1、2019-2020年高中英语必修8Module5TheC onq uestoftheU ni verse-Backgro un dread ingsAbout Apollo 1111Seven mon ths after Apollo 8 flight, on July 16 in 1969, Apollo 11 lifted off for the moon from Cape Kenn edy肯 尼迪)and four days later, on Sun day, July 20, the puter guided the lunar module(登 月舱)to touchdow n(
2、降落).It was after noon in America, eve ning in Europe and morning in Japa n.As the module moved towards the surface of the moon, Armstro ng and Aldri n suddenly realized that the spot they were programmed to land on was a huge hole filled with boulders(巨石).Quickly Armstrong took control and moved the
3、 Eagle to a flat area where he made a perfect landing in the Sea of Tranquility(宁静之海).To the watching world he sent the message: Houst on, Tranq uility Base here. The Eagle has Ian ded.They made ready for the n ext amaz ing experie nce-walk ing on the moon! They pulled on their nice layered(被分层的)pro
4、tective suits and depressurized减压)the crew partme nt(分隔间)before Armstro ng climbed dow n the ladder to bee the first pers on to sta nd on lunar soil. His n ever-to-be-forgotte n words to the world were, “ Thats one small step for a man, one gia nt step for mankind.The two men spent more than two hou
5、rs on the moon. They unveiled (揭开)a plague(天灾)on the landing gear工具,用具),took photographs, set up various scie ntific experime nts, and collected samples of rocks and sand.When they returned to the mother ship, it was repressurized(加压)before they removed their suits and took off to rejoi n Colli ns i
6、n the orbit ing mand module Columbia, which was wait ing to carry them and their precious cargo back to Earth.Cass in i-Huyge ns卡西尼一惠更斯号(Cassini-Huygens是美国国家航空航天局、欧洲航天局和意大 利航天局的一个合作项目,主要任务是对土星系进行空间探测。卡西尼一惠更斯号土星探测器是人类迄今为止发射的规模最大、复杂程度最高的行星探测器。 卡西尼号探测器以意大利出生的法国天文学家,土星光环环缝的发现者卡西尼 的名字命名,其任务是环绕土星飞行。惠更斯号探测
7、器是卡西尼号携带的子探 测器,它以荷兰物理学家、天文学家和数学家,土卫六的发现者惠更斯的名字 命名,其任务是深入土卫六的大气层,对土星最大的卫星土卫六进行实地考察。1997年10月15日从肯尼迪航天中心发射升空的卡西尼一惠更斯号飞船于 xx年07月到达土星周围。这个项目由两部分组成:卡西尼号轨道器将会环绕 土星及其卫星运行四年之久,而惠更斯号探测器则会深入土卫六浓雾包围的大 气层并在其表面着陆。安装在这两枚探测器上的精密仪器将会为科学家们提供 帮助弄清这片神秘而辽阔的区域的重要数据。卡西尼一惠更斯号是不同国家的三个航天局的协作成果。有十七个国家参与建造了这艘飞船。卡西尼号轨道器由美国国家航空航
8、天局下属的喷气推进实验 室建造和管理。惠更斯号探测器由欧洲航天局建造。意大利航天局则为卡西尼 号提供了用于通讯的高增益天线。来自世界各地总共超过200位科学家将会参与研究收集到的数据。Star WarsStar Wars Returns to the Scree ns星球大战重返银幕One of the biggest blockbuster movie series, the Star Wars cycle created by George Lucas, has retur ned to the scree n, with the prequel (先行篇)titled Star Wars
9、: Episode 1-The Pha ntom 幻影)Menace 威胁).On ce, whe n a movie was successfulthere used to be a sequel, a follow-up film destined to build on the popularity of its predecessor and extend the life of the story at the box office.Now there is the prequel. After the success of the great Star Wars trilogy-S
10、tar Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983)-producer George Lucas has e up with the movie which preceded the famous story of good and evil forces battling it out across the galaxy.This preceding movie, or prequel, Star Wars: Episode 1-The Phantom Men ace (xx) sets t
11、he sce ne for the Star Wars trilogy, with the in troduct ion of characters such as the all-see ing old man of wisdom, Obi-Wa n Ken obi, and the evil Darth Vader.Whe n Star Wars was in troduced in 1977, it set new sta ndards. Writes film critic Coli n Hogg: “A Ion g, l ong time ago in a galaxy far aw
12、ay, beg ins Star Wars, the Gone With the Wind of science fiction movies, the epic that made the stars in the sky the stars of the movie screen and did more than any other film to bring that other world out there in the darkness into the hearts and minds of a generation.由乔治卢卡斯创造的、耗巨资拍摄的最宏大的电影系列之一星球大战
13、 故事又回到了银幕上。这部“前传”名叫星球大战:第一集-幽灵的威胁。一旦一部影片成功了,往往就会有一部“续集”出现,这部紧随其后的电影注定是建立在前一部影片的名气之上并在票房收入方面延续该故事生命 的。现在则有了 “前传”。在了不起的星球大战三部曲-星球大战 (1977),帝国反击战(1980)和杰迪的归来(又译:武士的归来 (1983) -成功之后,制作人乔治卢卡斯又推出了一部新片,讲述的是银 河系善恶力量决一胜负的这个著名故事之前的故事。这个之前的故事,或称前传,星球大战:第一集-幽灵的威胁(xx) 以介绍诸如洞悉一切的智慧老人、奥比温肯诺比和恶魔达思威德等人物为星球大战三部曲作了铺垫与衔
14、接。当星球大战在1977年初次面世的时候,它树立了一些新标准。电 影评论家科林霍格写道:很久很久以前,在遥远的银河系上开始的星球 大战,是科幻电影中的飘,是使太空中的群星成为银幕上明星的史诗,没 有任何一部电影像它这样将那个在黑暗中的另一个世界带进一代人的心里 和意识中。”2019-2020 年高中英语必修 8Module5TheConquestoftheUniverse教学说明教学设计说明话题介绍本模块主题是“太空探索”。阅读课文介绍了人类首次登月、 人类首次航天飞机飞行和“挑战者”号爆炸等事件。要求 学生掌握相关词汇,培养相关语言技能。Period 1 Read ingINTRODUCTI
15、ON Reading and speaking 和 READING AND VOCABULARY。)合并为第一课时。课文“ Space: the Final Frontier属说明文体,介绍了人类首次登月、首次航天飞 机飞行、土星及其卫星、科幻电影星球大战等。在学 生课前自学、预习的基础上,以背景介绍导入新课,然后 采取“自上而下”的阅读教学模式,引导学生关注文章的 篇章结构、段落大意,得出“结构 图”,理解全文、复述意义。教师还可以参考“教学资源”The An alysis of the Difficult Sen ten cesfrom Module 5 The Co nquest of the Uni verse中的材料,帮助学生解决字、词
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