



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业附录1:闪光词汇与短语1.描写问题 黯然低分词闪亮高分词wiseadvisable, sensible, rational, reasonableimportant decisive, crucial, primary, far-reaching, profound, significantgood:教育性的beneficial, enlightening, instructive, valuable, preciousfamous distinguished, pre

2、stigious, renownedclear specific, particular, definite, concretebad不良的,不利的negative, adverse, disadvantageous, dreadful, unfavorablegood有利的positive, favorable, advantageoususefulhelpful, benefit, rewardingbad严重的Serious, severe, graveenough, plenty sufficient, adequate, abundanthave free time, usable

3、availableattractiveenchanting, charming, appealing, fascinatinggo out of datego out of style(fashion)very big, largetremendous, huge, giant, enormousexpensivecostly, extravagantstrongintense, fiercerichprosperous, flourishing, thriving, booming, (繁荣的) wealth, well-off(富裕的), affluentwonderfulsplendid

4、, magnificent, superb, marvelousbad粗俗的,不雅unrefined, improper, crude, coarse, roughdirtyfilthy, messygreat, surprisingfantastic, incredible, unbelievable, extraordinary, marvelous, notable, striking, amazing, shocking, astonishingunusualexceptional, raredifficult to understandabstract 抽象的mysterious,

5、obscure, incomprehensible费解的confusing, bewilderingallentire, overall, comprehensivecompletesheer, utter, thoroughonlysole, single, unique, merelydifferent kinds ofA variety of, various, diverse, all sorts oflower, worseinferior, junior, minorhigher, bettersuperior, senior, majorwaste time/ money/ sp

6、ace/ energytime/money/ space/ energy-consumingincreaseascend, climb, rise, mount, roar, on the risefalldescend, drop, decline描写人物黯然低分词闪光高分词hard-wordingconscientious, diligentcarefulcautiouscalmsober, reasonable, rationalcleverintelligent, bright, brilliantgood, excellent优秀的outstanding,brilliant, rem

7、arkable, distinguisheddecidedpersistent, insistent坚持不懈的 unyielding 不屈服的 determined, resolute, resolved有决心的 firm坚决的unfairbiased, prejudiced, partialnot kindhostile, adverse, aggressiveworriedanxious, uneasy, concernedcold, not kindindifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, chilly, callous, cold-heartedt

8、iredexhausted, fatigued, worn-out, wearyfrustrateddiscouraged, depressed, down-hearted, low-spirited, dispiriting3.分析问题黯然低分词闪光高分词desireambition, thirst, aspirationaimambition, strategic goal, targetabilitycapability, competence, talent, faculty, capacitygood sideadvantage, merit, benefitbad sideadva

9、ntage, merit, benefitshortageinferiority, insufficiency, inadequacyfunentertainment, amusementthingaffair, business, matterproblemdifficulty, crisis, disasterfriendacquaintance, intimate知己associate同僚companionpeople, personsindividualsgovernmentthe authoritiesway, methodapproach, means, measure4.采取措施

10、黯然低分词闪光高分词workplay a role, perform, function, serve, play a part, take effecttry to, work hardattempt to, make efforts to, endeavor to, manage to, try every means tomake full use ofoptimize, make best use of, make the most ofuseemploy, utilize, applyteachtutor, coach, educatecutreduce, decrease, les

11、sen, diminishmakeshortshorten, cut down, decreaseincreaseimprove, enhance, raise, grow, mount, accelerategiveimpart, donate, contributedopractice, carry out, conduct, performemphasizelay/place emphasis on, attach importance to, put stress on, place weight on, highlightfinish, realizeachieve, accompl

12、ish, fulfill, completepay attention toset ones mind on sth, concentrate on, be absorbed in, be engrossed in, be occupied in, be attentive on, focusondecide to dobe determined to do, make up ones mind to do, be resolved to doexperienceundergo, endure, live with, go throughbe used tobe accustomed to,

13、be adjusted tolovecherish, treasure, valueunderstanddigest, grasp, absorbgive updesert, abandonget rid of remove, eliminatepreventban, prohibit, forbidharmendanger, damage, threatenstop, preventhinder, curb, hamper, restrainattractfascinate, tempt, appeal toenlargeexpand, broaden, widen, extend, spr

14、eadhaveoccupy, hold, own, possess, containmeetcome across, encounter, be confronted with, be faced withtake part inparticipate in, engage in, go in fordepend onrely on, lean on, be dependent onsurpriseastonish, shock, startlegetagainrestore, recover, regain, resumehelpmake contribution to, do ones b

15、it to, assistknowbe acquainted with, be familiar withget to knowbe aware ofbe careful aboutbe cautious of, for fear ofdont knowbe ignorant of5.总结观点黯然低分词闪光高分词think,considerargue, maintain, hold the view that, I am convinced thatit is widely shared that, it is university acknowledged thatjudgecome the

16、 conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, decideprovetestify, confirm, verify, turn out,证明 acquire, obtain, attain, reap获得getearn, gain, procuresupportin favor of, agree with, approve of, consent to支持,赞成 advocate, recommendlikebe fond ofbe against, disagree withbe opposed to, object to, disapprove

17、 of, reject, showdemonstrate, reflect, manifest, indicate, revealIt is decidedbe doomed to, be destined to注定 explainaccount for, illustrate, clarifypredictanticipate, foretelltelldepict, describe, display, reveal, demonstratemakebelieveconvince, assure, confirmcausegive rise to, lead to, result in,

18、triggerrememberbear/keep in mind that6.程度副词黯然低分词闪光高分词veryexceedingly, extremely, intenselygraduallystep by step, little by little, bit by bit, by degreesforeverpermanently, constantlysuddenlyabruptly, unexpectedlycertainly, surelyunquestionably, unsurprisingly, undoubtedly, definitely, it is no wonder thatmore and moreincreasingly, growing, an increasing number ofalmostapproximately7.短语黯然低分词闪光高分词for example, for instanceto name only a few, as an examplemuch, a lot of a great deal of, a great amount ofmany, a lot of, many kinds o


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