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1、高三第一轮复习质量检测英语试题本试卷由四个局部组成。其中,第一、二局部和第三局部的第一节为选择题。第三 局部的第二节和第四局部为非选择题,共12页。试卷总分值150分,考试时间120分钟。 考试结束后.将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。考前须知:.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。.答选择题时,每题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。.答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第一局部听力(共两节,总分值30分)做题时.,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上

2、的 答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,总分值7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你都有1()秒钟的时间来回答有关你都有1()秒钟的时间来回答有关最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1, What does the mail wan to do?A. Get some paper.B.Make some copies.C.Replace the photocopier.2.What s the man?A.A waiter.B.An accountant.C.A program

3、mer.3.A.In a park.B.In a classroom.C.In a gym.Where might the speakers be?4.A.The bad traffic.What is the woman complaining about?Her early work schedule.The annoying construction.5. What did the woman probably win?A. A television.B. $64 in cash.C. A radio.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,总分值22.5分)myself using more

4、 band aids(仓ij 口J 贝占)and duct tape than 1 ever 5() I would just to keep my hands working. The turn over rate at the mill became so 51 that at the end of two years only four other people had 52 there longer than I had. Every morning I would 53 myself out of bed and go to work knowing it was going to

5、he another 54 day. I tried my best to keep my 55 up but many times during those years I found myself saying, “Why me, God? Why am I having to 56 this? Why has my life not turned out the 57 I dreamed it would?” I never got an 58 .Il is only now many years later that I have a hint of 59 I had to go th

6、rough those tough times. I think that it is the “Why Me?” times of our lives in which we 6() the most.41.A. editorB. graduateC. professorD. student42.A. delightedB. satisfiedC. desperateD. modest43.A. HopefullyB. FortunatelyC. SadlyD. Frankly44.A. jobB. riseC. choiceD. title45.A. busyB. woniedC. cal

7、mD. grateful46.A. paidB. costC. reducedD. wasted47.A. stoppingB. jumpingC. bendingD. wandering48.A. achingB. tremblingC. cheeringD. choking49.A. burntB. brokeC. shookD. bled5().A. heardB. promisedC. sawD. thought51.A. lowB. highC. fixedD. steady52.A. relaxedB. waitedC. preparedD. worked53.A. pushB.

8、releaseC. pressD. pull54.A. difficultB. helpfulC. interestingD. meaningful55.A. handB. voiceC. spiritsD. tunes56.A. give upB. go throughC. prepare forD. carry out57.A. challengeB. wayC. levelD. structure58.A. answerB. aimC. orderD. opportunity59.A. howB. whereC. whyD. when60.A. complainB. loseC. gro

9、wD. expect第二节(共1()小题,每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。China is famous for its bewildering and oftentimes confusing highway interchanges (立体交叉道),but the Qianchun interchange in 61 mountainous province of Guizhou is the only one 62 actually looks like a giant rollercoaster for cars an

10、d trucks.63 (Construct)on the Qianchun Interchange began in 2009, but the massive road knot was only completed last year. It 64 (consist)of 18 different ramps, in 8 directions, on five different layers, with the highest one 65 (stand)37 meters above ground. Like the nearby Huangjuewan Overpass, in C

11、hongqing, this incredibly complex infrastructure project has been labelled a nightmare for 66 (motorist) trying to find their way around.People on social media pointed 67 that GPS systems would be confused by the five different layers of road, but officials claims that the directions and exits on th

12、e interchange are 68 (clear)marked and that even if you make mistakes, its always easy to turn around. Still, just looking at this thing leaves me 69 (confuse). I can, t imagine 70 having to find my way around it must belike.第四局部写作(共两节,总分值35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题,每题1分,总分值10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以

13、下作文。文中共 有1()处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I am writing to offer my sincere congratulation. You won the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As your friend, I just w

14、ant you to know how gladly I am at your success.In last few years, you had shown great interest in Chinese chess. You keep on practicing them every day. Not only have you read much books about Chinese chess strategies, but also you have competed on all kinds of Chinese chess contests. Finally, you s

15、ucceeded in win the online competition!I was so very happy that I couldn t go to sleep last night. I m eager to play Chinese chess with you at the community club, which we 11 enjoy ourselves.第二节书面表达(总分值25分)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack发来邮件说他对中国古典文学非常感兴趣,托你 买一本相关的书寄给他,请给予回复。内容包括:.推荐的书及理由;.说明邮寄方式及时间;3,表达祝愿。注意:1.词

16、数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:古典classical听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三 个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅 读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独 白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. When was the flight supposed to take off?A. At 8 am.B. At 11 am.What will the speakers fail to do?Attend a meeting.M

17、eet some customers.Go sightseeing in the city.听第7段材料.回答第8和第9题两个小题。What are the speakers doing?A. Baking a cake.B. Making a pizza.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Father and daughter.B. Husband and wife.第8段材料,回答第10至12三个小题。C. At 2 pm.C. Ealing some popcorn.C. Brother and siste

18、r.C. A high school student.C. 19 years old.C. Acting.Where does the woman come from?A. Japan.B. Kenya.C. China.How is the woman s country different from other countries?Kids like plastic paper halls.Kids are all good soccer players.Kids make soccer balls themselves.Who might the woman be?A. A bank c

19、lerk.B. A soccer player.听第9段材料,回答第13至16四个小题。How old is Corey?A. 7 years old;B. 16 years old.What is the woman s favorite hobby now?A. Skiing.B. Swimming.What docs the woman think of playing computer games?A. It helps her make friends. B. It s a waste of time. C. It s relaxing.What will the speakers

20、do next?A. Have an English class.B. Go to the teacher? s office.C. Meet the woman * s friends.听第10段材料.回答第17至20题四个小题。What is the speech about?C. Outdoor courses.C. A beach.C. Feed birds.C. 36.A. School activities.B. Traveling plans.Where will the students visit this time?A. A lake.B. A forest.What wi

21、ll the students learn to do?A. Make a birdhouse.B. Design backpacks.How many hours will the students spend in “Nature” ?A. 12.B. 24.第二局部阅读理解(共两节,总分值40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最正确选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。The Gift of LifeMost couples demonstrate their love on February 14 with flowe

22、rs or chocolates. But these four men and women have offered the ultimate loving gesturethe gift of life. Each sacrifice has enabled their loved ones to live full and active lives again after serious illness.19D Do THE SAME FORHERMichele Johnson, 53, has been maiTied to Gay, 57, fbr 26 years.With her

23、 husband suffering from a congenital(先天性的)kidney condition, in 2013 Michele gave him one of hem. Gay said: ”I needed to be hooked up to a dialysis(透 析)machine. I had no quality of life at all. However, I felt great as soon as I woke up after the operation. I told her T d do the same for her.”I LOVE

24、BRENDA TO BITSBrenda Green, 62, met her husband Keith, 63, when she was 24 and they married five years later. When Brenda was told five years ago she needed a kidney transplant, she cried. I II give you mine. Keith said without hesitation. Brenda is my wife and I love her to bits. ”MY WIFE S MY HERO

25、Stephen Heavyside, 61, and wife Patricia, 62, have been married for 40 years. Stephen said: ”I was diagnosed with adult polycystic kidney disease five years ago. Patricia took good care of me and donated a kidney. This has brought us even closer.He said u Patricia * s gift changed my life. She is my

26、 hero. ”DECISION WAS EASYAnna Stevens, 48, and husband Gary, 53, of Watford, Herts, have been wed for 23 years. Anna donated a kidney to her husband. She said of the transplant: uIt was the easiest decision Ive ever made. Gary said. Theres only two words that I can use to describe her: My angel. ”Ho

27、w was Michele Johnson s husband before the operation?He suddenly suffered from kidney disease.He had to be on dialysis a long time.Hcdidn t want to live any longer.He felt great in spite of the sickness.Why did Stephen Heavyside say her wife was his hero?They had been married for a long time.They ha

28、d got along well with each other.She took good care of him after he got ill.He recovered because of his wife s gift.What can we know about the four couples?Four wives donated their kidneys to their husbands.They had all been married more than 20 years.The patients suffered from congenital kidney dis

29、ease.They demonstrate their love with flowers or chocolates.BDoes your school have any problems with discipline? What happens when students step out of line? Here are some examples of bad behaviour:Playing truant(missing school without permission from parents).Stealing, smoking, hitting, swearing(说脏

30、话),running, kissing.Cheating in exams.Calling a teacher or another pupil bad names.Not doing homework.Not listening or not paying attention in lessons.Wearing unsuitable clothes.Here are some of the ways that UK school children can be punished:Exclusion: a pupil is asked to leave the school and not

31、come back. The pupil has to find a new school or a different method of education.Suspension: a pupil cannot enter the building or attend lessons until the school has a meeting about their situation. Suspension can last from one to 45 days. The pupil is usually given work to do at home with a special

32、 teacher.Detention: a pupil is asked to stay after school and work for 3()-60 minutes before they Can leave.Lines: a pupil has to write a sentence many times(e. g. 100 or more)on a sheet of paper, e, g, I must not shout in classFreya MacDonald, a 15-year-old pupil from Scotland, made the news when s

33、he refused to accept her school , s punishment. Her family says that she was given 11 detentions for trivial things in class and coming into school through a fire door.Freya says that repeated detentions disrupted her fight to an education under Scottish law and made it difficult for her to learn. S

34、he refused to return until the school respected her civil rights. She wants the headmaster and her teachers to sign a letter to promise this. Hundreds of schools in Scotland were told not to use detention as a punishment because of her legal action.Many UK schools now give parents a home-school cont

35、ract, explaining their discipline and rules. Parents must sign this document to agree that they accept the school s rules and discipline and that they are responsible for their child s behaviour.What does the text mainly talk about?Some examples of bad behaviour in schoo 1.Common discipline and rule

36、s in UK schools.How UK schools discipline and punish students.What UK parents think of school punishment.What do we know about suspension in UK schools?It is the most serious punishment for students.A pupil is not permitted to come back to schoo 1.It forces students to write a critical self-review.A

37、 pupil can come back within one and half a month.What did Freya , s legal action result in?She didn t want to study at a 11.Many schools cancelled detention to punish students.She didn t step out of line after that.Teachers signed a letter to respect her civil rights.Why do many UK schools sign a co

38、ntract with parents?To make it easy for students to learn.To help parents know about school rules.To share responsibility for their child s actions.To avoid their own responsibility for education.CToday, we are constantly bombarded with media reports about research on the right diet to follow to hel

39、p us maintain a healthy lifestyle or lose weight一but its hard to know which one to pick and, once chosen, its harder still to stick to it. And now there? s another choice to get our teeth into.A flexitarian(弹,性素食者)diet involves eating plantbased foods and only occasionally eating meat and fish. This

40、 eating style allows you to supplement some ingredients that you wouldn t get in a stricter vegan(素食主义者)dielanother trend growing in popularity. And like veganism, flexitarianism isnt about eating carefully to help you lose a few poundsits something people choose for ethical reasons, to help the pla

41、net. And a study into the global food system and how it affects the climate, has found that eating mainly plant-based foods is one of three key steps towards a sustainable future for all by 2050.This research found that food waste will need to be halved and farming practices will also have to improv

42、e to achieve this. But without a single solution, a combined approach is needed. Dr Marco Springmann from the University of Oxford was one of the lead authors of the report. He told the BBC “We really found that a combination of measures would be needed to stay within environmental limits and those

43、include changes towards healthier more plant based diets. nBut whereas vegans think its wrong for animals to be killed for food, flexitarians believe eating meat once in a while is acceptable. And Dr Springmann agreesas long as we u treat it as a luxury, it s probably OK but you shouldn * t have mor

44、e than one serving of red meat, which includes beef and pork, per week. And here s another fact to digest: If we moved to this type of diet, the study found that greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture would be cut by more than half.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?A.To lead to the topic

45、.B.To entertain the readers.C.To ask for information.D.To present an idea.From the text, we can know that a flexitarian diet.A.is the most popular eating styleB.involves eating no meatC.benefits the environmentD.only balances the nutritionWhat does Dr Marco Springmann agree with?Il s wrong to kill a

46、nimals for food.Improving farming practices makes no sense.A plant-based diet has nothing to do with climate change.Combined measures are needed for environmental protection.What can be the suitable title for the text?A. Methods of keeping fitB. Choose a flexitarian dietC. Measures to protect the en

47、vironment D. Keep a strict vegan dietDDeveloped by researchers and designers specializing in typography( E|刷术)and behavioral science, Sans Forgetica is a new fonl(字体)designed to help readers better remember the information they read by forcing them to spend a bit more time on each word,The design of

48、 Sans Forgetica is based on a font called Albion, but with substantial modifications(修改)lo reduce familiarity and attain its goal of engaging the brain more and helping the reader retain(保存)more information. It was developed by scientists at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, who believe it co

49、uld help students studying for exams.“We believe this is the first time that specific principles of design theory have been combined with specific principles of psychology theory in order to create a font, “ Behavioral economist Jo Pcryman told DW.If fonts arc too familiar, readers often glance over

50、 them without their brain creating may memories of what was read. At the same time, if a font is too outlandish the brain has to struggle too much to decipher(破译)it while neglecting the retention of information. According to its developers, “Sans Forgetica lies at a sweet spot where just enough obst

51、acle has been added to create that memory retention. nIts modifications force readers to spend mole time, but not too much time, reading each word, allowing the brain to engage in deeper cognitive processing.So does Sans Forgetica actually work? Does it help readers better remember the information t

52、hey read? So far, studies have shown that it can make a difference, although not a significant one.One experiment had 96 participants recall word pairs presented in three different fonts. They remembered 69 percent of the word pairs written in Sans Forgetica, compared to 61 percent for the other fon

53、ts. In a different experiment, 303 students look a mock(模 拟)multiple-choice exam, and whenever the text was presented in Sans Forgetica, they remembered 57 percent of the text, compared to only 50 percent of the surrounding text written in Arial font.So Sans Forgetica won t give you the memory of an

54、 elephant, but if you re the kind of person who believes every little bit helps, it might be worth a try.What can we know about the new font?It is not beneficial to the study.It is more advanced than Albion font.Itt s based on principles of psychology theory.It helps readers better remember the info

55、rmation.What does the underlined word “outlandish in paragraph 4 mean?A. Strange.B. Contradictory. C. Splendid.D. Ugly.Whal s the main idea of paragraph 4?A. Why Sans Forgetica is popular.B. The disadvantages of the new font.C. How Sans Forgetica works.D. The unique character of the new font.Why are

56、 two experiments mentioned in paragraph 6?To advertise the new font.To prove Sans Forgetica is effective.To show Arial font is successful.To explain how Sans Forgetica serves readers.第二节(共5小题,每题2分,总分值10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。It could happen anywhere at any time. 36 Most people,

57、 at one time or another, have been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness. In a sometimes cold world where people can be so focused on what they* re doing, a random act of kindness can make all the difference.They can be relatively insignificant. Hannah Bailey from London, for example, tol

58、d the Metro newspaper about how she was given her fruit and vegetable shopping for free. The seller did her a kindness when it emerged she didn t have any change to pay. 37The city of Naples has long had a tradition called * caffe sospeso,. When buying coffee, a person who has recently been lucky would purchase Iwo cu


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