kids guide to food and nutrition (营养)By William B Noyes Add to Cart (购物车)Add to Shopping ListTop Customer ReviewsMy kids loved this book!By L. MarkovitzThis book is very easy to understand for kids and helpful if you want them to understand why you want them to eat certain foods. It also

40、 explains food groups on a level they can understandMy kids didnt love this book!By Sycamore SewingThe book explains the nutrition you receive and which part of your body it feeds .The book is great except the page that says most of your food should be grains(谷物)and you should get all of your energy

41、 from the things like cereal and bagels,it doesnt look rightI just dont agree on it Recommended (推荐)By EllenI would recommend this to any Mom! It tells Moms what is healthy food1The above reading most probably comes from a .AbookBwebsiteCmagazineDnewspaper2Which food group do the underlined words ce

42、real and bagels belong to?AGrainsBMeatCVegetablesDFruits3According to the above reading, which of the following is TRUE?AThis book is written for kids onlyBSycamore Sewing is the books writerCNot everyone agrees with the ideas in this bookDThis book tells you how to exerciseE17、There are many colors

43、 in nature. But do you know if a color has weight? I think youll say “no”. But I am afraid you are wrong. If you dont believe, you may do a small experiment.First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes. Then cover the box. Third, wrap one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a

44、 white piece of paper. OK. Now hold the boxes with your hand one by oneIt is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier.Why do you think so? A scientist found that different colors have different weight in a mans mind. So he did many tests and at last he got the result. That is to s

45、ay, every color has its own weight in our mind and their order is the same. The heaviest color is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow and white.The scientist told us that colors also have smell. Can you smell the color? Of course not. Then why did the scientist say so? That is because every color

46、stands for a kind of light with a certain wavelength. It reaches our brain through sense organs.According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept the colors they like, and refuse the colors they hate. So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colors you like. Or youll be nervou

47、s or even get ill. For example, if you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture for two hours, youll feel you have been there for four hours. But if the room is blue, youll feel you have been there for only an hour. Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blu

48、e room, his temperature will fall. That means our body temperature will change with different colors.1The purpose of the second paragraph is to tell us _.Aa red box is heavier than a white one Ba color has weight in ones mindCwhite paper is lighter than red paper Dyou can know the weight of a color

49、by holding it2Why did the scientist say colors have smell?ABecause people can sense the light from colors.BBecause we can smell colors with our nose.CBecause every color has its own sweet smell.DBecause every color can give off light of the same length.3If a person walks from a blue room to a red ro

50、om, his body temperature will _.Arise Bfall Cstay the same Dchange now and then4It can be implied from the text that _.Acolors have orders in weightBcolors can change the weight of an objectCpeople would stay longer in a room with red windowsDcolors can affect our mood and health5This passage is pro

51、bably a _.Abook review Bfiction novel Cfairy tale Dscience reportF18、A priest(牧师) had a cat that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. The tree was not strong enough to climb, so the priest decided that if he tied a rope to his car and drove away so that the tree bent(弯

52、曲) down, he could then reach up and get the kitty. He did so, checking his progress in the car again and again, then work out if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent enough for him to reach the kitty. But as he moved a little further forward, the rope broke.The tree went “boing!

53、” and the kitty at once sailed through the air out of sight. The priest felt terrible. He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if theyd seen his kitty. Nobody had seen a lost kitty.So, he prayed, “_” and went on about his business.Several days later he was at the grocery store, meeting one

54、 of his church members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. Before this woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her, “Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?”She replied, “You wont believe this,” and told him how her little girl

55、had been begging(恳求) her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the child begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, “Well, if _, you can keep it.” She told the priest, “I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. You wont believe th

56、is, but I saw it with my own eyes. A cat suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws spread out, and landed right in front of her. ”1The priest drove his car to bend the tree in order to _.Aget his kitty down from the treeBpersuade his kitty to come downCfeed the kittyDsee if the rope was strong enough2The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably means that the priest _.Awas happy he didnt have to care for the


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