1、第二课环境:201405-3As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop and hiss while melting away, this remote Arctic town and its culture are also disappearing in a changing climate.皮艇港(Kayak Harbor不断融化的冰山在嘶嘶作响,而这座偏远的北极小镇及其文化也随着气候变化日渐消失。Narsaq s largest employer, a shrimp factory, closed a few years ago after the crus
2、taceans fled north to cooler water. Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels, there is now one.几年前,气候变化导致虾蟹等渔业资源不断北迁至更寒冷的水域,作为纳萨克当地最大企业的虾厂被迫关门倒闭。渔业兴盛时期这里拥有八艘商业捕鱼船,而今只剩下一艘。As a result, the population here, one of southern Greenland s major towns, has been halved to 1decade. Suicides are
3、 up.纳萨克是格陵兰岛的南部重镇,过去短短十年中这里的人口减半,降至目前的 1500人,自杀率也不断上升。“Fishings the heart of this town, “said Hans Kaspersen, 63, a fisherman. Lots)f people have lost their livelihoods. ”捕鱼是这个小镇的主要产业,”今年63岁的渔民汉斯?卡斯佩森(Hans Kaspersen),如今很多人失去了生计。”But even as warming temperatures are upending traditional Greenlandic l
4、ife, they are also offering up intriguing new opportunities for this state of 57,000 perhaps nowhere more so than here in Narsaq.诚然,全球变暖正在颠覆格陵兰人传统的生活方式,但是也为这个只有5.7万人的自治领地提供了新良机,这在纳萨克体现得最为明显。Vast new deposits of minerals and gems are being discovered as Greenland ice cap receidessfoeming the basis of
5、 a potentially lucrative mining industry.随着格陵兰岛广袤的冰盖逐渐消融,人们发现了储量丰富的新矿产和宝石矿藏,这为发展利润巨大的采矿业奠定了基础。One of the world largest deposits of rare earth metals essential for manufacturing cellphones, wind turbines and electric cars sits just outside Narsaq.全球最大的稀土金属矿藏就坐落在纳萨克城外不远处。稀土金属是生产手机、风力涡轮机和电动汽车必不可少的原料。Th
6、is could be momentous for Greenland, which has long relied on half a billion dollars a year in welfare payments from Denmark, its parent state. Mining profits could help Greenland become economically self-sufficient and render it the first sovereign nation created by global warming.这对于格陵兰岛而言意义重大。很长时
7、间以来,格陵兰岛作为丹麦的海外郡一直依赖丹麦每年拨付的5亿美元资金维持运行。采矿收益可能会帮助格陵兰岛实现经济上的自给自足,成为第一个因全球变暖而 成立的主权国家。“ One of our goals is to obtain independence,“ said Vittus Qujaukitsoq, a prominent labor union leade知名工会领袖维图斯?奎奥基茨克(Vittus Qujaukitsoq)说,我们的一大目标就获得独立。”But the rapid transition from a society of individual fishermen an
8、d hunters to an economy supported by corporate mining raises difficult questions. How would Greenland insular settlements tolerate an influx of thousands of Polish or Chinese construction workers, as has been proposed? Will mining despoil a natural environment essential to Greenland national identit
9、y the whales and seals, the silent icy fjords, and mythic polar bears? Can fisherman reinvent themselves as miners?然而,原本由渔民和猎人组成的社会在迅速转变为由采矿业支撑的经济体的过程中也会引发一些难题。 比如,格陵兰岛上与世隔绝的定居点将如何容纳计划招募的数千名波兰或中国建筑工人?采矿是否会破 坏格陵兰岛维护特色形象(鲸、海豹、寂静的冰川海湾以及神秘的北极熊)所不可或缺的自然环境?渔 民们能够转行当矿工吗?“I think mining will be the future,
10、but this is a difficult phase,“ said Jens B. Frederiksen,and infrastructure minister and a deputy premier.It s a plan that not everyone wants. Itthe freedom of a boat, family professions.”我认为采矿就是我们的未来,不过现在是一个艰难的阶段,格陵兰住房与基础设施部长、副总理延斯?B?佛雷德利克森(Jens B. Frederiksen,不是每个人都赞同该计划,因为它会影响当地的传统、驾船的 自由以及代代相传的职
11、业。”The Arctic is warming even faster than other parts of the planet, and the rapidly melting ice is causing alarm among scientists about sea-level rise. In northeastern Greenland, average yearly temperature have risen 4.5 degrees in the past 15 years, and scientists predict the area could warm by 14
12、 to 21 degrees by the end of the century.北极地区的气温升幅为全球最快,科学家们发出警告,提醒人们关注冰川迅速融化所造成的海平面上升。过去15年中,格陵兰岛东北部的年均气温上升了 4.5度。而科学家预测,到本世纪末,该地区气温会升 高14至21度。2Already, winter pack ice that covers the fjords is no longer stable enough for dog sledding and snowmobile traffic in many areas. Winter fishing, essential
13、 to feeding families, is becoming hazardous or impossible. 在很多地区,冬季覆盖在峡湾里的浮冰已经不够稳固,狗拉雪橇和摩托雪橇无法通行。冬季捕鱼是很多 家庭获取食物的重要手段,但现在捕鱼非常危险,甚至都已无法捕鱼。It has long been known that Greenland sat upon vast mineral lodes, and the Danish government has mapped them intermittently for decades. Niels Bohr, Denmark-WisrNoe
14、UPlieze physicist and a member ofthe Manhattan Project, visited Narsaq in 1957 because of its uranium deposits.格陵兰岛地下蕴藏着巨大的矿藏这一点久为人知。几十年来,丹麦政府已经断断续续地绘制了这些矿藏 的分布图。参与过曼哈顿计划(Manhattan Project)的丹麦核物理学家、诺贝尔奖得主尼尔斯?玻尔(NielsBohr心1957年造访纳萨克正是因为这里的铀矿藏。But previous attempts at mining mostly failed, proving too
15、 expensive in the inclement conditions. Now, warming has altered the equation.然而,之前的开采尝试几乎都以失败告终。事实证明,在严酷的环境下采矿成本过于高昂。如今,气候 变暖改变了这种情况。文化:201611-2MY teenage son recently informed me that there is an Internet quiz to test oneself for narcissism. His friend had just taken it. HoMid it turn out? ” I ask
16、ed. Hesayshe did great! my son responded. Hgot the maximum score! ”最近,我十来岁的儿子告诉我,现在网上有一个评估自己是否自恋的测试,他的朋友已经做过了。那测试结果如何? 我问他。他说测试结果很好,”儿子答道,他得了最高分呢。”When I was a child, no one outside the mental health profession talked about narcissism; people were more concerned with inadequate self-esteem, which at
17、 the time was believed to lurk behind nearly every difficulty. Like so many excesses of the 1970s, the self-love cult spun out of control and is now rampaging through our culture like Godzilla through Tokyo.在我还是小孩子的时候,只有精神健康领域的专业人士才会谈论自恋问题,不过那时人们更加关注的是 自信心不足的问题,人们认为每每感到困难都是缺乏自信使然。20世纪70年代许多人是过度缺乏自信,
18、 而如今是自恋情结膨胀失控,这种情结就像电影里袭击东京的哥斯拉怪物一样在我们的文化中肆虐盛行。A 2010 study in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that the percentage of college students exhibiting narcissistic personality traits, based on their scores on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, a widely used diagnostic
19、test, has increased by more than half since the early 1980s, to 30 percent.2010年发表在社会心理和人格科学 (Social Psychological and Personality Science杂志上的一项研究 根据普遍采用的诊断测试 自恋性格量表”(Narcissistic Personality Inventory进行了相关调查,结果显示 有自恋型人格特征的大学生比例自 20世纪80年代初以来已经上升至30%,增幅超过50%。In their book, The Narcissism Epidemic, ps
20、ychology professors show that narcissism has increased as quickly as obesity has since the 1980s. Even our egos are getting fat. This is a costly problem. While full-blown narcissists often report high levels of personal satisfaction, they create havoc and misery around them. There is overwhelming e
21、vidence linking narcissism with reduced honesty and increased aggression. It notable for occasions like Valentine s Day that narcissists struggle to stay comrommittaendtitcopartners, in no small part because they find themselves superior.由心理学教授合编的名为自恋时代(The Narcissism Epidemic一书中称,自上世纪80年代以来,有 自恋情结的
22、人群比例与有肥胖症的人群比例增速不相上下,我们甚至变得越来越自负,这是一个非常严 重的问题。虽然重度自恋者经常称对自己十分满意,但这会令周边的人备受打击、苦不堪言。有大量的 证据表明自恋情结会造成诚信度下降、攻击性上升。值得注意的是,像在情人节这样的日子,自恋的人 很难做到对恋人用情专一,主要就是因为他们有优越感。The full-blown narcissist might reply,“So what? ” But narcissism -sm characteanteithfer s moreset of progressive symptoms (like alcoholism) th
23、an an identifiable state (like diabetes). Millions of Americans exhibit symptoms, but still have a conscience and a hunger for moral improvement. At the very least, they really don t want to be terrible people. 那些重度自恋者可能会说,那又怎么样? ”但是自恋情结可不是非此即彼的一种特征,它不像糖尿病等有某种可以识别的症状,而是更像酗酒一样,表现为一系列不断加重的症状。数百万美国人都有自
24、恋症 状,不过他们仍能意识到问题并愿意加以改正。至少他们真的不想成为讨人厌烦之人。A healthy self-love that leads to true happiness builds up one intrinsic well-being, as opposed to feeding shallow cravings to be admired. Cultivating amour de soi requires being fully alive at this moment, as opposed to being virtually alive while wondering
25、what others think. The soulful connection with another person, the enjoyment of a beautiful hike alone, or a prayer of thanks over your sleeping child could be considered expressions of self-love.自爱能带给人真正的快乐,增进人的心理健康,而不会让人肤浅地渴求他人的崇拜。树立自爱需要充分 活在当下,而不是活在虚拟世界里并顾忌他人的看法。与某人心有灵犀、情投意合,喜欢独自徒步欣赏 美景,抑或是看着自己熟睡
26、的孩子感恩祷告,这都可算作自爱的表现形式。模拟练习-1Global warming is reshuffling the ranges of animals and plants around the world with profound consequences for humanity, according to a major new analysis.一项重要的新研究显示,全球变暖正在改变世界各地动植物的生存范围,这对人类造成了深远的影响。Rising temperatures on land and sea are increasingly forcing species to m
27、igrate to cooler climes, pushing disease-carrying insects into new areas, moving the pests that attack crops and shifting the pollinators that fertilize many of them, an international team of scientists has said.一支国际科学家团队表示,随着陆地和海洋的气温日益升高,一些物种被迫向气温更低的地方迁移,其 中就包括携带病毒的昆虫、危害农作物的害虫以及为众多农作物传粉的昆虫。They war
28、n that some movements will damage important industries, such as forestry and tourism, and that tensions are emerging between nations over shifting natural resources, such as fish stocks. The mass migration of species now underway around the planet can also amplify climate change as, for example, dar
29、ker vegetation grows to replace sun-reflecting snow fields in the Arctic.他们警告称,动植物迁移将严重影响林业和旅游业等重要行业,同时国与国之间为争夺鱼类种群等不断 迁移的自然资源而发生冲突。目前,全球范围内出现的大规模物种迁移也会加剧气候变化,例如,北极 地区反射阳光的雪地融化,地面上长出了颜色较深的植被。This mass movement of speciesis the biggest for about 25,000 years, the peak of the last ice age, say the sci
30、entists, who represent more than 40 institutions around the world.来自全球40多个研究机构的科学家表示,本次物种迁移是25,000年来规模最大的一次,达到了上一个冰川期的峰值。“The shifts will leave winnersand losersin their wake, radically reshaping the pattern of human wellbeing and potentially leading to substantial conflict, the team warn. “Humansoc
31、iety has yet to appreciate the implications of unprecedented species redistribution for life on Earth, including for human lives. ”该科学家团队警告称,“这种变化发生后,会有赢家和输家,从而彻底改变人类的生活模式 也可能导致严重的冲突。”“人类尚未认识到这一空前的物种分布变化会对地球上包括人类在内的生命造 成什么样的影响。模拟练习-2Pax Sinica (Latin for Chinese peace) is a historiographical term, m
32、odeled after the original phrase Pax Romana, applied to the period of peace in East Asia, maintained by Chinese hegemony.During this period, long-distance trade flourished, cities ballooned, standards of living rose, and the population surged.Pax Sinica (拉丁语中国统治下的和平时期”)是一个史学术语,根据拉丁语罗马统治下的和平时期”发展而来,指
33、东亚地区在中国强权统治下的和平时期。在此时期,长途贸易蓬勃发展,城市扩张,人们生 活水平提高,人口激增。It is usually the period of rule by the Western Zhou, Western Han, Eastern Han, Tang, Ming, and Qing dynasties. During these periods, China maintained the dominant civilization in the region, due to its political, economic, military and cultural po
34、wer.“中国统治下的和平时期”通常指西周、西汉、东汉、唐朝、明朝和清朝统治下的时期。鉴于这些时期 中国在政治、经济、军事和文化方面的实力,华夏文明在东亚地区得以占据主导地位。The first Pax Sinica of the eastern world by Han China coincided with the Pax Romana of the Western World by Rome. It stimulated the long-distance travel and trade in Eurasian history. The Pax Sinica and Pax Romana both eroded at about 200 AD.东方世界的第一个“中国统治下的和平时期”出现在汉朝,时间与西方世界“罗马统治下的和平
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