已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、【爱美之心,人皆有之】英文翻译:The love for beauty is common to all men.Skin care 护肤Make up 化妆Dry skin 干性皮肤【适用于干性皮肤的产品几乎不含有酒精】英文翻译:Products for dry skin have littlealcohol.Oily skin 油性皮肤【这款产品适合油性皮肤,能平衡油脂分泌,改善毛孔粗大】英文翻译:For oily skin , thisproduct can balance oil secretion and improve pore coarse.Mixed skin 混合性皮肤【混合

2、性皮肤的护理关键在于均衡油脂分泌】英文翻译:The nursing key for mixed skin isto balance the oil secretion.Sensitive skin 敏感性皮肤【敏感性皮肤晒太阳过多容易受到伤害】英文翻译:A sensitive skin is easily hurt by toomuch sunshine.Facial cleaning 面部清洁Facial wash 洗面奶Face soap 洗脸皂Makeup remover 卸妆产品Cleansing balm 卸妆膏Cleansing oil 卸妆油Cleansing cream 卸妆乳

3、 Cleansing toner 卸妆水Exfoliator 去角质产品Scrub 刷洗Peel 去皮EP 20 护肤美妆系列2.mp303:20来自阿卡索口语秀护肤美妆系列系列节目二【知识点概括】Facial cleaning 面部清洁Toner 护肤水Lotion 乳液(也可用来形容护肤水)Smoothing Toner 柔肤水Smoothing 使 .变平滑Firming Lotion 紧肤水Firming 紧致、固化Facial treatment essence 面部精华露Essence 精华液Serum 血清(也可以用来形容精华液)Eye Serum 眼部精华Eye Cream 眼

4、霜Eye Balm 眼霜Eye renewal 眼部修复霜Eye treatment 眼部护理霜【知识点概括】Cream 面霜Moisturizer 面霜Moisturize 使 . 湿润【保湿霜可以滋润肌肤】英文翻译:Moisturizer can moisturize skin.Day cream 日霜Night cream 晚霜Recovery 修复霜Sun Cream 防晒霜(也可以用Sun lotion 和 Sun protection 来表示)Lip treatment 唇部护理Make-up remover for eye&lip 眼唇卸妆液Lip balm 润唇膏Mask 面膜

5、Sheet mask 片状面膜Peel-off mask 剥离式面膜Sleeping mask 睡眠面膜Eye mask 眼膜Lip mask 唇膜【知识点概括】 Make-up Base 隔离霜Makeup primer 妆前乳Foundation 粉底Complexion 气色Flawless 无暇Skin tone 肤色Skin type 肤质Liquid foundation 粉底液Foundation cream 粉底膏Blemish Balm Cream BB 霜Color Control Cream CC 霜Cushion Foundation Compact 气垫粉底BB cu

6、shion compact气垫BB 霜 CC cushion compact气垫CC 霜【容易使用和携带】英文翻译:easy to apply and easy to carry.【在脸上拍上薄薄一层就可以了】英文翻译:tap all around your face with a thin layer.Reapplying 补妆Concealer 遮瑕膏Pressed powder 粉饼Loose powder 散粉【知识点概括】Brow pencil 眉笔Brow powder 眉粉Eyebrow gel 染眉膏Eye shadow 眼影Eyeliner 眼线笔Mascara 睫毛膏Las

7、h curler 睫毛夹Lipstick not only makes【口红不仅能让你气色瞬间变好,还让你心情变好。】英文翻译:you look good, it makes you feel good.lip stick 唇膏lip gloss 唇蜜lip glaze 唇釉Glaze 高光质地Shimmer / Frost 珠光质地Lustre / Sheer 润泽质地Creamy 奶油质地Amplified 润采诱光质地Stain 缎面质地Matte / Velvet 哑光质地Blush 腮红Highlighter 高光Shadow 阴影其他化妆品英文名称:卸妆水:makeup remov

8、er卸妆乳:makeup removing lotion指甲 : manicure/pedicure指甲油:nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:nail saver发 : hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula化

9、妆品/化妆工具工具:cosmetic applicators/accessories粉刷:cosmetic brush,facebrush粉扑:powder puffs海绵扑 : sponge puffs眉刷:brow brush睫毛夹 : lash curler眼影刷:eye shadowbrush/shadow applicator口红刷:lip brush胭脂扫:blush brush转笔刀:pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡:brow template卷发器:rol

10、lers/perm rollers纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸:oil-absorbing sheets化装棉:cotton pads棉签: q-tips【知识点概括】 Beauty Adviser 柜姐(简称BA)【请问需要帮忙吗】英文翻译:May I help you?【我想买些化妆品】英文翻译:I would like to buy some cosmetics.【我想买口红】英文翻译:I am looking for some lipsticks.【你可以给我推荐一些口红吗】英文翻译:Can you recommend some lipsticks for me?【我想要亮

11、一点的颜色】英文翻译:I would like a brighter color.【请问你是什么肤质】英文翻译:What is your skin type?【我是干性皮肤】英文翻译:I have dry skin./My skin is dry.My skin is very sensitive.【我可以试用一下吗】英文翻译:Can I try it on and see how it looks?【是否有试用装可以给我试用一下】英文翻译:Do you have trial samples that I can tryfirst?【多少钱】英文翻译:How much is it?【一共多少钱

12、】英文翻译:How much altogether?【如果你心情低迷,就多涂些口红、主动出击】英文表达:If you re sad add more lipstickand attack.常用化妆品口语对话I want to buy a new lipstick. Do you know any good brands?我想买一支新唇膏,你知道哪个牌子好吗How much for this black mascar?这只黑色睫毛膏多少钱?What is included in your gift package?你们赠品包括了什么?With this coupon , you will giv

13、e me a 15% discount for purchasing night cream,right?有这张优惠券,我买晚霜会有85 折优惠对吗?Excuse me , how can I get the extra free handbag?对不起,我要怎么样才能得到那个额外的免费手提袋I m sorry, the gift package is exclusive for customers who purchase our new foundation.很抱歉,这项礼品只赠送给购买我们新款粉底霜的客人There are two different sets of eye shadow

14、s in our gift package, which one would you like to have?我们赠品中有两组不同组合的眼影,你想选择哪一组?I m not sure if this color matches my skin tone, can I try it first?我不确定这个颜色是不是适合我的肤色,我可以先试下吗?My skin is very sensitive, do you have trial samples that I can try first?我皮肤很敏感,有试用品可以让我先试用下吗?If my skin is allergic to the p

15、roduct, can I bring it back for a refund?如果我的皮肤对那个产品过敏,我可以拿回来退吗?I m sorry ,if you have any allergic reactions, we can only promise exchange.很抱歉,如果你有任何过敏反应,我们只接受换货服务If I don t like the lipsticks color that is in your gift package, is it possible to repliatcweith adifferent color?如果我不喜欢赠品中的口红颜色,我可以换一个

16、不同颜色吗I m sorry. You can not change any item from the gift package.抱歉,赠品中的产品是不可以替换的What color do you usually wear for the eye shadow?你通常使用什么颜色的眼影?How about wearing fake eyelashes instead of using an eyelash curler?不要睫毛夹,试试假睫毛如何?It is a newly imported product with the transparent touch这是最新进口的产品,具有透明感D

17、o you carry alcohol-free toners?你们有没有不含酒精成分的化妆水?Do you carry anything that can improve dry and cracked lips?你们有没有可以修复干裂嘴唇的产品?The eye cream I bought last time was too greasy, do you have a lighter one?我上次买的眼霜太油腻了,有比较清淡的吗?I heard that you antiaging gel works really well, I m interested in buying one b

18、ottle.我听说你们的抗老精华露很好,我想买一瓶I have oily skin, so I want something that is light but can still keep enough moisture for the winter我是油性皮肤,所以我需要那种比较清爽但是在冬天足够保湿的产品My skin looks dull. What would you recommend that I use?我皮肤看起来很暗淡,你会建议我用些什么产品?I feel my pores enlarging, is there anything I can use to shrink t

19、hem我觉得我毛孔变大了,有没有什么产品可以收缩 毛孔Do you try to use this honey and almond enriched facial scrub. It will exfoliate the dead skin你可以试用这种富含蜂蜜及杏仁成分的磨砂洁面霜,它可以去除老化的死皮If your skin is sensitive you d better do ate“st p” atcbhfoere you apply the products onyour face.如果你肌肤很敏感,你最好在脸部使用产品前先做一下过敏反应测试Anti-wrinkle eye cream 抗皱眼霜The mask suits for dry skin 这款面膜适合干性皮肤Use loose powder to set your makeup, dusting the excess of


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